blob: 0becf9887cf5813659edef733573449bf95b5f56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
import { FormSchema } from '/@/components/Form';
import { useI18n } from '/@/hooks/web/useI18n';
const { t } = useI18n();
export const alertFormSchema: Array<FormSchema> = [
field: 'alertType',
label: t('setting.alarm.faultAlertType'),
component: 'Select',
slot: 'type',
dynamicRules: () => [{ required: true, message: t('setting.alarm.faultAlertTypeIsRequired') }],
field: 'alertEmail',
label: t('setting.alarm.alertEmail'),
component: 'Input',
colSlot: 'alertEmail',
field: 'alertDingURL',
label: t('setting.alarm.dingTalkUrl'),
component: 'Input',
colSlot: 'alertDingURL',
field: 'dingtalkToken',
label: t('setting.alarm.dingtalkAccessToken'),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t('setting.alarm.dingtalkAccessTokenPlaceholder'),
rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Access token is required' }],
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('2'),
field: 'dingtalkSecretEnable',
label: t('setting.alarm.secretEnable'),
component: 'Switch',
componentProps: {
checkedChildren: 'ON',
unCheckedChildren: 'OFF',
helpMessage: t('setting.alarm.secretTokenEnableHelpMessage'),
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('2'),
field: 'dingtalkSecretToken',
label: t('setting.alarm.secretToken'),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t('setting.alarm.secretTokenPlaceholder'),
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('2') && model.dingtalkSecretEnable,
rules: [
required: true,
message: t('setting.alarm.dingTalkSecretTokenIsRequired'),
trigger: 'blur',
field: 'alertDingUser',
label: t('setting.alarm.dingTalkUser'),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t('setting.alarm.dingTalkUserPlaceholder'),
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('2'),
field: 'dingtalkIsAtAll',
label: t('setting.alarm.dingtalkIsAtAll'),
component: 'Switch',
componentProps: {
checkedChildren: 'ON',
unCheckedChildren: 'OFF',
helpMessage: t('setting.alarm.whetherNotifyAll'),
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('2'),
field: 'weToken',
label: t('setting.alarm.weChattoken'),
component: 'InputTextArea',
colSlot: 'weToken',
componentProps: {
rows: 4,
placeholder: t('setting.alarm.weChattokenPlaceholder'),
rules: [{ required: true, message: t('setting.alarm.weChattokenIsRequired') }],
field: 'alertSms',
label: t('setting.alarm.sms'),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t('setting.alarm.smsPlaceholder'),
allowClear: true,
colSlot: 'alertSms',
rules: [{ required: true, message: t('setting.alarm.mobileNumberIsRequired') }],
field: 'alertSmsTemplate',
label: t('setting.alarm.smsTemplate'),
component: 'InputTextArea',
componentProps: {
rows: 4,
placeholder: t('setting.alarm.smsTemplateIsRequired'),
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('8'),
colSlot: 'alertSmsTemplate',
field: 'larkToken',
label: t('setting.alarm.larkToken'),
component: 'InputTextArea',
colSlot: 'larkToken',
rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Lark token is required' }],
field: 'larkIsAtAll',
label: t('setting.alarm.larkIsAtAll'),
component: 'Switch',
componentProps: {
checkedChildren: 'ON',
unCheckedChildren: 'OFF',
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('16'),
helpMessage: t('setting.alarm.whetherNotifyAll'),
field: 'larkSecretEnable',
label: t('setting.alarm.larkSecretEnable'),
component: 'Switch',
componentProps: {
checkedChildren: 'ON',
unCheckedChildren: 'OFF',
helpMessage: t('setting.alarm.larkTokenEnableHelpMessage'),
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('16'),
field: 'larkSecretToken',
label: t('setting.alarm.larkSecretToken'),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t('setting.alarm.larkSecretTokenPlaceholder'),
ifShow: ({ model }) => (model.alertType || []).includes('16') && model.larkSecretEnable,
rules: [
required: true,
message: t('setting.alarm.larkSecretTokenIsRequired'),
trigger: 'blur',
export const alertTypes = {
'1': { name: t(''), value: 1, disabled: false, icon: 'mail' },
'2': { name: t('setting.alarm.dingTalk'), value: 2, disabled: false, icon: 'dingtalk' },
'4': { name: t('setting.alarm.weChat'), value: 4, disabled: false, icon: 'wecom' },
'8': { name: t('setting.alarm.sms'), value: 8, disabled: true, icon: 'message' },
'16': { name: t('setting.alarm.lark'), value: 16, disabled: false, icon: 'lark' },