blob: fcae4156d3dbf3bf9a0e1567359fb2ef7e707fab [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package client
type TSDataType int16
type TSEncoding int16
type TSCompressionType int16
const (
UNKNOW TSDataType = -1
BOOLEAN TSDataType = 0
INT32 TSDataType = 1
INT64 TSDataType = 2
FLOAT TSDataType = 3
DOUBLE TSDataType = 4
TEXT TSDataType = 5
const (
PLAIN TSEncoding = 0
RLE TSEncoding = 2
DIFF TSEncoding = 3
TS_2DIFF TSEncoding = 4
BITMAP TSEncoding = 5
GORILLA_V1 TSEncoding = 6
REGULAR TSEncoding = 7
GORILLA TSEncoding = 8
const (
UNCOMPRESSED TSCompressionType = 0
SNAPPY TSCompressionType = 1
GZIP TSCompressionType = 2
LZO TSCompressionType = 3
SDT TSCompressionType = 4
PAA TSCompressionType = 5
PLA TSCompressionType = 6
LZ4 TSCompressionType = 7
const (
SuccessStatus int32 = 200
StillExecutingStatus int32 = 201
InvalidHandleStatus int32 = 202
IncompatibleVersion int32 = 203
NodeDeleteFailedError int32 = 298
AliasAlreadyExistError int32 = 299
PathAlreadyExistError int32 = 300
PathNotExistError int32 = 301
UnsupportedFetchMetadataOperationError int32 = 302
MetadataError int32 = 303
TimeseriesNotExist int32 = 304
OutOfTTLError int32 = 305
ConfigAdjuster int32 = 306
MergeError int32 = 307
SystemCheckError int32 = 308
SyncDeviceOwnerConflictError int32 = 309
SyncConnectionException int32 = 310
StorageGroupProcessorError int32 = 311
StorageGroupError int32 = 312
StorageEngineError int32 = 313
TsfileProcessorError int32 = 314
PathIllegal int32 = 315
LoadFileError int32 = 316
StorageGroupNotReady int32 = 317
ExecuteStatementError int32 = 400
SQLParseError int32 = 401
GenerateTimeZoneError int32 = 402
SetTimeZoneError int32 = 403
NotStorageGroupError int32 = 404
QueryNotAllowed int32 = 405
AstFormatError int32 = 406
LogicalOperatorError int32 = 407
LogicalOptimizeError int32 = 408
UnsupportedFillTypeError int32 = 409
PathErroRint32 = 410
QueryProcessError int32 = 411
WriteProcessError int32 = 412
WriteProcessReject int32 = 413
UnsupportedIndexFuncError int32 = 421
UnsupportedIndexTypeError int32 = 422
InternalServerError int32 = 500
CloseOperationError int32 = 501
ReadOnlySystemError int32 = 502
DiskSpaceInsufficientError int32 = 503
StartUpError int32 = 504
ShutDownError int32 = 505
MultipleError int32 = 506
WrongLoginPasswordError int32 = 600
NotLoginError int32 = 601
NoPermissionError int32 = 602
UninitializedAuthError int32 = 603
PartitionNotReady int32 = 700
TimeOut int32 = 701
NoLeader int32 = 702
UnsupportedOperation int32 = 703
NodeReadOnly int32 = 704
ConsistencyFailure int32 = 705
NoConnection int32 = 706
NeedRedirection int32 = 707