blob: 065cdae1f0c6ea06dfc6ff53b5a978edcface972 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
systemSetting: 'System Setting',
systemSettingItems: {
mavenSetting: {
name: 'Maven Setting',
dockerSetting: {
name: 'Docker Setting',
emailSetting: {
name: 'Sender Email Setting',
consoleSetting: {
name: 'Console Setting',
ingressSetting: {
name: 'Ingress Setting',
update: {
success: 'Setting updated successfully',
dockerNotStart: 'Please make sure your Docker service has been started. 🙂',
title: {
mavenSettings: 'Maven Settings File Path',
mavenRepository: 'Maven Central Repository',
mavenUser: 'Maven Central Repository Auth User',
mavenPassword: 'Maven Central Repository Auth Password',
docker: 'Docker Setting',
email: 'Alert Mailbox Setting',
ingress: 'Ingress domain address Setting',
desc: {
mavenSettings: 'Specify the full path to the local maven settings.xml',
mavenRepository: 'Maven central repository, Specify a repository address for maven.',
mavenUser: 'Maven central repository authentication username',
mavenPassword: 'Maven central repository authentication password',
docker: 'Docker container service settings',
email: 'Alert Mailbox settings used to sent alert email',
ingress: 'Automatically generate an nginx-based ingress by passing in a domain name',
docker: {
address: {
label: 'Docker Address',
desc: 'Docker container service address',
namespace: {
label: 'Docker namespace',
desc: 'Namespace for docker image used in docker building env and target image register',
userName: {
label: 'Docker Username',
desc: 'Docker container service authentication username',
password: {
label: 'Docker Password',
desc: 'Docker container service authentication password',
email: {
host: {
label: 'Smtp Host',
desc: 'Alert Mailbox Smtp Host',
port: {
label: 'Smtp Port',
desc: 'Smtp Port of the mailbox',
from: {
label: 'Email Address',
desc: 'Your email address used to send alert email',
userName: {
label: 'Email Username',
desc: 'Authentication username used to send email,generally: your email address',
password: {
label: 'Email Password',
desc: 'Authentication password used to send alert email',
ssl: {
label: 'SSL enable',
desc: 'Whether to enable SSL in the mailbox that sends the alert',