blob: 875c73035267269a2c9bbf6c0d3c290bb97ae0ec [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This modules contians utility functions used to help verify query test results.
import logging
import math
import re
from functools import wraps
from tests.util.test_file_parser import (join_section_lines, remove_comments,
from tests.util.hdfs_util import NAMENODE
LOG = logging.getLogger('test_result_verifier')
# Special prefix for column values that indicates the actual column value
# is equal to the expected one if the actual value matches the given regex.
# Accepted syntax in test files is 'regex: pattern' without the quotes.
# Special prefix for row values that indicates the actual row value
# is equal to the expected one if the actual value matches the given regex.
# Json keys that are skipped during comparison of two lineage JSON objects.
# Lineages contain keys like timestamps, query_ids etc that are not expected
# to match with other lineages. This list maintains the keys that are skipped
# during comparison.
DEFAULT_LINEAGE_SKIP_KEYS = ['tableCreateTime', 'queryId', 'timestamp', 'endTime',
# Represents a single test result (row set)
class QueryTestResult(object):
def __init__(self, result_list, column_types, column_labels, order_matters):
self.column_types = column_types
self.result_list = result_list
# The order of the result set might be different if running with multiple nodes.
# Unless there is an ORDER BY clause, the results should be sorted for comparison.
test_results = result_list
if not order_matters:
test_results = sorted(result_list)
self.rows = [ResultRow(row, column_types, column_labels) for row in test_results]
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
return self.column_types == other.column_types and self.rows == other.rows
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(['%s' % row for row in self.rows])
def separate_rows(self):
"""Returns rows that are literal rows and rows that are not literals (e.g. regex)
in two lists."""
literal_rows = []
non_literal_rows = []
for row in self.rows:
if row.regex is None:
return (literal_rows, non_literal_rows)
# Represents a row in a result set
class ResultRow(object):
def __init__(self, row_string, column_types, column_labels):
self.columns = self.__parse_row(row_string, column_types, column_labels)
self.row_string = row_string
# If applicable, pre-compile the regex that actual row values (row_string)
# should be matched against instead of self.columns.
self.regex = try_compile_regex(row_string)
def __parse_row(self, row_string, column_types, column_labels):
"""Parses a row string (from Beeswax) and build a list of ResultColumn objects"""
column_values = list()
if not row_string:
return column_values
string_val = None
current_column = 0
for i, col_val in enumerate(self.__tokenize_row(row_string)):
assert current_column < len(column_types),\
'Number of columns returned > the number of column types: %s' % column_types
column_values.append(ResultColumn(col_val, column_types[i], column_labels[i]))
return column_values
def __tokenize_row(self, row_string):
"""Break the comma-separated row up into values. Commas inside single-quoted string
values are not treated as value separates. Two single quotes inside a single-quoted
string is escaped to a single quote."""
col_vals = []
in_quotes = False
curr_val_chars = []
i = 0
while i < len(row_string):
c = row_string[i]
if not in_quotes and c == ",":
curr_val_chars = []
if c == "'":
if in_quotes and i + 1 < len(row_string) and row_string[i + 1] == "'":
# Double single-quote escape - combine the two quotes.
i += 1
in_quotes = not in_quotes
i += 1
assert not in_quotes, "Unclosed quote in row:\n{0}".format(row_string)
# Append the last value in the row, which does not have a trailing comma.
return col_vals
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Allows accessing a column value using the column alias or the position of the
column in the result set. All values are returned as strings and an exception is
thrown if the column label or column position does not exist."""
if isinstance(key, basestring):
for col in self.columns:
if col.column_label == key.lower(): return col.value
raise IndexError, 'No column with label: ' + key
elif isinstance(key, int):
# If the key (column position) does not exist this will throw an IndexError when
# indexing into the self.columns
return str(self.columns[key])
raise TypeError, 'Unsupported indexing key type: ' + type(key)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
# Check equality based on a supplied regex if one was given.
if self.regex is not None:
return self.regex.match(other.row_string)
if other.regex is not None:
return other.regex.match(self.row_string)
return self.columns == other.columns
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
return ','.join(['%s' % col for col in self.columns])
# Check if the string is a row regex, and if so compile it.
# Return None if the row does not have a regex prefix.
def try_compile_regex(row_string):
if row_string and ROW_REGEX_PREFIX.match(row_string):
pattern = row_string[len(ROW_REGEX_PREFIX_PATTERN):].strip()
regex = re.compile(pattern)
if regex is None:
assert False, "Invalid row regex specification: %s" % row_string
return regex
return None
# If comparing against a float or double, don't do a strict comparison
# See:
def compare_float(x, y, epsilon):
# For the purposes of test validation, we want to treat nans as equal. The
# floating point spec defines nan != nan.
if math.isnan(x) and math.isnan(y):
return True
if math.isinf(x) or math.isinf(y):
return x == y
return abs(x - y) <= epsilon
# Represents a column in a row
class ResultColumn(object):
def __init__(self, value, column_type, column_label):
"""Value of the column and the type (double, float, string, etc...)"""
self.value = value
self.column_type = column_type.lower()
self.column_label = column_label.lower()
# If applicable, pre-compile the regex that actual column values
# should be matched against instead of self.value.
self.regex = None
if COLUMN_REGEX_PREFIX.match(value):
pattern = self.value[len(COLUMN_REGEX_PREFIX_PATTERN):].strip()
self.regex = re.compile(pattern)
if self.regex is None:
assert False, "Invalid column regex specification: %s" % self.value
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
# Make sure the column types are the same
if self.column_type != other.column_type:
return False
# Check equality based on a supplied regex if one was given.
if self.regex is not None:
return self.regex.match(other.value)
if other.regex is not None:
return other.regex.match(self.value)
if (self.value == 'NULL' or other.value == 'NULL'):
return self.value == other.value
elif self.column_type == 'float':
return compare_float(float(self.value), float(other.value), 10e-5)
elif self.column_type == 'double':
return compare_float(float(self.value), float(other.value), 10e-10)
elif self.column_type == 'boolean':
return str(self.value).lower() == str(other.value).lower()
return self.value == other.value
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def __repr__(self):
return 'Type: %s Value: %s' % (self.column_type, self.value)
def assert_args_not_none(*args):
for arg in args:
assert arg is not None
def verify_query_result_is_subset(expected_results, actual_results):
"""Check whether the results in expected_results are a subset of the results in
actual_results. This uses set semantics, i.e. any duplicates are ignored."""
expected_literals, expected_non_literals = expected_results.separate_rows()
expected_literal_strings = set([str(row) for row in expected_literals])
actual_literal_strings = set([str(row) for row in actual_results.rows])
# Expected literal strings must all be present in the actual strings.
assert expected_literal_strings <= actual_literal_strings
# Expected patterns must be present in the actual strings.
for expected_row in expected_non_literals:
matched = False
for actual_row in actual_results.rows:
if actual_row == expected_row:
matched = True
assert matched, "Could not find expected row {0} in actual rows:\n{1}".format(
str(expected_row), str(actual_results))
def verify_query_result_is_superset(expected_results, actual_results):
"""Check whether the results in expected_results are a superset of the results in
actual_results. This uses set semantics, i.e. any duplicates are ignored."""
expected_literals, expected_non_literals = expected_results.separate_rows()
expected_literal_strings = set([str(row) for row in expected_literals])
# Check that all actual rows are present in either expected_literal_strings or
# expected_non_literals.
for actual_row in actual_results.rows:
if str(actual_row) in expected_literal_strings:
# Matched to a literal string
matched = False
for expected_row in expected_non_literals:
if actual_row == expected_row:
matched = True
assert matched, "Could not find actual row {0} in expected rows:\n{1}".format(
str(actual_row), str(expected_results))
def verify_query_result_is_equal(expected_results, actual_results):
assert_args_not_none(expected_results, actual_results)
assert expected_results == actual_results
def verify_query_result_is_not_in(expected_results, actual_results):
assert_args_not_none(expected_results, actual_results)
expected_set = set(map(str, expected_results.rows))
actual_set = set(map(str, actual_results.rows))
assert expected_set.isdisjoint(actual_set)
# Global dictionary that maps the verification type to appropriate verifier.
# The RESULTS section of a .test file is tagged with the verifier type. We may
# add more verifiers in the future. If a tag is not found, it defaults to verifying
# equality.
VERIFIER_MAP = {'VERIFY_IS_SUBSET' : verify_query_result_is_subset,
'VERIFY_IS_SUPERSET' : verify_query_result_is_superset,
'VERIFY_IS_EQUAL_SORTED' : verify_query_result_is_equal,
'VERIFY_IS_EQUAL' : verify_query_result_is_equal,
'VERIFY_IS_NOT_IN' : verify_query_result_is_not_in,
None : verify_query_result_is_equal}
def verify_results(expected_results, actual_results, order_matters):
"""Verifies the actual versus expected result strings"""
assert_args_not_none(expected_results, actual_results)
# The order of the result set might be different if running with multiple nodes. Unless
# there is an order by clause, sort the expected and actual results before comparison.
if not order_matters:
expected_results = sorted(expected_results)
actual_results = sorted(actual_results)
assert expected_results == actual_results
def verify_errors(expected_errors, actual_errors):
"""Convert the errors to our test format, treating them as a single string column row
set if not a row_regex. This requires enclosing the data in single quotes."""
converted_expected_errors = []
for expected_error in expected_errors:
if not expected_error: continue
if ROW_REGEX_PREFIX.match(expected_error):
converted_expected_errors.append("'%s'" % expected_error)
expected = QueryTestResult(converted_expected_errors, ['STRING'], ['DUMMY_LABEL'],
actual = QueryTestResult(["'%s'" % l for l in actual_errors if l], ['STRING'],
['DUMMY_LABEL'], order_matters=False)
VERIFIER_MAP['VERIFY_IS_EQUAL'](expected, actual)
def apply_error_match_filter(error_list, replace_filenames=True):
"""Applies a filter to each entry in the given list of errors to ensure result matching
is stable."""
file_regex = r'%s.*/[\w\.\-]+' % NAMENODE
def replace_fn(row):
# The actual file path isn't very interesting and can vary. Change it to a canonical
# string that allows result rows to sort in the same order as expected rows.
if replace_filenames: row = re.sub(file_regex, '__HDFS_FILENAME__', row)
# The "Backend <id>" can also vary, so filter it out as well.
return re.sub(r'Backend \d+:', '', row)
return [replace_fn(row) for row in error_list]
def verify_raw_results(test_section, exec_result, file_format, result_section,
type_section='TYPES', update_section=False,
Accepts a raw exec_result object and verifies it matches the expected results,
including checking the ERRORS, TYPES, and LABELS test sections.
If update_section is true, updates test_section with the actual results
if they don't match the expected results. If update_section is false, failed
verifications result in assertion failures, otherwise they are ignored.
This process includes the parsing/transformation of the raw data results into the
result format used in the tests.
The result_section parameter can be used to make this function check the results in
a DML_RESULTS section instead of the regular RESULTS section.
The 'type_section' parameter can be used to make this function check the types against
an alternative section from the default TYPES.
TODO: separate out the handling of sections like ERRORS from checking of query results
to allow regular RESULTS/ERRORS sections in tests with DML_RESULTS (IMPALA-4471).
expected_results = None
if result_section in test_section:
expected_results = remove_comments(test_section[result_section])
assert 'ERRORS' not in test_section, "'ERRORS' section must have accompanying 'RESULTS' section""No results found. Skipping verification")
if 'ERRORS' in test_section:
expected_errors = split_section_lines(remove_comments(test_section['ERRORS']))
actual_errors = apply_error_match_filter(exec_result.log.split('\n'),
verify_errors(expected_errors, actual_errors)
except AssertionError:
if update_section:
test_section['ERRORS'] = join_section_lines(actual_errors)
if type_section in test_section:
# Distinguish between an empty list and a list with an empty string.
section = test_section[type_section]
expected_types = [c.strip().upper()
for c in remove_comments(section).rstrip('\n').split(',')]
# Avro and Kudu represent TIMESTAMP columns as strings, so tests using TIMESTAMP are
# skipped because results will be wrong.
if file_format in ('avro', 'kudu') and 'TIMESTAMP' in expected_types:"TIMESTAMP columns unsupported in %s, skipping verification." %\
# Avro does not support as many types as Hive, so the Avro test tables may
# have different column types than we expect (e.g., INT instead of
# TINYINT). Bypass the type checking by ignoring the actual types of the Avro
# table.
if file_format == 'avro':"Skipping type verification of Avro-format table.")
actual_types = expected_types
actual_types = exec_result.column_types
verify_results(expected_types, actual_types, order_matters=True)
except AssertionError:
if update_section:
test_section['TYPES'] = join_section_lines([', '.join(actual_types)])
# This is an insert, so we are comparing the number of rows inserted
expected_types = ['BIGINT']
actual_types = ['BIGINT']
actual_labels = ['DUMMY_LABEL']
if exec_result and exec_result.column_labels:
actual_labels = exec_result.column_labels
if 'LABELS' in test_section:
assert actual_labels is not None
# Distinguish between an empty list and a list with an empty string.
expected_labels = list()
if test_section.get('LABELS'):
expected_labels = [c.strip().upper() for c in test_section['LABELS'].split(',')]
verify_results(expected_labels, actual_labels, order_matters=True)
except AssertionError:
if update_section:
test_section['LABELS'] = join_section_lines([', '.join(actual_labels)])
# Get the verifier if specified. In the absence of an explicit
# verifier, defaults to verifying equality.
verifier = test_section.get('VERIFIER')
order_matters = contains_order_by(exec_result.query)
# If the test section is explicitly annotated to specify the order matters,
# then do not sort the actual and expected results.
if verifier and verifier.upper() == 'VERIFY_IS_EQUAL':
order_matters = True
# If the test result section is explicitly annotated to specify order does not matter,
# then sort the actual and expected results before verification.
if verifier and verifier.upper() == 'VERIFY_IS_EQUAL_SORTED':
order_matters = False
expected_results_list = []
if 'MULTI_LINE' in test_section:
expected_results_list = map(lambda s: s.replace('\n', '\\n'),
re.findall(r'\[(.*?)\]', expected_results, flags=re.DOTALL))
expected_results_list = split_section_lines(expected_results)
expected = QueryTestResult(expected_results_list, expected_types,
actual_labels, order_matters)
actual = QueryTestResult(parse_result_rows(exec_result), actual_types,
actual_labels, order_matters)
assert verifier in VERIFIER_MAP.keys(), "Unknown verifier: " + verifier
VERIFIER_MAP[verifier](expected, actual)
except AssertionError:
if update_section:
test_section[result_section] = join_section_lines(actual.result_list)
def contains_order_by(query):
"""Returns true of the query contains an 'order by' clause"""
return r'order\s+by\b', query, re.M|re.I) is not None
def create_query_result(exec_result, order_matters=False):
"""Creates query result in the test format from the result returned from a query"""
data = parse_result_rows(exec_result)
return QueryTestResult(data, exec_result.column_types, exec_result.column_labels,
def parse_result_rows(exec_result):
Parses a query result set and transforms it to the format used by the query test files
raw_result =
if not raw_result:
return []
# If the schema is 'None' assume this is an insert statement
if exec_result.column_labels is None:
return raw_result
result = list()
col_types = exec_result.column_types or []
for row in
cols = row.split('\t')
assert len(cols) == len(col_types)
new_cols = list()
for i in xrange(len(cols)):
if col_types[i] in ['STRING', 'CHAR', 'VARCHAR']:
col = cols[i].encode('unicode_escape')
# Escape single quotes to match .test file format.
col = col.replace("'", "''")
new_cols.append("'%s'" % col)
return result
# Special syntax for basic aggregation over fields in the runtime profile.
# The syntax is:
# aggregation(function, field_name): expected_value
# Currently, the only implemented function is SUM and only integers are supported.
AGGREGATION_SYNTAX_MATCH_PATTERN = 'aggregation\((\w+)[ ]*,[ ]*([^)]+)\):[ ]*(\d+)'
def try_compile_aggregation(row_string):
Check to see if this row string specifies an aggregation. If the row string contains
an aggregation, it returns a tuple with all the information for evaluating the
aggregation. Otherwise, it returns None.
if row_string and AGGREGATION_PREFIX.match(row_string):
function, field, value = re.findall(AGGREGATION_SYNTAX_MATCH_PATTERN, row_string)[0]
# Validate function
assert(function == 'SUM')
# Validate value is integer
expected_value = int(value)
return (function, field, expected_value)
return None
def compute_aggregation(function, field, runtime_profile):
Evaluate an aggregation function over a field on the runtime_profile. This skips
the averaged fragment and returns the aggregate value. It currently supports only
TUnit::UNIT types and the SUM function. It expects the profile to write counters
in verbose mode.
start_avg_fragment_re = re.compile('[ ]*Averaged Fragment')
# 'field_regex' matches a TUnit::UNIT field from the runtime profile.
# For example, it matches the following line if 'field' is 'RowsReturned':
# RowsReturned: 2.14M (2142543)
# These lines are printed by 'be/src/util/pretty-printer.h' with verbose=true.
# 'field_regex' also captures the accurate value of the field which is the number
# in parenthesis. It means we can retrieve this value with 're.findall()'.
field_regex = "{0}: \d+(?:\.\d+[KMB])? \((\d+)\)".format(field)
field_regex_re = re.compile(field_regex)
inside_avg_fragment = False
avg_fragment_indent = None
match_list = []
for line in runtime_profile.splitlines():
# Detect the boundaries of the averaged fragment by looking at indentation.
# The averaged fragment starts with a particular indentation level. All of
# its children are at a greater indent. When the indentation gets back to
# the level of the the averaged fragment start, then the averaged fragment
# is done.
if start_avg_fragment_re.match(line):
inside_avg_fragment = True
avg_fragment_indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if inside_avg_fragment:
indentation = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if indentation > avg_fragment_indent:
inside_avg_fragment = False
if (
match_list.extend(re.findall(field_regex, line))
int_match_list = map(int, match_list)
result = None
if function == 'SUM':
result = sum(int_match_list)
return result
def verify_runtime_profile(expected, actual, update_section=False):
Check that lines matching all of the expected runtime profile entries are present
in the actual text runtime profile. The check passes if, for each of the expected
rows, at least one matching row is present in the actual runtime profile. Rows
with the "row_regex:" prefix are treated as regular expressions. Rows with
the "aggregation(function,field): value" syntax specifies an aggregation over
the runtime profile.
expected_lines = remove_comments(expected).splitlines()
matched = [False] * len(expected_lines)
expected_regexes = []
expected_aggregations = []
for expected_line in expected_lines:
# Check the expected and actual rows pairwise.
for line in actual.splitlines():
for i in xrange(len(expected_lines)):
if matched[i]: continue
if expected_regexes[i] is not None:
match = expected_regexes[i].match(line)
elif expected_aggregations[i] is not None:
# Aggregations are enforced separately
match = True
match = expected_lines[i].strip() == line.strip()
if match:
matched[i] = True
unmatched_lines = []
for i in xrange(len(expected_lines)):
if not matched[i]:
assert len(unmatched_lines) == 0, ("Did not find matches for lines in runtime profile:"
"\nEXPECTED LINES:\n%s\n\nACTUAL PROFILE:\n%s" % ('\n'.join(unmatched_lines),
updated_aggregations = []
# Compute the aggregations and check against values
for i in xrange(len(expected_aggregations)):
if (expected_aggregations[i] is None): continue
function, field, expected_value = expected_aggregations[i]
actual_value = compute_aggregation(function, field, actual)
if update_section:
updated_aggregations.append("aggregation(%s, %s): %d"
% (function, field, actual_value))
assert actual_value == expected_value, ("Aggregation of %s over %s did not match "
"expected results.\nEXPECTED VALUE:\n%d\n\nACTUAL VALUE:\n%d"
% (function, field, expected_value, actual_value, actual))
return updated_aggregations
def verify_lineage(expected, actual, lineage_skip_json_keys=DEFAULT_LINEAGE_SKIP_KEYS):
"""Compares the lineage JSON objects expected and actual."""
def recursive_sort(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return sorted((k, recursive_sort(v))
for k, v in obj.items() if k not in lineage_skip_json_keys)
if isinstance(obj, list):
return sorted(recursive_sort(x) for x in obj)
return obj
sort_expected = recursive_sort(expected)
sort_actual = recursive_sort(actual)
assert sort_expected == sort_actual,\
"Lineage mismatch. EXPECTED:\n%s\n\nACTUAL:\n %s\n" % (sort_expected, sort_actual)
def get_node_exec_options(profile_string, exec_node_id):
""" Return a list with all of the ExecOption strings for the given exec node id. """
results = []
matched_node = False
id_string = "(id={0})".format(exec_node_id)
for line in profile_string.splitlines():
if matched_node and line.strip().startswith("ExecOption:"):
matched_node = False
if id_string in line:
# Check for the ExecOption string on the next line.
matched_node = True
return results
def assert_codegen_enabled(profile_string, exec_node_ids):
""" Check that codegen is enabled for the given exec node ids by parsing the text
runtime profile in 'profile_string'"""
for exec_node_id in exec_node_ids:
for exec_options in get_node_exec_options(profile_string, exec_node_id):
assert 'Codegen Enabled' in exec_options
assert not 'Codegen Disabled' in exec_options