blob: 764031108eafec9ff589260aa868e90c0f7df997 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.streampark.common.conf
import org.apache.streampark.common.Constant
import org.apache.streampark.common.util.{Logger, SystemPropertyUtils}
import org.apache.streampark.common.util.ImplicitsUtils._
import javax.annotation.{Nonnull, Nullable}
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.collection.convert.ImplicitConversions._
import scala.language.postfixOps
* Thread-safe configuration storage containers. All configurations will be automatically
* initialized from the spring configuration items of the same name.
object InternalConfigHolder extends Logger {
private val initialCapacity = 45
/** configuration values storage (key -> value) */
private val confData = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Any](initialCapacity)
/** configuration key options storage (key -> ConfigOption) */
private val confOptions = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, InternalOption](initialCapacity)
/** Initialize the ConfigHub. */
Seq(CommonConfig, K8sFlinkConfig)
/** Register the ConfigOption */
private[conf] def register(@Nonnull conf: InternalOption): Unit = {
confOptions.put(conf.key, conf)
if (conf.defaultValue != null) {
confData.put(conf.key, conf.defaultValue)
* Get configuration value via ConfigOption.
* When using this api, the type must be explicitly declared and the relevant type will be
* automatically converted to some extent. 1) in scala: val result: Long =
* ConfigHub.get(K8sFlinkConfig.sglMetricTrackTaskTimeoutSec) 2) in java: Long result =
* ConfigHub.get(K8sFlinkConfig.sglMetricTrackTaskTimeoutSec());
* @return
* return the defaultValue of ConfigOption when the value has not been overwritten.
def get[T](@Nonnull conf: InternalOption): T = {
confData.get(conf.key) match {
case null =>
SystemPropertyUtils.get(conf.key) match {
case v if v != null => v.cast[T](conf.classType)
case _ => conf.defaultValue.asInstanceOf[T]
case v: T => v
* Get configuration value via key.
* When using this api, the type must be explicitly declared and the relevant type will be
* automatically converted to some extent. 1) in scala: val result: Long =
* ConfigHub.get("streampark.flink-k8s.tracking.polling-task-timeout-sec.cluster-metric") 2) in
* java: Long result =
* ConfigHub.get("streampark.flink-k8s.tracking.polling-task-timeout-sec.cluster-metric");
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* when the key has not been registered to ConfigHub.
* @return
* return the defaultValue of ConfigOption when the value has not been overwritten.
def get[T](@Nonnull key: String): T = {
confData.get(key) match {
case null =>
confOptions.get(key) match {
case null =>
val config = getConfig(key)
SystemPropertyUtils.get(key) match {
case v if v != null => v.cast[T](config.classType)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Config key has not been registered: $key")
case conf: InternalOption => conf.defaultValue.asInstanceOf[T]
case v: T => v
* Get registered ConfigOption by key.
* @return
* nullable
def getConfig(key: String): InternalOption = {
/** Get keys of all registered ConfigOption. */
def keys(): util.Set[String] = {
val map = new util.HashMap[String, InternalOption](confOptions.size())
* Overwritten configuration value.
* @param conf
* should not be null.
* @param value
* the type of value should be same as conf.classType.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* when the conf has not been registered, or the value type is not same as conf.classType.
def set(@Nonnull conf: InternalOption, value: Any): Unit = {
if (!confOptions.containsKey(conf.key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"config key has not been registered: $conf")
value match {
case null => confData.remove(conf.key)
case v if conf.classType != v.getClass =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"config value type is not match of ${conf.key}, required: ${conf.classType}, actual: ${v.getClass}")
case v =>
SystemPropertyUtils.set(conf.key, v.toString)
confData.put(conf.key, v)
/** log the current configuration info. */
def log(): Unit = {
val configKeys = keys()
logInfo(s"""Registered configs:
|ConfigHub collected configs: ${configKeys.size}
| ${configKeys
key =>
s"$key = ${if (key.contains("password")) Constant.DEFAULT_DATAMASK_STRING
else get(key)}")
.mkString("\n ")}""".stripMargin)