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Apache Annotator provides annotation enabling code for browsers, servers, and humans.
Growing out of the experiences with web annotation software (<a href="">Annotator.js</a>, <a href=""></a>, and others), Apache Annotator is a collaboration between developers of annotation tools to bundle our efforts.
The goal is to help developers of annotation tools create their applications without having to reinvent the wheel, while applying a standards-driven approach based on the W3C’s <a href="">Web Annotation data model</a>, in order to facilitate an ecosystem of interoperable annotation tools — ideally making annotations an integral part of the web.
We are currently working on a basic set of modules for core tasks such as anchoring annotations to their targets. We welcome developers and community members interested in the future of annotation. Please reach out on <a href="">our mailing list</a> or join us on one of our weekly calls! We'd love to have your input and help.
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<div class="description">Apache Annotator code &amp; build tools</div>
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<div class="description">This site and our documentation.</div>
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<span>Version 0.1.0</span>
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Release archive.
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<a class="item" href="">PGP Signature</a>
<a class="item" href="">SHA256</a>
<a class="item" href="">SHA512</a>
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<a class="item" href="">Instructions for verifying downloads.</a>
<a class="item" href="https:/">KEYS file for validating signatures.</a>
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<i class="npm icon"></i> Package
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<span>Version 0.1.0</span>
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<span>Convenience package built from the release archive.</span>
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