blob: b0088804eb254c35ad66a5cb6712b73177419aed [file] [log] [blame]
if [[ $(git diff --stat) != '' ]]; then
echo 'The current tree is dirty, please clean it before running the script'
BRANCH=$(git branch | grep '^*' | sed 's/* //' )
if [[ $BRANCH == "master" ]]; then
location=$PWD # get current dir
printf "\nThe current directory is %s\n" $location # print current dir
docker build -t milagro-site .
# BRANCHNAME="asf-build-$(date +%s)"
#git checkout -b $BRANCHNAME origin/asf-site
git checkout asf-site
rm -rf *
docker run --rm milagro-site tar c -C /app/website/build/incubator-milagro . | tar -x
git add .
git commit -m "update website"
git checkout master
# cd website # change to website dir
# printf "\nThis directory should end in ../website: %s\n" $PWD # echo website directory just to be safe
# printf "\nThe script is going to build the website now, this make take a few minutes.\n"
# npm install
# npm run build # build website
# TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
# # mv ./build/incubator-milagro/* $TEMPDIR # copy contents of directory
# cd $location
# BRANCHNAME="asf-build-$(date +%s)"
# # [[ $TREEDIRTY -eq 1 ]] && git stash
# # git checkout -b $BRANCHNAME origin/asf-site && \
# rm -rf * && \
# cp -r $TEMPDIR/* . && \
# echo '.DS_Store' > .gitignore && \
# git add . && \
# git commit -m "update website" && \
# git checkout master
# # [[ $TREEDIRTY -eq 1 ]] && git stash pop
# rm -rf $TEMPDIR
echo "> site built in" $BRANCHNAME
echo "> please inspect and potentially push the result"
echo "git checkout $BRANCHNAME"
echo "git checkout asf-site && git merge $BRANCHNAME"
echo "> when you are done, clean up after yourself:"
echo "git branch -d $BRANCHNAME"
elif [[ $BRANCH != "master" ]]; then
printf "\nThis script must be run off the master branch.\n"