blob: 45171c27abe238402250a897e1edd9db81237517 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package remote_engine;
import "engine/schema.proto";
import "engine/time_range.proto";
import "cluster.proto";
import "common.proto";
import "storage.proto";
service RemoteEngineService {
rpc Read(ReadRequest) returns (stream ReadResponse) {}
rpc Write(WriteRequest) returns (WriteResponse) {}
rpc GetTableInfo(GetTableInfoRequest) returns (GetTableInfoResponse) {}
rpc WriteBatch(WriteBatchRequest) returns (WriteResponse) {}
rpc ExecutePhysicalPlan(ExecutePlanRequest) returns (stream ReadResponse) {}
rpc AlterTableSchema(AlterTableSchemaRequest)
returns (AlterTableSchemaResponse) {}
rpc AlterTableOptions(AlterTableOptionsRequest)
returns (AlterTableOptionsResponse) {}
message TableIdentifier {
string catalog = 1;
string schema = 2;
string table = 3;
message ReadOptions {
uint64 batch_size = 1;
uint64 read_parallelism = 2;
// -1 means no timeout
int64 timeout_ms = 3;
message Predicate {
repeated bytes exprs = 1;
time_range.TimeRange time_range = 2;
enum ReadOrder {
None = 0;
Asc = 1;
Desc = 2;
message TableReadRequest {
string request_id = 1;
ReadOptions opts = 2;
schema.ProjectedSchema projected_schema = 3;
Predicate predicate = 4;
ReadOrder order = 5;
message ReadRequest {
TableIdentifier table = 1;
TableReadRequest read_request = 2;
message ReadResponse {
common.ResponseHeader header = 1;
oneof output {
storage.ArrowPayload arrow = 2;
// This field is used to return metric of child node when query is executed
// in distributed mode.
MetricPayload metric = 3;
message MetricPayload {
string metric = 1;
message ColumnDesc {
uint32 id = 1;
schema.DataType typ = 2;
message ContiguousRows {
uint32 schema_version = 1;
repeated bytes encoded_rows = 2;
repeated ColumnDesc column_descs = 3;
message RowGroup {
int64 min_timestamp = 1;
int64 max_timestamp = 2;
oneof rows {
storage.ArrowPayload arrow = 3;
ContiguousRows contiguous = 4;
message WriteRequest {
TableIdentifier table = 1;
RowGroup row_group = 2;
message WriteResponse {
common.ResponseHeader header = 1;
uint64 affected_rows = 2;
message GetTableInfoRequest {
TableIdentifier table = 1;
message TableInfo {
string catalog_name = 1;
string schema_name = 2;
uint32 schema_id = 3;
string table_name = 4;
uint64 table_id = 5;
schema.TableSchema table_schema = 6;
string engine = 7;
map<string, string> options = 8;
cluster.PartitionInfo partition_info = 9;
message GetTableInfoResponse {
common.ResponseHeader header = 1;
TableInfo table_info = 2;
message WriteBatchRequest {
repeated WriteRequest batch = 1;
message ExtensionNode {
oneof typed_extension {
DistSqlQueryExtensionNode dist_sql_query = 1;
message DistSqlQueryExtensionNode {
UnresolvedSubScan unresolved_sub_scan = 1;
message UnresolvedSubScan {
TableIdentifier table = 1;
TableScanContext table_scan_ctx = 2;
enum QueryPriority {
High = 0;
Low = 1;
enum Explain { Analyze = 0; }
message ExecContext {
string request_id = 1;
string default_catalog = 2;
string default_schema = 3;
// -1 means no timeout
int64 timeout_ms = 4;
QueryPriority priority = 5;
string displayable_query = 6;
optional Explain explain = 7;
message ExecutePlanRequest {
ExecContext context = 1;
oneof physical_plan {
bytes datafusion = 2;
TableIdentifier table = 3;
message AlterTableSchemaRequest {
TableIdentifier table = 1;
schema.TableSchema table_schema = 2;
uint32 pre_schema_version = 3;
message AlterTableSchemaResponse {
common.ResponseHeader header = 1;
message AlterTableOptionsRequest {
TableIdentifier table = 1;
map<string, string> options = 2;
message AlterTableOptionsResponse {
common.ResponseHeader header = 1;
message TableScanContext {
uint64 batch_size = 1;
uint64 read_parallelism = 2;
schema.ProjectedSchema projected_schema = 3;
Predicate predicate = 4;