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== FAQ
:doctype: book
:toc: left
:icons: font
=== General
When should I use HBase?::
See <<arch.overview>> in the Architecture chapter.
Are there other HBase FAQs?::
See the FAQ that is up on the wiki, link:[HBase Wiki FAQ].
Does HBase support SQL?::
Not really. SQL-ish support for HBase via link:[Hive] is in development, however Hive is based on MapReduce which is not generally suitable for low-latency requests. See the <<datamodel>> section for examples on the HBase client.
How can I find examples of NoSQL/HBase?::
See the link to the BigTable paper in <<>>, as well as the other papers.
What is the history of HBase?::
See <<hbase.history,hbase.history>>.
=== Upgrading
How do I upgrade Maven-managed projects from HBase 0.94 to HBase 0.96+?::
In HBase 0.96, the project moved to a modular structure. Adjust your project's dependencies to rely upon the `hbase-client` module or another module as appropriate, rather than a single JAR. You can model your Maven depency after one of the following, depending on your targeted version of HBase. See Section 3.5, “Upgrading from 0.94.x to 0.96.x” or Section 3.3, “Upgrading from 0.96.x to 0.98.x” for more information.
.Maven Dependency for HBase 0.98
.Maven Dependency for HBase 0.96
.Maven Dependency for HBase 0.94
=== Architecture
How does HBase handle Region-RegionServer assignment and locality?::
See <<regions.arch>>.
=== Configuration
How can I get started with my first cluster?::
See <<quickstart>>.
Where can I learn about the rest of the configuration options?::
See <<configuration>>.
=== Schema Design / Data Access
How should I design my schema in HBase?::
See <<datamodel>> and <<schema>>.
How can I store (fill in the blank) in HBase?::
See <<supported.datatypes>>.
How can I handle secondary indexes in HBase?::
See <<secondary.indexes>>.
Can I change a table's rowkeys?::
This is a very common question. You can't. See <<changing.rowkeys>>.
What APIs does HBase support?::
See <<datamodel>>, <<architecture.client>>, and <<nonjava.jvm>>.
=== MapReduce
How can I use MapReduce with HBase?::
See <<mapreduce>>.
=== Performance and Troubleshooting
How can I improve HBase cluster performance?::
See <<performance>>.
How can I troubleshoot my HBase cluster?::
See <<trouble>>.
=== Amazon EC2
I am running HBase on Amazon EC2 and...::
EC2 issues are a special case. See <<trouble.ec2>> and <<perf.ec2>>.
=== Operations
How do I manage my HBase cluster?::
See <<ops_mgt>>.
How do I back up my HBase cluster?::
See <<ops.backup>>.
=== HBase in Action
Where can I find interesting videos and presentations on HBase?::
See <<>>.