blob: 11decd9f61c0f0f733b846f8c33730c9f75c6384 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to jclouds, Inc. (jclouds) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. jclouds licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.jclouds.concurrent.Timeout;
import org.jclouds.s3.S3Client;
import org.jclouds.s3.domain.ObjectMetadata;
import org.jclouds.s3.domain.S3Object;
import org.jclouds.s3.options.PutObjectOptions;
* Provides access to amazon-specific S3 features
* @author Adrian Cole
* @see AWSS3AsyncClient
@Timeout(duration = 90, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public interface AWSS3Client extends S3Client {
* This operation initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. This upload ID is used
* to associate all the parts in the specific multipart upload. You specify this upload ID in
* each of your subsequent upload part requests (see Upload Part). You also include this upload
* ID in the final request to either complete or abort the multipart upload request.
* <h4>Note</h4> If you create an object using the multipart upload APIs, currently you cannot
* copy the object between regions.
* @param bucketName
* namespace of the object you are to upload
* @param objectMetadata
* metadata around the object you wish to upload
* @param options
* controls optional parameters such as canned ACL
* @return ID for the initiated multipart upload.
String initiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName, ObjectMetadata objectMetadata, PutObjectOptions... options);
* This operation aborts a multipart upload. After a multipart upload is aborted, no additional
* parts can be uploaded using that upload ID. The storage consumed by any previously uploaded
* parts will be freed. However, if any part uploads are currently in progress, those part
* uploads might or might not succeed. As a result, it might be necessary to abort a given
* multipart upload multiple times in order to completely free all storage consumed by all parts.
* @param bucketName
* namespace of the object you are deleting
* @param key
* unique key in the s3Bucket identifying the object
* @param uploadId
* id of the multipart upload in progress.
void abortMultipartUpload(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId);
* This operation uploads a part in a multipart upload. You must initiate a multipart upload (see
* Initiate Multipart Upload) before you can upload any part. In response to your initiate
* request. Amazon S3 returns an upload ID, a unique identifier, that you must include in your
* upload part request.
* <p/>
* Part numbers can be any number from 1 to 10,000, inclusive. A part number uniquely identifies
* a part and also defines its position within the object being created. If you upload a new part
* using the same part number that was used with a previous part, the previously uploaded part is
* overwritten. Each part must be at least 5 MB in size, except the last part. There is no size
* limit on the last part of your multipart upload.
* <p/>
* To ensure that data is not corrupted when traversing the network, specify the Content-MD5
* header in the upload part request. Amazon S3 checks the part data against the provided MD5
* value. If they do not match, Amazon S3 returns an error.
* @param bucketName
* namespace of the object you are storing
* @param key
* unique key in the s3Bucket identifying the object
* @param partNumber
* which part is this.
* @param uploadId
* id of the multipart upload in progress.
* @param part
* contains the data to create or overwrite
* @return ETag of the content uploaded
* @see <a href=""
* />
@Timeout(duration = 5 * 1024 * 1024 / 128, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
String uploadPart(String bucketName, String key, int partNumber, String uploadId, Payload part);
This operation completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.
* <p/>
* You first initiate the multipart upload and then upload all parts using the Upload Parts
* operation (see Upload Part). After successfully uploading all relevant parts of an upload, you
* call this operation to complete the upload. Upon receiving this request, Amazon S3
* concatenates all the parts in ascending order by part number to create a new object. In the
* Complete Multipart Upload request, you must provide the parts list. For each part in the list,
* you must provide the part number and the ETag header value, returned after that part was
* uploaded.
* <p/>
* Processing of a Complete Multipart Upload request could take several minutes to complete.
* After Amazon S3 begins processing the request, it sends an HTTP response header that specifies
* a 200 OK response. While processing is in progress, Amazon S3 periodically sends whitespace
* characters to keep the connection from timing out. Because a request could fail after the
* initial 200 OK response has been sent, it is important that you check the response body to
* determine whether the request succeeded.
* <p/>
* Note that if Complete Multipart Upload fails, applications should be prepared to retry the
* failed requests.
* @param bucketName
* namespace of the object you are deleting
* @param key
* unique key in the s3Bucket identifying the object
* @param uploadId
* id of the multipart upload in progress.
* @param parts
* a map of part id to eTag from the {@link #uploadPart} command.
* @return ETag of the content uploaded
String completeMultipartUpload(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId, Map<Integer, String> parts);