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<h3 class="mdl-typography--title">Overview</h3>
<p class="mdl-typography--body-1">
Apache Myriad enables the co-existence of Apache Hadoop and
Apache Mesos on the same physical infrastructure. By running Hadoop
YARN as a Mesos framework, YARN applications and Mesos frameworks can
run side-by-side, dynamically sharing cluster resources.
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<h3 class="mdl-typography--title">Key Features</h3>
<ul class="mdl-typography--body-1">
<li>YARN resource manager and node managers running inside Mesos containers.</li>
<li>Static resource allocation</li>
<li>Fine-grained resource allocation</li>
<li>High-Availablity and graceful restart</li>
<li>Support YARN FairScheduler and all other functionality</li>
<li>Deploy YARN ResourceManager with Marathon</li>
<li>Run MapReduce v2, Hive, Pig, Mahout, etc.</li>