IMPALA-12602: Unregister queries on idle timeout

Queries cancelled due to idle_query_timeout/QUERY_TIMEOUT_S are now also
Unregistered to free any remaining memory, as you cannot fetch results
from a cancelled query.

Adds a new structure - idle_query_statuses_ - to retain Status messages
for queries closed this way so that we can continue to return a clear
error message if the client returns and requests query status or
attempts to fetch results. This structure must be global because HS2
server can only identify a session ID from a query handle, and the query
handle no longer exists. SessionState tracks queries added to
idle_query_statuses_ so they can be cleared when the session is closed.

Also ensures MarkInactive is called in ClientRequestState when Wait()
completes. Previously WaitInternal would only MarkInactive on success,
leaving any failed requests in an active state until explicitly closed
or the session ended.

The beeswax get_log RPC will not return the preserved error message or
any warnings for these queries. It's also possible the summary and
profile are rotated out of query log as the query is no longer inflight.
This is an acceptable outcome as a client will likely not look for a
log/summary/profile after it times out.

- updates test_query_expiration to verify number of waiting queries is
  only non-zero for queries cancelled by EXEC_TIME_LIMIT_S and not yet
  closed as an idle query
- modified test_retry_query_timeout to use exec_time_limit_s because
  queries closed by idle_timeout_s don't work with get_exec_summary

Change-Id: Iacfc285ed3587892c7ec6f7df3b5f71c9e41baf0
Reviewed-by: Michael Smith <>
Tested-by: Impala Public Jenkins <>
7 files changed
tree: 096de95573b410d2cdb4e16f420e4cec5a3a5215
  1. .devcontainer/
  2. be/
  3. bin/
  4. cmake_modules/
  5. common/
  6. docker/
  7. docs/
  8. fe/
  9. infra/
  10. java/
  11. lib/
  12. package/
  13. security/
  14. shell/
  15. ssh_keys/
  16. testdata/
  17. tests/
  18. www/
  19. .clang-format
  20. .clang-tidy
  21. .gitattributes
  22. .gitignore
  24. CMakeLists.txt
  26. LICENSE.txt
  28. NOTICE.txt
  31. setup.cfg

Welcome to Impala

Lightning-fast, distributed SQL queries for petabytes of data stored in open data and table formats.

Impala is a modern, massively-distributed, massively-parallel, C++ query engine that lets you analyze, transform and combine data from a variety of data sources:

More about Impala

The fastest way to try out Impala is a quickstart Docker container. You can try out running queries and processing data sets in Impala on a single machine without installing dependencies. It can automatically load test data sets into Apache Kudu and Apache Parquet formats and you can start playing around with Apache Impala SQL within minutes.

To learn more about Impala as a user or administrator, or to try Impala, please visit the Impala homepage. Detailed documentation for administrators and users is available at Apache Impala documentation.

If you are interested in contributing to Impala as a developer, or learning more about Impala's internals and architecture, visit the Impala wiki.

Supported Platforms

Impala only supports Linux at the moment. Impala supports x86_64 and has experimental support for arm64 (as of Impala 4.0). Impala Requirements contains more detailed information on the minimum CPU requirements.

Supported OS Distributions

Impala runs on Linux systems only. The supported distros are

  • Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
  • CentOS/RHEL 7/8

Other systems, e.g. SLES12, may also be supported but are not tested by the community.

Export Control Notice

This distribution uses cryptographic software and may be subject to export controls. Please refer to for more information.

Build Instructions

See Impala's developer documentation to get started.

Detailed build notes has some detailed information on the project layout and build.