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= Apache HBase (TM) Metrics
== Introduction
Apache HBase (TM) emits Hadoop link:[metrics].
== Setup
First read up on Hadoop link:[metrics].
If you are using ganglia, the link:[GangliaMetrics] wiki page is useful read.
To have HBase emit metrics, edit `$HBASE_HOME/conf/` and enable metric 'contexts' per plugin. As of this writing, hadoop supports *file* and *ganglia* plugins. Yes, the hbase metrics files is named hadoop-metrics rather than _hbase-metrics_ because currently at least the hadoop metrics system has the properties filename hardcoded. Per metrics _context_, comment out the NullContext and enable one or more plugins instead.
If you enable the _hbase_ context, on regionservers you'll see total requests since last
metric emission, count of regions and storefiles as well as a count of memstore size.
On the master, you'll see a count of the cluster's requests.
Enabling the _rpc_ context is good if you are interested in seeing
metrics on each hbase rpc method invocation (counts and time taken).
The _jvm_ context is useful for long-term stats on running hbase jvms -- memory used, thread counts, etc. As of this writing, if more than one jvm is running emitting metrics, at least in ganglia, the stats are aggregated rather than reported per instance.
== Using with JMX
In addition to the standard output contexts supported by the Hadoop
metrics package, you can also export HBase metrics via Java Management
Extensions (JMX). This will allow viewing HBase stats in JConsole or
any other JMX client.
=== Enable HBase stats collection
To enable JMX support in HBase, first edit `$HBASE_HOME/conf/` to support metrics refreshing. (If you've running 0.94.1 and above, or have already configured `` for another output context, you can skip this step).
# Configuration of the "hbase" context for null
# Configuration of the "jvm" context for null
# Configuration of the "rpc" context for null
=== Setup JMX Remote Access
For remote access, you will need to configure JMX remote passwords and access profiles. Create the files:
`$HBASE_HOME/conf/jmxremote.passwd` (set permissions
to 600):: +
monitorRole monitorpass
controlRole controlpass
`$HBASE_HOME/conf/jmxremote.access`:: +
monitorRole readonly
controlRole readwrite
=== Configure JMX in HBase startup
Finally, edit the `$HBASE_HOME/conf/` script to add JMX support:
After restarting the processes you want to monitor, you should now be able to run JConsole (included with the JDK since JDK 5.0) to view the statistics via JMX. HBase MBeans are exported under the *`hadoop`* domain in JMX.
== Understanding HBase Metrics
For more information on understanding HBase metrics, see the link:book.html#hbase_metrics[metrics section] in the Apache HBase Reference Guide.