blob: 97d58ea77fc62df6d9c213811886c59a7bc2b013 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "service/frontend.h"
#include <jni.h>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "rpc/jni-thrift-util.h"
#include "util/backend-gflag-util.h"
#include "util/jni-util.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include "common/names.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
using namespace impala;
// Authorization related flags. Must be set to valid values to properly configure
// authorization.
"Specifies the type of internally-provided authorization provider to use. "
"Defaults to unset, which disables authorization. To enable authorization, "
"set to one of the following: ['ranger']");
"Specifies the class name that implements the authorization provider. "
"This will override the authorization_provider flag if both are specified.");
DEFINE_string(ranger_service_type, "hive", "Specifies the Ranger service type.");
DEFINE_string(ranger_app_id, "",
"Specifies the Ranger application ID. Ranger application ID is an ID to "
"uniquely identify the application that communicates with Ranger. This flag is "
"required when authorization with Ranger is enabled.");
DEFINE_string(server_name, "", "The name to use for securing this impalad "
"server during authorization. Set to enable authorization.");
DEFINE_string(authorized_proxy_user_config, "",
"Specifies the set of authorized proxy users (users who can delegate to other "
"users during authorization) and whom they are allowed to delegate. "
"Input is a semicolon-separated list of key=value pairs of authorized proxy "
"users to the user(s) they can delegate to. These users are specified as a list of "
"short usernames separated by a delimiter (which defaults to comma and may be "
"changed via --authorized_proxy_user_config_delimiter), or '*' to indicate all "
"users. For example: hue=user1,user2;admin=*");
DEFINE_string(authorized_proxy_user_config_delimiter, ",",
"Specifies the delimiter used in authorized_proxy_user_config. ");
DEFINE_string(authorized_proxy_group_config, "",
"Specifies the set of authorized proxy groups (users who can delegate to other "
"users belonging to the specified groups during authorization) and whom they are "
"allowed to delegate. Input is a semicolon-separated list of key=value pairs of "
"authorized proxy users to the group(s) they can delegate to. These groups are "
"specified as a list of groups separated by a delimiter (which defaults to comma and "
"may be changed via --authorized_proxy_group_config_delimiter), or '*' to indicate "
"all users. For example: hue=group1,group2;admin=*");
DEFINE_string(authorized_proxy_group_config_delimiter, ",",
"Specifies the delimiter used in authorized_proxy_group_config. ");
DEFINE_bool(enable_shell_based_groups_mapping_support, false,
"Enables support for Hadoop groups mapping "
" By default this support "
"is not enabled as it can lead to many process getting spawned to fetch groups for "
"user using shell command.");
DEFINE_string(kudu_master_hosts, "", "Specifies the default Kudu master(s). The given "
"value should be a comma separated list of hostnames or IP addresses; ports are "
DEFINE_bool(enable_kudu_impala_hms_check, true, "By default this flag is true. If "
"enabled checks that Kudu and Impala are using the same HMS instance(s).");
DEFINE_string(jni_frontend_class, "org/apache/impala/service/JniFrontend", "By default "
"the JniFrontend class included in the repository is used as the frontend interface. "
"This option allows the class to be overridden by a third party module. The "
"overridden class needs to contain all the methods in the methods[] variable, so "
"most implementations should make their class a child of JniFrontend and "
"override only relevant methods.");
DEFINE_bool(allow_catalog_cache_op_from_masked_users, false, "Whether to allow table "
"level catalog-cache operations, i.e. REFRESH/INVALIDATE METADATA <table>, from users"
" that have associate Ranger masking policies on the table. By default, such "
"operations are blocked since such users are considered read-only users. Note that "
"checking column masking policies requires loading column info of the table, which "
"could slow down simple commands like INVALIDATE METADATA <table>");
Frontend::Frontend() {
JniMethodDescriptor methods[] = {
{"<init>", "([BZ)V", &fe_ctor_},
{"createExecRequest", "([B)[B", &create_exec_request_id_},
{"getExplainPlan", "([B)Ljava/lang/String;", &get_explain_plan_id_},
{"getHadoopConfig", "([B)[B", &get_hadoop_config_id_},
{"getAllHadoopConfigs", "()[B", &get_hadoop_configs_id_},
{"getHadoopGroups", "([B)[B", &get_hadoop_groups_id_},
{"checkConfiguration", "()Ljava/lang/String;", &check_config_id_},
{"updateCatalogCache", "([B)[B", &update_catalog_cache_id_},
{"updateExecutorMembership", "([B)V", &update_membership_id_},
{"getCatalogMetrics", "()[B", &get_catalog_metrics_id_},
{"getTableNames", "([B)[B", &get_table_names_id_},
{"getMetadataTableNames", "([B)[B", &get_metadata_table_names_id_},
{"describeDb", "([B)[B", &describe_db_id_},
{"describeTable", "([B)[B", &describe_table_id_},
{"showCreateTable", "([B)Ljava/lang/String;", &show_create_table_id_},
{"getDbs", "([B)[B", &get_dbs_id_},
{"getDataSrcMetadata", "([B)[B", &get_data_src_metadata_id_},
{"getStats", "([B)[B", &get_stats_id_},
{"getFunctions", "([B)[B", &get_functions_id_},
{"getTableHistory", "([B)[B", &get_table_history_id_},
{"getCatalogObject", "([B)[B", &get_catalog_object_id_},
{"getCatalogTable", "([B)Lorg/apache/impala/catalog/FeTable;",
{"getRoles", "([B)[B", &show_roles_id_},
{"getPrincipalPrivileges", "([B)[B", &get_principal_privileges_id_},
{"execHiveServer2MetadataOp", "([B)[B", &exec_hs2_metadata_op_id_},
{"setCatalogIsReady", "()V", &set_catalog_is_ready_id_},
{"waitForCatalog", "()V", &wait_for_catalog_id_},
{"loadTableData", "([B)[B", &load_table_data_id_},
{"convertTable", "([B)V", &convertTable},
{"getTableFiles", "([B)[B", &get_table_files_id_},
{"showCreateFunction", "([B)Ljava/lang/String;", &show_create_function_id_},
{"buildTestDescriptorTable", "([B)[B", &build_test_descriptor_table_id_},
{"callQueryCompleteHooks", "([B)V", &call_query_complete_hooks_id_},
{"abortTransaction", "(J)V", &abort_txn_},
{"addTransaction", "([B)V", &add_txn_},
{"unregisterTransaction", "(J)V", &unregister_txn_},
{"getSaml2Redirect", "([B)[B", &get_saml2_redirect_id_},
{"validateSaml2Response", "([B)[B", &validate_saml2_response_id_},
{"validateSaml2Bearer", "([B)Ljava/lang/String;", &validate_saml2_bearer_id_},
{"abortKuduTransaction", "([B)V", &abort_kudu_txn_},
{"commitKuduTransaction", "([B)V", &commit_kudu_txn_}
JNIEnv* jni_env = JniUtil::GetJNIEnv();
JniLocalFrame jni_frame;
// create instance of java class JniFrontend
jclass fe_class = jni_env->FindClass(FLAGS_jni_frontend_class.c_str());
uint32_t num_methods = sizeof(methods) / sizeof(methods[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < num_methods; ++i) {
ABORT_IF_ERROR(JniUtil::LoadJniMethod(jni_env, fe_class, &(methods[i])));
jbyteArray cfg_bytes;
ABORT_IF_ERROR(GetThriftBackendGFlagsForJNI(jni_env, &cfg_bytes));
// Pass in whether this is a backend test, so that the Frontend can avoid certain
// unnecessary initialization that introduces dependencies on a running minicluster.
jboolean is_be_test = TestInfo::is_be_test();
jobject fe = jni_env->NewObject(fe_class, fe_ctor_, cfg_bytes, is_be_test);
ABORT_IF_ERROR(JniUtil::LocalToGlobalRef(jni_env, fe, &fe_));
Status Frontend::UpdateCatalogCache(const TUpdateCatalogCacheRequest& req,
TUpdateCatalogCacheResponse* resp) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, update_catalog_cache_id_, req, resp);
Status Frontend::UpdateExecutorMembership(const TUpdateExecutorMembershipRequest& req) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, update_membership_id_, req);
Status Frontend::DescribeDb(const TDescribeDbParams& params,
TDescribeResult* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, describe_db_id_, params, response);
Status Frontend::DescribeTable(const TDescribeTableParams& params,
const TSessionState& session, TDescribeResult* response) {
TDescribeTableParams tparams;
if (params.__isset.table_name) tparams.__set_table_name(params.table_name);
if (params.__isset.result_struct) tparams.__set_result_struct(params.result_struct);
if (params.__isset.metadata_table_name) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, describe_table_id_, tparams, response);
Status Frontend::ShowCreateTable(const TTableName& table_name, string* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, show_create_table_id_, table_name, response);
Status Frontend::ShowCreateFunction(const TGetFunctionsParams& params, string* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, show_create_function_id_, params, response);
Status Frontend::GetCatalogMetrics(TGetCatalogMetricsResult* resp) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_catalog_metrics_id_, resp);
Status Frontend::GetTableNames(const string& db, const string* pattern,
const TSessionState* session, TGetTablesResult* table_names) {
set<TImpalaTableType::type> table_types = set<TImpalaTableType::type>();
return GetTableNames(db, pattern, session, table_types, table_names);
Status Frontend::GetTableNames(const string& db, const string* pattern,
const TSessionState* session, const set<TImpalaTableType::type>& table_types,
TGetTablesResult* table_names) {
TGetTablesParams params;
if (pattern != nullptr) params.__set_pattern(*pattern);
if (session != nullptr) params.__set_session(*session);
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_table_names_id_, params, table_names);
Status Frontend::GetMetadataTableNames(const string& db, const string& table_name,
const string* pattern, const TSessionState* session,
TGetTablesResult* metadata_table_names) {
TGetMetadataTablesParams params;
if (pattern != nullptr) params.__set_pattern(*pattern);
if (session != nullptr) params.__set_session(*session);
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_metadata_table_names_id_, params,
Status Frontend::GetDbs(const string* pattern, const TSessionState* session,
TGetDbsResult* dbs) {
TGetDbsParams params;
if (pattern != NULL) params.__set_pattern(*pattern);
if (session != NULL) params.__set_session(*session);
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_dbs_id_, params, dbs);
Status Frontend::GetDataSrcMetadata(const string* pattern,
TGetDataSrcsResult* result) {
TGetDataSrcsParams params;
if (pattern != NULL) params.__set_pattern(*pattern);
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_data_src_metadata_id_, params, result);
Status Frontend::GetStats(const TShowStatsParams& params,
TResultSet* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_stats_id_, params, result);
Status Frontend::GetTableHistory(const TDescribeHistoryParams& params,
TGetTableHistoryResult* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_table_history_id_, params, result);
Status Frontend::GetPrincipalPrivileges(const TShowGrantPrincipalParams& params,
TResultSet* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_principal_privileges_id_, params, result);
Status Frontend::GetFunctions(TFunctionCategory::type fn_category, const string& db,
const string* pattern, const TSessionState* session,
TGetFunctionsResult* functions) {
TGetFunctionsParams params;
if (pattern != NULL) params.__set_pattern(*pattern);
if (session != NULL) params.__set_session(*session);
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_functions_id_, params, functions);
Status Frontend::ShowRoles(const TShowRolesParams& params, TShowRolesResult* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, show_roles_id_, params, result);
Status Frontend::GetCatalogObject(const TCatalogObject& req,
TCatalogObject* resp) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_catalog_object_id_, req, resp);
Status Frontend::GetCatalogTable(const TTableName& table_name, jobject* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_catalog_table_id_, table_name, result);
Status Frontend::GetExecRequest(
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx, TExecRequest* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, create_exec_request_id_, query_ctx, result);
Status Frontend::GetExplainPlan(
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx, string* explain_string) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_explain_plan_id_, query_ctx, explain_string);
Status Frontend::ValidateSettings() {
// Use FE to check Hadoop config setting
// TODO: check OS setting
string err;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(JniCall::instance_method(fe_, check_config_id_).Call(&err));
if (!err.empty()) return Status(err);
return Status::OK();
Status Frontend::ExecHiveServer2MetadataOp(const TMetadataOpRequest& request,
TResultSet* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, exec_hs2_metadata_op_id_, request, result);
Status Frontend::GetAllHadoopConfigs(TGetAllHadoopConfigsResponse* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_hadoop_configs_id_, result);
Status Frontend::GetHadoopConfig(const TGetHadoopConfigRequest& request,
TGetHadoopConfigResponse* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_hadoop_config_id_, request, response);
Status Frontend::GetHadoopGroups(const TGetHadoopGroupsRequest& request,
TGetHadoopGroupsResponse* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_hadoop_groups_id_, request, response);
Status Frontend::LoadData(const TLoadDataReq& request, TLoadDataResp* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, load_table_data_id_, request, response);
Status Frontend::addTransaction(const TQueryCtx& query_ctx) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, add_txn_, query_ctx);
Status Frontend::AbortTransaction(int64_t transaction_id) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, abort_txn_, transaction_id);
Status Frontend::UnregisterTransaction(int64_t transaction_id) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, unregister_txn_, transaction_id);
bool Frontend::IsAuthorizationError(const Status& status) {
return !status.ok() && status.GetDetail().find("AuthorizationException") == 0;
void Frontend::SetCatalogIsReady() {
JNIEnv* jni_env = JniUtil::GetJNIEnv();
jni_env->CallVoidMethod(fe_, set_catalog_is_ready_id_);
void Frontend::WaitForCatalog() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (FLAGS_stress_catalog_init_delay_ms > 0) {
JNIEnv* jni_env = JniUtil::GetJNIEnv();
jni_env->CallVoidMethod(fe_, wait_for_catalog_id_);
Status Frontend::GetTableFiles(const TShowFilesParams& params, TResultSet* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, get_table_files_id_, params, result);
Status Frontend::BuildTestDescriptorTable(const TBuildTestDescriptorTableParams& params,
TDescriptorTable* result) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, build_test_descriptor_table_id_, params, result);
// Call FE post-query execution hook
Status Frontend::CallQueryCompleteHooks(const TQueryCompleteContext& context) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, call_query_complete_hooks_id_, context);
Status Frontend::GetSaml2Redirect( const TWrappedHttpRequest& request,
TWrappedHttpResponse* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(
fe_, get_saml2_redirect_id_, request, response);
Status Frontend::ValidateSaml2Response(
const TWrappedHttpRequest& request, TWrappedHttpResponse* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(
fe_, validate_saml2_response_id_, request, response);
Status Frontend::ValidateSaml2Bearer(
const TWrappedHttpRequest& request, string* user) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(
fe_, validate_saml2_bearer_id_, request, user);
Status Frontend::AbortKuduTransaction(const TUniqueId& query_id) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, abort_kudu_txn_, query_id);
Status Frontend::CommitKuduTransaction(const TUniqueId& query_id) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, commit_kudu_txn_, query_id);
Status Frontend::Convert(const TExecRequest& request) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(fe_, convertTable, request);