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<meta name="description" content="Release Notes - Apache Nemo - Version 0.2 Sub-task [NEMO-350] - Implement Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-385] - Support Lambda Pass with lambda policy and lambda resource property [NEMO-387] - Support Lambda scheduler Bug [NEMO-80] - SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder” [NEMO-304] - Fail-fast for mis-configuration in user application [NEMO-321] - Fix the data skew pass metric mismatch [NEMO-327] - Fix skew handling for multi shuffle edge receiver [NEMO-357] - Fix broken link on README [NEMO-368] - NEMO-353 breaks the application from running in YARN environments [NEMO-402] - Broken guava version conflicts cause ERROR: Trying to remove a RunningJob that is unknown [NEMO-413] - Fix index checking for byte access of MemoryChunk using UNSAFE [NEMO-414] - Command-line specified runtime data plane configurations not applied [NEMO-416] - Guava vendor version conflict when deserializing Task object [NEMO-420] - OffHeapMemory configuration only supports a single type of executor New Feature [NEMO-335] - Using a database for recording metric data [NEMO-336] - Cost prediction using the metric data [NEMO-359] - implementation of getEstimatedSizeBytes in SourceVertex [NEMO-360] - Implementing an &#39;XGBoostPolicy&#39; [NEMO-388] - Off-heap memory management (reuse ByteBuffer) Improvement [NEMO-11] - Generalize Equality of Int Predicates for Loops [NEMO-162] - Add insertVertex() API in optimization pass [NEMO-182] - Consider reshaping in run-time optimization [NEMO-253] - Refactor getInternal(Main/Additional)OutputMap in TaskExecutor [NEMO-275] - Eager Garbage Collection for GroupByKey [NEMO-319] - Fix path to beam resources in examples in README [NEMO-320] - Make WebUI scale to big workloads [NEMO-323] - Upgrade current working version to 0.2-SNAPSHOT [NEMO-328] - Refactor IRDAG [NEMO-332] - Refactor RunTimePass [NEMO-337] - IRDAG Unit Tests [NEMO-338] - SkewSamplingPass [NEMO-340] - SonarCloud for PRs [NEMO-353] - Launch NEXMark applications [NEMO-356] - Visualize the name of beam transform in DAG [NEMO-358] - Recycling vertex ids while cloning a vertex [NEMO-369] - DirectByteArrayOutputStream usage refactoring [NEMO-390] - Address SonarCloud issues for the IR package [NEMO-391] - Set GrpcMessageEnvironment as a default implementation [NEMO-395] - Address SonarCloud issues for the scheduler package [NEMO-404] - Provide user argument to use lambda executor representer [NEMO-412] - Address Sonar Cloud issue for MemoryChunk [NEMO-418] - BlockFetchFailureProperty [NEMO-424] - Fix Sonarcloud bugs regarding Optional [NEMO-428] - Ignore .factorypath for rat check and version control Task [NEMO-25] - Improve WebUI to use RESTful APIs by Nemo [NEMO-153] - IR-based dynamic optimization for WordCount application [NEMO-154] - Handle skewness information in SchedulingConstraint [NEMO-193] - Revised version of IR-based dynamic optimization [NEMO-322] - Committer&#39;s guide [NEMO-361] - Consistency on indentations [NEMO-362] - Upgrade of checkstyle version [NEMO-364] - Upgrade Beam [NEMO-375] - Add option to turn off metric collection to DB [NEMO-379] - Change javadoc goal to a proper one [NEMO-383] - Implement DirectByteBufferOutputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-384] - Implement DirectByteBufferInputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-397] - Separation of JVM heap region and off-heap memory region [NEMO-399] - Include the official WordCount example on the Beam website [NEMO-400] - Javadoc compile error [NEMO-421] - Release v0.2 [NEMO-437] - Support Java version 11 Umbrella [NEMO-60] - IR-based dynamic optimization [NEMO-156] - Support Beam Nemo Runner [NEMO-157] - Support Nemo Streaming [NEMO-158] - Support Spark SQL Example [NEMO-159] - Nemo Web UI" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Release Notes - Apache Nemo - Version 0.2 Sub-task [NEMO-350] - Implement Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-385] - Support Lambda Pass with lambda policy and lambda resource property [NEMO-387] - Support Lambda scheduler Bug [NEMO-80] - SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder” [NEMO-304] - Fail-fast for mis-configuration in user application [NEMO-321] - Fix the data skew pass metric mismatch [NEMO-327] - Fix skew handling for multi shuffle edge receiver [NEMO-357] - Fix broken link on README [NEMO-368] - NEMO-353 breaks the application from running in YARN environments [NEMO-402] - Broken guava version conflicts cause ERROR: Trying to remove a RunningJob that is unknown [NEMO-413] - Fix index checking for byte access of MemoryChunk using UNSAFE [NEMO-414] - Command-line specified runtime data plane configurations not applied [NEMO-416] - Guava vendor version conflict when deserializing Task object [NEMO-420] - OffHeapMemory configuration only supports a single type of executor New Feature [NEMO-335] - Using a database for recording metric data [NEMO-336] - Cost prediction using the metric data [NEMO-359] - implementation of getEstimatedSizeBytes in SourceVertex [NEMO-360] - Implementing an &#39;XGBoostPolicy&#39; [NEMO-388] - Off-heap memory management (reuse ByteBuffer) Improvement [NEMO-11] - Generalize Equality of Int Predicates for Loops [NEMO-162] - Add insertVertex() API in optimization pass [NEMO-182] - Consider reshaping in run-time optimization [NEMO-253] - Refactor getInternal(Main/Additional)OutputMap in TaskExecutor [NEMO-275] - Eager Garbage Collection for GroupByKey [NEMO-319] - Fix path to beam resources in examples in README [NEMO-320] - Make WebUI scale to big workloads [NEMO-323] - Upgrade current working version to 0.2-SNAPSHOT [NEMO-328] - Refactor IRDAG [NEMO-332] - Refactor RunTimePass [NEMO-337] - IRDAG Unit Tests [NEMO-338] - SkewSamplingPass [NEMO-340] - SonarCloud for PRs [NEMO-353] - Launch NEXMark applications [NEMO-356] - Visualize the name of beam transform in DAG [NEMO-358] - Recycling vertex ids while cloning a vertex [NEMO-369] - DirectByteArrayOutputStream usage refactoring [NEMO-390] - Address SonarCloud issues for the IR package [NEMO-391] - Set GrpcMessageEnvironment as a default implementation [NEMO-395] - Address SonarCloud issues for the scheduler package [NEMO-404] - Provide user argument to use lambda executor representer [NEMO-412] - Address Sonar Cloud issue for MemoryChunk [NEMO-418] - BlockFetchFailureProperty [NEMO-424] - Fix Sonarcloud bugs regarding Optional [NEMO-428] - Ignore .factorypath for rat check and version control Task [NEMO-25] - Improve WebUI to use RESTful APIs by Nemo [NEMO-153] - IR-based dynamic optimization for WordCount application [NEMO-154] - Handle skewness information in SchedulingConstraint [NEMO-193] - Revised version of IR-based dynamic optimization [NEMO-322] - Committer&#39;s guide [NEMO-361] - Consistency on indentations [NEMO-362] - Upgrade of checkstyle version [NEMO-364] - Upgrade Beam [NEMO-375] - Add option to turn off metric collection to DB [NEMO-379] - Change javadoc goal to a proper one [NEMO-383] - Implement DirectByteBufferOutputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-384] - Implement DirectByteBufferInputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-397] - Separation of JVM heap region and off-heap memory region [NEMO-399] - Include the official WordCount example on the Beam website [NEMO-400] - Javadoc compile error [NEMO-421] - Release v0.2 [NEMO-437] - Support Java version 11 Umbrella [NEMO-60] - IR-based dynamic optimization [NEMO-156] - Support Beam Nemo Runner [NEMO-157] - Support Nemo Streaming [NEMO-158] - Support Spark SQL Example [NEMO-159] - Nemo Web UI" />
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{"description":"Release Notes - Apache Nemo - Version 0.2 Sub-task [NEMO-350] - Implement Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-385] - Support Lambda Pass with lambda policy and lambda resource property [NEMO-387] - Support Lambda scheduler Bug [NEMO-80] - SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder” [NEMO-304] - Fail-fast for mis-configuration in user application [NEMO-321] - Fix the data skew pass metric mismatch [NEMO-327] - Fix skew handling for multi shuffle edge receiver [NEMO-357] - Fix broken link on README [NEMO-368] - NEMO-353 breaks the application from running in YARN environments [NEMO-402] - Broken guava version conflicts cause ERROR: Trying to remove a RunningJob that is unknown [NEMO-413] - Fix index checking for byte access of MemoryChunk using UNSAFE [NEMO-414] - Command-line specified runtime data plane configurations not applied [NEMO-416] - Guava vendor version conflict when deserializing Task object [NEMO-420] - OffHeapMemory configuration only supports a single type of executor New Feature [NEMO-335] - Using a database for recording metric data [NEMO-336] - Cost prediction using the metric data [NEMO-359] - implementation of getEstimatedSizeBytes in SourceVertex [NEMO-360] - Implementing an &#39;XGBoostPolicy&#39; [NEMO-388] - Off-heap memory management (reuse ByteBuffer) Improvement [NEMO-11] - Generalize Equality of Int Predicates for Loops [NEMO-162] - Add insertVertex() API in optimization pass [NEMO-182] - Consider reshaping in run-time optimization [NEMO-253] - Refactor getInternal(Main/Additional)OutputMap in TaskExecutor [NEMO-275] - Eager Garbage Collection for GroupByKey [NEMO-319] - Fix path to beam resources in examples in README [NEMO-320] - Make WebUI scale to big workloads [NEMO-323] - Upgrade current working version to 0.2-SNAPSHOT [NEMO-328] - Refactor IRDAG [NEMO-332] - Refactor RunTimePass [NEMO-337] - IRDAG Unit Tests [NEMO-338] - SkewSamplingPass [NEMO-340] - SonarCloud for PRs [NEMO-353] - Launch NEXMark applications [NEMO-356] - Visualize the name of beam transform in DAG [NEMO-358] - Recycling vertex ids while cloning a vertex [NEMO-369] - DirectByteArrayOutputStream usage refactoring [NEMO-390] - Address SonarCloud issues for the IR package [NEMO-391] - Set GrpcMessageEnvironment as a default implementation [NEMO-395] - Address SonarCloud issues for the scheduler package [NEMO-404] - Provide user argument to use lambda executor representer [NEMO-412] - Address Sonar Cloud issue for MemoryChunk [NEMO-418] - BlockFetchFailureProperty [NEMO-424] - Fix Sonarcloud bugs regarding Optional [NEMO-428] - Ignore .factorypath for rat check and version control Task [NEMO-25] - Improve WebUI to use RESTful APIs by Nemo [NEMO-153] - IR-based dynamic optimization for WordCount application [NEMO-154] - Handle skewness information in SchedulingConstraint [NEMO-193] - Revised version of IR-based dynamic optimization [NEMO-322] - Committer&#39;s guide [NEMO-361] - Consistency on indentations [NEMO-362] - Upgrade of checkstyle version [NEMO-364] - Upgrade Beam [NEMO-375] - Add option to turn off metric collection to DB [NEMO-379] - Change javadoc goal to a proper one [NEMO-383] - Implement DirectByteBufferOutputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-384] - Implement DirectByteBufferInputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore [NEMO-397] - Separation of JVM heap region and off-heap memory region [NEMO-399] - Include the official WordCount example on the Beam website [NEMO-400] - Javadoc compile error [NEMO-421] - Release v0.2 [NEMO-437] - Support Java version 11 Umbrella [NEMO-60] - IR-based dynamic optimization [NEMO-156] - Support Beam Nemo Runner [NEMO-157] - Support Nemo Streaming [NEMO-158] - Support Spark SQL Example [NEMO-159] - Nemo Web UI","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Wooyeon Lee"},"@type":"BlogPosting","url":"","headline":"Nemo Release 0.2","dateModified":"2020-03-09T00:00:00+09:00","datePublished":"2020-03-09T00:00:00+09:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"@context":""}</script>
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<h1>Nemo Release 0.2</h1>
<p>Mar 9, 2020 • Wooyeon Lee</p>
<div id="markdown-content-container"><p>Release Notes - Apache Nemo - Version 0.2</p>
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-350</a>] - Implement Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-385</a>] - Support Lambda Pass with lambda policy and lambda resource property
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-387</a>] - Support Lambda scheduler
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-80</a>] - SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder”
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-304</a>] - Fail-fast for mis-configuration in user application
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-321</a>] - Fix the data skew pass metric mismatch
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-327</a>] - Fix skew handling for multi shuffle edge receiver
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-357</a>] - Fix broken link on README
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-368</a>] - NEMO-353 breaks the application from running in YARN environments
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-402</a>] - Broken guava version conflicts cause ERROR: Trying to remove a RunningJob that is unknown
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-413</a>] - Fix index checking for byte access of MemoryChunk using UNSAFE
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-414</a>] - Command-line specified runtime data plane configurations not applied
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-416</a>] - Guava vendor version conflict when deserializing Task object
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-420</a>] - OffHeapMemory configuration only supports a single type of executor
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-335</a>] - Using a database for recording metric data
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-336</a>] - Cost prediction using the metric data
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-359</a>] - implementation of getEstimatedSizeBytes in SourceVertex
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-360</a>] - Implementing an &#39;XGBoostPolicy&#39;
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-388</a>] - Off-heap memory management (reuse ByteBuffer)
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-11</a>] - Generalize Equality of Int Predicates for Loops
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-162</a>] - Add insertVertex() API in optimization pass
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-182</a>] - Consider reshaping in run-time optimization
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-253</a>] - Refactor getInternal(Main/Additional)OutputMap in TaskExecutor
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-275</a>] - Eager Garbage Collection for GroupByKey
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-319</a>] - Fix path to beam resources in examples in README
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-320</a>] - Make WebUI scale to big workloads
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-323</a>] - Upgrade current working version to 0.2-SNAPSHOT
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-328</a>] - Refactor IRDAG
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-332</a>] - Refactor RunTimePass
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-337</a>] - IRDAG Unit Tests
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-338</a>] - SkewSamplingPass
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-340</a>] - SonarCloud for PRs
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-353</a>] - Launch NEXMark applications
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-356</a>] - Visualize the name of beam transform in DAG
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-358</a>] - Recycling vertex ids while cloning a vertex
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-369</a>] - DirectByteArrayOutputStream usage refactoring
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-390</a>] - Address SonarCloud issues for the IR package
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-391</a>] - Set GrpcMessageEnvironment as a default implementation
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-395</a>] - Address SonarCloud issues for the scheduler package
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-404</a>] - Provide user argument to use lambda executor representer
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-412</a>] - Address Sonar Cloud issue for MemoryChunk
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-418</a>] - BlockFetchFailureProperty
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-424</a>] - Fix Sonarcloud bugs regarding Optional
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-428</a>] - Ignore .factorypath for rat check and version control
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-25</a>] - Improve WebUI to use RESTful APIs by Nemo
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-153</a>] - IR-based dynamic optimization for WordCount application
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-154</a>] - Handle skewness information in SchedulingConstraint
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-193</a>] - Revised version of IR-based dynamic optimization
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-322</a>] - Committer&#39;s guide
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-361</a>] - Consistency on indentations
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-362</a>] - Upgrade of checkstyle version
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-364</a>] - Upgrade Beam
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-375</a>] - Add option to turn off metric collection to DB
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-379</a>] - Change javadoc goal to a proper one
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-383</a>] - Implement DirectByteBufferOutputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-384</a>] - Implement DirectByteBufferInputStream for Off-heap SerializedMemoryStore
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-397</a>] - Separation of JVM heap region and off-heap memory region
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-399</a>] - Include the official WordCount example on the Beam website
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-400</a>] - Javadoc compile error
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-421</a>] - Release v0.2
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-437</a>] - Support Java version 11
<h2> Umbrella
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-60</a>] - IR-based dynamic optimization
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-156</a>] - Support Beam Nemo Runner
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-157</a>] - Support Nemo Streaming
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-158</a>] - Support Spark SQL Example
<li>[<a href="">NEMO-159</a>] - Nemo Web UI
<h3 id="list-of-contributors">List of Contributors</h3>
<p>Nemo 0.2 was the work of many contributors:</p>
<li>Arun Lakshman R</li>
<li>Byung-Gon Chun</li>
<li>Davor Bonaci</li>
<li>Eunji Jeong</li>
<li>Geon Woo Kim</li>
<li>Gyewon Lee</li>
<li>Haeyoon Cho</li>
<li>Jae Hyeon Park</li>
<li>JangHo Seo</li>
<li>Jangho Seo</li>
<li>Jean-Baptiste Onofré</li>
<li>Jeongyoon Eo</li>
<li>John Yang</li>
<li>Joo Yeon Kim</li>
<li>Kenn Knowles</li>
<li>Markus Weimer</li>
<li>Minhyeok Kweun</li>
<li>Sanha Lee</li>
<li>Seonghyun Park</li>
<li>Soojeong Kim</li>
<li>Taegeon Um</li>
<li>Won Wook SONG</li>
<li>Wooyeon Lee</li>
<li>Yunseong Lee</li>
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