blob: 82f1e39c73021df9a7cd476d2fdfc938f9057cfd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { ColumnType } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/table';
import { useI18n } from '/@/hooks/web/useI18n';
import { computed, ref, unref } from 'vue';
import { BasicColumn } from '/@/components/Table';
import { AppStateEnum } from '/@/enums/flinkEnum';
import { dateToDuration } from '/@/utils/dateUtil';
const { t } = useI18n();
export const useAppTableColumns = () => {
// app table column width
const tableColumnWidth = ref({
jobName: 250,
flinkVersion: 110,
tags: 150,
state: 120,
release: 190,
duration: 150,
modifyTime: 165,
nickName: 100,
function onTableColumnResize(width: number, columns: ColumnType) {
if (!columns?.dataIndex) return;
const dataIndexStr = columns?.dataIndex.toString() ?? '';
if (Reflect.has(tableColumnWidth.value, dataIndexStr)) {
// when table column width changed, save it to table column width ref
tableColumnWidth.value[dataIndexStr] = width < 100 ? 100 : width;
const getAppColumns = computed((): BasicColumn[] => [
title: t(''),
dataIndex: 'jobName',
align: 'left',
fixed: 'left',
resizable: true,
width: unref(tableColumnWidth).jobName,
{ title: t(''), dataIndex: 'flinkVersion' },
{ title: t(''), ellipsis: true, dataIndex: 'tags', width: 150 },
title: t(''),
dataIndex: 'state',
fixed: 'right',
width: unref(tableColumnWidth).state,
filters: [
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.ADDED) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.STARTING) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.RUNNING) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.FAILED) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.CANCELED) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.FINISHED) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.SUSPENDED) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.LOST) },
{ text: t(''), value: String(AppStateEnum.SILENT) },
text: t(''),
value: String(AppStateEnum.TERMINATED),
title: t(''),
dataIndex: 'release',
width: unref(tableColumnWidth).release,
fixed: 'right',
title: t(''),
dataIndex: 'duration',
sorter: true,
width: unref(tableColumnWidth).duration,
customRender: ({ value }) => dateToDuration(value),
title: t(''),
dataIndex: 'modifyTime',
sorter: true,
width: unref(tableColumnWidth).modifyTime,
{ title: t(''), dataIndex: 'nickName', width: unref(tableColumnWidth).nickName },
return { getAppColumns, onTableColumnResize, tableColumnWidth };