blob: 4acf3594bb6e142dd954e07ba4b4b56d360c02f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to jclouds, Inc. (jclouds) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. jclouds licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.options;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.jclouds.encryption.internal.Base64;
import org.jclouds.http.HttpRequest;
import org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.NovaApi;
import org.jclouds.util.Preconditions2;
* @author Adrian Cole
public class CreateServerOptions implements MapBinder {
private BindToJsonPayload jsonBinder;
static class File {
private final String path;
private final String contents;
public File(String path, byte[] contents) {
this.path = checkNotNull(path, "path");
this.contents = Base64.encodeBytes(checkNotNull(contents, "contents"));
path.getBytes().length < 255,
String.format("maximum length of path is 255 bytes. Path specified %s is %d bytes", path,
checkArgument(contents.length < 10 * 1024,
String.format("maximum size of the file is 10KB. Contents specified is %d bytes", contents.length));
public String getContents() {
return contents;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (this == object) {
return true;
if (object instanceof File) {
final File other = File.class.cast(object);
return equal(path, other.path);
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(path);
public String toString() {
return toStringHelper("file").add("path", path).toString();
private String keyName;
private String adminPass;
private Set<String> securityGroupNames = ImmutableSet.of();
private Map<String, String> metadata = ImmutableMap.of();
private List<File> personality = Lists.newArrayList();
private byte[] userData;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (this == object) {
return true;
if (object instanceof CreateServerOptions) {
final CreateServerOptions other = CreateServerOptions.class.cast(object);
return equal(keyName, other.keyName) && equal(securityGroupNames, other.securityGroupNames)
&& equal(metadata, other.metadata) && equal(personality, other.personality)
&& equal(adminPass, other.adminPass);
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(keyName, securityGroupNames, metadata, personality, adminPass);
protected ToStringHelper string() {
ToStringHelper toString = Objects.toStringHelper("").omitNullValues();
toString.add("keyName", keyName);
if (securityGroupNames.size() > 0)
toString.add("securityGroupNames", securityGroupNames);
if (metadata.size() > 0)
toString.add("metadata", metadata);
if (personality.size() > 0)
toString.add("personality", personality);
if (adminPass != null)
toString.add("adminPassPresent", true);
toString.add("userData", userData == null ? null : new String(userData));
return toString;
public String toString() {
return string().toString();
private class ServerRequest {
final String name;
final String imageRef;
final String flavorRef;
String adminPass;
Map<String, String> metadata;
List<File> personality;
String key_name;
Set<NamedThingy> securityGroupNames;
String user_data;
private ServerRequest(String name, String imageRef, String flavorRef) { = name;
this.imageRef = imageRef;
this.flavorRef = flavorRef;
public <R extends HttpRequest> R bindToRequest(R request, Map<String, Object> postParams) {
ServerRequest server = new ServerRequest(checkNotNull(postParams.get("name"), "name parameter not present").toString(),
checkNotNull(postParams.get("imageRef"), "imageRef parameter not present").toString(),
checkNotNull(postParams.get("flavorRef"), "flavorRef parameter not present").toString());
if (metadata.size() > 0)
server.metadata = metadata;
if (personality.size() > 0)
server.personality = personality;
if (keyName != null)
server.key_name = keyName;
if (userData != null)
server.user_data = Base64.encodeBytes(userData);
if (securityGroupNames.size() > 0) {
server.securityGroupNames = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
for (String groupName : securityGroupNames) {
server.securityGroupNames.add(new NamedThingy(groupName));
if (adminPass != null) {
server.adminPass = adminPass;
return bindToRequest(request, ImmutableMap.of("server", server));
private static class NamedThingy extends ForwardingObject {
private String name;
private NamedThingy(String name) { = name;
protected Object delegate() {
return name;
* You may further customize a cloud server by injecting data into the file
* system of the cloud server itself. This is useful, for example, for
* inserting ssh keys, setting configuration files, or storing data that you
* want to retrieve from within the instance itself. It is intended to
* provide a minimal amount of launch-time personalization. If significant
* customization is required, a custom image should be created. The max size
* of the file path data is 255 bytes while the max size of the file contents
* is 10KB. Note that the file contents should be encoded as a Base64 string
* and the 10KB limit refers to the number of bytes in the decoded data not
* the number of characters in the encoded data. The maximum number of file
* path/content pairs that can be supplied is 5. Any existing files that
* match the specified file will be renamed to include the extension bak
* followed by a time stamp. For example, the file /etc/passwd will be backed
* up as /etc/passwd.bak.1246036261.5785. All files will have root and the
* root group as owner and group owner, respectively and will allow user and
* group read access only (-r--r-----).
public CreateServerOptions writeFileToPath(byte[] contents, String path) {
checkState(personality.size() < 5, "maximum number of files allowed is 5");
personality.add(new File(path, contents));
return this;
public CreateServerOptions adminPass(String adminPass) {
checkNotNull(adminPass, "adminPass");
this.adminPass = adminPass;
return this;
* Custom cloud server metadata can also be supplied at launch time. This
* metadata is stored in the API system where it is retrievable by querying
* the API for server status. The maximum size of the metadata key and value
* is each 255 bytes and the maximum number of key-value pairs that can be
* supplied per server is 5.
public CreateServerOptions metadata(Map<String, String> metadata) {
checkNotNull(metadata, "metadata");
checkArgument(metadata.size() <= 5,
"you cannot have more then 5 metadata values. You specified: " + metadata.size());
for (Entry<String, String> entry : metadata.entrySet()) {
entry.getKey().getBytes().length < 255,
String.format("maximum length of metadata key is 255 bytes. Key specified %s is %d bytes",
entry.getKey(), entry.getKey().getBytes().length));
checkArgument(entry.getKey().getBytes().length < 255, String.format(
"maximum length of metadata value is 255 bytes. Value specified for %s (%s) is %d bytes",
entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), entry.getValue().getBytes().length));
this.metadata = ImmutableMap.copyOf(metadata);
return this;
* Custom user-data can be also be supplied at launch time.
* It is retrievable by the instance and is often used for launch-time configuration
* by instance scripts.
public CreateServerOptions userData(byte[] userData) {
this.userData = userData;
return this;
* A keypair name can be defined when creating a server. This key will be
* linked to the server and used to SSH connect to the machine
public String getKeyPairName() {
return keyName;
* @see #getKeyPairName()
public CreateServerOptions keyPairName(String keyName) {
this.keyName = keyName;
return this;
* <h3>Note</h3>
* This requires that {@link NovaApi#getSecurityGroupExtensionForZone(String)} to return
* {@link Optional#isPresent present}
* @return security groups the user specified to run servers with; zero length will create an
* implicit group starting with {@code jclouds#}
public Set<String> getSecurityGroupNames() {
return securityGroupNames;
* @see #getSecurityGroupNames
public CreateServerOptions securityGroupNames(String... securityGroupNames) {
return securityGroupNames(ImmutableSet.copyOf(checkNotNull(securityGroupNames, "securityGroupNames")));
* @see #getSecurityGroupNames
public CreateServerOptions securityGroupNames(Iterable<String> securityGroupNames) {
for (String groupName : checkNotNull(securityGroupNames, "securityGroupNames"))
Preconditions2.checkNotEmpty(groupName, "all security groups must be non-empty");
this.securityGroupNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(securityGroupNames);
return this;
public static class Builder {
* @see CreateServerOptions#writeFileToPath
public static CreateServerOptions writeFileToPath(byte[] contents,String path) {
CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
return options.writeFileToPath(contents, path);
public static CreateServerOptions adminPass(String adminPass) {
CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
return options.adminPass(adminPass);
* @see CreateServerOptions#metadata(Map<String, String>)
public static CreateServerOptions metadata(Map<String, String> metadata) {
CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
return options.metadata(metadata);
* @see #getKeyPairName()
public static CreateServerOptions keyPairName(String keyName) {
CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
return options.keyPairName(keyName);
* @see CreateServerOptions#getSecurityGroupNames
public static CreateServerOptions securityGroupNames(String... groupNames) {
CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
return CreateServerOptions.class.cast(options.securityGroupNames(groupNames));
* @see CreateServerOptions#getSecurityGroupNames
public static CreateServerOptions securityGroupNames(Iterable<String> groupNames) {
CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
return CreateServerOptions.class.cast(options.securityGroupNames(groupNames));
public <R extends HttpRequest> R bindToRequest(R request, Object input) {
return jsonBinder.bindToRequest(request, input);