blob: 8df2577d438703ff0f21053451f9f970febc3bc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "util/collection-metrics.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/count.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/max.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/min.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/variance.hpp>
#include "util/json-util.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
template <typename T>
void SetMetric<T>::ToJson(rapidjson::Document* document, rapidjson::Value* value) {
rapidjson::Value container(rapidjson::kObjectType);
AddStandardFields(document, &container);
rapidjson::Value metric_list(rapidjson::kArrayType);
for (const T& s: value_) {
rapidjson::Value entry_value;
ToJsonValue(s, TUnit::NONE, document, &entry_value);
metric_list.PushBack(entry_value, document->GetAllocator());
container.AddMember("items", metric_list, document->GetAllocator());
*value = container;
template <typename T>
void SetMetric<T>::ToLegacyJson(rapidjson::Document* document) {
rapidjson::Value metric_list(rapidjson::kArrayType);
for (const T& s: value_) {
rapidjson::Value entry_value;
ToJsonValue(s, TUnit::NONE, document, &entry_value);
metric_list.PushBack(entry_value, document->GetAllocator());
rapidjson::Value key(key_.c_str(), document->GetAllocator());
document->AddMember(key, metric_list, document->GetAllocator());
template <typename T>
string SetMetric<T>::ToHumanReadable() {
stringstream out;
PrettyPrinter::PrintStringList<set<T>>(value_, TUnit::NONE, &out);
return out.str();
template <typename T, int StatsSelection>
TMetricKind::type StatsMetric<T, StatsSelection>::ToPrometheus(
string name, stringstream* val, stringstream* metric_kind) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(lock_);
*val << name << "_total " << boost::accumulators::count(acc_) << "\n";
if (boost::accumulators::count(acc_) > 0) {
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*val << name << "_last " << ConvertToPrometheusSecs(value_, unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*val << name << "_last " << value_ << "\n";
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MIN) {
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*val << name << "_min "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(boost::accumulators::min(acc_), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*val << name << "_min " << boost::accumulators::min(acc_) << "\n";
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MAX) {
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*val << name << "_max "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(boost::accumulators::max(acc_), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*val << name << "_max " << boost::accumulators::max(acc_) << "\n";
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MEAN) {
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*val << name << "_mean "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(boost::accumulators::mean(acc_), unit_) << "\n";
} else {
*val << name << "_mean " << boost::accumulators::mean(acc_) << "\n";
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::STDDEV) {
if (IsUnitTimeBased(unit_)) {
*val << name << "_stddev "
<< ConvertToPrometheusSecs(
std::sqrt(boost::accumulators::variance(acc_)), unit_)
<< "\n";
} else {
*val << name << "_stddev " << std::sqrt(boost::accumulators::variance(acc_))
<< "\n";
*metric_kind << "# TYPE " << name << " counter";
return TMetricKind::STATS;
template <typename T, int StatsSelection>
void StatsMetric<T, StatsSelection>::ToJson(
rapidjson::Document* document, rapidjson::Value* val) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(lock_);
rapidjson::Value container(rapidjson::kObjectType);
AddStandardFields(document, &container);
rapidjson::Value units(PrintValue(unit_).c_str(), document->GetAllocator());
container.AddMember("units", units, document->GetAllocator());
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::COUNT) {
if (boost::accumulators::count(acc_) > 0) {
container.AddMember("last", value_, document->GetAllocator());
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MIN) {
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MAX) {
container.AddMember("max", boost::accumulators::max(acc_),
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MEAN) {
container.AddMember("mean", boost::accumulators::mean(acc_),
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::STDDEV) {
container.AddMember("stddev", sqrt(boost::accumulators::variance(acc_)),
*val = container;
template <typename T, int StatsSelection>
void StatsMetric<T, StatsSelection>::ToLegacyJson(rapidjson::Document* document) {
stringstream ss;
lock_guard<mutex> l(lock_);
rapidjson::Value container(rapidjson::kObjectType);
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::COUNT) {
container.AddMember("count", boost::accumulators::count(acc_),
if (boost::accumulators::count(acc_) > 0) {
container.AddMember("last", value_, document->GetAllocator());
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MIN) {
container.AddMember("min", boost::accumulators::min(acc_),
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MAX) {
container.AddMember("max", boost::accumulators::max(acc_),
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MEAN) {
container.AddMember("mean", boost::accumulators::mean(acc_),
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::STDDEV) {
container.AddMember("stddev", sqrt(boost::accumulators::variance(acc_)),
rapidjson::Value key(key_.c_str(), document->GetAllocator());
document->AddMember(key, container, document->GetAllocator());
template <typename T, int StatsSelection>
string StatsMetric<T, StatsSelection>::ToHumanReadable() {
stringstream out;
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::COUNT) {
out << "count: " << boost::accumulators::count(acc_);
if (boost::accumulators::count(acc_) > 0) out << ", ";
if (boost::accumulators::count(acc_) > 0) {
out << "last: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(value_, unit_);
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MIN) {
out << ", min: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(boost::accumulators::min(acc_), unit_);
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MAX) {
out << ", max: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(boost::accumulators::max(acc_), unit_);
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::MEAN) {
out << ", mean: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(boost::accumulators::mean(acc_), unit_);
if (StatsSelection & StatsType::STDDEV) {
out << ", stddev: " << PrettyPrinter::Print(
sqrt(boost::accumulators::variance(acc_)), unit_);
return out.str();
// Explicitly instantiate template classes with parameter combinations that will be used.
// If these classes are instantiated with new parameters, the instantiation must be
// added to this list. This is required because some methods of these classes are
// defined in .cc files and are used from other translation units.
template class SetMetric<int32_t>;
template class SetMetric<string>;
template class StatsMetric<uint64_t, StatsType::ALL>;
template class StatsMetric<double, StatsType::ALL>;
template class StatsMetric<uint64_t, StatsType::MEAN>;
template class StatsMetric<uint64_t, StatsType::MAX | StatsType::MEAN>;