Merge pull request #35 from naturalett/add-local-deploy-flag

add local deploy flag
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+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+under the License.
+# Install Liminal in Airflow
+* [Workflow](#workflow)
+* [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+* [One time setup](#One-time-setup)
+* [Deploying your Yaml files](#Deploying-your-Yaml-files)
+* [References and other resources](#references-and-other-resources)
+## Workflow
+To deploy and run liminal on airflow, we need to complete two tasks:
+1. Ensure that the Liminal python package is installed inside each one of Airflow's pods (schedulers and Web Server)
+   This is a standard airflow management task, which can be achieved in multiple ways depending on your setup (we will cover a few later in this guide).
+2. Ensure that the user's Liminal code (i.e. Yamls) are present in each of the pods' DAGs folder (typically located in /opt/airflow/dags)
+   Here, our recommended approach is to use a folder on a shared filesystem (EFS) to host the airflow DAGs (and Liminal Yamls). 
+   This folder will be mounted into Airflow pods' DAGs folder - thus enabling each of the pods to pick the files up and run the Liminal DAGs.
+Below is a description of how to achieve this task using a commonly used Helm chart for Airflow on Kubernetes.
+## Prerequisites
+### Airflow on Kubernetes
+This guide assumes you have successfully installed Airflow on Kubernetes.
+If you haven't done so yet, we found the following Helm chart useful for achieving this goal:
+You'll need to add the chart to your Helm installation and follow the instructions from the
+helm repo add airflow-stable
+helm repo update
+### A provisioned EFS file system
+EFS is an AWS solution which offers an NFS as a service.
+You can read up about EFS [here]( and set it up via AWS console or CLI.
+## One time environment setup
+### Adding the Apache Liminal package to Apache Airflow pods
+There are multiple ways to install liminal into the Airflow pods, depending on how you deployed Airflow on Kubernetes.
+In principle, it requires the package to be pip-installed into the Airflow docker - either during build time or in run time.
+1. If you are rolling out your own Airflow Docker images based on the [official docker image](, 
+you can add apache-liminal installation during the build: 
+```docker build --build-arg ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS="apache-liminal"```
+2. If you already have a running Airflow on Kubernetes, you can run a command which iterates over Airflow pods and executes a ```pip install apache-liminal``` 
+on each of the pods. 
+3. If you used the [airflow-helm-chart-7.16.0], you just need to specifiy apache-liminal inside the ```requirements.txt``` file as per the instructions [here][airflow-helm-chart-7.16.0]
+### Preparing a "deployment box" and an EFS folder to host the Liminal Yaml files
+The "deployment box" is the machine which has access to the Yamls you want to deploy.
+This machine will also mount the same EFS folder as Airflow, and use ```liminal deploy``` to push the Yamls into that folder.
+1. Provision an EC2 instance which has access to the EFS
+3. Mount the EFS onto the EC2 instance
+```sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport <EFS_ID>:/ /mnt/efs```
+3. Create a folder on an EFS drive. This will be our target for deployment
+```mkdir -p /mnt/efs/opt/airflow/liminal_home```
+4. ```export LIMINAL_HOME=/mnt/efs/opt/airflow/liminal_home```
+### Mounting the EFS folder into Airflow pods
+Now that we have an EFS drive, and we've created the shared folder on it, it's time to mount it onto the Airflow pods` Dags folder.
+The [guide] [airflowInstallation]includes details on how to expose EFS as a Persistent Volume for kubernetes.
+Make sure to point the pods' PV to the right EFS folder, like so:
+    - name: efs-data
+      mountPath: /opt/airflow/dags
+where efs-data is a PVC pointing to `<EFS_ID>:/opt/airflow/liminal_home`
+## Deploying your Yaml files
+Finally, the one time setup is done, and by this point, you should have:
+1. A deployment box which can deploy Liminal to an EFS folder
+2. Airflow pods which will pick up the Yamls from that folder automatically.
+Deploying the actual Yaml files is the simple part. 
+Each time you want to deploy the Liminal Yamls from the deployment box:
+liminal deploy --path <<<path to liminal user code>>>
+## References and other resources
+### Setting up Airflow on Kubernetes with EFS
+[Setting up Airflow on Kubernetes with AWS EFS][airflowInstallation]
+### Example script
+In order to make it easier to undernstad all the steps, we include a script which performs the Liminal-specific steps in the deployment.
+This script should be run from an EC2 machine which has access to the EFS you've provisioned.
+1. `` -o installation # Covers mounting the EFS and setting environment parameters
+2. `` -o clone  # clones an example Liminal Yaml from our Github repository in order to deploy it
+3. `` -o deployment # deploys that Yaml onto the EFS folder
+[airflow-helm-chart-7.16.0]: <>
+[homebrew-kubectl]: <>
+[cluster-access-kubeconfig]: <>
+[liminal-installation-script]: <>
+[airflowChart]: <>
+[airflowInstallation]: <>
+[airflowImage]: <>
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+#! /bin/bash
+help() {
+    echo "$0: Get Started"
+    echo "Usage: $0 -o option"
+		echo "Liminal available options:          "
+		echo "clone"
+		echo "installation "
+		echo "deployment"
+if [[ "$#" -lt 2 ]]; then
+	help
+	exit
+# Arguments processing
+while getopts ":o:" opt; do #installation, deployment
+	case $opt in
+	o)
+	  option=$OPTARG
+	  case $option in
+	    clone)
+	      ACTION="clone"
+	    ;;
+	    installation)
+	      ACTION="installation"
+	    ;;
+	    deployment)
+	      ACTION="deployment"
+	    ;;
+	  esac
+	esac
+mount_efs() {
+	EFS_ID=$1
+	echo "The EFS_ID is: ${EFS_ID}"
+	echo "Create /mnt/efs"
+	mkdir /mnt/efs
+	echo "Mount the /mnt/efs"
+	sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport ${EFS_ID}:/ /mnt/efs
+install_liminal() {
+	echo "Installing liminal on Airflow components"
+	docker ps | grep k8s_airflow | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} docker exec {} bash -c 'pip install apache-liminal'
+	echo "Installing liminal locally"
+	pip install apache-liminal
+deploy_yaml() {
+	echo 'Find the the mounted path of the Airflow'
+	airflow_path=$(find /mnt/efs/ -name "liminal_home")
+	echo "The mounted Airflow path is: $airflow_path"
+	echo 'Export the liminal home'
+	export LIMINAL_HOME=${airflow_path}
+	liminal deploy --path "incubator-liminal/examples/liminal-getting-started"
+clone() {
+	echo 'Cloning incubator-liminal'
+	git clone
+case $ACTION in
+	clone)
+                clone
+		exit 0
+	;;
+	installation)
+                read -r -p "Please enter EFS ID: " EFS_ID
+                mount_efs $EFS_ID
+                install_liminal
+		exit 0
+	;;
+	deployment)
+                deploy_yaml
+		exit 0
+	;;
+  help
+  exit
+  ;;
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