improve resiliency and speed of build script

Signed-off-by: Riccardo Iaconelli <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 326fac3..fdeee4f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+if [[ $(git diff --stat) != '' ]]; then
+  echo 'The current tree is dirty, please clean it before running the script'
+  exit
 BRANCH=$(git branch | grep '^*' | sed 's/* //' )
 if [[ $BRANCH == "master" ]]; then
   location=$PWD # get current dir
@@ -6,30 +13,31 @@
   printf "\nThis directory should end in ../website: %s\n" $PWD # echo website directory just to be safe
   printf "\nThe script is going to build the website now, this make take a few minutes.\n"
   npm run build # build website
-  # for i in ./*; do
-  #   echo $i
-  # done
-  printf "\nThe script will make a temporary directory at /tmp/asf-site-prep/\n" $USER # describe action
-  mkdir /tmp/asf-site-prep/ # making temp director
-  printf "\nThe script will move the contents of the /build directory to /tmp/asf-site-prep/\n" # describe action
-  mv ./build/* /tmp/asf-site-prep/ # copy contents of directory
-  printf "\nThe script will make a temporary directory at /tmp/asf-site/ and will clone the asf-site branch into it.\n" # describe action
-  mkdir /tmp/asf-site # make directory
-  cd /tmp/asf-site # switch directory
-  git clone -b asf-site --single-branch # cloning website
-  cd incubator-milagro # into directory
-  printf "\nThe script will push the new asf-site branch and begin cleanup.\n\n" # describe action
-  git rm -r *
-  git commit -m "removing asf-site files"
-  cp -R /tmp/asf-site-prep/incubator-milagro\ /* /tmp/asf-site/incubator-milagro/
-  git add .
-  git commit -m "new asf-site"
-  git push origin asf-site
-  cd $location 
-  printf "\nRemoving the /tmp directories.\n\n" # describe action
-  rm -rf /tmp/asf-site-prep
-  rm -rf /tmp/asf-site
-  printf "\nAll done!\n" # describe action
+  TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+  mv ./build/incubator-milagro/* $TEMPDIR # copy contents of directory
+  cd $location
+  BRANCHNAME="asf-build-$(date +%s)"
+  # [[ $TREEDIRTY -eq 1 ]] && git stash
+    git checkout -b $BRANCHNAME origin/asf-site && \
+    rm -rf * && \
+    cp -r $TEMPDIR/* . && \
+    git add . && \
+    git commit -m "update website" && \
+    git checkout master
+  # [[ $TREEDIRTY -eq 1 ]] && git stash pop
+  rm -rf $TEMPDIR
+  echo
+  echo "> site built in" $BRANCHNAME
+  echo "> please inspect and potentially push the result"
+  echo
+  echo "git checkout $BRANCHNAME"
+  echo "git checkout asf-site && git merge --fast-forward $BRANCHNAME"
+  echo
+  echo "> when you are done, clean up after yourself:"
+  echo "git branch -d $BRANCHNAME"
 elif [[ $BRANCH != "master" ]]; then
   printf "\nThis script must be run off the master branch.\n"
diff --git a/website/siteConfig.js b/website/siteConfig.js
index 761b720..c09ad4d 100644
--- a/website/siteConfig.js
+++ b/website/siteConfig.js
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   //   baseUrl: '/test-site/',
   // Used for publishing and more
-  projectName: 'incubator-milagro ',
+  projectName: 'incubator-milagro',
   organizationName: 'apache',
   // For top-level user or org sites, the organization is still the same.
   // e.g., for the site, it would be set like...