small changes to overview
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 6f4cb5f..6837aa9 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ## Milagro DTA Security
 The **Seed** is the focus of the system - Milagro DTA aims to provide a method for communicating with organisations who provide services for securing seeds (Custodians), it does not prescribe how the securing should be done. The most basic implementation of Milagro DTA should secure seeds in an HSM using a PKCS#11 interface. (We aim to publish a PKCS11 driver in a subsequent release). 
-We hope that many custodial services will adopt Milagro as a communication protocol and that they will bring a profusion of security paradigms amd that by working together we can make a dynamic market place for custodial services and together make the Internet a safer place.
+We hope that many custodial services will adopt Milagro as a communication protocol and that they will bring a profusion of security paradigms and that by working together we can make a dynamic market place for custodial services and together make the Internet a safer place.
 ## The Milagro DTA Communication Protocol
 Milagro DTA provides a secure, distributed method of communication between beneficiaries, principals and fiduciaries. It aims to solve the following problems:
@@ -28,13 +28,11 @@
 2. How can records of interactions between actors in the system be trusted and verified?
     **Answer:** [Encrypted Envelopes](dta-details/ via [IPFS](dta-details/
-3. How can conditions for revealing or using secrets be specified? 
-    **Answer:** Redemption Policies
-4. How can different custodial services provide their own "special security sauce"?
+3. How can different custodial services provide their own "special security sauce"?
     **Answer:** Plugins
 A more complete view of the Milagro DTA ecosystem is shown below
-![Figure 1](/img/dta/RC1-Ecosystem.png)
\ No newline at end of file
+![Figure 1](/img/dta/RC1.png)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/dta-plugins/ b/docs/dta-plugins/
index 4e8354e..83a6f69 100644
--- a/docs/dta-plugins/
+++ b/docs/dta-plugins/
@@ -5,6 +5,27 @@
 We have provided a template plugin that provides the same functionality as out-of-the-box milagro.
+## Developer Notes
+You need to install protobufs
+If you change the portobufs definition run 
+$ protoc -I=. --go_out=. ./docs.proto
+To add a new endpoint to the goKit Microservices framework
+1. First define the contract in milagro/pkg/milagroservice/proto.go
+Add structs for http transport
+Add responses to milagro/swagger/swagger.config,yaml
+2. Add and endpoint definition
+3. Create a handler factory
 **Thise instructions still aren't perfect**
 1. Clone the repo and make sure that it works by following the [Quick Start](/docs/dta-details/quickstart) instructions
diff --git a/website/static/swagger/index.html b/website/static/swagger/index.html
index d9b32c2..8bcd2b9 100755
--- a/website/static/swagger/index.html
+++ b/website/static/swagger/index.html
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
       // Begin Swagger UI call region
       const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({        
         // url: "",
-        // url: "./encryptastring-api.yaml",        
+        // url: "encryptastring-api.yaml",        
         url: "dta-api.yaml",
         // url: "btc-api.yaml",
         dom_id: '#swagger-ui',