blob: 245f717a16d0b4f3aa86ed4055b7fe86a9b344d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
projectStatus: {
all: 'ALL',
notBuild: 'Not Build',
building: 'Building',
buildSuccess: 'Build Success',
buildFailed: 'Build Failed',
needRebuild: 'NEED REBUILD',
successful: 'SUCCESSFUL',
failed: 'FAILED',
searchPlaceholder: 'please enter a keyword search',
form: {
projectName: 'Project Name',
projectNamePlaceholder: 'please input Project Name',
projectType: 'Project Type',
projectTypePlaceholder: 'please select project type',
cvs: 'CVS',
prvkeyPath: 'Private Key Path',
prvkeyPathPlaceholder: 'private key path, e.g: ~/.ssh/id_rsa',
cvsPlaceholder: 'CVS',
repositoryURL: 'Repository URL',
repositoryURLPlaceholder: 'The Repository URL for this project',
repositoryURLRequired: 'The repository URL is required',
credentialError: 'The repository address must be a valid ssh or http(s) address',
userName: 'UserName',
userNamePlaceholder: 'UserName for this project',
password: 'Password',
passwordPlaceholder: 'Password for this project',
branches: 'Branches',
branchesPlaceholder: 'Select a branch',
pom: 'POM',
'By default,lookup pom.xml in root path,You can manually specify the module to compile pom.xmlh',
buildArgs: 'Build Argument',
buildArgsPlaceholder: 'Build Argument, e.g: -Pprod',
description: 'description',
descriptionPlaceholder: 'Description for this project',
lastBuild: 'Last Build',
buildState: 'Build State',
operationTips: {
projectNameIsRequiredMessage: 'Project Name is required',
projectNameIsUniqueMessage: 'The Project Name is already exists. Please check',
projectTypeIsRequiredMessage: 'Project Type is required',
cvsIsRequiredMessage: 'CVS is required',
repositoryURLIsRequiredMessage: 'Repository URL is required',
'Specifies the module to compile pom.xml If it is not specified, it is found under the root path pom.xml',
projectIsbuildingMessage: 'The current project is building',
projectIsbuildFailedMessage: 'Build Fail',
deleteProjectSuccessMessage: 'delete successful',
deleteProjectFailedMessage: 'Delete Fail',
deleteProjectFailedDetailMessage: 'Please check if any application belongs to this project',
notAuthorizedMessage: 'not authorized ..>﹏<.. <br><br> userName and password is required',
'authentication error ..>﹏<.. <br><br> please check userName and password',
seeBuildLog: 'See Build log',
buildProject: 'Build Project',
buildProjectMessage: 'Are you sure build this project?',
updateProject: 'Update Project',
deleteProject: 'Delete Project',
deleteProjectMessage: 'Are you sure delete this project ?',
httpsCredential: 'Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.',
sshCredential: 'Use a password-protected SSH key.',