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use super::dbig::DBig;
use crate::arch::{self, Chunk, DChunk};
use crate::rand::RAND;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
pub use super::rom::BASEBITS;
pub use super::rom::MODBYTES;
pub const NLEN: usize = 1 + (8 * MODBYTES - 1) / BASEBITS;
pub const DNLEN: usize = 2 * NLEN;
pub const BMASK: Chunk = (1 << BASEBITS) - 1;
pub const HBITS: usize = BASEBITS / 2;
pub const HMASK: Chunk = (1 << HBITS) - 1;
pub const NEXCESS: isize = 1 << (arch::CHUNK - BASEBITS - 1);
pub const BIGBITS: usize = MODBYTES * 8;
pub struct Big {
pub w: [Chunk; NLEN],
impl fmt::Display for Big {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Big: [ {} ]", self.tostring())
impl fmt::Debug for Big {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Big: [ {} ]", self.tostring())
impl PartialEq for Big {
fn eq(&self, other: &Big) -> bool {
Big::comp(self, other) == 0
impl Ord for Big {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Big) -> Ordering {
let r = Big::comp(self, other);
if r > 0 {
return Ordering::Greater;
if r < 0 {
return Ordering::Less;
impl Eq for Big {}
impl PartialOrd for Big {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Big) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Big {
pub fn new() -> Big {
Big { w: [0; NLEN] }
/// Convert a integer to a Big
pub fn new_int(x: isize) -> Big {
let mut s = Big::new();
s.w[0] = x as Chunk;
/// Takes an array of integers and converts to a Big
pub fn new_ints(a: &[Chunk]) -> Big {
let mut s = Big::new();
for i in 0..NLEN {
s.w[i] = a[i]
pub fn new_dcopy(y: &DBig) -> Big {
let mut s = Big::new();
for i in 0..NLEN {
s.w[i] = y.w[i]
pub fn get(&self, i: usize) -> Chunk {
pub fn set(&mut self, i: usize, x: Chunk) {
self.w[i] = x;
pub fn xortop(&mut self, x: Chunk) {
self.w[NLEN - 1] ^= x;
pub fn ortop(&mut self, x: Chunk) {
self.w[NLEN - 1] |= x;
/// test for zero
pub fn iszilch(&self) -> bool {
for i in 0..NLEN {
if self.w[i] != 0 {
return false;
/// set to zero
pub fn zero(&mut self) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] = 0
/// Test for equal to one
pub fn isunity(&self) -> bool {
for i in 1..NLEN {
if self.w[i] != 0 {
return false;
if self.w[0] != 1 {
return false;
/// Set to one
pub fn one(&mut self) {
self.w[0] = 1;
for i in 1..NLEN {
self.w[i] = 0;
/// Copy from a DBig
pub fn dcopy(&mut self, x: &DBig) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] = x.w[i]
/// Get top and bottom half of =x*y+c+r
pub fn muladd(a: Chunk, b: Chunk, c: Chunk, r: Chunk) -> (Chunk, Chunk) {
let prod: DChunk = (a as DChunk) * (b as DChunk) + (c as DChunk) + (r as DChunk);
let bot = (prod & (BMASK as DChunk)) as Chunk;
let top = (prod >> BASEBITS) as Chunk;
(top, bot)
/// normalise Big - force all digits < 2^BASEBITS
pub fn norm(&mut self) -> Chunk {
let mut carry = 0 as Chunk;
for i in 0..NLEN - 1 {
let d = self.w[i] + carry;
self.w[i] = d & BMASK;
carry = d >> BASEBITS;
self.w[NLEN - 1] += carry;
(self.w[NLEN - 1] >> ((8 * MODBYTES) % BASEBITS)) as Chunk
/// Conditional swap of two bigs depending on d using XOR - no branches
pub fn cswap(&mut self, b: &mut Big, d: isize) {
let mut c = d as Chunk;
c = !(c - 1);
for i in 0..NLEN {
let t = c & (self.w[i] ^ b.w[i]);
self.w[i] ^= t;
b.w[i] ^= t;
pub fn cmove(&mut self, g: &Big, d: isize) {
let b = -d as Chunk;
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] ^= (self.w[i] ^ g.w[i]) & b;
/// Shift right by less than a word
pub fn fshr(&mut self, k: usize) -> isize {
let n = k;
let w = self.w[0] & ((1 << n) - 1); // shifted out part
for i in 0..NLEN - 1 {
self.w[i] = (self.w[i] >> k) | ((self.w[i + 1] << (BASEBITS - n)) & BMASK);
self.w[NLEN - 1] = self.w[NLEN - 1] >> k;
return w as isize;
/// general shift right
pub fn shr(&mut self, k: usize) {
let n = k % BASEBITS;
let m = k / BASEBITS;
for i in 0..NLEN - m - 1 {
self.w[i] = (self.w[m + i] >> n) | ((self.w[m + i + 1] << (BASEBITS - n)) & BMASK)
self.w[NLEN - m - 1] = self.w[NLEN - 1] >> n;
for i in NLEN - m..NLEN {
self.w[i] = 0
/// Shift right by less than a word
pub fn fshl(&mut self, k: usize) -> isize {
let n = k;
self.w[NLEN - 1] = (self.w[NLEN - 1] << n) | (self.w[NLEN - 2] >> (BASEBITS - n));
for i in (1..NLEN - 1).rev() {
self.w[i] = ((self.w[i] << k) & BMASK) | (self.w[i - 1] >> (BASEBITS - n));
self.w[0] = (self.w[0] << n) & BMASK;
// return excess - only used in ff.c
(self.w[NLEN - 1] >> ((8 * MODBYTES) % BASEBITS)) as isize
/// General shift left
pub fn shl(&mut self, k: usize) {
let n = k % BASEBITS;
let m = k / BASEBITS;
self.w[NLEN - 1] = self.w[NLEN - 1 - m] << n;
if NLEN >= m + 2 {
self.w[NLEN - 1] |= self.w[NLEN - m - 2] >> (BASEBITS - n)
for i in (m + 1..NLEN - 1).rev() {
self.w[i] = ((self.w[i - m] << n) & BMASK) | (self.w[i - m - 1] >> (BASEBITS - n));
self.w[m] = (self.w[0] << n) & BMASK;
for i in 0..m {
self.w[i] = 0
/// Return number of bits
pub fn nbits(&self) -> usize {
let mut k = NLEN - 1;
let mut s = self.clone();
while (k as isize) >= 0 && s.w[k] == 0 {
k = k.wrapping_sub(1)
if (k as isize) < 0 {
return 0;
let mut bts = BASEBITS * k;
let mut c = s.w[k];
while c != 0 {
c /= 2;
bts += 1;
// Convert to Hex String
pub fn tostring(&self) -> String {
let mut s = String::new();
let mut len = self.nbits();
if len % 4 == 0 {
len /= 4;
} else {
len /= 4;
len += 1;
let mb = (MODBYTES * 2) as usize;
if len < mb {
len = mb
for i in (0..len).rev() {
let mut b = self.clone();
b.shr(i * 4);
s = s + &format!("{:X}", b.w[0] & 15);
/// From Hex String
pub fn fromstring(val: String) -> Big {
let mut res = Big::new();
let len = val.len();
let op = &val[0..1];
let n = u8::from_str_radix(op, 16).unwrap();
res.w[0] += n as Chunk;
for i in 1..len {
let op = &val[i..=i];
let n = u8::from_str_radix(op, 16).unwrap();
res.w[0] += n as Chunk;
// Self += r
pub fn add(&mut self, r: &Big) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] += r.w[i]
//? Bitwise OR
pub fn or(&mut self, r: &Big) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] |= r.w[i]
/// Self * 2
pub fn dbl(&mut self) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] += self.w[i]
/// Return self + x
pub fn plus(&self, x: &Big) -> Big {
let mut s = Big::new();
for i in 0..NLEN {
s.w[i] = self.w[i] + x.w[i];
/// Return self + 1
pub fn inc(&mut self, x: isize) {
self.w[0] += x as Chunk;
/// Return self - x
pub fn minus(&self, x: &Big) -> Big {
let mut d = Big::new();
for i in 0..NLEN {
d.w[i] = self.w[i] - x.w[i];
/// self -= x
pub fn sub(&mut self, x: &Big) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] -= x.w[i];
/// reverse subtract this=x-this
pub fn rsub(&mut self, x: &Big) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] = x.w[i] - self.w[i]
/// self-=x, where x is int
pub fn dec(&mut self, x: isize) {
self.w[0] -= x as Chunk;
/// self*=x, where x is small int<NEXCESS
pub fn imul(&mut self, c: isize) {
for i in 0..NLEN {
self.w[i] *= c as Chunk;
/// To Byte Array
/// Convert this Big to byte array from index `n`
pub fn tobytearray(&self, b: &mut [u8], n: usize) {
let mut c = self.clone();
for i in (0..(MODBYTES as usize)).rev() {
b[i + n] = (c.w[0] & 0xff) as u8;
/// From Byte Array
/// Convert from byte array starting at index `n` to Big
pub fn frombytearray(b: &[u8], n: usize) -> Big {
let mut m = Big::new();
// Restrict length
let max_big = MODBYTES;
let len = if b.len() >= max_big {
max_big as usize
} else {
for i in 0..len {
m.w[0] += (b[i + n] & 0xff) as Chunk;
/// To Bytes
/// Convert to bytes from index 0
pub fn tobytes(&self, b: &mut [u8]) {
self.tobytearray(b, 0)
/// From bytes
/// Convert from bytes from index 0
/// Panics if input bytes length is less than required.
pub fn frombytes(b: &[u8]) -> Big {
Big::frombytearray(b, 0)
// self*=x, where x is >NEXCESS
pub fn pmul(&mut self, c: isize) -> Chunk {
let mut carry = 0 as Chunk;
for i in 0..NLEN {
let ak = self.w[i];
let tuple = Big::muladd(ak, c as Chunk, carry, 0 as Chunk);
carry = tuple.0;
self.w[i] = tuple.1;
/// self *= c and catch overflow in DBig
pub fn pxmul(&self, c: isize) -> DBig {
let mut m = DBig::new();
let mut carry = 0 as Chunk;
for j in 0..NLEN {
let tuple = Big::muladd(self.w[j], c as Chunk, carry, m.w[j]);
carry = tuple.0;
m.w[j] = tuple.1;
m.w[NLEN] = carry;
/// divide by 3
pub fn div3(&mut self) -> Chunk {
let mut carry = 0 as Chunk;
let base = 1 << BASEBITS;
for i in (0..NLEN).rev() {
let ak = carry * base + self.w[i];
self.w[i] = ak / 3;
carry = ak % 3;
/// return a*b where result fits in a Big
pub fn smul(a: &Big, b: &Big) -> Big {
let mut c = Big::new();
for i in 0..NLEN {
let mut carry = 0 as Chunk;
for j in 0..NLEN {
if i + j < NLEN {
let tuple = Big::muladd(a.w[i], b.w[j], carry, c.w[i + j]);
carry = tuple.0;
c.w[i + j] = tuple.1;
/// Compare a and b, return 0 if a==b, -1 if a<b, +1 if a>b. Inputs must be normalised
pub fn comp(a: &Big, b: &Big) -> isize {
for i in (0..NLEN).rev() {
if a.w[i] == b.w[i] {
if a.w[i] > b.w[i] {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
/// set x = x mod 2^m
pub fn mod2m(&mut self, m: usize) {
let wd = m / BASEBITS;
let bt = m % BASEBITS;
let msk = (1 << bt) - 1;
self.w[wd] &= msk;
for i in wd + 1..NLEN {
self.w[i] = 0
/// Arazi and Qi inversion mod 256
pub fn invmod256(a: isize) -> isize {
let mut t1: isize = 0;
let mut c = (a >> 1) & 1;
t1 += c;
t1 &= 1;
t1 = 2 - t1;
t1 <<= 1;
let mut u = t1 + 1;
// i=2
let mut b = a & 3;
t1 = u * b;
t1 >>= 2;
c = (a >> 2) & 3;
let mut t2 = (u * c) & 3;
t1 += t2;
t1 *= u;
t1 &= 3;
t1 = 4 - t1;
t1 <<= 2;
u += t1;
// i=4
b = a & 15;
t1 = u * b;
t1 >>= 4;
c = (a >> 4) & 15;
t2 = (u * c) & 15;
t1 += t2;
t1 *= u;
t1 &= 15;
t1 = 16 - t1;
t1 <<= 4;
u += t1;
/// Return parity
pub fn parity(&self) -> isize {
(self.w[0] % 2) as isize
/// Return n-th bit
pub fn bit(&self, n: usize) -> isize {
if (self.w[n / (BASEBITS as usize)] & (1 << (n % BASEBITS))) > 0 {
return 1;
/// Return n last bits
pub fn lastbits(&mut self, n: usize) -> isize {
let msk = ((1 << n) - 1) as Chunk;
(self.w[0] & msk) as isize
/// a = 1/a mod 2^256. This is very fast!
pub fn invmod2m(&mut self) {
let mut u = Big::new();;
let mut i = 8;
while i < BIGBITS {
let mut b = self.clone();
let mut t1 = Big::smul(&u, &b);
let mut c = self.clone();
let mut t2 = Big::smul(&u, &c);
b = Big::smul(&t1, &u);
t1 = b.clone();
i <<= 1;
*self = u;
/// Reduciton with Modulus
/// reduce self mod m
pub fn rmod(&mut self, n: &Big) {
let mut k = 0;
let mut m = n.clone();
if Big::comp(self, &m) < 0 {
loop {
k += 1;
if Big::comp(self, &m) < 0 {
while k > 0 {
let mut r = self.clone();
(1 - ((r.w[NLEN - 1] >> (arch::CHUNK - 1)) & 1)) as isize,
k -= 1;
/// Division
/// self = self / m
pub fn div(&mut self, n: &Big) {
let mut k = 0;
let mut e = Big::new_int(1);
let mut b = self.clone();
let mut m = n.clone();;
while Big::comp(&b, &m) >= 0 {
k += 1;
while k > 0 {
let mut r = b.clone();
let d = (1 - ((r.w[NLEN - 1] >> (arch::CHUNK - 1)) & 1)) as isize;
b.cmove(&r, d);
r = self.clone();
self.cmove(&r, d);
k -= 1;
/// Random
/// Get 8*MODBYTES size random number
pub fn random(rng: &mut RAND) -> Big {
let mut m = Big::new();
let mut j = 0;
let mut r: u8 = 0;
// generate random Big
for _ in 0..8 * (MODBYTES as usize) {
if j == 0 {
r = rng.getbyte()
} else {
r >>= 1
let b = (r as Chunk) & 1;
m.w[0] += b;
j += 1;
j &= 7;
/// Random Number
/// Create random Big in portable way, one bit at a time
pub fn randomnum(q: &Big, rng: &mut RAND) -> Big {
let mut d = DBig::new();
let mut j = 0;
let mut r: u8 = 0;
let t = q.clone();
for _ in 0..2 * t.nbits() {
if j == 0 {
r = rng.getbyte();
} else {
r >>= 1
let b = (r as Chunk) & 1;
d.w[0] += b;
j += 1;
j &= 7;
let m = d.dmod(q);
/// Jacobi Symbol (this/p). Returns 0, 1 or -1
pub fn jacobi(&mut self, p: &Big) -> isize {
let mut m: usize = 0;
let one = Big::new_int(1);
if p.parity() == 0 || self.iszilch() || Big::comp(p, &one) <= 0 {
return 0;
let mut x = self.clone();
let mut n = p.clone();
while Big::comp(&n, &one) > 0 {
if x.iszilch() {
return 0;
let n8 = n.lastbits(3) as usize;
let mut k = 0;
while x.parity() == 0 {
k += 1;
if k % 2 == 1 {
m += (n8 * n8 - 1) / 8
m += (n8 - 1) * ((x.lastbits(2) as usize) - 1) / 4;
let mut t = n.clone();
n = x.clone();
x = t.clone();
m %= 2;
if m == 0 {
return 1;
/// Inverse Modulus
/// self = 1/self mod p. Binary method
pub fn invmodp(&mut self, p: &Big) {
let mut u = self.clone();
let mut v = p.clone();
let mut x1 = Big::new_int(1);
let mut x2 = Big::new();
let one = Big::new_int(1);
while (Big::comp(&u, &one) != 0) && (Big::comp(&v, &one) != 0) {
while u.parity() == 0 {
if x1.parity() != 0 {
while v.parity() == 0 {
if x2.parity() != 0 {
if Big::comp(&u, &v) >= 0 {
if Big::comp(&x1, &x2) >= 0 {
} else {
let mut t = p.clone();
} else {
if Big::comp(&x2, &x1) >= 0 {
} else {
let mut t = p.clone();
if Big::comp(&u, &one) == 0 {
*self = x1
} else {
*self = x2
/// Multiplication
/// return a*b as DBig
pub fn mul(a: &Big, b: &Big) -> DBig {
let mut c = DBig::new();
let rm = BMASK as DChunk;
let rb = BASEBITS;
let mut d: [DChunk; DNLEN] = [0; DNLEN];
for i in 0..NLEN {
d[i] = (a.w[i] as DChunk) * (b.w[i] as DChunk);
let mut s = d[0];
let mut t = s;
c.w[0] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
let mut co = t >> rb;
for k in 1..NLEN {
s += d[k];
t = co + s;
for i in 1 + k / 2..=k {
t += ((a.w[i] - a.w[k - i]) as DChunk) * ((b.w[k - i] - b.w[i]) as DChunk)
c.w[k] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
for k in NLEN..2 * NLEN - 1 {
s -= d[k - NLEN];
t = co + s;
let mut i = 1 + k / 2;
while i < NLEN {
t += ((a.w[i] - a.w[k - i]) as DChunk) * ((b.w[k - i] - b.w[i]) as DChunk);
i += 1;
c.w[k] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
c.w[2 * NLEN - 1] = co as Chunk;
/// Square
/// return a^2 as DBig
pub fn sqr(a: &Big) -> DBig {
let mut c = DBig::new();
let rm = BMASK as DChunk;
let rb = BASEBITS;
let mut t = (a.w[0] as DChunk) * (a.w[0] as DChunk);
c.w[0] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
let mut co = t >> rb;
let mut j = 1;
while j < NLEN - 1 {
t = (a.w[j] as DChunk) * (a.w[0] as DChunk);
for i in 1..(j + 1) / 2 {
t += (a.w[j - i] as DChunk) * (a.w[i] as DChunk);
t += t;
t += co;
c.w[j] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
j += 1;
t = (a.w[j] as DChunk) * (a.w[0] as DChunk);
for i in 1..(j + 1) / 2 {
t += (a.w[j - i] as DChunk) * (a.w[i] as DChunk);
t += t;
t += co;
t += (a.w[j / 2] as DChunk) * (a.w[j / 2] as DChunk);
c.w[j] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
j += 1;
j = NLEN + (NLEN % 2) - 1;
while j < DNLEN - 3 {
t = (a.w[NLEN - 1] as DChunk) * (a.w[j + 1 - NLEN] as DChunk);
for i in j + 2 - NLEN..(j + 1) / 2 {
t += (a.w[j - i] as DChunk) * (a.w[i] as DChunk);
t += t;
t += co;
c.w[j] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
j += 1;
t = (a.w[NLEN - 1] as DChunk) * (a.w[j + 1 - NLEN] as DChunk);
for i in j + 2 - NLEN..(j + 1) / 2 {
t += (a.w[j - i] as DChunk) * (a.w[i] as DChunk);
t += t;
t += co;
t += (a.w[j / 2] as DChunk) * (a.w[j / 2] as DChunk);
c.w[j] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
j += 1;
t = (a.w[NLEN - 2] as DChunk) * (a.w[NLEN - 1] as DChunk);
t += t;
t += co;
c.w[DNLEN - 3] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
t = (a.w[NLEN - 1] as DChunk) * (a.w[NLEN - 1] as DChunk) + co;
c.w[DNLEN - 2] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
co = t >> rb;
c.w[DNLEN - 1] = co as Chunk;
/// Montegomery Reduction
pub fn monty(md: &Big, mc: Chunk, d: &mut DBig) -> Big {
let mut b = Big::new();
let rm = BMASK as DChunk;
let rb = BASEBITS;
let mut dd: [DChunk; NLEN] = [0; NLEN];
let mut v: [Chunk; NLEN] = [0; NLEN];;
let mut t = d.w[0] as DChunk;
v[0] = (((t & rm) as Chunk).wrapping_mul(mc)) & BMASK;
t += (v[0] as DChunk) * (md.w[0] as DChunk);
let mut c = (d.w[1] as DChunk) + (t >> rb);
let mut s: DChunk = 0;
for k in 1..NLEN {
t = c + s + (v[0] as DChunk) * (md.w[k] as DChunk);
let mut i = 1 + k / 2;
while i < k {
t += ((v[k - i] - v[i]) as DChunk) * ((md.w[i] - md.w[k - i]) as DChunk);
i += 1;
v[k] = (((t & rm) as Chunk).wrapping_mul(mc)) & BMASK;
t += (v[k] as DChunk) * (md.w[0] as DChunk);
c = (d.w[k + 1] as DChunk) + (t >> rb);
dd[k] = (v[k] as DChunk) * (md.w[k] as DChunk);
s += dd[k];
for k in NLEN..2 * NLEN - 1 {
t = c + s;
let mut i = 1 + k / 2;
while i < NLEN {
t += ((v[k - i] - v[i]) as DChunk) * ((md.w[i] - md.w[k - i]) as DChunk);
i += 1;
b.w[k - NLEN] = (t & rm) as Chunk;
c = (d.w[k + 1] as DChunk) + (t >> rb);
s -= dd[k + 1 - NLEN];
b.w[NLEN - 1] = (c & rm) as Chunk;
pub fn ssn(r: &mut Big, a: &Big, m: &mut Big) -> isize {
let n = NLEN - 1;
m.w[0] = (m.w[0] >> 1) | ((m.w[1] << (BASEBITS - 1)) & BMASK);
r.w[0] = a.w[0] - m.w[0];
let mut carry = r.w[0] >> BASEBITS;
r.w[0] &= BMASK;
for i in 1..n {
m.w[i] = (m.w[i] >> 1) | ((m.w[i + 1] << (BASEBITS - 1)) & BMASK);
r.w[i] = a.w[i] - m.w[i] + carry;
carry = r.w[i] >> BASEBITS;
r.w[i] &= BMASK;
m.w[n] >>= 1;
r.w[n] = a.w[n] - m.w[n] + carry;
((r.w[n] >> (arch::CHUNK - 1)) & 1) as isize
/// Modular Multiplication
/// return a*b mod m
pub fn modmul(a1: &Big, b1: &Big, m: &Big) -> Big {
let mut a = a1.clone();
let mut b = b1.clone();
let mut d = Big::mul(&a, &b);
/// return a^2 mod m
pub fn modsqr(a1: &Big, m: &Big) -> Big {
let mut a = a1.clone();
let mut d = Big::sqr(&a);
/// Modular Negation
/// return -a mod m
pub fn modneg(a1: &Big, m: &Big) -> Big {
let mut a = a1.clone();
/// Raise to Power with Modulus
/// return this^e mod m
pub fn powmod(&mut self, e1: &Big, m: &Big) -> Big {
let mut e = e1.clone();
let mut a = Big::new_int(1);
let mut z = e.clone();
let mut s = self.clone();
loop {
let bt = z.parity();
if bt == 1 {
a = Big::modmul(&a, &s, m)
if z.iszilch() {
s = Big::modsqr(&s, m);