blob: 79c7432436389bd59c72bdf900a9635ac5f11a42 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nlpcraft.client;
import java.util.*;
* Java client API. Java REST client provides native and easy-to-use wrapper for NLPCraft
* <a target=_ href="">REST APIs</a> for any JVM-based languages
* like Java, Scala, Kotlin or Groovy. Note that NLPCraft REST APIs allow to submit the request to existing
* deployed data model and perform other related, auxiliary operations. To create data models you need to
* use main <a target=_ href="">NLPCraft APIs</a>.
* <p>
* <b>External User ID</b><br>
* Several methods on Java client accept external "on-behalf-of" user ID (<code>usrExtId</code>) additionally to the regular
* user ID (<code>usrID</code>). In these methods zero, one or both IDs should be provided. If none are provided
* the ID of the currently signed in user will be used, and if both are provided they should point to the same user.
* External user ID allows to use user identification from the external systems without a need to import all the
* existing users into NLPCraft in the first place.
* <p>
* Typical usage pattern for integrating NLPCraft into existing
* system is to create a single administrative NLPCraft user, sign in with that account and then use external
* "on-behalf-of" user IDs in all the requests. This way you get the same functionality as if using ordinary user IDs
* but without a need to migrate and synchronize all user accounts from the existing system to NLPCraft.
* <p>
* <b>Usage</b><br>
* Java client usage is straightforward - create client instance using {@link NCClientBuilder} and use this
* instance for all API calls:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* // Get client instance with all defaults.
* NCClient cli = new NCClientBuilder().build();
* // Perform any necessary calls...
* NCResult res = cli.askSync("", txt);
* // Close client & sign out at the end.
* cli.close();
* </pre>
* @see NCClientBuilder
public interface NCClient {
* Gets current signed in user email for this client.
* @return Current signed in user email for this client.
* @see NCClientBuilder
String getClientUserEmail();
* Gets current signed in user password for this client.
* @return Current signed in user password for this client.
* @see NCClientBuilder
String getClientUserPassword();
* Gets whether or not this client is configured with embedded probe.
* @return Whether or not this client is configured with embedded probe.
* @see NCClientBuilder
boolean isClientEmbeddedMode();
* Gets whether or not this client is configured with cancel-on-exit logic.
* @return Whether or not this client is configured with cancel-on-exit logic
* @see NCClientBuilder
boolean isClientCancelOnExit();
* Gets base URL this client is configured with.
* @return Base URL this client is configured with.
* @see NCClientBuilder
String getClientBaseUrl();
* Clears conversation context for the given model and the specified user.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin users can specify
* user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param mdlId Model ID.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
* @see #clearDialog(String, Long, String)
void clearConversation(String mdlId, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Clears the dialog flow for the given model ID and specified user.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin users can specify
* user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param mdlId Model ID.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
* @see #clearConversation(String, Long, String)
void clearDialog(String mdlId, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Adds feedback for given request.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin users can specify
* user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param srvReqId ID of the request to add feedback for.
* @param score Feedback score, between <code>0</code> and <code>1</code> inclusive. Higher score indicates better result.
* @param comment Optional feedback comment.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @return ID of the newly added feedback record.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
long addFeedback(String srvReqId, double score, String comment, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Deletes feedback record.
* @param id Optional ID of the feedback record to delete. if {@code} - all feedback
* records for the current user will be deleted.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void deleteFeedback(Long id) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Gets all feedback records for given request ID and user. If request ID is not provided all feedback records
* for the specified user will be returned.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin users can specify
* user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param srvReqId Optional request ID.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @return List of feedback records.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
List<NCFeedback> getAllFeedback(String srvReqId, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Adds new user to the company of the currently signed in user. Current signed in user must have
* administrative privileges.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method accepts optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID. If this ID is provided than this method
* will update the existing user record located by that ID instead of creating a new user record.
* @param email New user email.
* @param passwd New user password. Note that NLPCraft doesn't store passwords and therefore cannot
* retrieve them later.
* @param firstName New user first name.
* @param lastName New user last name.
* @param avatarUrl Optional new user avatar URL. Can be {@code null}.
* @param isAdmin Whether or not the new user will have administrative privileges.
* @param properties Map of additional user-defined user properties.
* @param extId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID. Can be {@code null}.
* @return ID of the newly created user.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
long addUser(
String email,
String passwd,
String firstName,
String lastName,
String avatarUrl,
boolean isAdmin,
Map<String, String> properties,
String extId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Updates given user. Current signed in user must have administrative privileges.
* @param id User ID.
* @param firstName Mandatory user first name.
* @param lastName Mandatory user last name.
* @param avatarUrl Optional user avatar URL. Can be {@code null}.
* @param properties Optional user properties. Can be {@code null} or empty.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void updateUser(
long id,
String firstName,
String lastName,
String avatarUrl,
Map<String, String> properties) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Resets password for the given user. Note that NLPCraft doesn't store clear text passwords and therefore
* passwords cannot be retrieved - they can only be reset. Current signed in user must have
* administrative privileges.
* @param id ID of the user for which to reset the password.
* @param newPasswd New password.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void resetUserPassword(Long id, String newPasswd) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Grants or denies given user administrative privileges. Current signed in user must have
* administrative privileges.
* @param id ID of the user for which to change administrative privileges.
* @param isAdmin Administrative privileges flag.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void updateUserAdmin(Long id, boolean isAdmin) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Deletes given user. Note that you cannot delete the last admin in the company.
* Current signed in user must have administrative privileges.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin
* users can specify user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void deleteUser(Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Gets user record. Note that only users with administrative privileges can get user records for
* other users in the company.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin
* users can specify user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @return User record.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
NCUser getUser(Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Gets all user records for the current signed in user company. Current signed in user must
* have administrative privileges.
* @return List of user records.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
List<NCUser> getAllUsers() throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Gets all active (connected to the REST server) probes for the current signed in user company.
* Current signed in user must have administrative privileges.
* @return List of active probes.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
List<NCProbe> getProbes() throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Submits request for asynchronous processing. This method will return immediately and you have to
* use {@link #check(Set, Integer, Long, String)} method to check its result.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin
* users can specify user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param mdlId ID of the model to submit the request to.
* @param txt Text to process.
* @param data Optional JSON data payload.
* @param enableLog Whether or not to enable processing log collection.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @return Server request ID of the submitted request.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
* @see #askSync(String, String, String, boolean, Long, String)
* @see #askSync(String, String)
* @see #ask(String, String)
String ask(String mdlId, String txt, String data, boolean enableLog, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Submits request for asynchronous processing. This is a shortcut call that is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* ask(mdlId, txt, null, false, null, null);
* </pre>
* @param mdlId ID of the model to submit the request to.
* @param txt Text to process.
* @return Server request ID of the submitted request.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
default String ask(String mdlId, String txt) throws NCClientException, IOException {
return ask(mdlId, txt, null, false, null, null);
* Submits request for synchronous processing. This method will block and return only when result is available or
* internal time out expired.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin
* users can specify user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param mdlId ID of the model to submit the request to.
* @param txt Text to process.
* @param data Optional JSON data payload.
* @param enableLog Whether or not to enable processing log collection.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @return Query processing result.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
* @see #askSync(String, String)
* @see #ask(String, String)
* @see #ask(String, String, String, boolean, Long, String)
NCResult askSync(String mdlId, String txt, String data, boolean enableLog, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Submits request for synchronous processing. This is a shortcut call that is equivalent to:
* <pre class="brush: java">
* askSync(mdlId, txt, null, false, null, null);
* </pre>
* @param mdlId ID of the model to submit the request to.
* @param txt Text to process.
* @return Query processing result.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
default NCResult askSync(String mdlId, String txt) throws NCClientException, IOException {
return askSync(mdlId, txt, null, false, null, null);
* Gets the status and result (OK or failure) of the previously submitted requests. Request statuses
* returned sorted by their registration time, starting from newest.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin
* users can specify user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param srvReqIds Optional server request IDs for which to get the statuses. If not provided - statuses for
* all currently processed requests for the specified user will be returned. Invalid or unknown
* server request IDs will be ignored.
* @param maxRows Optional maximum number of returned items - by default all statuses will be returned.
* Can be {@code null}.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @return List of results.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
List<NCResult> check(Set<String> srvReqIds, Integer maxRows, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Cancels the previously submitted sentence and removes its result, if any, from the server storage.
* Must be called when query result is no longer needed (i.e. downloaded by all client apps) to release the server memory.
* Note that query results will auto-expire on server after a certain period of time. Note also that even
* when the embedded probe is used the results are still stored on the server and have to be cancelled or
* otherwise will be timed out.
* <p>
* <b>User IDs</b><br>
* This method allows multiple ways of specifying the ID of the user. If neither <code>usrId</code>
* or <code>usrExtId</code> are provided (both are <code>null</code>) then the currently signed in user ID
* of this client instance will be used by default. If both user IDs are provided they must identify the same
* user in NLPCraft. If only external "on-behalf-of" <code>usrExtId</code> parameter is provided and such user
* doesn't yet exist in NLPCraft - it will be automatically created. Note that only admin
* users can specify user ID other than their own (as either <code>usrId</code> or <code>usrExtId</code>).
* @param srvReqIds Server IDs of the requests to cancel. Optional, all current user requests will be
* cancelled by default. Invalid or unknown server request IDs will be ignored.
* @param usrId Optional user ID.
* @param usrExtId Optional external "on-behalf-of" user ID.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void cancel(Set<String> srvReqIds, Long usrId, String usrExtId) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Adds new company with given parameters. Administrative privileges required. Note that to create a new
* company you also need to supply information for its first administrative user account which will be
* created in the same time.
* @param name Company name.
* @param website Optional company website.
* @param country Optional company address country.
* @param region Optional company address region.
* @param city Optional company address city.
* @param address Optional company address.
* @param postalCode Optional company address postal code.
* @param adminEmail Company administrator email.
* @param adminPasswd Company administrator password.
* @param adminFirstName Optional company administrator first name.
* @param adminLastName Optional company administrator last name.
* @param adminAvatarUrl Optional company administrator avatar URL.
* @return New company data.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
NCNewCompany addCompany(
String name,
String website,
String country,
String region,
String city,
String address,
String postalCode,
String adminEmail,
String adminPasswd,
String adminFirstName,
String adminLastName,
String adminAvatarUrl
) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Gets the company descriptor for the current signed in user.
* @return Company descriptor.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
NCCompany getCompany() throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Updates company information for the current signed in user. Current signed in user must have
* administrative privileges. Note that users cannot update or get information about other
* companies.
* @param name Company name.
* @param website Optional company website.
* @param country Optional company address country.
* @param region Optional company address region.
* @param city Optional company address city.
* @param address Optional company address.
* @param postalCode Optional company address postal code.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void updateCompany(
String name,
String website,
String country,
String region,
String city,
String address,
String postalCode
) throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Sets and returns new company probe authentication token.
* Administrative privileges required for resetting company token.
* @return New company probe token.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
String resetCompanyToken() throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Deletes company and all its users and other associated data. Administrative privileges required.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void deleteCompany() throws NCClientException, IOException;
* Closes the client and signs out from the REST server. Any further calls to this client will result in
* exception.
* @throws NCClientException Thrown in case of client-specific errors.
* @throws IOException Thrown in case of generic I/O errors.
void close() throws NCClientException, IOException;