blob: 7e693ea1baa9225f175ac2898d4158c7c7b3b687 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { FormSchema } from '/@/components/Table';
import { computed, ref, unref, h, Ref, onMounted, reactive } from 'vue';
import { executionModes, k8sRestExposedType, resolveOrder } from '../data';
import optionData from '../data/option';
import {
} from './useFlinkRender';
import { fetchCheckName } from '/@/api/flink/app';
import { RuleObject } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/form';
import { StoreValue } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/form/interface';
import { useDrawer } from '/@/components/Drawer';
import { Alert } from 'ant-design-vue';
import Icon from '/@/components/Icon';
import { useMessage } from '/@/hooks/web/useMessage';
import { fetchVariableAll } from '/@/api/resource/variable';
import {
} from '/@/api/flink/flinkHistory';
import { fetchSelect } from '/@/api/resource/project';
import { fetchAlertSetting } from '/@/api/setting/alert';
import { fetchFlinkCluster } from '/@/api/flink/flinkCluster';
import { fetchFlinkEnv, fetchListFlinkEnv } from '/@/api/flink/flinkEnv';
import { FlinkEnv } from '/@/api/flink/flinkEnv.type';
import { AlertSetting } from '/@/api/setting/types/alert.type';
import { FlinkCluster } from '/@/api/flink/flinkCluster.type';
import { AppTypeEnum, ClusterStateEnum, ExecModeEnum, JobTypeEnum } from '/@/enums/flinkEnum';
import { isK8sExecMode } from '../utils';
import { useI18n } from '/@/hooks/web/useI18n';
import { fetchCheckHadoop } from '/@/api/setting';
import { fetchTeamResource } from '/@/api/resource/upload';
const { t } = useI18n();
export interface HistoryRecord {
k8sNamespace: Array<string>;
k8sSessionClusterId: Array<string>;
flinkImage: Array<string>;
export const useCreateAndEditSchema = (
dependencyRef: Ref | null,
edit?: { appId: string; mode: 'streampark' | 'flink' },
) => {
const flinkEnvs = ref<FlinkEnv[]>([]);
const alerts = ref<AlertSetting[]>([]);
const flinkClusters = ref<FlinkCluster[]>([]);
const projectList = ref<Array<any>>([]);
const teamResource = ref<Array<any>>([]);
const historyRecord = reactive<HistoryRecord>({
k8sNamespace: [],
k8sSessionClusterId: [],
flinkImage: [],
const { createErrorModal } = useMessage();
let scalaVersion = '';
const suggestions = ref<Array<{ text: string; description: string; value: string }>>([]);
const [registerConfDrawer, { openDrawer: openConfDrawer }] = useDrawer();
!The original item is also unassigned
function getConfigSchemas() {
return [];
/* filter cluster */
const getExecutionCluster = (
executionMode: number,
valueKey: string,
): Array<{ label: string; value: string }> => {
return (unref(flinkClusters) || [])
.filter((o) => {
// Edit mode has one more filter condition
if (edit?.mode) {
return o.executionMode == executionMode && o.clusterState === ClusterStateEnum.RUNNING;
} else {
return o.executionMode == executionMode;
.map((i) => ({ label: i.clusterName, value: i[valueKey] }));
const getFlinkSqlSchema = computed((): FormSchema[] => {
return [
field: 'flinkSql',
label: 'Flink SQL',
component: 'Input',
slot: 'flinkSql',
ifShow: ({ values }) => values?.jobType == JobTypeEnum.SQL,
rules: [{ required: true, message: t('') }],
field: 'teamResource',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
render: ({ model }) => renderStreamParkResource({ model, resources: unref(teamResource) }),
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.jobType == JobTypeEnum.SQL,
field: 'dependency',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
slot: 'dependency',
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.jobType != JobTypeEnum.JAR,
{ field: 'configOverride', label: '', component: 'Input', show: false },
field: 'isSetConfig',
label: t(''),
component: 'Switch',
ifShow: ({ values }) =>
values?.jobType == JobTypeEnum.SQL && !isK8sExecMode(values.executionMode),
render({ model, field }) {
return renderIsSetConfig(model, field, registerConfDrawer, openConfDrawer);
async function handleFlinkVersion(id: number | string) {
if (!dependencyRef) return;
scalaVersion = (await fetchFlinkEnv(id as string))?.scalaVersion;
function checkPomScalaVersion() {
const pom = unref(dependencyRef)?.dependencyRecords;
if (pom && pom.length > 0) {
const invalidArtifact: Array<any> = [];
pom.forEach((v: Recordable) => {
const artifactId = v.artifactId;
if (/flink-(.*)_(.*)/.test(artifactId)) {
const depScalaVersion = artifactId.substring(artifactId.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
if (scalaVersion !== depScalaVersion) {
if (invalidArtifact.length > 0) {
alertInvalidDependency(scalaVersion, invalidArtifact);
function alertInvalidDependency(scalaVersion: string, invalidArtifact: string[]) {
let depCode = '';
invalidArtifact.forEach((dep) => {
depCode += `<div style="font-size: 1rem;line-height: 1rem;padding-bottom: 0.3rem">${dep}</div>`;
title: 'Dependencies invalid',
width: 500,
content: `
<div class="text-left;">
<div style="padding:0.5em;font-size: 1rem">
current flink scala version: <strong>${scalaVersion}</strong>,some dependencies scala version is invalid,dependencies list:
<div style="color: red;font-size: 1em;padding:0.5em;">
const getFlinkClusterSchemas = computed((): FormSchema[] => {
return [
field: 'versionId',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
options: unref(flinkEnvs),
fieldNames: { label: 'flinkName', value: 'id', options: 'options' },
onChange: (value) => handleFlinkVersion(value),
rules: [
{ required: true, message: t('') },
field: 'flinkClusterId',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
options: getExecutionCluster(ExecModeEnum.REMOTE, 'id'),
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.REMOTE,
rules: [
{ required: true, message: t('') },
field: 'yarnSessionClusterId',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
options: getExecutionCluster(ExecModeEnum.YARN_SESSION, 'id'),
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.YARN_SESSION,
rules: [
{ required: true, message: t('') },
field: 'k8sNamespace',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
ifShow: ({ values }) => isK8sExecMode(values.executionMode),
render: ({ model, field }) =>
renderInputDropdown(model, field, {
placeholder: t(''),
options: unref(historyRecord)?.k8sNamespace || [],
field: 'clusterId',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: ({ formModel }) => {
return {
placeholder: t(''),
onChange: (e: ChangeEvent) => (formModel.jobName =,
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.KUBERNETES_APPLICATION,
rules: [
required: true,
message: t(''),
pattern: /^(?=.{1,45}$)[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])$/,
field: 'flinkClusterId',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.KUBERNETES_SESSION,
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
options: getExecutionCluster(ExecModeEnum.KUBERNETES_SESSION, 'id'),
rules: [
required: true,
message: t(''),
field: 'flinkImage',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.KUBERNETES_APPLICATION,
render: ({ model, field }) =>
renderInputDropdown(model, field, {
placeholder: t(''),
options: unref(historyRecord)?.k8sSessionClusterId || [],
rules: [{ required: true, message: t('') }],
field: 'k8sRestExposedType',
label: t(''),
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.KUBERNETES_APPLICATION,
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
options: k8sRestExposedType,
/* Detect job name field */
async function getJobNameCheck(_rule: RuleObject, value: StoreValue) {
if (value === null || value === undefined || value === '') {
return Promise.reject(t(''));
} else {
const params = { jobName: value };
if (edit?.appId) Object.assign(params, { id: edit.appId });
const res = await fetchCheckName(params);
switch (parseInt(res)) {
case 0:
return Promise.resolve();
case 1:
return Promise.reject(t(''));
case 2:
return Promise.reject(t(''));
case 3:
return Promise.reject(t(''));
return Promise.reject(t(''));
const getFlinkFormOtherSchemas = computed((): FormSchema[] => {
const commonInputNum = {
min: 0,
step: 1,
class: '!w-full',
return [
field: 'jobName',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: { placeholder: t('') },
dynamicRules: () => {
return [{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', validator: getJobNameCheck }];
field: 'tags',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
field: 'resolveOrder',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
componentProps: { placeholder: 'classloader.resolve-order', options: resolveOrder },
rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Resolve Order is required', type: 'number' }],
field: 'parallelism',
label: t(''),
component: 'InputNumber',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
field: 'slot',
label: t(''),
component: 'InputNumber',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
field: 'restartSize',
label: t(''),
ifShow: ({ values }) =>
edit?.mode == 'flink' ? true : !isK8sExecMode(values.executionMode),
component: 'InputNumber',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
field: 'alertId',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
options: unref(alerts),
fieldNames: { label: 'alertName', value: 'id', options: 'options' },
field: 'checkPointFailure',
label: t(''),
component: 'InputNumber',
renderColContent: renderInputGroup,
show: ({ values }) => (edit?.mode == 'flink' ? true : !isK8sExecMode(values.executionMode)),
field: 'totalOptions',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
render: renderTotalMemory,
field: 'totalItem',
label: 'totalItem',
component: 'Select',
renderColContent: ({ model, field }) =>
renderOptionsItems(model, 'totalOptions', field, '.memory', true),
field: 'jmOptions',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
showSearch: true,
allowClear: true,
mode: 'multiple',
maxTagCount: 2,
placeholder: t(''),
fieldNames: { label: 'name', value: 'key', options: 'options' },
options: optionData.filter((x) => === 'jobmanager-memory'),
field: 'jmOptionsItem',
label: 'jmOptionsItem',
component: 'Select',
renderColContent: ({ model, field }) =>
renderOptionsItems(model, 'jmOptions', field, 'jobmanager.memory.'),
field: 'tmOptions',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
showSearch: true,
allowClear: true,
mode: 'multiple',
maxTagCount: 2,
placeholder: t(''),
fieldNames: { label: 'name', value: 'key', options: 'options' },
options: optionData.filter((x) => === 'taskmanager-memory'),
field: 'tmOptionsItem',
label: 'tmOptionsItem',
component: 'Select',
renderColContent: ({ model, field }) =>
renderOptionsItems(model, 'tmOptions', field, 'taskmanager.memory.'),
field: 'yarnQueue',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
ifShow: ({ values }) =>
values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.YARN_APPLICATION ||
values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.YARN_PER_JOB,
render: (renderCallbackParams) => renderYarnQueue(renderCallbackParams),
field: 'podTemplate',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
slot: 'podTemplate',
ifShow: ({ values }) => values.executionMode == ExecModeEnum.KUBERNETES_APPLICATION,
field: 'dynamicProperties',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
render: (renderCallbackParams) => renderDynamicProperties(renderCallbackParams),
field: 'args',
label: t(''),
component: 'InputTextArea',
defaultValue: '',
slot: 'args',
ifShow: ({ values }) => (edit?.mode ? true : values.jobType != JobTypeEnum.SQL),
field: 'hadoopUser',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input'
field: 'description',
label: t('common.description'),
component: 'InputTextArea',
componentProps: { rows: 4, placeholder: t('') },
const getFlinkTypeSchema = computed((): FormSchema[] => {
return [
field: 'jobType',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
render: ({ model }) => {
if (model.jobType == JobTypeEnum.JAR) {
return h(
{ type: 'info' },
message: () => [
h(Icon, {
icon: 'ant-design:code-outlined',
style: { color: '#108ee9' },
h('span', { class: 'pl-8px' }, 'Custom Code'),
} else if (model.jobType == JobTypeEnum.SQL) {
return getAlertSvgIcon('fql', 'Flink SQL');
} else if (model.jobType == JobTypeEnum.PYFLINK) {
return getAlertSvgIcon('py', 'Py Flink');
return '';
field: 'appType',
label: t(''),
component: 'Input',
render: ({ model }) => {
if (model.appType == AppTypeEnum.APACHE_FLINK) {
return getAlertSvgIcon('flink', 'Apache Flink');
} else if (model.appType == AppTypeEnum.STREAMPARK_FLINK) {
return getAlertSvgIcon('flink', 'StreamPark Flink');
} else if (model.appType == AppTypeEnum.APACHE_SPARK) {
return getAlertSvgIcon('spark', 'Apache Spark');
} else if (model.appType == AppTypeEnum.STREAMPARK_SPARK) {
return getAlertSvgIcon('spark', 'StreamPark Spark');
return '';
const getExecutionModeSchema = computed((): FormSchema[] => {
return [
field: 'executionMode',
label: t(''),
component: 'Select',
itemProps: {
autoLink: false, //Resolve multiple trigger validators with null value ยท
componentProps: {
placeholder: t(''),
options: executionModes,
rules: [
required: true,
validator: async (_rule, value) => {
if (value === null || value === undefined || value === '') {
return Promise.reject(t(''));
} else {
if (
) {
const res = await fetchCheckHadoop();
if (res) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
return Promise.reject(t(''));
return Promise.resolve();
onMounted(async () => {
/* Get project data */
fetchSelect({}).then((res) => {
projectList.value = res;
/* Get alert data */
fetchAlertSetting().then((res) => {
alerts.value = res;
//get flinkEnv
fetchListFlinkEnv().then((res) => {
flinkEnvs.value = res;
//get flinkCluster
fetchFlinkCluster().then((res) => {
flinkClusters.value = res;
fetchK8sNamespaces().then((res) => {
historyRecord.k8sNamespace = res;
fetchSessionClusterIds({ executionMode: ExecModeEnum.KUBERNETES_SESSION }).then((res) => {
historyRecord.k8sSessionClusterId = res;
fetchFlinkBaseImages().then((res) => {
historyRecord.flinkImage = res;
fetchVariableAll().then((res) => {
suggestions.value = => {
return {
text: v.variableCode,
description: v.description,
value: v.variableValue,
/* Get team dependencies */
fetchTeamResource({}).then((res) => {
teamResource.value = res;
return {