Apache nemo

Clone this repo:
  1. 6054886 Publishing from 4495926a9dfbbd6426d6ed021ac36fc24bb32084 by Won Wook SONG · 1 year, 5 months ago asf-site asf-staging
  2. 4495926 update update privacy site url by Won Wook SONG · 1 year, 5 months ago
  3. 99f534b disqus comments on docs and add images and fix broken stuff by Won Wook SONG · 1 year, 5 months ago
  4. 621b716 Publishing from 8197dd7d803531004b8c21c845aea8cd020c8361 by Won Wook SONG · 2 years ago
  5. 8197dd7 Publishing from 29ea3fa888a10cfdd0dfee216e04b14f9040f3bb by Won Wook SONG · 2 years ago

Apache Nemo Website

This repo contains the materials of the Apache Nemo incubator project (https://github.com/apache/incubator-nemo). Please find the instructions below on the Filling up documents and Publishing sections for the information required to update the website.

Go to the website for the theme for detailed information and demo for the Jekyll theme used in this project.


You need to have ruby and bundler gem installed. Run $ bundler install after you've met the prerequisites to be able to run the jekyll project.

Running locally

You need Ruby and gem before starting, then:

# install bundler
gem install bundler

# go to `docs` folder
# install & run jekyll with dependencies
bundler install
bundler exec jekyll serve

Filling up documents

You can find the docs under _docs and the metadata under the _data folder. _posts include blog posts, and _pages include the specific pages of the website. Please refer to them when you wish to update the contents of the website. When you wish to update the javadocs, simply update the apidocs folder.


When all contents are fixed, run $ ./publish.sh, add the files, commit, and push the files to github to publish the changes.

Jekyll stuff

You can find Jekyll introduction docs below:

Jekyll Docs


Released under the MIT license.