Apache HoraeDB (Incubating) Protocol Buffer Files

Clone this repo:
  1. fac8564 chore: fix fmt (#138) by kamille · 9 weeks ago main
  2. e76a09e feat: add protobuf to support remote compaction service (#134) by Leslie Su · 9 weeks ago
  3. 8d45306 add disciamer by baojinri · 5 months ago
  4. 16111cd feat: add enable fields to decision whether use LayeredMemtable. (#131) by kamille · 6 months ago
  5. b5a6581 docs: correct link in README by tison · 10 months ago

Apache HoraeDB (Incubating) Protocol Buffer Files

Crates.io Go Reference Maven Central

Protocol buffer files for Apache HoraeDB (Incubating). Projects that manage generated code of different languages are also in this repository. They act as underlying dependencies of the client, server, and meta.

[!IMPORTANT] Apache HoraeDB (incubating) is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.

Please read the DISCLAIMER and a full explanation of “incubating”.

User Guide


cargo add horaedbproto


go get github.com/apache/incubator-horaedb-proto/golang


Add a maven dependency to your project.


Developer Guide

After modifying the proto files, something else for different programming languages should be done.


  1. Name the maven project to a new version.
  2. Rebuild the maven project in the java directory (During the build process, java code for the latest proto will be generated).
  3. Publish the build result to the central maven repository.


As for the Rust projects that depend on this project, everything will be generated during the build process themselves. So nothing else needs to be done for Rust.


  1. Install Protocol Buffers v25.1 compiler.
  2. Execute make go.