blob: a4b276e9473f8c0d535df9aa8aac7d5b735c1be7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "util/histogram-metric.h"
#include "kudu/util/hdr_histogram.h"
#include "util/json-util.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
const TMetricDef& def, uint64_t highest_trackable_value, int num_significant_digits)
: Metric(def),
histogram_(new HdrHistogram(highest_trackable_value, num_significant_digits)),
unit_(def.units) {
DCHECK_EQ(TMetricKind::HISTOGRAM, def.kind);
void HistogramMetric::Reset() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
uint64_t highest = histogram_->highest_trackable_value();
int digits = histogram_->num_significant_digits();
histogram_.reset(new HdrHistogram(highest, digits));
void HistogramMetric::ToJson(rapidjson::Document* document, rapidjson::Value* value) {
rapidjson::Value container(rapidjson::kObjectType);
AddStandardFields(document, &container);
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
"25th %-ile", histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(25), document->GetAllocator());
"50th %-ile", histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(50), document->GetAllocator());
"75th %-ile", histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(75), document->GetAllocator());
"90th %-ile", histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(90), document->GetAllocator());
"95th %-ile", histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(95), document->GetAllocator());
"99.9th %-ile", histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(99.9), document->GetAllocator());
container.AddMember("max", histogram_->MaxValue(), document->GetAllocator());
container.AddMember("min", histogram_->MinValue(), document->GetAllocator());
container.AddMember("count", histogram_->TotalCount(), document->GetAllocator());
rapidjson::Value type_value(
PrintValue(TMetricKind::HISTOGRAM).c_str(), document->GetAllocator());
container.AddMember("kind", type_value, document->GetAllocator());
rapidjson::Value units(PrintValue(unit()).c_str(), document->GetAllocator());
container.AddMember("units", units, document->GetAllocator());
*value = container;
TMetricKind::type HistogramMetric::ToPrometheus(
string name, stringstream* value, stringstream* metric_kind) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
// check if unit its 'TIME_MS','TIME_US' or 'TIME_NS' and convert it to seconds,
// this is because prometheus only supports time format in seconds
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.2\"} "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(25), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.2\"} " << histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(25)
<< "\n";
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.5\"} "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(50), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.5\"} " << histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(50)
<< "\n";
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.7\"} "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(75), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.7\"} " << histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(75)
<< "\n";
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.9\"} "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(90), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.9\"} " << histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(90)
<< "\n";
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.95\"} "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(95), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.95\"} " << histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(95)
<< "\n";
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.999\"} "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(99.9), unit_)
<< "\n";
} else {
*value << name << "{quantile=\"0.999\"} " << histogram_->ValueAtPercentile(99.9)
<< "\n";
*value << name << "_count " << histogram_->TotalCount() << "\n";
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*value << name << "_sum " << ConvertToPrometheusSecs(histogram_->TotalSum(), unit_);
} else {
*value << name << "_sum " << histogram_->TotalSum();
*metric_kind << "# TYPE " << name << " summary";
return TMetricKind::HISTOGRAM;
string HistogramMetric::ToHumanReadable() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
return HistogramToHumanReadable(histogram_.get(), unit_);
template <class T>
string HistogramMetric::HistogramToHumanReadable(T* histogram, TUnit::type unit) {
DCHECK(histogram != nullptr);
stringstream out;
out << "Count: " << histogram->TotalCount() << ", "
<< "sum: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->TotalSum(), unit) << ", "
<< "min / max: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->MinValue(), unit) << " / "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->MaxValue(), unit) << ", "
<< "25th %-ile: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->ValueAtPercentile(25), unit)
<< ", "
<< "50th %-ile: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->ValueAtPercentile(50), unit)
<< ", "
<< "75th %-ile: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->ValueAtPercentile(75), unit)
<< ", "
<< "90th %-ile: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->ValueAtPercentile(90), unit)
<< ", "
<< "95th %-ile: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->ValueAtPercentile(95), unit)
<< ", "
<< "99.9th %-ile: "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(histogram->ValueAtPercentile(99.9), unit);
return out.str();
// Instantiate the template for both Impala and Kudu histograms.
template string HistogramMetric::HistogramToHumanReadable<>(HdrHistogram*, TUnit::type);
template string HistogramMetric::HistogramToHumanReadable<>(
kudu::HdrHistogram*, TUnit::type);
} // namespace impala