blob: 2c5cb6430bc03680543379ab535f3c94760c2f98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include "util/lru-multi-cache.inline.h"
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include <memory>
struct CollidingKey {
CollidingKey(const std::string& s) : s(s) {}
CollidingKey(const char* s) : s(s) {}
std::string s;
bool operator==(const CollidingKey& k1, const CollidingKey& k2) {
return k1.s == k2.s;
template <>
struct std::hash<CollidingKey> {
size_t operator()(const CollidingKey& k) const noexcept { return 0; }
namespace impala {
struct TestType {
// Testing EmplaceAndGet with perfect forwarding
explicit TestType(int i, float) : i(i) {}
int i;
// Making sure nothing is being copied or moved
TestType(const TestType&) = delete;
TestType(TestType&&) = delete;
TestType& operator=(const TestType&) = delete;
TestType& operator=(const TestType&&) = delete;
// Notation for implied state of inner data structure:
// 108 -> 107 -> .... -> 102 | (19) (18) (109)
// LRU list has 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 in this order, 7 elements available
// 19, 18 and 109 are currently in use
// 7 + 3 = 10 total elements in cache
TEST(LruMultiCache, BasicTests) {
LruMultiCache<std::string, TestType> cache(100);
const size_t num_of_parallel_keys = 5;
std::string keys[num_of_parallel_keys] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
int value_bases[num_of_parallel_keys] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
std::string& key = keys[i];
int& value_base = value_bases[i];
// {}
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Get(key).Get());
auto value = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, value_base, 1.0f);
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Get(key).Get());
// 1
value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, value.Get());
auto value2 = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, value_base + 1, 1.0f);
value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base, value.Get()->i);
// 2 -> 1
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
std::string& key = keys[i];
int& value_base = value_bases[i];
// 2 -> 1
auto value2 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base + 1, value2.Get()->i);
auto value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base, value.Get()->i);
// 1 -> 2
value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base, value.Get()->i);
value2 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base + 1, value2.Get()->i);
// 2 -> 1
TEST(LruMultiCache, EvictionTests) {
const size_t cache_capacity = 10;
LruMultiCache<std::string, TestType> cache(cache_capacity);
std::string key = "a";
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, i, 1.0f).Release();
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 9 -> 8 .... -> 0
auto value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(9, value.Get()->i);
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(9, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 10 + i, 1.0f).Release();
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 19 -> 18 .... -> 10
value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(19, value.Get()->i);
// 18 .... -> 10 | (19)
auto value2 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(18, value2.Get()->i);
// 17 -> 16 .... -> 10 | (19) (18)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(8, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 100 + i, 1.0f).Release();
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(8, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 109 -> 108 .... -> 102 | (19) (18)
auto value3 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(109, value3.Get()->i);
// 108 .... -> 102 | (19) (18) (109)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(7, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 18 -> 108 .... -> 102 | (19) (109)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(8, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
auto value4 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(18, value4.Get()->i);
// 108 .... -> 102 | (19) (109) (18)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(7, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 1000 + i, 1.0f).Release();
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 1009 .... -> 1000
std::vector<LruMultiCache<std::string, TestType>::Accessor> values;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(1000 + (cache_capacity - 1 - i), values[i].Get()->i);
// {} | (1009) ... (1000)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
value = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 10000, 1.0f);
ASSERT_EQ(10000, value.Get()->i);
// {} | (10001) (1009) ... (1000)
ASSERT_EQ(11, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
value2 = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 10001, 1.0f);
ASSERT_EQ(10001, value2.Get()->i);
// {} | (10001) (10000) (1009) ... (1000)
ASSERT_EQ(12, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// {} | (10001) (10000) (1007) ... (1000)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 2; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
// 1000 -> ... -> 1007 | (10001) (10000)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(8, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
value3 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(1000, value3.Get()->i);
// 1001 -> ... -> 1007 | (10001) (10000) (1000)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(7, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 10001 -> 1001 -> ... -> 1007 | (10000) (1000)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(8, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
value4 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(10001, value4.Get()->i);
// 1001 -> ... -> 1007 | (10001) (10000) (1000)
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(7, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
TEST(LruMultiCache, AutoRelease) {
const size_t cache_capacity = 10;
LruMultiCache<std::string, TestType> cache(cache_capacity);
std::string key = "a";
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
{ auto accessor = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, i, 1.0f); }
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 9 -> 8 .... -> 0
auto value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(9, value.Get()->i);
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(9, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
{ auto accessor = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 10 + i, 1.0f); }
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
TEST(LruMultiCache, Destroy) {
const size_t cache_capacity = 10;
LruMultiCache<std::string, TestType> cache(cache_capacity);
std::string key = "a";
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
{ auto accessor = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, i, 1.0f); }
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 9 -> 8 .... -> 0
auto value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(9, value.Get()->i);
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(9, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 8 -> .... -> 0
ASSERT_EQ(9, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(9, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
ASSERT_EQ(9, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(9, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
{ auto accessor = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 10 + i, 1.0f); }
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
TEST(LruMultiCache, RemoveEmptyList) {
const size_t cache_capacity = 10;
LruMultiCache<std::string, TestType> cache(cache_capacity);
std::string key = "a";
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.NumberOfKeys());
auto accessor = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, 0, 1.0f);
ASSERT_EQ(1, cache.NumberOfKeys());
// Last element is destroyed in "a" list
ASSERT_EQ(0, cache.NumberOfKeys());
// Removed by eviction
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache_capacity; i++) {
cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, i, 1.0f).Release();
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// All in "a" list
ASSERT_EQ(1, cache.NumberOfKeys());
std::string key2 = "b";
for (size_t i = 0; i < (cache_capacity - 1); i++) {
cache.EmplaceAndGet(key2, 10 + i, 1.0f).Release();
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
// 9-i in "a" list, i+1 in "b" list
ASSERT_EQ(2, cache.NumberOfKeys());
cache.EmplaceAndGet(key2, 19, 1.0f).Release();
// 10 in "b" list, "a" is removed
ASSERT_EQ(1, cache.NumberOfKeys());
TEST(LruMultiCache, HashCollision) {
const size_t cache_capacity = 10;
LruMultiCache<CollidingKey, TestType> cache(cache_capacity);
const size_t num_of_parallel_keys = 5;
CollidingKey keys[num_of_parallel_keys] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
int value_bases[num_of_parallel_keys] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
CollidingKey& key = keys[i];
int& value_base = value_bases[i];
// {}
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Get(key).Get());
auto value = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, value_base, 1.0f);
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, cache.Get(key).Get());
// 1
value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, value.Get());
auto value2 = cache.EmplaceAndGet(key, value_base + 1, 1.0f);
value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base, value.Get()->i);
// 2 -> 1
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.NumberOfAvailableObjects());
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
CollidingKey& key = keys[i];
int& value_base = value_bases[i];
// 2 -> 1
auto value2 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base + 1, value2.Get()->i);
auto value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base, value.Get()->i);
// 1 -> 2
value = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base, value.Get()->i);
value2 = cache.Get(key);
ASSERT_EQ(value_base + 1, value2.Get()->i);
// 2 -> 1
} // namespace impala