blob: 520e6ff44b21affd572f1aa9bb1f66bb77508a50 [file] [log] [blame]
"categories" : {
"AMIs" : {
"name" : "AMIs",
"queries" : {
"CreateImage" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CreateImage-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example creates an AMI from the i-10a64379 instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;Description=Standard+Web+Server+v1.0&amp;InstanceId=i-10a64379&amp;Name=standard-web-server-v1.0&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"constraints" : "3-128 alphanumeric characters, parenthesis (()), commas (,), slashes (/), dashes (-), or underscores(_)",
"desc" : "The name of the AMI that was provided during image creation.",
"name" : "Name",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"constraints" : "Up to 255 characters",
"desc" : "The description of the AMI that was provided during image creation.",
"name" : "Description",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"desc" : "By default this property is set to false, which means Amazon EC2 attempts to cleanly shut down the instance before image creation and reboots the instance afterwards. When set to true, Amazon EC2 does not shut down the instance before creating the image. When this option is used, file system integrity on the created image cannot be guaranteed. ",
"name" : "NoReboot",
"type" : "Boolean",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "false"
"type" : "CreateImage",
"description" : "Creates an AMI that uses an Amazon EBS root device from a \"running\" or \"stopped\" instance.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CreateImageResponseType"
"DeregisterImage" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DeregisterImage-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example deregisters the <code class=\"code\">ami-4fa54026</code> AMI.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId=ami-4fa54026&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Unique ID of the AMI which was assigned during registration. To register an AMI, use RegisterImage. To view the AMI IDs of AMIs that belong to your account. use DescribeImages.",
"name" : "ImageId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DeregisterImage",
"description" : "Deregisters the specified AMI. Once deregistered, the AMI cannot be used to launch new instances.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DeregisterImageResponseType"
"ModifyImageAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
" &UserId.1=495219933132&AuthParams",
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ModifyImageAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example makes this a public AMI and grants specific permissions to a user.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId=ami-61a54008&amp;Attribute=launchPermission&amp;OperationType=add&amp;Group.1=all &amp;UserId.1=495219933132&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n",
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ModifyImageAttribute-Example-Request-2\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>The following example adds the <code class=\"code\">774F4FF8</code> product code to the <code class=\"code\">ami-2bb65342</code> AMI:<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId=ami-61a54008&amp;Attribute=productCodes&amp;ProductCode.1=774F4FF8&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The AMI ID.",
"name" : "ImageId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID.",
"name" : "UserId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Name of the group. Currently supports \"all.\"",
"name" : "UserGroup",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Product code.",
"name" : "ProductCode.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"desc" : "Specifies the attribute to modify. ",
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None",
"valueMap" : {
"productCodes" : "productCodes",
"launchPermission" : "launchPermission"
"desc" : "Specifies the operation to perform on the attribute. ",
"name" : "OperationType",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None",
"valueMap" : {
"remove" : "remove",
"add" : "add"
"type" : "ModifyImageAttribute",
"description" : "Modifies an attribute of an AMI. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ModifyImageAttributeResponseType"
"DescribeImageAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeImageAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example lists the launch permissions for the ami-61a54008 AMI<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId=ami-2bb65342&amp;Attribute=launchPermission&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n",
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeImageAttribute-Example-Request-2\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example lists the product code for the ami-2bb65342AMI.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId=ami-2bb65342&amp;Attribute=productCodes&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the AMI for which an attribute will be described.",
"name" : "ImageId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "Up to 255 characters",
"desc" : "The description of the AMI that was provided during image creation.",
"name" : "Description",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"productCodes" : "Describes the product code associated with the AMI.",
"launchPermission" : "Describes the launch permissions of the AMI.",
"blockDeviceMapping" : "Describes the mapping that defines native device names to use when exposing virtual devices."
"type" : "DescribeImageAttribute",
"description" : "Returns information about an attribute of an AMI. Only one attribute can be specified per call.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeImageAttributeResponseType"
"DescribeImages" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeImages-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes the ami-be3adfd7 AMI.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId.1=ami-be3adfd7&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"name" : "public",
"optional" : "false"
"name" : "explicit",
"optional" : "false"
"name" : "implicit",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeImages",
"description" : " Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs. This includes image type, product codes, architecture, and kernel and RAM disk IDs. Images available to you include public images, private images that you own, and private images owned by other users for which you have explicit launch permissions. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeImagesResponseType"
"Monitoring" : {
"name" : "Monitoring",
"queries" : {
"MonitorInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-MonitorInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example enables monitoring for i-43a4412a and i-23a3397d.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId.1=i-43a4412a&amp;InstanceId.2=i-23a3397d&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instance ID.",
"name" : "InstanceId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "MonitorInstances",
"description" : "Enables monitoring for a running instance. For more information, refer to the Amazon CloudWatch Developer Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "MonitorInstancesResponseType"
"UnmonitorInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-UnmonitorInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example disables monitoring for i-43a4412a and i-23a3397d.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId.1=i-43a4412a&amp;InstanceId.2=i-23a3397d&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instance ID.",
"name" : "InstanceId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "UnmonitorInstances",
"description" : "Disables monitoring for a running instance. For more information, refer to the Amazon CloudWatch Developer Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "UnmonitorInstancesResponseType"
"Security Groups" : {
"name" : "Security Groups",
"queries" : {
"DescribeSecurityGroups" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeSecurityGroups-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example returns information about two security groups that are configured for the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;GroupName.1=WebServers&amp;GroupName.2=RangedPortsBySource&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Name of the security group.",
"name" : "GroupName.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Describes all groups within the account."
"type" : "DescribeSecurityGroups",
"description" : "Returns information about security groups that you own.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseType"
"AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example grants TCP port 80 access from the address range to the <code class=\"code\">websrv</code> security group.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;GroupName=websrv\n&amp;IpProtocol=tcp\n&amp;FromPort=80\n&amp;ToPort=80\n&amp;CidrIp=\n&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID.",
"name" : "UserId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Name of the group to modify. The name must be valid and belong to the account",
"name" : "GroupName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "IP protocol.",
"name" : "IpProtocol",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None",
"valueMap" : {
"udp" : "udp",
"tcp" : "tcp",
"icmp" : "icmp"
"desc" : "Start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. An ICMP type number of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP type number).",
"name" : "FromPort",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "End of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. An ICMP code of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP code).",
"name" : "ToPort",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "AWS User ID of an account. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address.",
"name" : "SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId ",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Name of the security group. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address.",
"name" : "SourceSecurityGroupName ",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "Valid CIDR IP address range.",
"desc" : "CIDR range.",
"name" : "CidrIp",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress",
"description" : " Adds permissions to a security group. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponseType"
"CreateSecurityGroup" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"'Web Servers'&AuthParams"
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CreateSecurityGroup-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example creates the <code class=\"code\">websrv</code> security group.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;GroupName=websrv&amp;GroupDescription=&#39;Web Servers&#39;&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"constraints" : "Accepts alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.",
"desc" : "Name of the security group.",
"name" : "GroupName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "Accepts alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.",
"desc" : "Description of the group. This is informational only. If the description contains spaces, you must enclose it in single quotes (') or URL-encode it.",
"name" : "GroupDescription",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "CreateSecurityGroup",
"description" : "Creates a new security group. Group names must be unique per account.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CreateSecurityGroupResponseType"
"DeleteSecurityGroup" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DeleteSecurityGroup-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example deletes the <code class=\"code\">websrv</code> security group.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;GroupName=websrv&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Name of the security group to delete.",
"name" : "GroupName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DeleteSecurityGroup",
"description" : "Deletes a security group that you own.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DeleteSecurityGroupResponseType"
"RevokeSecurityGroupIngress" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-RevokeSecurityGroupIngress-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example revokes TCP port 80 access from the address range for the <code class=\"code\">websrv</code> security group.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;IpProtocol=tcp&amp;FromPort=80&amp;ToPort=80&amp;CidrIp=\n&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID.",
"name" : "UserId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Name of the group to modify.",
"name" : "GroupName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "IP protocol.",
"name" : "IpProtocol",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None",
"valueMap" : {
"udp" : "udp",
"tcp" : "tcp",
"icmp" : "icmp"
"desc" : "Start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. An ICMP type number of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP type number).",
"name" : "FromPort",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "End of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. An ICMP code of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP code).",
"name" : "ToPort",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "AWS User ID of an account. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address.",
"name" : "SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId ",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Name of the security group. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address.",
"name" : "SourceSecurityGroupName ",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "Valid CIDR IP address range.",
"desc" : "CIDR range.",
"name" : "CidrIp",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "RevokeSecurityGroupIngress",
"description" : "Revokes permissions from a security group. The permissions used to revoke must be specified using the same values used to grant the permissions. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResponseType"
"Availability Zones and Regions" : {
"name" : "Availability Zones and Regions",
"queries" : {
"DescribeAvailabilityZones" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeAvailabilityZones-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example displays information about Availability Zones that are available to the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ZoneName.0=us-east-1a&amp;ZoneName.1=us-east-1b&amp;ZoneName.2=us-east-1c&amp;ZoneName.3=us-east-1d&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Availability Zone name.",
"name" : "ZoneName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DescribeAvailabilityZones",
"description" : "Displays Availability Zones that are currently available to the account and their states.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeAvailabilityZonesResponseType"
"DescribeRegions" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeRegions-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example displays Regions that are available to the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;RegionName.0=us-east-1&amp;RegionName.1=eu-west-1&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Name of a Region.",
"name" : "RegionName.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Describes all Regions available to the account."
"type" : "DescribeRegions",
"description" : "Describes Regions that are currently available to the account.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeRegionsResponseType"
"Windows" : {
"name" : "Windows",
"queries" : {
"CancelBundleTask" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CancelBundleTask-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example cancels the <code class=\"code\">bun-cla322b9</code> bundle task.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;BundleId=bun-cla322b9&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the bundle task to cancel.",
"name" : "BundleId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "CancelBundleTask",
"description" : "Cancels an Amazon EC2 bundling operation. For more information, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Getting Started Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CancelBundleTaskResponseType"
"DescribeBundleTasks" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeBundleTasks-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes the status of the <code class=\"code\">bun-57a5403e</code> bundle task.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;bundleId.0=bun-c1a540a8&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the bundle task to describe.",
"name" : "BundleId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "If no ID is specified, all bundle tasks are described."
"type" : "DescribeBundleTasks",
"description" : "Describes current bundling tasks. For more information on bundling instances, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Getting Started Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeBundleTasksResponseType"
"GetPasswordData" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-GetPasswordData-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example returns the encrypted version of the administrator password for the <code class=\"code\">i-2574e22a</code> instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId=i-10a64379&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the instance for which to get the password.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"type" : "GetPasswordData",
"description" : "Retrieves the encrypted administrator password for the instances running Windows.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "GetPasswordDataResponseType"
"BundleInstance" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-BundleInstance-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example bundles the <code class=\"code\">i-e468cd8d</code> instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId=-i-e468cd8d\n&amp;Storage.S3.AWSAccessKeyId=10QMXFEV71ZS32XQFTR2\n&amp;Storage.S3.Bucket=my-bucket\n&amp;Storage.S3.Prefix=winami\n&amp;Storage.S3.UploadPolicy=eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjogIjIwMDgtMDgtMzBUMDg6NDk6MDlaIiwiY29uZGl0aW9ucyI6IFt7ImJ1Y2tldCI6ICJteS1idWNrZXQifSxbInN0YXJ0cy13aXRoIiwgIiRrZXkiLCAibXktbmV3LWltYWdlIl0seyJhY2wiOiAiZWMyLWJ1bmRsZS1yZWFkIn1dfQ%3D%3D\n&amp;Storage.S3.UploadPolicySignature=fh5tyyyQD8W4COEthj3nlGNtJMU%3D\n&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the instance to bundle.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : " The bucket in which to store the AMI. You can specify a bucket that you already own or a new bucket that Amazon EC2 creates on your behalf. If you specify a bucket that belongs to someone else, Amazon EC2 returns an error.",
"name" : "Storage.S3.Bucket",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies the beginning of the file name of the AMI.",
"name" : "Storage.S3.Prefix",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The Access Key ID of the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket.",
"name" : "Storage.S3.AWSAccessKeyId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "A Base64-encoded Amazon S3 upload policy that gives Amazon EC2 permission to upload items into Amazon S3 on the user's behalf. ",
"name" : "Storage.S3.UploadPolicy",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : " The signature of the Base64 encoded JSON document.",
"name" : "Storage.S3.UploadPolicySignature",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "BundleInstance",
"description" : "Bundles the Windows instance. For more information, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Getting Started Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "BundleInstanceResponseType"
"Amazon DevPay" : {
"name" : "Amazon DevPay",
"queries" : {
"ConfirmProductInstance" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ConfirmProductInstance-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes the confirms the product code is associated with the instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ProductCode=774F4FF8&amp;InstanceId=i-10a64379&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The product code to confirm.",
"name" : "ProductCode",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The instance to confirm.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "ConfirmProductInstance",
"description" : "Verifies whether a Amazon DevPay product code is associated with an instance. This can only be executed by the owner of the AMI and is useful when an AMI owner wants to verify whether a user's instance is eligible for support.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ConfirmProductInstanceResponseType"
"General" : {
"name" : "General",
"queries" : {
"GetConsoleOutput" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-GetConsoleOutput-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example retrieves the console output for the <code class=\"code\">i-10a64379</code> Linux and UNIX instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId=i-10a64379&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "ID of the instance for which you want console output.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "GetConsoleOutput",
"description" : "Retrieves console output for the specified instance. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "GetConsoleOutputResponseType"
"Key Pairs" : {
"name" : "Key Pairs",
"queries" : {
"DescribeKeyPairs" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeKeyPairs-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes the state of the <code class=\"code\">gsg-keypair</code> key.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;KeyName.1=gsg-keypair&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Key pair to describe.",
"name" : "KeyName.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Describes all key pairs available to the account."
"type" : "DescribeKeyPairs",
"description" : "Returns information about key pairs available to you. If you specify key pairs, information about those key pairs is returned. Otherwise, information for all registered key pairs is returned.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseType"
"CreateKeyPair" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CreateKeyPair-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example creates a key pair named gsg-keypair.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;KeyName=gsg-keypair&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"constraints" : "Accepts alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.",
"desc" : "A unique name for the key pair.",
"name" : "KeyName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "CreateKeyPair",
"description" : "Creates a new 2048-bit RSA key pair with the specified name. The public key is stored by Amazon EC2 and the private key is displayed on the console. The private key is returned as an unencrypted PEM encoded PKCS#8 private key. If a key with the specified name already exists, Amazon EC2 returns an error. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CreateKeyPairResponseType"
"DeleteKeyPair" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DeleteKeyPair-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example deletes the <code class=\"code\">gsg-keypair</code> key pair.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;KeyName=gsg-keypair&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Name of the key pair to delete.",
"name" : "KeyName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DeleteKeyPair",
"description" : "Deletes the specified key pair, by removing the public key from Amazon EC2. You must own the key pair.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DeleteKeyPairResponseType"
"Elastic Block Store" : {
"name" : "Elastic Block Store",
"queries" : {
"DeleteVolume" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DeleteVolume-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example deletes volume <code class=\"code\">vol-4282672b</code>.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;VolumeId=vol-4282672b&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the volume to delete. The volume remains in the deleting state for several minutes after entering this command.",
"name" : "VolumeId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DeleteVolume",
"description" : "Deletes an Amazon EBS volume that you own. For more information about Amazon EBS, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DeleteVolumeResponseType"
"DescribeVolumes" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeVolumes-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes all volumes associated with your account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the volume to list.",
"name" : "VolumeId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Describes all volumes that you own."
"type" : "DescribeVolumes",
"description" : "Describes the specified Amazon EBS volumes that you own. If you do not specify one or more volume IDs, Amazon EBS describes all volumes that you own. For more information about Amazon EBS, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeVolumesResponseType"
"DetachVolume" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DetachVolume-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example detaches volume <code class=\"code\">vol-4d826724</code>.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;VolumeId=vol-4d826724\n&amp;InstanceId=i-6058a509&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "VolumeId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The device name.",
"name" : "Device",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Forces detachment if the previous detachment attempt did not occur cleanly (logging into an instance, unmounting the volume, and detaching normally). This option can lead to data loss or a corrupted file system. Use this option only as a last resort to detach a volume from a failed instance. The instance will not have an opportunity to flush file system caches nor file system meta data. If you use this option, you must perform file system check and repair procedures.",
"name" : "Force",
"type" : "Boolean",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DetachVolume",
"description" : "Detaches an Amazon EBS volume from an instance. For more information about Amazon EBS, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DetachVolumeResponseType"
"DescribeSnapshotAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeSnapshotAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes permissions for the snap-78a54011 snapshot.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;SnaphsotId=snap-78a54011&amp;Attribute=createVolumePermission&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot.",
"name" : "SnapshotId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"createVolumePermission" : "Describes the create volume permissions of the snapshot."
"type" : "DescribeSnapshotAttribute",
"description" : "Returns information about an attribute of a snapshot. Only one attribute can be specified per call.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponseType"
"CreateVolume" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CreateVolume-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example creates a new 800 GiB volume in Availability Zone <code class=\"code\">us-east-1a</code>.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;Size=800&amp;AvailabilityZone=us-east-1a&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"constraints" : "1-1024",
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiBs. Required if you are not creating a volume from a snapshot.",
"name" : "Size",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The snapshot from which to create the new volume.",
"name" : "SnapshotId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The Availability Zone in which to create the new volume.",
"name" : "AvailabilityZone",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "CreateVolume",
"description" : "Creates a new Amazon EBS volume to which any Amazon EC2 instance can attach within the same Availability Zone. For more information about Amazon EBS, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CreateVolumeResponseType"
"DeleteSnapshot" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DeleteSnapshot-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example deletes snapshot <code class=\"code\">snap-78a54011</code>.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;SnapshotId.1=snap-78a54011&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot to delete.",
"name" : "SnapshotId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DeleteSnapshot",
"description" : "Deletes a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume that you own. For more information, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DeleteSnapshotResponseType"
"ModifySnapshotAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ModifySnapshotAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example makes the snap-78a54011 snapshot public.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;snapshotId=snap-78a54011&amp;Attribute=createVolumePermission&amp;OperationType=add&amp;Group.1=all&amp;UserId.1=495219933132&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the snapshot.",
"name" : "SnapshotId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"desc" : "User ID of a user that can create volumes from the snapshot.",
"name" : "UserId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Group that is allowed to create volumes from the snapshot (currently supports \"all\").",
"name" : "UserGroup",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies the operation to perform on the attribute. ",
"name" : "OperationType",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None",
"valueMap" : {
"remove" : "remove",
"add" : "add"
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"createVolumePermission" : "Modifies the create volume permissions of the snapshot."
"type" : "ModifySnapshotAttribute",
"description" : "Adds or remove permission settings for the specified snapshot. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ModifySnapshotAttributeResponseType"
"DescribeSnapshots" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeSnapshots-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes snapshot <code class=\"code\">snap-78a54011</code>.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;SnapshotId=snap-78a54011&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"name" : "public",
"optional" : "false"
"name" : "explicit",
"optional" : "false"
"name" : "implicit",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSnapshots",
"description" : "Returns information about Amazon EBS snapshots available to the user. Information returned includes volume ID, status, start time, progress, owner ID, volume size, and description. Snapshots available to the user include public snapshots available for any user to launch, private snapshots owned by the user making the request, and private snapshots owned by other users for which the user granted explicit create volume permissions.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeSnapshotsResponseType"
"CreateSnapshot" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CreateSnapshot-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example creates a snapshot of volume <code class=\"code\">vol-4d826724</code>.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;VolumeId=vol-4d826724&amp;Description=Daily+Backup&amp;AuthParams&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the Amazon EBS volume of which to take a snapshot.",
"name" : "VolumeId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "Up to 255 characters",
"desc" : "Description of the Amazon EBS snapshot.",
"name" : "Description",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"type" : "CreateSnapshot",
"description" : "Creates a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3. You can use snapshots for backups, to make identical copies of instance devices, and to save data before shutting down an instance. For more information about Amazon EBS, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CreateSnapshotResponseType"
"AttachVolume" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-AttachVolume-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example attaches volume <code class=\"code\">vol-4d826724</code> to instance <code class=\"code\">i-6058a509</code> and exposes it as <code class=\"code\">/dev/sdh</code>. For information on standard storage locations, go to the <a class=\"ulink\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide</a> or <a class=\"ulink\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide</a>.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;VolumeId=vol-4d826724\n&amp;InstanceId=i-6058a509\n&amp;Device=/dev/sdh&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the Amazon EBS volume. The volume and instance must be within the same Availability Zone and the instance must be running.",
"name" : "VolumeId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The ID of the instance to which the volume attaches. The volume and instance must be within the same Availability Zone and the instance must be running.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies how the device is exposed to the instance (e.g., /dev/sdh).",
"name" : "Device",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "AttachVolume",
"description" : "Attaches an Amazon EBS volume to a running instance and exposes it as the specified device.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "AttachVolumeResponseType"
"ResetSnapshotAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ResetSnapshotAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example resets the permissions for snap-78a54011, making it a private snapshot that can only be used by the account that created it.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;SnapshotId.1=snap-78a54011&amp;Attribute=createVolumePermission&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the snapshot.",
"name" : "SnapshotId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"createVolumePermission" : "Resets the create volume permissions of the snapshot."
"type" : "ResetSnapshotAttribute",
"description" : "Resets permission settings for the specified snapshot. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ResetSnapshotAttributeResponseType"
"Instances" : {
"name" : "Instances",
"queries" : {
"TerminateInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-TerminateInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example terminates the <code class=\"code\">i-3ea74257</code> instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId.1=i-3ea74257&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance ID.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "TerminateInstances",
"description" : "Shuts down one or more instances. This operation is idempotent; if you terminate an instance more than once, each call will succeed. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "TerminateInstancesResponseType"
"ResetInstanceAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ResetInstanceAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example resets the <code class=\"code\">kernel</code> attribute.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId=i-10a64379&amp;Attribute=kernel&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "ID of the instance on which the attribute will be reset.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"ramdisk" : "Resets the ID of the RAM disk.",
"kernel" : "Resets the ID of the kernel."
"type" : "ResetInstanceAttribute",
"description" : "Resets an attribute of an instance to its default value. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ResetInstanceAttributeResponseType"
"DescribeInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes the current state of the instances owned by this user.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instance IDs to describe.",
"name" : "InstanceId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Returns all instances."
"type" : "DescribeInstances",
"description" : "Returns information about instances that you own.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeInstancesResponseType"
"StopInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-StopInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example stops the i-10a64379 instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId.1=i-10a64379&amp;Force=false&quot;&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance ID.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Forces the instance to stop. The instance will not have an opportunity to flush file system caches nor file system meta data. If you use this option, you must perform file system check and repair procedures. This option is not recommended for Windows instances.",
"name" : "Force",
"type" : "Boolean",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "StopInstances",
"description" : "Stops an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "StopInstancesResponseType"
"StartInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-StartInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example starts the i-10a64379 instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId.1=i-10a64379&quot;&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance ID.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "StartInstances",
"description" : "Starts an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "StartInstancesResponseType"
"DescribeInstanceAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeInstanceAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example lists the kernel ID of the i-10a64379 instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId=i-10a64379&amp;Attribute=kernel&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance ID.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "Describes all instances."
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"userData" : "MIME, Base64-encoded user data.",
"rootDeviceName" : "The root device name (e.g., /dev/sda1).",
"ramdisk" : "Describes the ID of the RAM disk associated with the AMI.",
"disableApiTermination" : "Specifies whether the instance can be terminated using the APIs. You must modify this attribute before you can terminate any \"locked\" instances from the APIs.",
"kernel" : "Describes the ID of the kernel associated with the AMI.",
"instanceType" : "The instance type of the instance.",
"instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior" : "Specifies whether the instance's Amazon EBS volumes are stopped or terminated when the instance is shut down. ",
"blockDeviceMapping" : "Describes the mapping that defines native device names to use when exposing virtual devices."
"type" : "DescribeInstanceAttribute",
"description" : "Returns information about an attribute of an instance. Only one attribute can be specified per call.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeInstanceAttributeResponseType"
"RunInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-RunInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example launches three instances of the <code class=\"code\">ami-60a54009</code> AMI.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId=ami-60a54009&amp;MaxCount=3&amp;MinCount=1&amp;Placement.AvailabilityZone=us-east-1b&amp;Monitoring.Enabled=true&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Unique ID of a machine image, returned by a call to ",
"name" : "ImageId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "Between 1 and the maximum number allowed for your account (default: 20).",
"desc" : "Minimum number of instances to launch. If the value is more than Amazon EC2 can launch, no instances are launched at all.",
"name" : "MinCount",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "20"
"constraints" : "Between 1 and the maximum number allowed for your account (default: 20).",
"desc" : "Maximum number of instances to launch. If the value is more than Amazon EC2 can launch, the largest possible number above minCount will be launched instead.",
"name" : "MaxCount",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "20"
"desc" : "The name of the key pair.",
"name" : "KeyName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Name of the security group.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies additional information to make available to the instance(s). ",
"name" : "AdditionalInfo",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "MIME, Base64-encoded user data.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.UserData",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Deprecated.",
"name" : "AddressingType",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance type.",
"name" : "InstanceType",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "m1.small",
"valueMap" : {
"m2.4xlarge" : "m2.4xlarge",
"c1.xlarge" : "c1.xlarge",
"m1.large" : "m1.large",
"m1.xlarge" : "m1.xlarge",
"c1.medium" : "c1.medium",
"m1.small" : "m1.small",
"m2.2xlarge" : "m2.2xlarge"
"desc" : "The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instance.",
"name" : "KernelId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : " The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information on whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, refer to the Resource Center and search for the kernel ID.",
"name" : "RamdiskId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.DeviceName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"desc" : "The virtual device name.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.VirtualName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"desc" : "The ID of the snapshot.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.SnapshotId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiBs. Required if you are not creating a volume from a snapshot.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.VolumeSize",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination",
"type" : "Boolean",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true"
"desc" : "Enables monitoring for the instance.",
"name" : "Monitoring.Enabled",
"type" : "Boolean",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Disabled"
"desc" : "Specifies the Amazon VPC subnet ID within which to launch the instance(s) for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.",
"name" : "SubnetId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the instance can be terminated using the APIs. You must modify this attribute before you can terminate any \"locked\" instances from the APIs.",
"name" : "DisableApiTermination",
"type" : "Boolean",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the instance's Amazon EBS volumes are stopped or terminated when the instance is shut down. ",
"name" : "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true"
"type" : "RunInstances",
"description" : "Launches a specified number of instances of an AMI for which you have permissions. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "RunInstancesResponseType"
"ModifyInstanceAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ModifyInstanceAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example changed the kernel for the instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;InstanceId=i-10a64379&amp;Attribute=kernel&amp;Value=aki-f70657b2&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance ID.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"userData" : "MIME, Base64-encoded user data.",
"rootDeviceName" : "The root device name (e.g., /dev/sda1).",
"disableApiTermination" : "Specifies whether the instance can be terminated using the APIs. You must modify this attribute before you can terminate any \"locked\" instances from the APIs.",
"ramdisk" : "Describes the ID of the RAM disk associated with the AMI.",
"kernel" : "Describes the ID of the kernel associated with the AMI.",
"instanceType" : "The instance type of the instance.",
"blockDeviceMapping" : "Describes the mapping that defines native device names to use when exposing virtual devices.",
"instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior" : "Specifies whether the instance's Amazon EBS volumes are stopped or terminated when the instance is shut down. "
"type" : "ModifyInstanceAttribute",
"description" : "Modifies an attribute of an instance. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ModifyInstanceAttributeResponseType"
"RebootInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-RebootInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example reboots an instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "One or more instance IDs.",
"name" : "InstanceId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "RebootInstances",
"description" : "Requests a reboot of one or more instances. This operation is asynchronous; it only queues a request to reboot the specified instance(s). The operation will succeed if the instances are valid and belong to you. Requests to reboot terminated instances are ignored.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "RebootInstancesResponseType"
"Images" : {
"name" : "Images",
"queries" : {
"ResetImageAttribute" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ResetImageAttribute-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example resets the <code class=\"code\">launchPermission</code> attribute.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageId=ami-61a54008&amp;Attribute=launchPermission&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "ID of the AMI on which the attribute will be reset.",
"name" : "ImageId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"name" : "Attribute",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true",
"valueMap" : {
"launchPermission" : "Describes the launch permissions of the AMI."
"type" : "ResetImageAttribute",
"description" : "Resets an attribute of an AMI to its default value. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ResetImageAttributeResponseType"
"RegisterImage" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-RegisterImage-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example registers the AMI specified in the <code class=\"code\">image.manifest.xml</code> manifest file.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;ImageLocation=mybucket-myimage.manifest.xml&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n",
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-RegisterImage-Example-Request-2\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example registers an Amazon EBS snapshot to create an AMI backed by Amazon EBS.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;RootDeviceName=%2Fdev%2Fsda1&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName=%2Fdev%2Fsda1&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.SnapshotId=snap-6eba6e06&amp;Name=MyImage&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n",
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-RegisterImage-Example-Request-3\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example registers the AMI with an Amazon EBS snapshot as the root device, a separate snapshot as a secondary device, and an empty 100 GiB Amazon EBS volume as a storage device.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;RootDeviceName=%2Fdev%2Fsda1&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName=%2Fdev%2Fsda1&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.SnapshotId=snap-6eba6e06&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.2.DeviceName=%2Fdev%2Fsdb&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.2.Ebs.SnapshotId=snap-823ea6df&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.3.DeviceName=%2Fdev%2Fsdbc&amp;BlockDeviceMapping.3.Ebs.VolumeSize=100&amp;Name=MyImage&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Full path to your AMI manifest in Amazon S3 storage.",
"name" : "ImageLocation",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "3-128 alphanumeric characters, parenthesis (()), commas (,), slashes (/), dashes (-), or underscores(_)",
"desc" : "The name of the AMI that was provided during image creation.",
"name" : "Name",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "Up to 255 characters.",
"desc" : "The description of the AMI.",
"name" : "Description",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The architecture of the image.",
"name" : "Architecture",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None",
"valueMap" : {
"x86_64" : "x86_64",
"i386" : "i386"
"desc" : "The ID of the kernel to select. ",
"name" : "KernelId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : " The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information on whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, refer to the Resource Center and search for the kernel ID.",
"name" : "RamdiskId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The root device name (e.g., /dev/sda1).",
"name" : "RootDeviceName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.DeviceName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"desc" : "The virtual device name.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.VirtualName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None "
"desc" : "The ID of the snapshot.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.SnapshotId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiBs. Required if you are not creating a volume from a snapshot.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.VolumeSize",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.",
"name" : "BlockDeviceMapping.n.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination",
"type" : "Boolean",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "true"
"type" : "RegisterImage",
"description" : "Registers an AMI with Amazon EC2. Images must be registered before they can be launched. To launch instances, use the RunInstances operation. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "RegisterImageResponseType"
"Spot Instances" : {
"name" : "Spot Instances",
"queries" : {
"CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example creates the data feed for the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;Bucket=my-bucket&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"constraints" : "Must be a valid bucket associated with your account.",
"desc" : "The Amazon S3 bucket in which to store the Spot Instance datafeed.",
"name" : "Bucket",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Prefix that is prepended to datafeed files.",
"name" : "Prefix",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription",
"description" : "Creates the data feed for Spot Instances, enabling you to view Spot Instance usage logs. You can create one data feed per account. For conceptual information about Spot Instances, refer to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CreateSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType"
"DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes the data feed for the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Children: requestId, spotDatafeedSubscription",
"name" : "DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"type" : "DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: ownerId, bucket, prefix, state, and fault",
"name" : "spotDatafeedSubscription",
"type" : "SpotDatafeedSubscriptionType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "bucket",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "prefix",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "state",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false",
"valueMap" : {
"open" : "open",
"closed" : "closed",
"failed" : "failed",
"canceled" : "canceled"
"desc" : "Children: code, message",
"name" : "fault",
"type" : "SpotInstanceStateFaultType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "code",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "message",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription",
"description" : "Describes the data feed for Spot Instances. For conceptual information about Spot Instances, refer to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType"
"DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example deletes the data feed for the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Children: requestId, return",
"name" : "DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"type" : "DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription",
"description" : "Deletes the data feed for Spot Instances. For conceptual information about Spot Instances, refer to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType"
"DescribeSpotPriceHistory" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeSpotPriceHistory-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example returns Spot Price history for the month of December.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;StartTime=2009-12-01T11:51:50.000Z&amp;EndTime=2009-12-31T11:51:50.000Z&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Start date and time of the Spot Instance price history data.",
"name" : "StartTime",
"type" : "DateTime",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "End date and time of the Spot Instance price history data.",
"name" : "EndTime",
"type" : "DateTime",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance type to return.",
"name" : "InstanceType.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None ",
"valueMap" : {
"m2.2xlarge" : "m2.2xlarge",
"m2.4xlarge" : "m2.4xlarge",
"c1.xlarge" : "c1.xlarge",
"m1.large" : "m1.large",
"m1.xlarge" : "m1.xlarge",
"c1.medium" : "c1.medium",
"m1.small" : "m1.small"
"constraints" : "Up to 255 characters.",
"desc" : "The description of the AMI.",
"name" : "ProductDescription",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DescribeSpotPriceHistory",
"description" : "Describes Spot Price history. Spot Instances are instances that Amazon EC2 starts on your behalf when the maximum price that you specify exceeds the current Spot Price. Amazon EC2 periodically sets the Spot Price based on available Spot Instance capacity and current spot instance requests. For conceptual information about Spot Instances, refer to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResponseType"
"CancelSpotInstanceRequests" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-CancelSpotInstanceRequests-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example cancels a Spot Instance request.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;SpotInstanceRequestId.1=sir-e95fae02&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies the ID of the Spot Instance request. ",
"name" : "SpotInstanceRequestId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequests",
"description" : "Cancels one or more Spot Instance requests. Spot Instances are instances that Amazon EC2 starts on your behalf when the maximum price that you specify exceeds the current Spot Price. Amazon EC2 periodically sets the Spot Price based on available Spot Instance capacity and current spot instance requests. For conceptual information about Spot Instances, refer to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType"
"RequestSpotInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
" i-43a4412a&LaunchSpecification.KeyName.1=MyKeypair&LaunchSpecification.GroupSet.1=websrv&LaunchSpecification.InstanceType.1=m1.small&AuthParams"
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-RequestSpotInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example creates a Spot Instances request for ten m1.small instances.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;SpotPrice.1=0.50&amp;InstanceCount.1=10&amp;Type.1=one-time&amp;AvailabilityZoneGroup.1=MyAzGroup&amp;LaunchSpecification.ImageId.1= i-43a4412a&amp;LaunchSpecification.KeyName.1=MyKeypair&amp;LaunchSpecification.GroupSet.1=websrv&amp;LaunchSpecification.InstanceType.1=m1.small&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies the maximum hourly price for any Spot Instance launched to fulfill the request. ",
"name" : "SpotPrice",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The maximum number of Spot Instances to launch. ",
"name" : "InstanceCount",
"type" : "xs:integer",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "1"
"desc" : "Specifies the Spot Instance type. ",
"name" : "Type",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "one-time",
"valueMap" : {
"one-time" : "one-time",
"persistent" : "persistent"
"desc" : "Start date of the request. If this is a one-time request, the request becomes active at this date and time and remains active until all instances launch, the request expires, or the request is canceled. If the request is persistent, the request becomes active at this date and time and remains active until it expires or is canceled. ",
"name" : "ValidFrom",
"type" : "DateTime",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Request is effective independently"
"desc" : "End date of the request. If this is a one-time request, the request remains active until all instances launch, the request is canceled, or this date is reached. If the request is persistent, it remains active until it is canceled or this date and time is reached.",
"name" : "ValidUntil",
"type" : "DateTime",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Request is effective indefinitely"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance launch group. Launch groups are Spot Instances that launch together and terminate together.",
"name" : "LaunchGroup",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Instances are launched and terminated individually"
"desc" : "Specifies the Availability Zone group. If you specify the same Availability Zone group for all Spot Instance requests, all Spot Instances are launched in the same Availability Zone.",
"name" : "AvailabilityZoneGroup",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Instances are launched in any available Availability Zone."
"desc" : "The AMI ID.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.ImageId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The name of the key pair.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification KeyName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Name of the security group.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "MIME, Base64-encoded user data.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.UserData",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Deprecated.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.AddressingType",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance type.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.InstanceType",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "m1.small",
"valueMap" : {
"m2.2xlarge" : "m2.2xlarge",
"m2.4xlarge" : "m2.4xlarge",
"c1.xlarge" : "c1.xlarge",
"m1.large" : "m1.large",
"m1.xlarge" : "m1.xlarge",
"c1.medium" : "c1.medium",
"m1.small" : "m1.small"
"desc" : "The ID of the kernel to select. ",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.KernelId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : " The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information on whether you need to specify a RAM disk and search for the kernel ID.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.RamdiskId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies the Amazon VPC subnet ID within which to launch the instance(s) for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.SubnetId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Specifies the placement constraints (Availability Zones) for launching the instances.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.Placement.AvailabilityZone",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Amazon EC2 selects an Availability Zone."
"desc" : "Describes the mapping that defines native device names to use when exposing virtual devices.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.blockDeviceMapping.n.DeviceName",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "Enables monitoring for the instance.",
"name" : "LaunchSpecification.Monitoring.Enabled",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "Disabled"
"type" : "RequestSpotInstances",
"description" : "Creates a Spot Instance request. Spot Instances are instances that Amazon EC2 starts on your behalf when the maximum price that you specify exceeds the current Spot Price. Amazon EC2 periodically sets the Spot Price based on available Spot Instance capacity and current spot instance requests. For conceptual information about Spot Instances, refer to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "RequestSpotInstancesResponseType"
"DescribeSpotInstanceRequests" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeSpotInstanceRequests-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example returns information about current Spot Instance requests.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies the ID of the Spot Instance request. ",
"name" : "SpotInstanceRequestId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DescribeSpotInstanceRequests",
"description" : "Describes Spot Instance requests. Spot Instances are instances that Amazon EC2 starts on your behalf when the maximum price that you specify exceeds the current Spot Price. Amazon EC2 periodically sets the Spot Price based on available Spot Instance capacity and current spot instance requests. For conceptual information about Spot Instances, refer to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. ",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType"
"Reserved Instances" : {
"name" : "Reserved Instances",
"queries" : {
"DescribeReservedInstances" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeReservedInstances-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes Reserved Instances owned by the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "IDs of the Reserved Instance to describe.",
"name" : "ReservedInstancesId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstances",
"description" : "Describes Reserved Instances that you purchased. For more information about Reserved Instances, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseType"
"DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes available Reserved Instance offerings.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "ID of the Reserved Instances to describe.",
"name" : "ReservedInstancesOfferingId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The instance type on which the Reserved Instance can be used.",
"name" : "InstanceType",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The Availability Zone in which the Reserved Instance can be used.",
"name" : "AvailabilityZone",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"constraints" : "255 characters",
"desc" : "The Reserved Instance description.",
"name" : "ProductDescription",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings",
"description" : "Describes Reserved Instance offerings that are available for purchase. With Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances, you purchase the right to launch Amazon EC2 instances for a period of time (without getting insufficient capacity errors) and pay a lower usage rate for the actual time used. For more information about Reserved Instances, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseType"
"PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example purchases Reserved Instances.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;OfferingId.1=offering-12345678&amp;instanceCount.1=2&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The offering ID of the Reserved Instance to purchase.",
"name" : "ReservedInstancesOfferingId.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The number of Reserved Instances to purchase.",
"name" : "InstanceCount.n",
"type" : "Integer",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "1"
"type" : "PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering",
"description" : "Purchases a Reserved Instance for use with your account. With Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances, you purchase the right to launch Amazon EC2 instances for a period of time (without getting insufficient capacity errors) and pay a lower usage rate for the actual time used. For more information about Reserved Instances, go to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingResponseType"
"Elastic IP Addresses" : {
"name" : "Elastic IP Addresses",
"queries" : {
"AllocateAddress" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-AllocateAddress-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example returns an elastic IP address for use with the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Children: requestId, publicIp",
"name" : "AllocateAddressResponseType",
"type" : "AllocateAddressResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Children: None",
"name" : "publicIp",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AllocateAddress",
"description" : "Acquires an elastic IP address for use with your account.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "AllocateAddressResponseType"
"DisassociateAddress" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DisassociateAddress-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example disassociates the <code class=\"code\"></code> IP address from the instance to which it is assigned.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;PublicIp=;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "IP address that you are disassociating from the instance.",
"name" : "PublicIp",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DisassociateAddress",
"description" : "Disassociates the specified elastic IP address from the instance to which it is assigned. This is an idempotent operation. If you enter it more than once, Amazon EC2 does not return an error.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DisassociateAddressResponseType"
"ReleaseAddress" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-ReleaseAddress-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example releases an elastic IP address associated with the account.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;PublicIp=;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The IP address that you are releasing from your account.",
"name" : "PublicIp",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "ReleaseAddress",
"description" : "Releases an elastic IP address associated with your account.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "ReleaseAddressResponseType"
"AssociateAddress" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-AssociateAddress-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example associates an IP address with an instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&amp;InstanceId=i-2ea64347\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&amp;PublicIp=\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&amp;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "IP address that you are assigning to the instance.",
"name" : "PublicIp",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"desc" : "The instance to associate with the IP address.",
"name" : "InstanceId",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "false",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "AssociateAddress",
"description" : "Associates an elastic IP address with an instance. If the IP address is currently assigned to another instance, the IP address is assigned to the new instance. This is an idempotent operation. If you enter it more than once, Amazon EC2 does not return an error.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "AssociateAddressResponseType"
"DescribeAddresses" : {
"exampleCode" : [
"exampleHTML" : [
"<div class=\"section\" lang=\"en\"><div class=\"titlepage\"><div><div><h3 class=\"title\" id=\"ApiReference-query-DescribeAddresses-Example-Request-1\">Example Request</h3></div></div></div><p>This example describes elastic IP addresses assigned to the account. Amazon EC2 returns which is assigned to instance i-f15ebb98 and which is not assigned to an instance.<pre class=\"programlisting\">;PublicIp.1=\n&amp;PublicIp.1=;AuthParams</pre></div>\n"
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Elastic IP address to describe.",
"name" : "PublicIp.n",
"type" : "String",
"optional" : "true",
"defaultValue" : "None"
"type" : "DescribeAddresses",
"description" : "Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your account or provides information about a specific address.",
"see" : [
"responseType" : "DescribeAddressesResponseType"
"dataTypes" : {
"CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseSetItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies the ID of the Spot Instance request. ",
"name" : "spotInstanceRequestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The state of the Spot Instance request. ",
"name" : "state",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseSetItemType",
"see" : [
"CreateSecurityGroupResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if creation succeeded. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateSecurityGroupResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeKeyPairsResponseInfoType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a key pair.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseInfoType",
"see" : [
"AttachmentSetItemResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "AttachmentSetResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Time stamp when the attachment initiated.",
"name" : "attachTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.",
"name" : "deleteOnTermination",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies how the device is exposed to the instance (e.g., /dev/sdh).",
"name" : "device",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Attachment state.",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AttachmentSetItemResponseType",
"see" : [
"ResetInstanceAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Indicates whether the attribute successfully reset.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ResetInstanceAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeVolumesSetItemResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeVolumesSetResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Attachment set.",
"name" : "attachmentSet",
"type" : "AttachmentSetResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Availability Zone in which the volume was created.",
"name" : "availabilityZone",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Time stamp when volume creation was initiated.",
"name" : "createTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiBs.",
"name" : "size",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Snapshot from which the volume was created (optional).",
"name" : "snapshotId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Volume state (e.g., creating, available)",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeVolumesSetItemResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeSnapshotsSetItemResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeSnapshotsSetResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Description of the snapshot.",
"name" : "description",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The AWS account alias (e.g., \"amazon\", \"redhat\", \"self\", etc.) or AWS account ID that owns the AMI.",
"name" : "ownerAlias",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID of the user who owns the snapshot.",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The progress of the snapshot, in percentage.",
"name" : "progress",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the snapshot.",
"name" : "snapshotId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Time stamp when the snapshot was initiated.",
"name" : "startTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Snapshot state (e.g., pending, completed, or error)",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiB.",
"name" : "volumeSize",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSnapshotsSetItemResponseType",
"see" : [
"LaunchPermissionItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "LaunchPermissionListType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Name of the group. Currently supports \"all.\"",
"name" : "group",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID.",
"name" : "userId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "LaunchPermissionItemType",
"see" : [
"BlockDeviceMappingType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImageAttributeResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for one block device mapping.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "BlockDeviceMappingItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BlockDeviceMappingType",
"see" : [
"DeleteSecurityGroupResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if deletion succeeded. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DeleteSecurityGroupResponseType",
"see" : [
"StateReasonType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImagesResponseItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Reason code for the state change.",
"name" : "code",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Message for the state change.",
"name" : "message",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "StateReasonType",
"see" : [
"PlacementRequestType" : {
"ancestor" : "LaunchSpecificationType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies the placement constraints (Availability Zones) for launching the instances.",
"name" : "availabilityZone",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "PlacementRequestType",
"see" : [
"RunningInstancesSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "ReservationInfoType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Running instance set item.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "RunningInstancesItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RunningInstancesSetType",
"see" : [
"DescribeReservedInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Reserved Instances set.",
"name" : "reservedInstancesSet",
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"DeleteKeyPairResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if deletion succeeded. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DeleteKeyPairResponseType",
"see" : [
"SpotInstanceStateFaultType" : {
"ancestor" : "SpotDatafeedSubscriptionType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Reason code for the Spot Instance state change.",
"name" : "code",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Message for the Spot Instance state change.",
"name" : "message",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SpotInstanceStateFaultType",
"see" : [
"DescribeKeyPairsResponseItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseInfoType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "A SHA-1 digest of the DER encoded private key.",
"name" : "keyFingerprint",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The key pair name provided in the original request.",
"name" : "keyName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseItemType",
"see" : [
"DescribeInstanceAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies how block devices are exposed to the instance. Each mapping is made up of a virtualName and a deviceName.",
"name" : "blockDeviceMapping",
"type" : "InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the instance can be terminated. You must modify this attribute before you can terminate any \"locked\" instances.",
"name" : "disableApiTermination",
"type" : "NullableAttributeBooleanValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the instance's Amazon EBS volumes are deleted when the instance is shut down. ",
"name" : "instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The instance type (e.g., m1.small, c1.medium, m2.2xlarge, and so on).",
"name" : "instanceType",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The kernel ID.",
"name" : "kernel",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The RAM disk ID.",
"name" : "ramdisk",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The root device name (e.g., /dev/sda1).",
"name" : "rootDeviceName",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "MIME, Base64-encoded user data. ",
"name" : "userData",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeInstanceAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"BundleInstanceTasksSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeBundleTasksResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Bundle task.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BundleInstanceTasksSetType",
"see" : [
"DescribeAddressesResponseItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeAddressesResponseInfoType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The public IP address.",
"name" : "publicIp",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeAddressesResponseItemType",
"see" : [
"UserDataType" : {
"ancestor" : "LaunchSpecificationType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "MIME, Base64-encoded user data.",
"name" : "data",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "UserDataType",
"see" : [
"DisassociateAddressResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if the IP address is disassociated from the instance. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DisassociateAddressResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeAvailabilityZonesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Availability Zone information.",
"name" : "availabilityZoneInfo",
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeAvailabilityZonesResponseType",
"see" : [
"MonitorInstancesResponseSetItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "MonitorInstancesResponseSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instance ID.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Monitoring information.",
"name" : "monitoring",
"type" : "InstanceMonitoringStateType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "MonitorInstancesResponseSetItemType",
"see" : [
"ResetImageAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Indicates whether the attribute successfully reset.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ResetImageAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeVolumesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Volume set.",
"name" : "volumeSet",
"type" : "DescribeVolumesSetResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeVolumesResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Spot Instance request set.",
"name" : "spotInstanceRequestSet",
"type" : "SpotInstanceRequestSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType",
"see" : [
"ReleaseAddressResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ReleaseAddressResponseType",
"see" : [
"AllocateAddressResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "IP address for use with your account.",
"name" : "publicIp",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AllocateAddressResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeAddressesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The set of IP addresses.",
"name" : "addressesSet",
"type" : "DescribeAddressesResponseInfoType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeAddressesResponseType",
"see" : [
"BundleInstanceTaskType" : {
"ancestor" : "BundleInstanceResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Identifier for this task.",
"name" : "bundleId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "If the task fails, a description of the error.",
"name" : "error",
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskErrorType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Instance associated with this bundle task.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The level of task completion, in percent (e.g., 20%).",
"name" : "progress",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The time this task started.",
"name" : "startTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The state of the task.",
"name" : "state",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Amazon S3 storage locations.",
"name" : "storage",
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskStorageType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The time of the most recent update for the task.",
"name" : "updateTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskType",
"see" : [
"DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Reserved Instance offerings set.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseSetItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseSetType",
"see" : [
"RequestSpotInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Spot Instance request set.",
"name" : "spotInstanceRequestSet",
"type" : "SpotInstanceRequestSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RequestSpotInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Security group set.",
"name" : "securityGroupInfo",
"type" : "SecurityGroupSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseType",
"see" : [
"IpRangeSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "IpPermissionType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for one IP range.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "IpRangeItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "IpRangeSetType",
"see" : [
"RegionSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeRegionsResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a Region.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "RegionItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RegionSetType",
"see" : [
"SpotDatafeedSubscriptionType" : {
"ancestor" : "CreateSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The Amazon S3 bucket where the Spot Instance datafeed is located.",
"name" : "bucket",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Fault codes for the Spot Instance request, if any. ",
"name" : "fault",
"type" : "SpotInstanceStateFaultType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The AWS account ID of the account. ",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Prefix that is prepended to datafeed files.",
"name" : "prefix",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The state of the Spot Instance request. ",
"name" : "state",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SpotDatafeedSubscriptionType",
"see" : [
"SpotInstanceRequestSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Spot Instance request set.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "SpotInstanceRequestSetItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SpotInstanceRequestSetType",
"see" : [
"DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseSetItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The Availability Zone in which the Reserved Instance can be used.",
"name" : "availabilityZone",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The duration of the Reserved Instance, in seconds.",
"name" : "duration",
"type" : "xs:long",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The purchase price of the Reserved Instance.",
"name" : "fixedPrice",
"type" : "xs:double",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The instance type on which the Reserved Instance can be used.",
"name" : "instanceType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The Reserved Instance description.",
"name" : "productDescription",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the Reserved Instance offering.",
"name" : "reservedInstancesOfferingId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The usage price of the Reserved Instance, per hour.",
"name" : "usagePrice",
"type" : "xs:double",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseSetItemType",
"see" : [
"InstanceStateChangeSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "StartInstancesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The item element.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "InstanceStateChangeType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "InstanceStateChangeSetType",
"see" : [
"LaunchSpecificationType" : {
"ancestor" : "RequestSpotInstancesType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Deprecated.",
"name" : "addressingType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies how block devices are exposed to the instance. Each mapping is made up of a virtualName and a deviceName.",
"name" : "blockDeviceMapping",
"type" : "BlockDeviceMappingType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Group set. ",
"name" : "groupSet",
"type" : "GroupSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The AMI ID.",
"name" : "imageId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance type.",
"name" : "instanceType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the kernel to select. ",
"name" : "kernelId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The name of the key pair.",
"name" : "keyName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether to enable monitoring for the instance.",
"name" : "monitoring",
"type" : "MonitoringInstanceType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Placement item.",
"name" : "placement",
"type" : "PlacementRequestType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information on whether you need to specify a RAM disk and search for the kernel ID.",
"name" : "ramdiskId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the Amazon VPC subnet ID within which to launch the instance(s) for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.",
"name" : "subnetId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "MIME, Base64-encoded user data. ",
"name" : "userData",
"type" : "UserDataType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "LaunchSpecificationType",
"see" : [
"DetachVolumeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Time stamp when the attachment initiated.",
"name" : "attachTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The device as it is exposed to the instance.",
"name" : "device",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Attachment state.",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DetachVolumeResponseType",
"see" : [
"BundleInstanceS3StorageType" : {
"ancestor" : "BundleInstanceTaskStorageType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The Access Key ID of the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket.",
"name" : "awsAccessKeyId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " The bucket in which to store the AMI. You can specify a bucket that you already own or a new bucket that Amazon EC2 creates on your behalf. If you specify a bucket that belongs to someone else, Amazon EC2 returns an error.",
"name" : "bucket",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the beginning of the file name of the AMI.",
"name" : "prefix",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "A Base64-encoded Amazon S3 upload policy that gives Amazon EC2 permission to upload items into Amazon S3 on the user's behalf. ",
"name" : "uploadPolicy",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " The signature of the Base64 encoded JSON document.",
"name" : "uploadPolicySignature",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BundleInstanceS3StorageType",
"see" : [
"EbsInstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Time stamp when the attachment initiated.",
"name" : "attachTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.",
"name" : "deleteOnTermination",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Attachment state.",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the Amazon EBS volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "EbsInstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType",
"see" : [
"BundleInstanceTaskStorageType" : {
"ancestor" : "BundleInstanceTaskType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Amazon S3 storage location.",
"name" : "S3",
"type" : "BundleInstanceS3StorageType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskStorageType",
"see" : [
"CreateImageResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the AMI.",
"name" : "imageId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateImageResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeReservedInstancesResponseSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Reserved Instance set.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseSetItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseSetType",
"see" : [
"CreateVolumeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Availability Zone in which the volume was created.",
"name" : "availabilityZone",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Time stamp when volume creation was initiated.",
"name" : "createTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiBs.",
"name" : "size",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Snapshot from which the volume was created, if applicable.",
"name" : "snapshotId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Volume state (e.g., creating, available)",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateVolumeResponseType",
"see" : [
"MonitorInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Monitor instance response set.",
"name" : "instancesSet",
"type" : "MonitorInstancesResponseSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "MonitorInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"InstanceMonitoringStateType" : {
"ancestor" : "MonitorInstancesResponseSetItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "State of monitoring for the instance.",
"name" : "state",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "InstanceMonitoringStateType",
"see" : [
"EbsBlockDeviceType" : {
"ancestor" : "BlockDeviceMappingItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.",
"name" : "deleteOnTermination",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the snapshot.",
"name" : "snapshotId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiBs. Required if you are not creating a volume from a snapshot.",
"name" : "volumeSize",
"type" : "integer",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "EbsBlockDeviceType",
"see" : [
"ModifyInstanceAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ModifyInstanceAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Reservation set.",
"name" : "reservationSet",
"type" : "ReservationSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if request is successful. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponseType",
"see" : [
"InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies how the device is exposed to the instance (e.g., /dev/sdh).",
"name" : "deviceName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies parameters used to automatically setup Amazon EBS volumes when the instance is launched.",
"name" : "ebs",
"type" : "EbsInstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseItemType",
"see" : [
"SecurityGroupSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeSecurityGroupsResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a security group.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "SecurityGroupItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SecurityGroupSetType",
"see" : [
"RebootInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RebootInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Reserved Instances offerings set.",
"name" : "reservedInstancesOfferingsSet",
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesOfferingsResponseType",
"see" : [
"AttachVolumeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Time stamp when the attachment initiated.",
"name" : "attachTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The device as it is exposed to the instance.",
"name" : "device",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Volume state.",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AttachVolumeResponseType",
"see" : [
"ProductCodesSetItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "ProductCodesSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Product code.",
"name" : "productCode",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ProductCodesSetItemType",
"see" : [
"GroupSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "LaunchSpecificationType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Group set item.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "GroupItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "GroupSetType",
"see" : [
"ProductCodeItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "ProductCodeListType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Product code.",
"name" : "productCode",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ProductCodeItemType",
"see" : [
"DescribeImagesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Image set.",
"name" : "imagesSet",
"type" : "DescribeImagesResponseInfoType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeImagesResponseType",
"see" : [
"ProductCodeListType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImageAttributeResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for one product code.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "ProductCodeItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ProductCodeListType",
"see" : [
"DescribeBundleTasksResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Bundle task set.",
"name" : "bundleInstanceTasksSet",
"type" : "BundleInstanceTasksSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeBundleTasksResponseType",
"see" : [
"CreateVolumePermissionItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "CreateVolumePermissionListType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Group that is allowed to create volumes from the snapshot (currently supports \"all\").",
"name" : "group",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "User ID of a user that can create volumes from the snapshot.",
"name" : "userId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateVolumePermissionItemType",
"see" : [
"AssociateAddressResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if instance and IP address successfully associated. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AssociateAddressResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeImagesResponseItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImagesResponseInfoType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The architecture of the image.",
"name" : "architecture",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies how block devices are exposed to the instance.",
"name" : "blockDeviceMapping",
"type" : "BlockDeviceMappingType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The description of the AMI that was provided during image creation.",
"name" : "description",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the AMI.",
"name" : "imageId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The location of the AMI.",
"name" : "imageLocation",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The AWS account alias (e.g., \"amazon\", \"redhat\", \"self\", etc.) or AWS account ID that owns the AMI.",
"name" : "imageOwnerAlias",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID of the image owner. ",
"name" : "imageOwnerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Current state of the AMI. If the operation returns available, the image is successfully registered and available for launching. If the operation returns deregistered, the image is deregistered and no longer available for launching. ",
"name" : "imageState",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The type of image (machine, kernel, or ramdisk).",
"name" : "imageType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Returns true if this image has public launch permissions. Returns false if it only has implicit and explicit launch permissions. ",
"name" : "isPublic",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The kernel associated with the image, if any. Only applicable for machine images.",
"name" : "kernelId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The name of the AMI that was provided during image creation.",
"name" : "name",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The operating platform of the instance.",
"name" : "platform",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Product codes of the AMI. ",
"name" : "productCodes",
"type" : "ProductCodesSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The RAM disk associated with the image, if any. Only applicable for machine images.",
"name" : "ramdiskId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The root device name (e.g., /dev/sda1).",
"name" : "rootDeviceName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The root device type used by the AMI. The AMI can use an Amazon EBS or instance store root device.",
"name" : "rootDeviceType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The reason for the state change.",
"name" : "stateReason",
"type" : "StateReasonType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeImagesResponseItemType",
"see" : [
"BlockDeviceMappingItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "BlockDeviceMappingType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).",
"name" : "deviceName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies parameters used to automatically setup Amazon EBS volumes when the instance is launched.",
"name" : "ebs",
"type" : "EbsBlockDeviceType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the device name to suppress during instance launch.",
"name" : "noDevice",
"type" : "EmptyElementType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The virtual device name.",
"name" : "virtualName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BlockDeviceMappingItemType",
"see" : [
"ModifyImageAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ModifyImageAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"DeleteSnapshotResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if deletion succeeded. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DeleteSnapshotResponseType",
"see" : [
"IpRangeItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "IpRangeSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "CIDR range.",
"name" : "cidrIp",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "IpRangeItemType",
"see" : [
"UserIdGroupPairSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "IpPermissionType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for one security group.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "UserIdGroupPairType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "UserIdGroupPairSetType",
"see" : [
"StartInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instances set.",
"name" : "instancesSet",
"type" : "InstanceStateChangeSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "StartInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"ReservationSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeInstancesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a reservation.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "ReservationInfoType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ReservationSetType",
"see" : [
"ResetSnapshotAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether the snapshot permissions were reset.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ResetSnapshotAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"UnmonitorInstancesResponseType" : {},
"AvailabilityZoneMessageType" : {
"ancestor" : "AvailabilityZoneMessageSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The Availability Zone message.",
"name" : "message",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneMessageType",
"see" : [
"DescribeAddressesResponseInfoType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeAddressesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information about an instance.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "DescribeAddressesResponseItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeAddressesResponseInfoType",
"see" : [
"GetPasswordDataResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the instance.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The password of the instance.",
"name" : "passwordData",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The time the data was last updated.",
"name" : "timestamp",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "GetPasswordDataResponseType",
"see" : [
"EmptyElementType" : {
"ancestor" : "BlockDeviceMappingItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "This element contains no options.",
"name" : "none",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "EmptyElementType",
"see" : [
"PlacementResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "RunningInstancesItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Returns the Availability Zone of the instance.",
"name" : "availabilityZone",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "PlacementResponseType",
"see" : [
"RunningInstancesItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "RunningInstancesSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : " The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance within the launch group.",
"name" : "amiLaunchIndex",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The architecture of the image.",
"name" : "architecture",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Block device mapping set.",
"name" : "blockDeviceMapping",
"type" : "InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The public DNS name assigned to the instance. This DNS name is contactable from outside the Amazon EC2 network. This element remains empty until the instance enters a running state. ",
"name" : "dnsName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Image ID of the AMI used to launch the instance.",
"name" : "imageId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Unique ID of the instance launched.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether this is a Spot Instance.",
"name" : "instanceLifecycle",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The current state of the instance.",
"name" : "instanceState",
"type" : "InstanceStateType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The instance type.",
"name" : "instanceType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the IP address of the instance.",
"name" : "ipAddress",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Kernel associated with this instance.",
"name" : "kernelId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " If this instance was launched with an associated key pair, this displays the key pair name.",
"name" : "keyName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The time the instance launched.",
"name" : "launchTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies whether monitoring is enabled for the instance.",
"name" : "monitoring",
"type" : "InstanceMonitoringStateType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The location where the instance launched.",
"name" : "placement",
"type" : "PlacementResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Platform of the instance (e.g., Windows).",
"name" : "platform",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The private DNS name assigned to the instance. This DNS name can only be used inside the Amazon EC2 network. This element remains empty until the instance enters a running state. ",
"name" : "privateDnsName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the private IP address that is assigned to the instance.",
"name" : "privateIpAddress",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Product codes attached to this instance.",
"name" : "productCodes",
"type" : "ProductCodesSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "RAM disk associated with this instance.",
"name" : "ramdiskId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Reason for the most recent state transition. This might be an empty string.",
"name" : "reason",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The root device name (e.g., /dev/sda1).",
"name" : "rootDeviceName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The root device type used by the AMI. The AMI can use an Amazon EBS or instance store root device.",
"name" : "rootDeviceType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the Spot Instance request.",
"name" : "spotInstanceRequestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The reason for the state change.",
"name" : "stateReason",
"type" : "StateReasonType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the Amazon VPC subnet ID in which the instance is running.",
"name" : "subnetId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the Amazon VPC in which the instance is running.",
"name" : "vpcId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RunningInstancesItemType",
"see" : [
"NullableAttributeBooleanValueType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeInstanceAttributeResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Generic boolean value.",
"name" : "value",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "NullableAttributeBooleanValueType",
"see" : [
"AvailabilityZoneSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeAvailabilityZonesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for one Availability Zone.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneSetType",
"see" : [
"InstanceStateChangeType" : {
"ancestor" : "InstanceStateChangeSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The current state of the instance.",
"name" : "currentState",
"type" : "InstanceStateType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The instance ID.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The previous state of the instance.",
"name" : "previousState",
"type" : "InstanceStateType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "InstanceStateChangeType",
"see" : [
"ReservationInfoType" : {
"ancestor" : "ReservationSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Group set. ",
"name" : "groupSet",
"type" : "GroupSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Instance set. ",
"name" : "instancesSet",
"type" : "RunningInstancesSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID of the user who owns the reservation. ",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "ID of the requester. ",
"name" : "requesterId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Unique ID of the reservation.",
"name" : "reservationId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ReservationInfoType",
"see" : [
"PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The IDs of the purchased Reserved Instances.",
"name" : "reservedInstancesId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "PurchaseReservedInstancesOfferingResponseType",
"see" : [
"DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if deletion succeeded. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"see" : [
"GroupItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "GroupSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Name of the security group.",
"name" : "groupId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "GroupItemType",
"see" : [
"AvailabilityZoneItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "AvailabilityZoneSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Message set.",
"name" : "messageSet",
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneMessageSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Name of the Region.",
"name" : "regionName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Name of the Availability Zone.",
"name" : "zoneName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "State of the Availability Zone.",
"name" : "zoneState",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneItemType",
"see" : [
"MonitoringInstanceType" : {
"ancestor" : "LaunchSpecificationType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Enables monitoring for the instance.",
"name" : "enabled",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "MonitoringInstanceType",
"see" : [
"SecurityGroupItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "SecurityGroupSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Description of the security group.",
"name" : "groupDescription",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Name of the security group.",
"name" : "groupName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Set of IP permissions associated with the security group.",
"name" : "ipPermissions",
"type" : "IpPermissionSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID of the owner of the security group.",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SecurityGroupItemType",
"see" : [
"NullableAttributeValueType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImageAttributeResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "ID of the parent element.",
"name" : "value",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"see" : [
"DeleteVolumeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if deletion succeeded. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DeleteVolumeResponseType",
"see" : [
"BundleInstanceResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Bundle task.",
"name" : "bundleInstanceTask",
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BundleInstanceResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeImageAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Block device mapping set.",
"name" : "blockDeviceMapping",
"type" : "BlockDeviceMappingType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "User-created description of the AMI.",
"name" : "description",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the AMI.",
"name" : "imageId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Kernel set.",
"name" : "kernel",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Launch permissions set.",
"name" : "launchPermission",
"type" : "LaunchPermissionListType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Product codes set.",
"name" : "productCodes",
"type" : "ProductCodeListType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "RAM disk set.",
"name" : "ramdisk",
"type" : "NullableAttributeValueType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeImageAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if the request is successful. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResponseType",
"see" : [
"RunInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Group set. ",
"name" : "groupSet",
"type" : "GroupSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Instance set. ",
"name" : "instancesSet",
"type" : "RunningInstancesSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "AWS Access Key ID of the user who owns the reservation.",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " ID of the requester.",
"name" : "requesterId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Unique ID of the reservation.",
"name" : "reservationId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RunInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"BundleInstanceTaskErrorType" : {
"ancestor" : "BundleInstanceTaskType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Error code.",
"name" : "code",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Error message.",
"name" : "message",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskErrorType",
"see" : [
"ProductCodesSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImagesResponseItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for one product code.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "ProductCodesSetItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ProductCodesSetType",
"see" : [
"DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Spot Price history set.",
"name" : "spotPriceHistorySet",
"type" : "SpotPriceHistorySetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResponseType",
"see" : [
"IpPermissionType" : {
"ancestor" : "IpPermissionSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. An ICMP type number of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP type number).",
"name" : "fromPort",
"type" : "integer",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "List of security group and user ID pairs.",
"name" : "groups",
"type" : "UserIdGroupPairSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "IP protocol.",
"name" : "ipProtocol",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "IP ranges.",
"name" : "ipRanges",
"type" : "IpRangeSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "End of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. An ICMP code of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP code).",
"name" : "toPort",
"type" : "integer",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "IpPermissionType",
"see" : [
"DeregisterImageResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if deregistration succeeded. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DeregisterImageResponseType",
"see" : [
"RegisterImageResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Unique ID of the newly registered machine image.",
"name" : "imageId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RegisterImageResponseType",
"see" : [
"IpPermissionSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Set of IP permissions.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "IpPermissionType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "IpPermissionSetType",
"see" : [
"DescribeSnapshotsSetResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeSnapshotsResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a snapshot.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "DescribeSnapshotsSetItemResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSnapshotsSetResponseType",
"see" : [
"CancelBundleTaskResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Bundle task to cancel.",
"name" : "bundleInstanceTask",
"type" : "BundleInstanceTaskType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CancelBundleTaskResponseType",
"see" : [
"CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Spot Instance requests set.",
"name" : "spotInstanceRequestSet",
"type" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType",
"see" : [
"CreateSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Datafeed subscription.",
"name" : "spotDatafeedSubscription",
"type" : "SpotDatafeedSubscriptionType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"see" : [
"AvailabilityZoneMessageSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "AvailabilityZoneItemType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Availability Zone message set.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneMessageType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AvailabilityZoneMessageSetType",
"see" : [
"TerminateInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instances set.",
"name" : "instancesSet",
"type" : "InstanceStateChangeSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "TerminateInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"SpotPriceHistorySetType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Spot Price history set.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "SpotPriceHistorySetItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SpotPriceHistorySetType",
"see" : [
"DescribeKeyPairsResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a key pair.",
"name" : "keySet",
"type" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseInfoType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeKeyPairsResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The Spot Instance datafeed subscription.",
"name" : "spotDatafeedSubscription",
"type" : "SpotDatafeedSubscriptionType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscriptionResponseType",
"see" : [
"DateTime" : {},
"DescribeSnapshotsResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Snapshot set.",
"name" : "snapshotSet",
"type" : "DescribeSnapshotsSetResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSnapshotsResponseType",
"see" : [
"InstanceStateType" : {
"ancestor" : "InstanceStateChangeType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "A 16-bit unsigned integer. The high byte is an opaque internal value and should be ignored. The low byte is set based on the state represented:",
"name" : "code",
"type" : "integer",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The current state of the instance.",
"name" : "name",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "InstanceStateType",
"see" : [
"CreateSnapshotResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Description of the snapshot.",
"name" : "description",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The AWS account ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot owner. ",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The progress of the snapshot, in percentage.",
"name" : "progress",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the snapshot.",
"name" : "snapshotId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Time stamp when the snapshot was initiated.",
"name" : "startTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Snapshot state (e.g., pending, completed, or error)",
"name" : "status",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the volume.",
"name" : "volumeId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The size of the volume, in GiB.",
"name" : "volumeSize",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateSnapshotResponseType",
"see" : [
"ModifySnapshotAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ModifySnapshotAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Cancel Spot Instance requests item.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseSetItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponseSetType",
"see" : [
"SpotInstanceRequestSetItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "SpotInstanceRequestSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Specifies the Availability Zone group. If you specify the same Availability Zone group for all Spot Instance requests, all Spot Instances are launched in the same Availability Zone.",
"name" : "availabilityZoneGroup",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Time stamp when the Spot Instance request was fulfilled.",
"name" : "createTime",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Fault codes for the Spot Instance request, if any. ",
"name" : "fault",
"type" : "SpotInstanceStateFaultType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance ID.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance launch group. Launch groups are Spot Instances that launch together and terminate together.",
"name" : "launchGroup",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies additional launch instance information.",
"name" : "launchSpecification",
"type" : "LaunchSpecificationType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The product description associated with the Spot Instance.",
"name" : "productDescription",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the ID of the Spot Instance request. ",
"name" : "spotInstanceRequestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the maximum hourly price for any Spot Instance launched to fulfill the request. ",
"name" : "spotPrice",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The state of the Spot Instance request. ",
"name" : "state",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the instance type. ",
"name" : "type",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Start date of the request. If this is a one-time request, the request becomes active at this date and time and remains active until all instances launch, the request expires, or the request is canceled. If the request is persistent, the request becomes active at this date and time and remains active until it expires or is canceled. ",
"name" : "validFrom",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "End date of the request. If this is a one-time request, the request remains active until all instances launch, the request is canceled, or this date is reached. If the request is persistent, it remains active until it is canceled or this date and time is reached.",
"name" : "validUntil",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SpotInstanceRequestSetItemType",
"see" : [
"AttachmentSetResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeVolumesSetItemResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a attachment set. ",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "AttachmentSetItemResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "AttachmentSetResponseType",
"see" : [
"SpotPriceHistorySetItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "SpotPriceHistorySetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance type.",
"name" : "instanceType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The description of the AMI.",
"name" : "productDescription",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the maximum price you will pay to launch one or more Spot Instances. ",
"name" : "spotPrice",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Specifies the date and time the request was created. ",
"name" : "timestamp",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "SpotPriceHistorySetItemType",
"see" : [
"DescribeRegionsResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Region set.",
"name" : "regionInfo",
"type" : "RegionSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeRegionsResponseType",
"see" : [
"CreateVolumePermissionListType" : {
"ancestor" : "CreateVolumePermissionOperationType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Volume permission item.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "CreateVolumePermissionItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateVolumePermissionListType",
"see" : [
"UserIdGroupPairType" : {
"ancestor" : "UserIdGroupPairSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Name of the security group. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address.",
"name" : "groupName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "AWS User ID of an account. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address.",
"name" : "userId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "UserIdGroupPairType",
"see" : [
"CreateKeyPairResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "A SHA-1 digest of the DER encoded private key.",
"name" : "keyFingerprint",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "An unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key.",
"name" : "keyMaterial",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The key pair name provided in the original request.",
"name" : "keyName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "CreateKeyPairResponseType",
"see" : [
"StopInstancesResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instances set.",
"name" : "instancesSet",
"type" : "InstanceStateChangeSetType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "StopInstancesResponseType",
"see" : [
"ConfirmProductInstanceResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance owner's account ID. Only present if the product code is attached to the instance.",
"name" : "ownerId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : " Returns true if the product code is attached to the instance. Otherwise, returns an error.",
"name" : "return",
"type" : "xsd:boolean",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "ConfirmProductInstanceResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeVolumesSetResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeVolumesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for a volume.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "DescribeVolumesSetItemResponseType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeVolumesSetResponseType",
"see" : [
"RegionItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "RegionSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Region service endpoint.",
"name" : "regionEndpoint",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "Name of the Region.",
"name" : "regionName",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "RegionItemType",
"see" : [
"LaunchPermissionListType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImageAttributeResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for launch permissions.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "LaunchPermissionItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "LaunchPermissionListType",
"see" : [
"DescribeImagesResponseInfoType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeImagesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Information for one image.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "DescribeImagesResponseItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeImagesResponseInfoType",
"see" : [
"GetConsoleOutputResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The instance ID.",
"name" : "instanceId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The console output, Base64 encoded.",
"name" : "output",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The time the output was last updated.",
"name" : "timestamp",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "GetConsoleOutputResponseType",
"see" : [
"InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeInstanceAttributeResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The item element.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "InstanceBlockDeviceMappingResponseType",
"see" : [
"DescribeReservedInstancesResponseSetItemType" : {
"ancestor" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseSetType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "The Availability Zone in which the Reserved Instance can be used.",
"name" : "availabilityZone",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The duration of the Reserved Instance, in seconds.",
"name" : "duration",
"type" : "xs:long",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The purchase price of the Reserved Instance.",
"name" : "fixedPrice",
"type" : "xs:double",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The number of Reserved Instances purchased.",
"name" : "instanceCount",
"type" : "xs:integer",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The instance type on which the Reserved Instance can be used.",
"name" : "instanceType",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The Reserved Instance description.",
"name" : "productDescription",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the Reserved Instance.",
"name" : "reservedInstancesId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The date and time the Reserved Instance started.",
"name" : "start",
"type" : "dateTime",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The state of the Reserved Instance purchase.",
"name" : "state",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The usage price of the Reserved Instance, per hour.",
"name" : "usagePrice",
"type" : "xs:double",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeReservedInstancesResponseSetItemType",
"see" : [
"MonitorInstancesResponseSetType" : {
"ancestor" : "MonitorInstancesResponseType",
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Instance Item.",
"name" : "item",
"type" : "MonitorInstancesResponseSetItemType",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "MonitorInstancesResponseSetType",
"see" : [
"DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponseType" : {
"contents" : [
"desc" : "Create volume permission element.",
"name" : "createVolumePermission",
"type" : "CreateVolumePermissionListType",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the request.",
"name" : "requestId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"desc" : "The ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot.",
"name" : "snapshotId",
"type" : "xsd:string",
"optional" : "false"
"type" : "DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponseType",
"see" : [
"see" : [