blob: 80de2d6fcc8274390f88a89cef241659a5d6e36f [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by Thrift Compiler (0.14.1). DO NOT EDIT.
package common
// (needed to ensure safety because of naive import list construction.)
var _ = thrift.ZERO
var _ = fmt.Printf
var _ = context.Background
var _ = time.Now
var _ = bytes.Equal
type TConsensusGroupType int64
const (
TConsensusGroupType_ConfigRegion TConsensusGroupType = 0
TConsensusGroupType_DataRegion TConsensusGroupType = 1
TConsensusGroupType_SchemaRegion TConsensusGroupType = 2
func (p TConsensusGroupType) String() string {
switch p {
case TConsensusGroupType_ConfigRegion: return "ConfigRegion"
case TConsensusGroupType_DataRegion: return "DataRegion"
case TConsensusGroupType_SchemaRegion: return "SchemaRegion"
return "<UNSET>"
func TConsensusGroupTypeFromString(s string) (TConsensusGroupType, error) {
switch s {
case "ConfigRegion": return TConsensusGroupType_ConfigRegion, nil
case "DataRegion": return TConsensusGroupType_DataRegion, nil
case "SchemaRegion": return TConsensusGroupType_SchemaRegion, nil
return TConsensusGroupType(0), fmt.Errorf("not a valid TConsensusGroupType string")
func TConsensusGroupTypePtr(v TConsensusGroupType) *TConsensusGroupType { return &v }
func (p TConsensusGroupType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(p.String()), nil
func (p *TConsensusGroupType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
q, err := TConsensusGroupTypeFromString(string(text))
if (err != nil) {
return err
*p = q
return nil
func (p *TConsensusGroupType) Scan(value interface{}) error {
v, ok := value.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Scan value is not int64")
*p = TConsensusGroupType(v)
return nil
func (p * TConsensusGroupType) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, nil
return int64(*p), nil
type TRegionMigrateFailedType int64
const (
TRegionMigrateFailedType_AddPeerFailed TRegionMigrateFailedType = 0
TRegionMigrateFailedType_RemovePeerFailed TRegionMigrateFailedType = 1
TRegionMigrateFailedType_RemoveConsensusGroupFailed TRegionMigrateFailedType = 2
TRegionMigrateFailedType_DeleteRegionFailed TRegionMigrateFailedType = 3
TRegionMigrateFailedType_CreateRegionFailed TRegionMigrateFailedType = 4
func (p TRegionMigrateFailedType) String() string {
switch p {
case TRegionMigrateFailedType_AddPeerFailed: return "AddPeerFailed"
case TRegionMigrateFailedType_RemovePeerFailed: return "RemovePeerFailed"
case TRegionMigrateFailedType_RemoveConsensusGroupFailed: return "RemoveConsensusGroupFailed"
case TRegionMigrateFailedType_DeleteRegionFailed: return "DeleteRegionFailed"
case TRegionMigrateFailedType_CreateRegionFailed: return "CreateRegionFailed"
return "<UNSET>"
func TRegionMigrateFailedTypeFromString(s string) (TRegionMigrateFailedType, error) {
switch s {
case "AddPeerFailed": return TRegionMigrateFailedType_AddPeerFailed, nil
case "RemovePeerFailed": return TRegionMigrateFailedType_RemovePeerFailed, nil
case "RemoveConsensusGroupFailed": return TRegionMigrateFailedType_RemoveConsensusGroupFailed, nil
case "DeleteRegionFailed": return TRegionMigrateFailedType_DeleteRegionFailed, nil
case "CreateRegionFailed": return TRegionMigrateFailedType_CreateRegionFailed, nil
return TRegionMigrateFailedType(0), fmt.Errorf("not a valid TRegionMigrateFailedType string")
func TRegionMigrateFailedTypePtr(v TRegionMigrateFailedType) *TRegionMigrateFailedType { return &v }
func (p TRegionMigrateFailedType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(p.String()), nil
func (p *TRegionMigrateFailedType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
q, err := TRegionMigrateFailedTypeFromString(string(text))
if (err != nil) {
return err
*p = q
return nil
func (p *TRegionMigrateFailedType) Scan(value interface{}) error {
v, ok := value.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Scan value is not int64")
*p = TRegionMigrateFailedType(v)
return nil
func (p * TRegionMigrateFailedType) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, nil
return int64(*p), nil
type ThrottleType int64
const (
ThrottleType_REQUEST_NUMBER ThrottleType = 0
ThrottleType_REQUEST_SIZE ThrottleType = 1
ThrottleType_WRITE_NUMBER ThrottleType = 2
ThrottleType_WRITE_SIZE ThrottleType = 3
ThrottleType_READ_NUMBER ThrottleType = 4
ThrottleType_READ_SIZE ThrottleType = 5
func (p ThrottleType) String() string {
switch p {
case ThrottleType_REQUEST_NUMBER: return "REQUEST_NUMBER"
case ThrottleType_REQUEST_SIZE: return "REQUEST_SIZE"
case ThrottleType_WRITE_NUMBER: return "WRITE_NUMBER"
case ThrottleType_WRITE_SIZE: return "WRITE_SIZE"
case ThrottleType_READ_NUMBER: return "READ_NUMBER"
case ThrottleType_READ_SIZE: return "READ_SIZE"
return "<UNSET>"
func ThrottleTypeFromString(s string) (ThrottleType, error) {
switch s {
case "REQUEST_NUMBER": return ThrottleType_REQUEST_NUMBER, nil
case "REQUEST_SIZE": return ThrottleType_REQUEST_SIZE, nil
case "WRITE_NUMBER": return ThrottleType_WRITE_NUMBER, nil
case "WRITE_SIZE": return ThrottleType_WRITE_SIZE, nil
case "READ_NUMBER": return ThrottleType_READ_NUMBER, nil
case "READ_SIZE": return ThrottleType_READ_SIZE, nil
return ThrottleType(0), fmt.Errorf("not a valid ThrottleType string")
func ThrottleTypePtr(v ThrottleType) *ThrottleType { return &v }
func (p ThrottleType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(p.String()), nil
func (p *ThrottleType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
q, err := ThrottleTypeFromString(string(text))
if (err != nil) {
return err
*p = q
return nil
func (p *ThrottleType) Scan(value interface{}) error {
v, ok := value.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Scan value is not int64")
*p = ThrottleType(v)
return nil
func (p * ThrottleType) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, nil
return int64(*p), nil
type TAggregationType int64
const (
TAggregationType_COUNT TAggregationType = 0
TAggregationType_AVG TAggregationType = 1
TAggregationType_SUM TAggregationType = 2
TAggregationType_FIRST_VALUE TAggregationType = 3
TAggregationType_LAST_VALUE TAggregationType = 4
TAggregationType_MAX_TIME TAggregationType = 5
TAggregationType_MIN_TIME TAggregationType = 6
TAggregationType_MAX_VALUE TAggregationType = 7
TAggregationType_MIN_VALUE TAggregationType = 8
TAggregationType_EXTREME TAggregationType = 9
TAggregationType_COUNT_IF TAggregationType = 10
TAggregationType_TIME_DURATION TAggregationType = 11
TAggregationType_MODE TAggregationType = 12
func (p TAggregationType) String() string {
switch p {
case TAggregationType_COUNT: return "COUNT"
case TAggregationType_AVG: return "AVG"
case TAggregationType_SUM: return "SUM"
case TAggregationType_FIRST_VALUE: return "FIRST_VALUE"
case TAggregationType_LAST_VALUE: return "LAST_VALUE"
case TAggregationType_MAX_TIME: return "MAX_TIME"
case TAggregationType_MIN_TIME: return "MIN_TIME"
case TAggregationType_MAX_VALUE: return "MAX_VALUE"
case TAggregationType_MIN_VALUE: return "MIN_VALUE"
case TAggregationType_EXTREME: return "EXTREME"
case TAggregationType_COUNT_IF: return "COUNT_IF"
case TAggregationType_TIME_DURATION: return "TIME_DURATION"
case TAggregationType_MODE: return "MODE"
return "<UNSET>"
func TAggregationTypeFromString(s string) (TAggregationType, error) {
switch s {
case "COUNT": return TAggregationType_COUNT, nil
case "AVG": return TAggregationType_AVG, nil
case "SUM": return TAggregationType_SUM, nil
case "FIRST_VALUE": return TAggregationType_FIRST_VALUE, nil
case "LAST_VALUE": return TAggregationType_LAST_VALUE, nil
case "MAX_TIME": return TAggregationType_MAX_TIME, nil
case "MIN_TIME": return TAggregationType_MIN_TIME, nil
case "MAX_VALUE": return TAggregationType_MAX_VALUE, nil
case "MIN_VALUE": return TAggregationType_MIN_VALUE, nil
case "EXTREME": return TAggregationType_EXTREME, nil
case "COUNT_IF": return TAggregationType_COUNT_IF, nil
case "TIME_DURATION": return TAggregationType_TIME_DURATION, nil
case "MODE": return TAggregationType_MODE, nil
return TAggregationType(0), fmt.Errorf("not a valid TAggregationType string")
func TAggregationTypePtr(v TAggregationType) *TAggregationType { return &v }
func (p TAggregationType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(p.String()), nil
func (p *TAggregationType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
q, err := TAggregationTypeFromString(string(text))
if (err != nil) {
return err
*p = q
return nil
func (p *TAggregationType) Scan(value interface{}) error {
v, ok := value.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Scan value is not int64")
*p = TAggregationType(v)
return nil
func (p * TAggregationType) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, nil
return int64(*p), nil
type TrainingState int64
const (
TrainingState_PENDING TrainingState = 0
TrainingState_RUNNING TrainingState = 1
TrainingState_FINISHED TrainingState = 2
TrainingState_FAILED TrainingState = 3
TrainingState_DROPPING TrainingState = 4
func (p TrainingState) String() string {
switch p {
case TrainingState_PENDING: return "PENDING"
case TrainingState_RUNNING: return "RUNNING"
case TrainingState_FINISHED: return "FINISHED"
case TrainingState_FAILED: return "FAILED"
case TrainingState_DROPPING: return "DROPPING"
return "<UNSET>"
func TrainingStateFromString(s string) (TrainingState, error) {
switch s {
case "PENDING": return TrainingState_PENDING, nil
case "RUNNING": return TrainingState_RUNNING, nil
case "FINISHED": return TrainingState_FINISHED, nil
case "FAILED": return TrainingState_FAILED, nil
case "DROPPING": return TrainingState_DROPPING, nil
return TrainingState(0), fmt.Errorf("not a valid TrainingState string")
func TrainingStatePtr(v TrainingState) *TrainingState { return &v }
func (p TrainingState) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(p.String()), nil
func (p *TrainingState) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
q, err := TrainingStateFromString(string(text))
if (err != nil) {
return err
*p = q
return nil
func (p *TrainingState) Scan(value interface{}) error {
v, ok := value.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Scan value is not int64")
*p = TrainingState(v)
return nil
func (p * TrainingState) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, nil
return int64(*p), nil
type ModelTask int64
const (
ModelTask_FORECAST ModelTask = 0
func (p ModelTask) String() string {
switch p {
case ModelTask_FORECAST: return "FORECAST"
return "<UNSET>"
func ModelTaskFromString(s string) (ModelTask, error) {
switch s {
case "FORECAST": return ModelTask_FORECAST, nil
return ModelTask(0), fmt.Errorf("not a valid ModelTask string")
func ModelTaskPtr(v ModelTask) *ModelTask { return &v }
func (p ModelTask) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(p.String()), nil
func (p *ModelTask) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
q, err := ModelTaskFromString(string(text))
if (err != nil) {
return err
*p = q
return nil
func (p *ModelTask) Scan(value interface{}) error {
v, ok := value.(int64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Scan value is not int64")
*p = ModelTask(v)
return nil
func (p * ModelTask) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if p == nil {
return nil, nil
return int64(*p), nil
// Attributes:
// - IP
// - Port
type TEndPoint struct {
IP string `thrift:"ip,1,required" db:"ip" json:"ip"`
Port int32 `thrift:"port,2,required" db:"port" json:"port"`
func NewTEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
return &TEndPoint{}
func (p *TEndPoint) GetIP() string {
return p.IP
func (p *TEndPoint) GetPort() int32 {
return p.Port
func (p *TEndPoint) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetIP bool = false;
var issetPort bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRING {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetIP = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetPort = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetIP{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field IP is not set"));
if !issetPort{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Port is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TEndPoint) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.IP = v
return nil
func (p *TEndPoint) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.Port = v
return nil
func (p *TEndPoint) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TEndPoint"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TEndPoint) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "ip", thrift.STRING, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:ip: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(p.IP)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.ip (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:ip: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TEndPoint) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "port", thrift.I32, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:port: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.Port)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.port (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:port: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TEndPoint) Equals(other *TEndPoint) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.IP != other.IP { return false }
if p.Port != other.Port { return false }
return true
func (p *TEndPoint) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TEndPoint(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - Code
// - Message
// - SubStatus
// - RedirectNode
type TSStatus struct {
Code int32 `thrift:"code,1,required" db:"code" json:"code"`
Message *string `thrift:"message,2" db:"message" json:"message,omitempty"`
SubStatus []*TSStatus `thrift:"subStatus,3" db:"subStatus" json:"subStatus,omitempty"`
RedirectNode *TEndPoint `thrift:"redirectNode,4" db:"redirectNode" json:"redirectNode,omitempty"`
func NewTSStatus() *TSStatus {
return &TSStatus{}
func (p *TSStatus) GetCode() int32 {
return p.Code
var TSStatus_Message_DEFAULT string
func (p *TSStatus) GetMessage() string {
if !p.IsSetMessage() {
return TSStatus_Message_DEFAULT
return *p.Message
var TSStatus_SubStatus_DEFAULT []*TSStatus
func (p *TSStatus) GetSubStatus() []*TSStatus {
return p.SubStatus
var TSStatus_RedirectNode_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TSStatus) GetRedirectNode() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetRedirectNode() {
return TSStatus_RedirectNode_DEFAULT
return p.RedirectNode
func (p *TSStatus) IsSetMessage() bool {
return p.Message != nil
func (p *TSStatus) IsSetSubStatus() bool {
return p.SubStatus != nil
func (p *TSStatus) IsSetRedirectNode() bool {
return p.RedirectNode != nil
func (p *TSStatus) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetCode bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetCode = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRING {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 3:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField3(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 4:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField4(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetCode{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Code is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TSStatus) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.Code = v
return nil
func (p *TSStatus) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.Message = &v
return nil
func (p *TSStatus) ReadField3(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err)
tSlice := make([]*TSStatus, 0, size)
p.SubStatus = tSlice
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
_elem0 := &TSStatus{}
if err := _elem0.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", _elem0), err)
p.SubStatus = append(p.SubStatus, _elem0)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TSStatus) ReadField4(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.RedirectNode = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.RedirectNode.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.RedirectNode), err)
return nil
func (p *TSStatus) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSStatus"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField3(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField4(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSStatus) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "code", thrift.I32, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:code: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.Code)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.code (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:code: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSStatus) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetMessage() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "message", thrift.STRING, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:message: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(*p.Message)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.message (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:message: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSStatus) writeField3(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetSubStatus() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "subStatus", thrift.LIST, 3); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 3:subStatus: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(ctx, thrift.STRUCT, len(p.SubStatus)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err)
for _, v := range p.SubStatus {
if err := v.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", v), err)
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 3:subStatus: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSStatus) writeField4(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetRedirectNode() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "redirectNode", thrift.STRUCT, 4); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 4:redirectNode: ", p), err) }
if err := p.RedirectNode.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.RedirectNode), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 4:redirectNode: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSStatus) Equals(other *TSStatus) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.Code != other.Code { return false }
if p.Message != other.Message {
if p.Message == nil || other.Message == nil {
return false
if (*p.Message) != (*other.Message) { return false }
if len(p.SubStatus) != len(other.SubStatus) { return false }
for i, _tgt := range p.SubStatus {
_src1 := other.SubStatus[i]
if !_tgt.Equals(_src1) { return false }
if !p.RedirectNode.Equals(other.RedirectNode) { return false }
return true
func (p *TSStatus) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSStatus(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - Type
// - ID
type TConsensusGroupId struct {
Type TConsensusGroupType `thrift:"type,1,required" db:"type" json:"type"`
ID int32 `thrift:"id,2,required" db:"id" json:"id"`
func NewTConsensusGroupId() *TConsensusGroupId {
return &TConsensusGroupId{}
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) GetType() TConsensusGroupType {
return p.Type
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) GetID() int32 {
return p.ID
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetType bool = false;
var issetID bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetType = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetID = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetType{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Type is not set"));
if !issetID{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field ID is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
temp := TConsensusGroupType(v)
p.Type = temp
return nil
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.ID = v
return nil
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TConsensusGroupId"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "type", thrift.I32, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:type: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.Type)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.type (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:type: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "id", thrift.I32, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:id: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.ID)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf(" (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:id: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) Equals(other *TConsensusGroupId) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.Type != other.Type { return false }
if p.ID != other.ID { return false }
return true
func (p *TConsensusGroupId) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TConsensusGroupId(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - SlotId
type TSeriesPartitionSlot struct {
SlotId int32 `thrift:"slotId,1,required" db:"slotId" json:"slotId"`
func NewTSeriesPartitionSlot() *TSeriesPartitionSlot {
return &TSeriesPartitionSlot{}
func (p *TSeriesPartitionSlot) GetSlotId() int32 {
return p.SlotId
func (p *TSeriesPartitionSlot) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetSlotId bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetSlotId = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetSlotId{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field SlotId is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TSeriesPartitionSlot) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.SlotId = v
return nil
func (p *TSeriesPartitionSlot) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSeriesPartitionSlot"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSeriesPartitionSlot) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "slotId", thrift.I32, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:slotId: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.SlotId)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.slotId (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:slotId: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSeriesPartitionSlot) Equals(other *TSeriesPartitionSlot) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.SlotId != other.SlotId { return false }
return true
func (p *TSeriesPartitionSlot) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSeriesPartitionSlot(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - StartTime
type TTimePartitionSlot struct {
StartTime int64 `thrift:"startTime,1,required" db:"startTime" json:"startTime"`
func NewTTimePartitionSlot() *TTimePartitionSlot {
return &TTimePartitionSlot{}
func (p *TTimePartitionSlot) GetStartTime() int64 {
return p.StartTime
func (p *TTimePartitionSlot) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetStartTime bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetStartTime = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetStartTime{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field StartTime is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TTimePartitionSlot) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.StartTime = v
return nil
func (p *TTimePartitionSlot) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TTimePartitionSlot"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TTimePartitionSlot) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "startTime", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:startTime: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(p.StartTime)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.startTime (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:startTime: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TTimePartitionSlot) Equals(other *TTimePartitionSlot) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.StartTime != other.StartTime { return false }
return true
func (p *TTimePartitionSlot) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TTimePartitionSlot(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - RegionId
// - DataNodeLocations
type TRegionReplicaSet struct {
RegionId *TConsensusGroupId `thrift:"regionId,1,required" db:"regionId" json:"regionId"`
DataNodeLocations []*TDataNodeLocation `thrift:"dataNodeLocations,2,required" db:"dataNodeLocations" json:"dataNodeLocations"`
func NewTRegionReplicaSet() *TRegionReplicaSet {
return &TRegionReplicaSet{}
var TRegionReplicaSet_RegionId_DEFAULT *TConsensusGroupId
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) GetRegionId() *TConsensusGroupId {
if !p.IsSetRegionId() {
return TRegionReplicaSet_RegionId_DEFAULT
return p.RegionId
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) GetDataNodeLocations() []*TDataNodeLocation {
return p.DataNodeLocations
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) IsSetRegionId() bool {
return p.RegionId != nil
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetRegionId bool = false;
var issetDataNodeLocations bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetRegionId = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetDataNodeLocations = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetRegionId{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field RegionId is not set"));
if !issetDataNodeLocations{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field DataNodeLocations is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.RegionId = &TConsensusGroupId{}
if err := p.RegionId.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.RegionId), err)
return nil
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err)
tSlice := make([]*TDataNodeLocation, 0, size)
p.DataNodeLocations = tSlice
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
_elem2 := &TDataNodeLocation{}
if err := _elem2.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", _elem2), err)
p.DataNodeLocations = append(p.DataNodeLocations, _elem2)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TRegionReplicaSet"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "regionId", thrift.STRUCT, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:regionId: ", p), err) }
if err := p.RegionId.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.RegionId), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:regionId: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "dataNodeLocations", thrift.LIST, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:dataNodeLocations: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(ctx, thrift.STRUCT, len(p.DataNodeLocations)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err)
for _, v := range p.DataNodeLocations {
if err := v.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", v), err)
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:dataNodeLocations: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) Equals(other *TRegionReplicaSet) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if !p.RegionId.Equals(other.RegionId) { return false }
if len(p.DataNodeLocations) != len(other.DataNodeLocations) { return false }
for i, _tgt := range p.DataNodeLocations {
_src3 := other.DataNodeLocations[i]
if !_tgt.Equals(_src3) { return false }
return true
func (p *TRegionReplicaSet) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TRegionReplicaSet(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - CpuCoreNum
// - MaxMemory
type TNodeResource struct {
CpuCoreNum int32 `thrift:"cpuCoreNum,1,required" db:"cpuCoreNum" json:"cpuCoreNum"`
MaxMemory int64 `thrift:"maxMemory,2,required" db:"maxMemory" json:"maxMemory"`
func NewTNodeResource() *TNodeResource {
return &TNodeResource{}
func (p *TNodeResource) GetCpuCoreNum() int32 {
return p.CpuCoreNum
func (p *TNodeResource) GetMaxMemory() int64 {
return p.MaxMemory
func (p *TNodeResource) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetCpuCoreNum bool = false;
var issetMaxMemory bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetCpuCoreNum = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetMaxMemory = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetCpuCoreNum{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field CpuCoreNum is not set"));
if !issetMaxMemory{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field MaxMemory is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TNodeResource) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.CpuCoreNum = v
return nil
func (p *TNodeResource) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.MaxMemory = v
return nil
func (p *TNodeResource) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TNodeResource"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TNodeResource) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "cpuCoreNum", thrift.I32, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:cpuCoreNum: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.CpuCoreNum)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.cpuCoreNum (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:cpuCoreNum: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TNodeResource) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "maxMemory", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:maxMemory: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(p.MaxMemory)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.maxMemory (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:maxMemory: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TNodeResource) Equals(other *TNodeResource) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.CpuCoreNum != other.CpuCoreNum { return false }
if p.MaxMemory != other.MaxMemory { return false }
return true
func (p *TNodeResource) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TNodeResource(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - ConfigNodeId
// - InternalEndPoint
// - ConsensusEndPoint
type TConfigNodeLocation struct {
ConfigNodeId int32 `thrift:"configNodeId,1,required" db:"configNodeId" json:"configNodeId"`
InternalEndPoint *TEndPoint `thrift:"internalEndPoint,2,required" db:"internalEndPoint" json:"internalEndPoint"`
ConsensusEndPoint *TEndPoint `thrift:"consensusEndPoint,3,required" db:"consensusEndPoint" json:"consensusEndPoint"`
func NewTConfigNodeLocation() *TConfigNodeLocation {
return &TConfigNodeLocation{}
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) GetConfigNodeId() int32 {
return p.ConfigNodeId
var TConfigNodeLocation_InternalEndPoint_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) GetInternalEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetInternalEndPoint() {
return TConfigNodeLocation_InternalEndPoint_DEFAULT
return p.InternalEndPoint
var TConfigNodeLocation_ConsensusEndPoint_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) GetConsensusEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetConsensusEndPoint() {
return TConfigNodeLocation_ConsensusEndPoint_DEFAULT
return p.ConsensusEndPoint
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) IsSetInternalEndPoint() bool {
return p.InternalEndPoint != nil
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) IsSetConsensusEndPoint() bool {
return p.ConsensusEndPoint != nil
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetConfigNodeId bool = false;
var issetInternalEndPoint bool = false;
var issetConsensusEndPoint bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetConfigNodeId = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetInternalEndPoint = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 3:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField3(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetConsensusEndPoint = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetConfigNodeId{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field ConfigNodeId is not set"));
if !issetInternalEndPoint{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field InternalEndPoint is not set"));
if !issetConsensusEndPoint{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field ConsensusEndPoint is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.ConfigNodeId = v
return nil
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.InternalEndPoint = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.InternalEndPoint.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.InternalEndPoint), err)
return nil
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) ReadField3(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.ConsensusEndPoint = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.ConsensusEndPoint.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.ConsensusEndPoint), err)
return nil
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TConfigNodeLocation"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField3(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "configNodeId", thrift.I32, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:configNodeId: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.ConfigNodeId)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.configNodeId (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:configNodeId: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "internalEndPoint", thrift.STRUCT, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:internalEndPoint: ", p), err) }
if err := p.InternalEndPoint.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.InternalEndPoint), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:internalEndPoint: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) writeField3(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "consensusEndPoint", thrift.STRUCT, 3); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 3:consensusEndPoint: ", p), err) }
if err := p.ConsensusEndPoint.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.ConsensusEndPoint), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 3:consensusEndPoint: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) Equals(other *TConfigNodeLocation) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.ConfigNodeId != other.ConfigNodeId { return false }
if !p.InternalEndPoint.Equals(other.InternalEndPoint) { return false }
if !p.ConsensusEndPoint.Equals(other.ConsensusEndPoint) { return false }
return true
func (p *TConfigNodeLocation) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TConfigNodeLocation(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - DataNodeId
// - ClientRpcEndPoint
// - InternalEndPoint
// - MPPDataExchangeEndPoint
// - DataRegionConsensusEndPoint
// - SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint
type TDataNodeLocation struct {
DataNodeId int32 `thrift:"dataNodeId,1,required" db:"dataNodeId" json:"dataNodeId"`
ClientRpcEndPoint *TEndPoint `thrift:"clientRpcEndPoint,2,required" db:"clientRpcEndPoint" json:"clientRpcEndPoint"`
InternalEndPoint *TEndPoint `thrift:"internalEndPoint,3,required" db:"internalEndPoint" json:"internalEndPoint"`
MPPDataExchangeEndPoint *TEndPoint `thrift:"mPPDataExchangeEndPoint,4,required" db:"mPPDataExchangeEndPoint" json:"mPPDataExchangeEndPoint"`
DataRegionConsensusEndPoint *TEndPoint `thrift:"dataRegionConsensusEndPoint,5,required" db:"dataRegionConsensusEndPoint" json:"dataRegionConsensusEndPoint"`
SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint *TEndPoint `thrift:"schemaRegionConsensusEndPoint,6,required" db:"schemaRegionConsensusEndPoint" json:"schemaRegionConsensusEndPoint"`
func NewTDataNodeLocation() *TDataNodeLocation {
return &TDataNodeLocation{}
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) GetDataNodeId() int32 {
return p.DataNodeId
var TDataNodeLocation_ClientRpcEndPoint_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) GetClientRpcEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetClientRpcEndPoint() {
return TDataNodeLocation_ClientRpcEndPoint_DEFAULT
return p.ClientRpcEndPoint
var TDataNodeLocation_InternalEndPoint_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) GetInternalEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetInternalEndPoint() {
return TDataNodeLocation_InternalEndPoint_DEFAULT
return p.InternalEndPoint
var TDataNodeLocation_MPPDataExchangeEndPoint_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) GetMPPDataExchangeEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetMPPDataExchangeEndPoint() {
return TDataNodeLocation_MPPDataExchangeEndPoint_DEFAULT
return p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint
var TDataNodeLocation_DataRegionConsensusEndPoint_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) GetDataRegionConsensusEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetDataRegionConsensusEndPoint() {
return TDataNodeLocation_DataRegionConsensusEndPoint_DEFAULT
return p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint
var TDataNodeLocation_SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint_DEFAULT *TEndPoint
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) GetSchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint() *TEndPoint {
if !p.IsSetSchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint() {
return TDataNodeLocation_SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint_DEFAULT
return p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) IsSetClientRpcEndPoint() bool {
return p.ClientRpcEndPoint != nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) IsSetInternalEndPoint() bool {
return p.InternalEndPoint != nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) IsSetMPPDataExchangeEndPoint() bool {
return p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint != nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) IsSetDataRegionConsensusEndPoint() bool {
return p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint != nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) IsSetSchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint() bool {
return p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint != nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetDataNodeId bool = false;
var issetClientRpcEndPoint bool = false;
var issetInternalEndPoint bool = false;
var issetMPPDataExchangeEndPoint bool = false;
var issetDataRegionConsensusEndPoint bool = false;
var issetSchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetDataNodeId = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetClientRpcEndPoint = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 3:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField3(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetInternalEndPoint = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 4:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField4(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetMPPDataExchangeEndPoint = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 5:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField5(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetDataRegionConsensusEndPoint = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 6:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField6(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetSchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetDataNodeId{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field DataNodeId is not set"));
if !issetClientRpcEndPoint{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field ClientRpcEndPoint is not set"));
if !issetInternalEndPoint{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field InternalEndPoint is not set"));
if !issetMPPDataExchangeEndPoint{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field MPPDataExchangeEndPoint is not set"));
if !issetDataRegionConsensusEndPoint{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field DataRegionConsensusEndPoint is not set"));
if !issetSchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.DataNodeId = v
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.ClientRpcEndPoint = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.ClientRpcEndPoint.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.ClientRpcEndPoint), err)
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) ReadField3(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.InternalEndPoint = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.InternalEndPoint.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.InternalEndPoint), err)
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) ReadField4(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint), err)
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) ReadField5(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint), err)
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) ReadField6(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint = &TEndPoint{}
if err := p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint), err)
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TDataNodeLocation"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField3(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField4(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField5(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField6(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "dataNodeId", thrift.I32, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:dataNodeId: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(p.DataNodeId)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.dataNodeId (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:dataNodeId: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "clientRpcEndPoint", thrift.STRUCT, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:clientRpcEndPoint: ", p), err) }
if err := p.ClientRpcEndPoint.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.ClientRpcEndPoint), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:clientRpcEndPoint: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) writeField3(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "internalEndPoint", thrift.STRUCT, 3); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 3:internalEndPoint: ", p), err) }
if err := p.InternalEndPoint.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.InternalEndPoint), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 3:internalEndPoint: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) writeField4(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "mPPDataExchangeEndPoint", thrift.STRUCT, 4); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 4:mPPDataExchangeEndPoint: ", p), err) }
if err := p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 4:mPPDataExchangeEndPoint: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) writeField5(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "dataRegionConsensusEndPoint", thrift.STRUCT, 5); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 5:dataRegionConsensusEndPoint: ", p), err) }
if err := p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 5:dataRegionConsensusEndPoint: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) writeField6(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "schemaRegionConsensusEndPoint", thrift.STRUCT, 6); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 6:schemaRegionConsensusEndPoint: ", p), err) }
if err := p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 6:schemaRegionConsensusEndPoint: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) Equals(other *TDataNodeLocation) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.DataNodeId != other.DataNodeId { return false }
if !p.ClientRpcEndPoint.Equals(other.ClientRpcEndPoint) { return false }
if !p.InternalEndPoint.Equals(other.InternalEndPoint) { return false }
if !p.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint.Equals(other.MPPDataExchangeEndPoint) { return false }
if !p.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint.Equals(other.DataRegionConsensusEndPoint) { return false }
if !p.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint.Equals(other.SchemaRegionConsensusEndPoint) { return false }
return true
func (p *TDataNodeLocation) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TDataNodeLocation(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - Location
// - Resource
type TDataNodeConfiguration struct {
Location *TDataNodeLocation `thrift:"location,1,required" db:"location" json:"location"`
Resource *TNodeResource `thrift:"resource,2,required" db:"resource" json:"resource"`
func NewTDataNodeConfiguration() *TDataNodeConfiguration {
return &TDataNodeConfiguration{}
var TDataNodeConfiguration_Location_DEFAULT *TDataNodeLocation
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) GetLocation() *TDataNodeLocation {
if !p.IsSetLocation() {
return TDataNodeConfiguration_Location_DEFAULT
return p.Location
var TDataNodeConfiguration_Resource_DEFAULT *TNodeResource
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) GetResource() *TNodeResource {
if !p.IsSetResource() {
return TDataNodeConfiguration_Resource_DEFAULT
return p.Resource
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) IsSetLocation() bool {
return p.Location != nil
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) IsSetResource() bool {
return p.Resource != nil
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetLocation bool = false;
var issetResource bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetLocation = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetResource = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetLocation{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Location is not set"));
if !issetResource{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Resource is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.Location = &TDataNodeLocation{}
if err := p.Location.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.Location), err)
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.Resource = &TNodeResource{}
if err := p.Resource.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.Resource), err)
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TDataNodeConfiguration"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "location", thrift.STRUCT, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:location: ", p), err) }
if err := p.Location.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.Location), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:location: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "resource", thrift.STRUCT, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:resource: ", p), err) }
if err := p.Resource.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.Resource), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:resource: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) Equals(other *TDataNodeConfiguration) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if !p.Location.Equals(other.Location) { return false }
if !p.Resource.Equals(other.Resource) { return false }
return true
func (p *TDataNodeConfiguration) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TDataNodeConfiguration(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - IsSeq
// - StorageGroups
type TFlushReq struct {
IsSeq *string `thrift:"isSeq,1" db:"isSeq" json:"isSeq,omitempty"`
StorageGroups []string `thrift:"storageGroups,2" db:"storageGroups" json:"storageGroups,omitempty"`
func NewTFlushReq() *TFlushReq {
return &TFlushReq{}
var TFlushReq_IsSeq_DEFAULT string
func (p *TFlushReq) GetIsSeq() string {
if !p.IsSetIsSeq() {
return TFlushReq_IsSeq_DEFAULT
return *p.IsSeq
var TFlushReq_StorageGroups_DEFAULT []string
func (p *TFlushReq) GetStorageGroups() []string {
return p.StorageGroups
func (p *TFlushReq) IsSetIsSeq() bool {
return p.IsSeq != nil
func (p *TFlushReq) IsSetStorageGroups() bool {
return p.StorageGroups != nil
func (p *TFlushReq) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRING {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
return nil
func (p *TFlushReq) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.IsSeq = &v
return nil
func (p *TFlushReq) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err)
tSlice := make([]string, 0, size)
p.StorageGroups = tSlice
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
var _elem4 string
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 0: ", err)
} else {
_elem4 = v
p.StorageGroups = append(p.StorageGroups, _elem4)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TFlushReq) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TFlushReq"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TFlushReq) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetIsSeq() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "isSeq", thrift.STRING, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:isSeq: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(*p.IsSeq)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.isSeq (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:isSeq: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TFlushReq) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetStorageGroups() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "storageGroups", thrift.LIST, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:storageGroups: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(ctx, thrift.STRING, len(p.StorageGroups)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err)
for _, v := range p.StorageGroups {
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(v)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T. (0) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:storageGroups: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TFlushReq) Equals(other *TFlushReq) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.IsSeq != other.IsSeq {
if p.IsSeq == nil || other.IsSeq == nil {
return false
if (*p.IsSeq) != (*other.IsSeq) { return false }
if len(p.StorageGroups) != len(other.StorageGroups) { return false }
for i, _tgt := range p.StorageGroups {
_src5 := other.StorageGroups[i]
if _tgt != _src5 { return false }
return true
func (p *TFlushReq) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TFlushReq(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - Paths
type TSettleReq struct {
Paths []string `thrift:"paths,1,required" db:"paths" json:"paths"`
func NewTSettleReq() *TSettleReq {
return &TSettleReq{}
func (p *TSettleReq) GetPaths() []string {
return p.Paths
func (p *TSettleReq) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetPaths bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetPaths = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetPaths{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Paths is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TSettleReq) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err)
tSlice := make([]string, 0, size)
p.Paths = tSlice
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
var _elem6 string
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 0: ", err)
} else {
_elem6 = v
p.Paths = append(p.Paths, _elem6)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TSettleReq) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSettleReq"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSettleReq) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "paths", thrift.LIST, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:paths: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(ctx, thrift.STRING, len(p.Paths)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err)
for _, v := range p.Paths {
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(v)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T. (0) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:paths: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSettleReq) Equals(other *TSettleReq) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if len(p.Paths) != len(other.Paths) { return false }
for i, _tgt := range p.Paths {
_src7 := other.Paths[i]
if _tgt != _src7 { return false }
return true
func (p *TSettleReq) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSettleReq(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - NodeName
// - NodeType
type TSchemaNode struct {
NodeName string `thrift:"nodeName,1,required" db:"nodeName" json:"nodeName"`
NodeType int8 `thrift:"nodeType,2,required" db:"nodeType" json:"nodeType"`
func NewTSchemaNode() *TSchemaNode {
return &TSchemaNode{}
func (p *TSchemaNode) GetNodeName() string {
return p.NodeName
func (p *TSchemaNode) GetNodeType() int8 {
return p.NodeType
func (p *TSchemaNode) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetNodeName bool = false;
var issetNodeType bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRING {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetNodeName = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.BYTE {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetNodeType = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetNodeName{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field NodeName is not set"));
if !issetNodeType{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field NodeType is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TSchemaNode) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.NodeName = v
return nil
func (p *TSchemaNode) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadByte(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
temp := int8(v)
p.NodeType = temp
return nil
func (p *TSchemaNode) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSchemaNode"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSchemaNode) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "nodeName", thrift.STRING, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:nodeName: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(p.NodeName)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.nodeName (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:nodeName: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSchemaNode) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "nodeType", thrift.BYTE, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:nodeType: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteByte(ctx, int8(p.NodeType)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.nodeType (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:nodeType: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSchemaNode) Equals(other *TSchemaNode) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.NodeName != other.NodeName { return false }
if p.NodeType != other.NodeType { return false }
return true
func (p *TSchemaNode) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSchemaNode(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - StorageGroupPathPattern
// - TTL
type TSetTTLReq struct {
StorageGroupPathPattern []string `thrift:"storageGroupPathPattern,1,required" db:"storageGroupPathPattern" json:"storageGroupPathPattern"`
TTL int64 `thrift:"TTL,2,required" db:"TTL" json:"TTL"`
func NewTSetTTLReq() *TSetTTLReq {
return &TSetTTLReq{}
func (p *TSetTTLReq) GetStorageGroupPathPattern() []string {
return p.StorageGroupPathPattern
func (p *TSetTTLReq) GetTTL() int64 {
return p.TTL
func (p *TSetTTLReq) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetStorageGroupPathPattern bool = false;
var issetTTL bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetStorageGroupPathPattern = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetTTL = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetStorageGroupPathPattern{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field StorageGroupPathPattern is not set"));
if !issetTTL{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field TTL is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TSetTTLReq) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err)
tSlice := make([]string, 0, size)
p.StorageGroupPathPattern = tSlice
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
var _elem8 string
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 0: ", err)
} else {
_elem8 = v
p.StorageGroupPathPattern = append(p.StorageGroupPathPattern, _elem8)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TSetTTLReq) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.TTL = v
return nil
func (p *TSetTTLReq) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSetTTLReq"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSetTTLReq) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "storageGroupPathPattern", thrift.LIST, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:storageGroupPathPattern: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(ctx, thrift.STRING, len(p.StorageGroupPathPattern)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err)
for _, v := range p.StorageGroupPathPattern {
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(v)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T. (0) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:storageGroupPathPattern: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSetTTLReq) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "TTL", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:TTL: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(p.TTL)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.TTL (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:TTL: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSetTTLReq) Equals(other *TSetTTLReq) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if len(p.StorageGroupPathPattern) != len(other.StorageGroupPathPattern) { return false }
for i, _tgt := range p.StorageGroupPathPattern {
_src9 := other.StorageGroupPathPattern[i]
if _tgt != _src9 { return false }
if p.TTL != other.TTL { return false }
return true
func (p *TSetTTLReq) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSetTTLReq(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - FileName
// - File
type TFile struct {
FileName string `thrift:"fileName,1,required" db:"fileName" json:"fileName"`
File []byte `thrift:"file,2,required" db:"file" json:"file"`
func NewTFile() *TFile {
return &TFile{}
func (p *TFile) GetFileName() string {
return p.FileName
func (p *TFile) GetFile() []byte {
return p.File
func (p *TFile) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetFileName bool = false;
var issetFile bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRING {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetFileName = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRING {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetFile = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetFileName{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field FileName is not set"));
if !issetFile{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field File is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TFile) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.FileName = v
return nil
func (p *TFile) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadBinary(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.File = v
return nil
func (p *TFile) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TFile"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TFile) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "fileName", thrift.STRING, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:fileName: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(p.FileName)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.fileName (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:fileName: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TFile) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "file", thrift.STRING, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:file: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteBinary(ctx, p.File); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.file (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:file: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TFile) Equals(other *TFile) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.FileName != other.FileName { return false }
if bytes.Compare(p.File, other.File) != 0 { return false }
return true
func (p *TFile) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TFile(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - Status
// - Files
type TFilesResp struct {
Status *TSStatus `thrift:"status,1,required" db:"status" json:"status"`
Files []*TFile `thrift:"files,2,required" db:"files" json:"files"`
func NewTFilesResp() *TFilesResp {
return &TFilesResp{}
var TFilesResp_Status_DEFAULT *TSStatus
func (p *TFilesResp) GetStatus() *TSStatus {
if !p.IsSetStatus() {
return TFilesResp_Status_DEFAULT
return p.Status
func (p *TFilesResp) GetFiles() []*TFile {
return p.Files
func (p *TFilesResp) IsSetStatus() bool {
return p.Status != nil
func (p *TFilesResp) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetStatus bool = false;
var issetFiles bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetStatus = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetFiles = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetStatus{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Status is not set"));
if !issetFiles{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Files is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TFilesResp) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.Status = &TSStatus{}
if err := p.Status.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.Status), err)
return nil
func (p *TFilesResp) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err)
tSlice := make([]*TFile, 0, size)
p.Files = tSlice
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
_elem10 := &TFile{}
if err := _elem10.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", _elem10), err)
p.Files = append(p.Files, _elem10)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TFilesResp) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TFilesResp"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TFilesResp) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "status", thrift.STRUCT, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:status: ", p), err) }
if err := p.Status.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.Status), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:status: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TFilesResp) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "files", thrift.LIST, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:files: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(ctx, thrift.STRUCT, len(p.Files)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err)
for _, v := range p.Files {
if err := v.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", v), err)
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:files: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TFilesResp) Equals(other *TFilesResp) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if !p.Status.Equals(other.Status) { return false }
if len(p.Files) != len(other.Files) { return false }
for i, _tgt := range p.Files {
_src11 := other.Files[i]
if !_tgt.Equals(_src11) { return false }
return true
func (p *TFilesResp) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TFilesResp(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - DiskSize
// - DeviceNum
// - TimeserieNum
type TSpaceQuota struct {
DiskSize *int64 `thrift:"diskSize,1" db:"diskSize" json:"diskSize,omitempty"`
DeviceNum *int64 `thrift:"deviceNum,2" db:"deviceNum" json:"deviceNum,omitempty"`
TimeserieNum *int64 `thrift:"timeserieNum,3" db:"timeserieNum" json:"timeserieNum,omitempty"`
func NewTSpaceQuota() *TSpaceQuota {
return &TSpaceQuota{}
var TSpaceQuota_DiskSize_DEFAULT int64
func (p *TSpaceQuota) GetDiskSize() int64 {
if !p.IsSetDiskSize() {
return TSpaceQuota_DiskSize_DEFAULT
return *p.DiskSize
var TSpaceQuota_DeviceNum_DEFAULT int64
func (p *TSpaceQuota) GetDeviceNum() int64 {
if !p.IsSetDeviceNum() {
return TSpaceQuota_DeviceNum_DEFAULT
return *p.DeviceNum
var TSpaceQuota_TimeserieNum_DEFAULT int64
func (p *TSpaceQuota) GetTimeserieNum() int64 {
if !p.IsSetTimeserieNum() {
return TSpaceQuota_TimeserieNum_DEFAULT
return *p.TimeserieNum
func (p *TSpaceQuota) IsSetDiskSize() bool {
return p.DiskSize != nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) IsSetDeviceNum() bool {
return p.DeviceNum != nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) IsSetTimeserieNum() bool {
return p.TimeserieNum != nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 3:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField3(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
return nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.DiskSize = &v
return nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.DeviceNum = &v
return nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) ReadField3(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 3: ", err)
} else {
p.TimeserieNum = &v
return nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSpaceQuota"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField3(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSpaceQuota) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetDiskSize() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "diskSize", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:diskSize: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(*p.DiskSize)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.diskSize (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:diskSize: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSpaceQuota) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetDeviceNum() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "deviceNum", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:deviceNum: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(*p.DeviceNum)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.deviceNum (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:deviceNum: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSpaceQuota) writeField3(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetTimeserieNum() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "timeserieNum", thrift.I64, 3); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 3:timeserieNum: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(*p.TimeserieNum)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.timeserieNum (3) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 3:timeserieNum: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSpaceQuota) Equals(other *TSpaceQuota) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.DiskSize != other.DiskSize {
if p.DiskSize == nil || other.DiskSize == nil {
return false
if (*p.DiskSize) != (*other.DiskSize) { return false }
if p.DeviceNum != other.DeviceNum {
if p.DeviceNum == nil || other.DeviceNum == nil {
return false
if (*p.DeviceNum) != (*other.DeviceNum) { return false }
if p.TimeserieNum != other.TimeserieNum {
if p.TimeserieNum == nil || other.TimeserieNum == nil {
return false
if (*p.TimeserieNum) != (*other.TimeserieNum) { return false }
return true
func (p *TSpaceQuota) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSpaceQuota(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - TimeUnit
// - SoftLimit
type TTimedQuota struct {
TimeUnit int64 `thrift:"timeUnit,1,required" db:"timeUnit" json:"timeUnit"`
SoftLimit int64 `thrift:"softLimit,2,required" db:"softLimit" json:"softLimit"`
func NewTTimedQuota() *TTimedQuota {
return &TTimedQuota{}
func (p *TTimedQuota) GetTimeUnit() int64 {
return p.TimeUnit
func (p *TTimedQuota) GetSoftLimit() int64 {
return p.SoftLimit
func (p *TTimedQuota) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetTimeUnit bool = false;
var issetSoftLimit bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetTimeUnit = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetSoftLimit = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetTimeUnit{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field TimeUnit is not set"));
if !issetSoftLimit{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field SoftLimit is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TTimedQuota) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.TimeUnit = v
return nil
func (p *TTimedQuota) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.SoftLimit = v
return nil
func (p *TTimedQuota) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TTimedQuota"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TTimedQuota) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "timeUnit", thrift.I64, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:timeUnit: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(p.TimeUnit)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.timeUnit (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:timeUnit: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TTimedQuota) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "softLimit", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:softLimit: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(p.SoftLimit)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.softLimit (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:softLimit: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TTimedQuota) Equals(other *TTimedQuota) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.TimeUnit != other.TimeUnit { return false }
if p.SoftLimit != other.SoftLimit { return false }
return true
func (p *TTimedQuota) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TTimedQuota(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - ThrottleLimit
// - MemLimit
// - CpuLimit
type TThrottleQuota struct {
ThrottleLimit map[ThrottleType]*TTimedQuota `thrift:"throttleLimit,1" db:"throttleLimit" json:"throttleLimit,omitempty"`
MemLimit *int64 `thrift:"memLimit,2" db:"memLimit" json:"memLimit,omitempty"`
CpuLimit *int32 `thrift:"cpuLimit,3" db:"cpuLimit" json:"cpuLimit,omitempty"`
func NewTThrottleQuota() *TThrottleQuota {
return &TThrottleQuota{}
var TThrottleQuota_ThrottleLimit_DEFAULT map[ThrottleType]*TTimedQuota
func (p *TThrottleQuota) GetThrottleLimit() map[ThrottleType]*TTimedQuota {
return p.ThrottleLimit
var TThrottleQuota_MemLimit_DEFAULT int64
func (p *TThrottleQuota) GetMemLimit() int64 {
if !p.IsSetMemLimit() {
return TThrottleQuota_MemLimit_DEFAULT
return *p.MemLimit
var TThrottleQuota_CpuLimit_DEFAULT int32
func (p *TThrottleQuota) GetCpuLimit() int32 {
if !p.IsSetCpuLimit() {
return TThrottleQuota_CpuLimit_DEFAULT
return *p.CpuLimit
func (p *TThrottleQuota) IsSetThrottleLimit() bool {
return p.ThrottleLimit != nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) IsSetMemLimit() bool {
return p.MemLimit != nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) IsSetCpuLimit() bool {
return p.CpuLimit != nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.MAP {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I64 {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 3:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.I32 {
if err := p.ReadField3(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
return nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, _, size, err := iprot.ReadMapBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading map begin: ", err)
tMap := make(map[ThrottleType]*TTimedQuota, size)
p.ThrottleLimit = tMap
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
var _key12 ThrottleType
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 0: ", err)
} else {
temp := ThrottleType(v)
_key12 = temp
_val13 := &TTimedQuota{}
if err := _val13.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", _val13), err)
p.ThrottleLimit[_key12] = _val13
if err := iprot.ReadMapEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading map end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI64(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 2: ", err)
} else {
p.MemLimit = &v
return nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) ReadField3(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadI32(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 3: ", err)
} else {
p.CpuLimit = &v
return nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TThrottleQuota"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField3(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TThrottleQuota) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetThrottleLimit() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "throttleLimit", thrift.MAP, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:throttleLimit: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteMapBegin(ctx, thrift.I32, thrift.STRUCT, len(p.ThrottleLimit)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing map begin: ", err)
for k, v := range p.ThrottleLimit {
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(k)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T. (0) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := v.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", v), err)
if err := oprot.WriteMapEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing map end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:throttleLimit: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TThrottleQuota) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetMemLimit() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "memLimit", thrift.I64, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:memLimit: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI64(ctx, int64(*p.MemLimit)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.memLimit (2) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:memLimit: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TThrottleQuota) writeField3(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if p.IsSetCpuLimit() {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "cpuLimit", thrift.I32, 3); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 3:cpuLimit: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteI32(ctx, int32(*p.CpuLimit)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.cpuLimit (3) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 3:cpuLimit: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TThrottleQuota) Equals(other *TThrottleQuota) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if len(p.ThrottleLimit) != len(other.ThrottleLimit) { return false }
for k, _tgt := range p.ThrottleLimit {
_src14 := other.ThrottleLimit[k]
if !_tgt.Equals(_src14) { return false }
if p.MemLimit != other.MemLimit {
if p.MemLimit == nil || other.MemLimit == nil {
return false
if (*p.MemLimit) != (*other.MemLimit) { return false }
if p.CpuLimit != other.CpuLimit {
if p.CpuLimit == nil || other.CpuLimit == nil {
return false
if (*p.CpuLimit) != (*other.CpuLimit) { return false }
return true
func (p *TThrottleQuota) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TThrottleQuota(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - Database
// - SpaceLimit
type TSetSpaceQuotaReq struct {
Database []string `thrift:"database,1,required" db:"database" json:"database"`
SpaceLimit *TSpaceQuota `thrift:"spaceLimit,2,required" db:"spaceLimit" json:"spaceLimit"`
func NewTSetSpaceQuotaReq() *TSetSpaceQuotaReq {
return &TSetSpaceQuotaReq{}
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) GetDatabase() []string {
return p.Database
var TSetSpaceQuotaReq_SpaceLimit_DEFAULT *TSpaceQuota
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) GetSpaceLimit() *TSpaceQuota {
if !p.IsSetSpaceLimit() {
return TSetSpaceQuotaReq_SpaceLimit_DEFAULT
return p.SpaceLimit
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) IsSetSpaceLimit() bool {
return p.SpaceLimit != nil
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetDatabase bool = false;
var issetSpaceLimit bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.LIST {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetDatabase = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetSpaceLimit = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetDatabase{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field Database is not set"));
if !issetSpaceLimit{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field SpaceLimit is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
_, size, err := iprot.ReadListBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list begin: ", err)
tSlice := make([]string, 0, size)
p.Database = tSlice
for i := 0; i < size; i ++ {
var _elem15 string
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 0: ", err)
} else {
_elem15 = v
p.Database = append(p.Database, _elem15)
if err := iprot.ReadListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading list end: ", err)
return nil
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.SpaceLimit = &TSpaceQuota{}
if err := p.SpaceLimit.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.SpaceLimit), err)
return nil
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSetSpaceQuotaReq"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "database", thrift.LIST, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:database: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListBegin(ctx, thrift.STRING, len(p.Database)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list begin: ", err)
for _, v := range p.Database {
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(v)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T. (0) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteListEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error writing list end: ", err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:database: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "spaceLimit", thrift.STRUCT, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:spaceLimit: ", p), err) }
if err := p.SpaceLimit.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.SpaceLimit), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:spaceLimit: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) Equals(other *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if len(p.Database) != len(other.Database) { return false }
for i, _tgt := range p.Database {
_src16 := other.Database[i]
if _tgt != _src16 { return false }
if !p.SpaceLimit.Equals(other.SpaceLimit) { return false }
return true
func (p *TSetSpaceQuotaReq) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSetSpaceQuotaReq(%+v)", *p)
// Attributes:
// - UserName
// - ThrottleQuota
type TSetThrottleQuotaReq struct {
UserName string `thrift:"userName,1,required" db:"userName" json:"userName"`
ThrottleQuota *TThrottleQuota `thrift:"throttleQuota,2,required" db:"throttleQuota" json:"throttleQuota"`
func NewTSetThrottleQuotaReq() *TSetThrottleQuotaReq {
return &TSetThrottleQuotaReq{}
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) GetUserName() string {
return p.UserName
var TSetThrottleQuotaReq_ThrottleQuota_DEFAULT *TThrottleQuota
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) GetThrottleQuota() *TThrottleQuota {
if !p.IsSetThrottleQuota() {
return TSetThrottleQuotaReq_ThrottleQuota_DEFAULT
return p.ThrottleQuota
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) IsSetThrottleQuota() bool {
return p.ThrottleQuota != nil
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) Read(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if _, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read error: ", p), err)
var issetUserName bool = false;
var issetThrottleQuota bool = false;
for {
_, fieldTypeId, fieldId, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T field %d read error: ", p, fieldId), err)
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STOP { break; }
switch fieldId {
case 1:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRING {
if err := p.ReadField1(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetUserName = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if fieldTypeId == thrift.STRUCT {
if err := p.ReadField2(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return err
issetThrottleQuota = true
} else {
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.Skip(ctx, fieldTypeId); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T read struct end error: ", p), err)
if !issetUserName{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field UserName is not set"));
if !issetThrottleQuota{
return thrift.NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(thrift.INVALID_DATA, fmt.Errorf("Required field ThrottleQuota is not set"));
return nil
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) ReadField1(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if v, err := iprot.ReadString(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("error reading field 1: ", err)
} else {
p.UserName = v
return nil
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) ReadField2(ctx context.Context, iprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
p.ThrottleQuota = &TThrottleQuota{}
if err := p.ThrottleQuota.Read(ctx, iprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error reading struct: ", p.ThrottleQuota), err)
return nil
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) Write(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) error {
if err := oprot.WriteStructBegin(ctx, "TSetThrottleQuotaReq"); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write struct begin error: ", p), err) }
if p != nil {
if err := p.writeField1(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := p.writeField2(ctx, oprot); err != nil { return err }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldStop(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write field stop error: ", err) }
if err := oprot.WriteStructEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError("write struct stop error: ", err) }
return nil
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) writeField1(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "userName", thrift.STRING, 1); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 1:userName: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteString(ctx, string(p.UserName)); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T.userName (1) field write error: ", p), err) }
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 1:userName: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) writeField2(ctx context.Context, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (err error) {
if err := oprot.WriteFieldBegin(ctx, "throttleQuota", thrift.STRUCT, 2); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field begin error 2:throttleQuota: ", p), err) }
if err := p.ThrottleQuota.Write(ctx, oprot); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T error writing struct: ", p.ThrottleQuota), err)
if err := oprot.WriteFieldEnd(ctx); err != nil {
return thrift.PrependError(fmt.Sprintf("%T write field end error 2:throttleQuota: ", p), err) }
return err
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) Equals(other *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) bool {
if p == other {
return true
} else if p == nil || other == nil {
return false
if p.UserName != other.UserName { return false }
if !p.ThrottleQuota.Equals(other.ThrottleQuota) { return false }
return true
func (p *TSetThrottleQuotaReq) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("TSetThrottleQuotaReq(%+v)", *p)