blob: 38e4ab6ce07af8ef28b5704d2c118126f27908de [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
= Building and Developing Apache HBase
:doctype: book
:toc: left
:icons: font
This chapter contains information and guidelines for building and releasing HBase code and documentation.
Being familiar with these guidelines will help the HBase committers to use your contributions more easily.
== Getting Involved
Apache HBase gets better only when people contribute! If you are looking to contribute to Apache HBase, look for link:[issues in JIRA tagged with the label 'beginner'].
These are issues HBase contributors have deemed worthy but not of immediate priority and a good way to ramp on HBase internals.
See link:[What label
is used for issues that are good on ramps for new contributors?] from the dev mailing list for background.
Before you get started submitting code to HBase, please refer to <<developing,developing>>.
As Apache HBase is an Apache Software Foundation project, see <<asf,asf>> for more information about how the ASF functions.
=== Mailing Lists
Sign up for the dev-list and the user-list.
See the link:[mailing lists] page.
Posing questions - and helping to answer other people's questions - is encouraged! There are varying levels of experience on both lists so patience and politeness are encouraged (and please stay on topic.)
=== Slack
The Apache HBase project has its own link:[Slack Channel] for real-time questions
and discussion. Mail to request an invite.
=== Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
(NOTE: Our IRC channel seems to have been deprecated in favor of the above Slack channel)
For real-time questions and discussions, use the `#hbase` IRC channel on the link:[FreeNode] IRC network.
FreeNode offers a web-based client, but most people prefer a native client, and several clients are available for each operating system.
=== Jira
Check for existing issues in link:[Jira].
If it's either a new feature request, enhancement, or a bug, file a ticket.
We track multiple types of work in JIRA:
- Bug: Something is broken in HBase itself.
- Test: A test is needed, or a test is broken.
- New feature: You have an idea for new functionality. It's often best to bring
these up on the mailing lists first, and then write up a design specification
that you add to the feature request JIRA.
- Improvement: A feature exists, but could be tweaked or augmented. It's often
best to bring these up on the mailing lists first and have a discussion, then
summarize or link to the discussion if others seem interested in the
- Wish: This is like a new feature, but for something you may not have the
background to flesh out yourself.
Bugs and tests have the highest priority and should be actionable.
==== Guidelines for reporting effective issues
- *Search for duplicates*: Your issue may have already been reported. Have a
look, realizing that someone else might have worded the summary differently.
Also search the mailing lists, which may have information about your problem
and how to work around it. Don't file an issue for something that has already
been discussed and resolved on a mailing list, unless you strongly disagree
with the resolution *and* are willing to help take the issue forward.
* *Discuss in public*: Use the mailing lists to discuss what you've discovered
and see if there is something you've missed. Avoid using back channels, so
that you benefit from the experience and expertise of the project as a whole.
* *Don't file on behalf of others*: You might not have all the context, and you
don't have as much motivation to see it through as the person who is actually
experiencing the bug. It's more helpful in the long term to encourage others
to file their own issues. Point them to this material and offer to help out
the first time or two.
* *Write a good summary*: A good summary includes information about the problem,
the impact on the user or developer, and the area of the code.
** Good: `Address new license dependencies from hadoop3-alpha4`
** Room for improvement: `Canary is broken`
If you write a bad title, someone else will rewrite it for you. This is time
they could have spent working on the issue instead.
* *Give context in the description*: It can be good to think of this in multiple
** What happens or doesn't happen?
** How does it impact you?
** How can someone else reproduce it?
** What would "fixed" look like?
You don't need to know the answers for all of these, but give as much
information as you can. If you can provide technical information, such as a
Git commit SHA that you think might have caused the issue or a build failure
on where you think the issue first showed up, share that
* *Fill in all relevant fields*: These fields help us filter, categorize, and
find things.
* *One bug, one issue, one patch*: To help with back-porting, don't split issues
or fixes among multiple bugs.
* *Add value if you can*: Filing issues is great, even if you don't know how to
fix them. But providing as much information as possible, being willing to
triage and answer questions, and being willing to test potential fixes is even
better! We want to fix your issue as quickly as you want it to be fixed.
* *Don't be upset if we don't fix it*: Time and resources are finite. In some
cases, we may not be able to (or might choose not to) fix an issue, especially
if it is an edge case or there is a workaround. Even if it doesn't get fixed,
the JIRA is a public record of it, and will help others out if they run into
a similar issue in the future.
==== Working on an issue
To check for existing issues which you can tackle as a beginner, search for link:[issues in JIRA tagged with the label 'beginner'].
.JIRA Priorites
* *Blocker*: Should only be used if the issue WILL cause data loss or cluster instability reliably.
* *Critical*: The issue described can cause data loss or cluster instability in some cases.
* *Major*: Important but not tragic issues, like updates to the client API that will add a lot of much-needed functionality or significant bugs that need to be fixed but that don't cause data loss.
* *Minor*: Useful enhancements and annoying but not damaging bugs.
* *Trivial*: Useful enhancements but generally cosmetic.
.Code Blocks in Jira Comments
A commonly used macro in Jira is {code}. Everything inside the tags is preformatted, as in this example.
code snippet
== Apache HBase Repositories
There are two different repositories for Apache HBase: Subversion (SVN) and Git.
GIT is our repository of record for all but the Apache HBase website.
We used to be on SVN.
We migrated.
See link:[Migrate Apache HBase SVN Repos to Git].
See link:[Source Code Management] page for contributor and committer links or search for HBase on the link:[Apache Git] page.
== IDEs
=== Eclipse
==== Code Formatting
Under the _dev-support/_ folder, you will find _hbase_eclipse_formatter.xml_.
We encourage you to have this formatter in place in eclipse when editing HBase code.
Go to `Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Import` to load the xml file.
Go to `Preferences->Java->Editor->Save Actions`, and make sure 'Format source code' and 'Format
edited lines' is selected.
In addition to the automatic formatting, make sure you follow the style guidelines explained in
==== Eclipse Git Plugin
If you cloned the project via git, download and install the Git plugin (EGit). Attach to your local git repo (via the [label]#Git Repositories# window) and you'll be able to see file revision history, generate patches, etc.
==== HBase Project Setup in Eclipse using `m2eclipse`
The easiest way is to use the +m2eclipse+ plugin for Eclipse.
Eclipse Indigo or newer includes +m2eclipse+, or you can download it from It provides Maven integration for Eclipse, and even lets you use the direct Maven commands from within Eclipse to compile and test your project.
To import the project, click and select the HBase root directory. `m2eclipse` locates all the hbase modules for you.
If you install +m2eclipse+ and import HBase in your workspace, do the following to fix your eclipse Build Path.
. Remove _target_ folder
. Add _target/generated-jamon_ and _target/generated-sources/java_ folders.
. Remove from your Build Path the exclusions on the _src/main/resources_ and _src/test/resources_ to avoid error message in the console, such as the following:
Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default) on project hbase:
'An Ant BuildException has occurred: Replace: source file .../target/classes/hbase-default.xml
doesn't exist
This will also reduce the eclipse build cycles and make your life easier when developing.
==== HBase Project Setup in Eclipse Using the Command Line
Instead of using `m2eclipse`, you can generate the Eclipse files from the command line.
. First, run the following command, which builds HBase.
You only need to do this once.
mvn clean install -DskipTests
. Close Eclipse, and execute the following command from the terminal, in your local HBase project directory, to generate new _.project_ and _.classpath_ files.
mvn eclipse:eclipse
. Reopen Eclipse and import the _.project_ file in the HBase directory to a workspace.
==== Maven Classpath Variable
The `$M2_REPO` classpath variable needs to be set up for the project.
This needs to be set to your local Maven repository, which is usually _~/.m2/repository_
If this classpath variable is not configured, you will see compile errors in Eclipse like this:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved hbase Unknown Java Problem
Unbound classpath variable: 'M2_REPO/asm/asm/3.1/asm-3.1.jar' in project 'hbase' hbase Build path Build Path Problem
Unbound classpath variable: 'M2_REPO/com/google/guava/guava/r09/guava-r09.jar' in project 'hbase' hbase Build path Build Path Problem
Unbound classpath variable: 'M2_REPO/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/2.3.0/protobuf-java-2.3.0.jar' in project 'hbase' hbase Build path Build Path Problem Unbound classpath variable:
==== Eclipse Known Issues
Eclipse will currently complain about _Bytes.java_.
It is not possible to turn these errors off.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Access restriction: The method arrayBaseOffset(Class) from the type Unsafe is not accessible due to restriction on required library /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Classes/classes.jar /hbase/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util line 1061 Java Problem
Access restriction: The method arrayIndexScale(Class) from the type Unsafe is not accessible due to restriction on required library /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Classes/classes.jar /hbase/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util line 1064 Java Problem
Access restriction: The method getLong(Object, long) from the type Unsafe is not accessible due to restriction on required library /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Classes/classes.jar /hbase/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util line 1111 Java Problem
==== Eclipse - More Information
For additional information on setting up Eclipse for HBase development on Windows, see link:[Michael Morello's blog] on the topic.
=== IntelliJ IDEA
You can set up IntelliJ IDEA for similar functionality as Eclipse.
Follow these steps.
. Select
. You do not need to select a profile.
Be sure [label]#Maven project
required# is selected, and click btn:[Next].
. Select the location for the JDK.
.Using the HBase Formatter in IntelliJ IDEA
Using the Eclipse Code Formatter plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, you can import the HBase code formatter described in <<eclipse.code.formatting,eclipse.code.formatting>>.
=== Other IDEs
It would be useful to mirror the <<eclipse,eclipse>> set-up instructions for other IDEs.
If you would like to assist, please have a look at link:[HBASE-11704].
== Building Apache HBase
=== Basic Compile
HBase is compiled using Maven.
You must use at least Maven 3.0.4.
To check your Maven version, run the command +mvn -version+.
.JDK Version Requirements
Starting with HBase 1.0 you must use Java 7 or later to build from source code.
See <<java,java>> for more complete information about supported JDK versions.
==== Maven Build Commands
All commands are executed from the local HBase project directory.
===== Package
The simplest command to compile HBase from its java source code is to use the `package` target, which builds JARs with the compiled files.
mvn package -DskipTests
Or, to clean up before compiling:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
With Eclipse set up as explained above in <<eclipse,eclipse>>, you can also use the menu:Build[] command in Eclipse.
To create the full installable HBase package takes a little bit more work, so read on.
===== Compile
The `compile` target does not create the JARs with the compiled files.
mvn compile
mvn clean compile
===== Install
To install the JARs in your _~/.m2/_ directory, use the `install` target.
mvn install
mvn clean install
mvn clean install -DskipTests
==== Running all or individual Unit Tests
See the <<hbase.unittests.cmds,hbase.unittests.cmds>> section in <<hbase.unittests,hbase.unittests>>
==== Building against various hadoop versions.
HBase supports building against Apache Hadoop versions: 2.y and 3.y (early release artifacts). By default we build against Hadoop 2.x.
To build against a specific release from the Hadoop 2.y line, set e.g. `-Dhadoop-two.version=2.7.4`.
mvn -Dhadoop-two.version=2.7.4 ...
To change the major release line of Hadoop we build against, add a hadoop.profile property when you invoke +mvn+:
mvn -Dhadoop.profile=3.0 ...
The above will build against whatever explicit hadoop 3.y version we have in our _pom.xml_ as our '3.0' version.
Tests may not all pass so you may need to pass `-DskipTests` unless you are inclined to fix the failing tests.
To pick a particular Hadoop 3.y release, you'd set hadoop-three.version property e.g. `-Dhadoop-three.version=3.0.0`.
==== Build Protobuf
You may need to change the protobuf definitions that reside in the _hbase-protocol_ module or other modules.
The protobuf files are located in _hbase-protocol/src/main/protobuf_.
For the change to be effective, you will need to regenerate the classes.
You can use maven profile `compile-protobuf` to do this.
mvn compile -Pcompile-protobuf
You may also want to define `protoc.path` for the protoc binary, using the following command:
mvn compile -Pcompile-protobuf -Dprotoc.path=/opt/local/bin/protoc
Read the _hbase-protocol/README.txt_ for more details.
==== Build Thrift
You may need to change the thrift definitions that reside in the _hbase-thrift_ module or other modules.
The thrift files are located in _hbase-thrift/src/main/resources_.
For the change to be effective, you will need to regenerate the classes.
You can use maven profile `compile-thrift` to do this.
mvn compile -Pcompile-thrift
You may also want to define `thrift.path` for the thrift binary, using the following command:
mvn compile -Pcompile-thrift -Dthrift.path=/opt/local/bin/thrift
==== Build a Tarball
You can build a tarball without going through the release process described in <<releasing,releasing>>, by running the following command:
mvn -DskipTests clean install && mvn -DskipTests package assembly:single
The distribution tarball is built in _hbase-assembly/target/hbase-<version>-bin.tar.gz_.
You can install or deploy the tarball by having the assembly:single goal before install or deploy in the maven command:
mvn -DskipTests package assembly:single install
mvn -DskipTests package assembly:single deploy
==== Build Gotchas
===== Failure to find dependencies with "protocol_version" error
Many maven repositories, most notably Maven Central, now require TLSv1.2 for HTTPS connections. On older JDK7 instances you may need to manually add +-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2+ to your Maven command line invocation.
===== Maven Site failure
If you see `Unable to find resource 'VM_global_library.vm'`, ignore it.
It's not an error.
It is link:[officially ugly] though.
== Releasing Apache HBase
.Building against HBase 1.x
HBase 1.x requires Java 7 to build.
See <<java,java>> for Java requirements per HBase release.
.Example _~/.m2/settings.xml_ File
Publishing to maven requires you sign the artifacts you want to upload.
For the build to sign them for you, you a properly configured _settings.xml_ in your local repository under _.m2_, such as the following.
<settings xmlns=""
<!- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven -->
<!-- To publish a website using Maven -->
<!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->
<!--Keyname is something like this ... 00A5F21E... do gpg --list-keys to find it-->
=== Making a Release Candidate
NOTE: These instructions are for building HBase 1.y.z
.Point Releases
If you are making a point release (for example to quickly address a critical incompatibility or security problem) off of a release branch instead of a development branch, the tagging instructions are slightly different.
I'll prefix those special steps with _Point Release Only_.
.Before You Begin
Make sure your environment is properly set up. Maven and Git are the main tooling
used in the below. You'll need a properly configured _settings.xml_ file in your
local _~/.m2_ maven repository with logins for apache repos (See <<maven.settings.xml>>).
You will also need to have a published signing key. Browse the Hadoop
link:[How To Release] wiki page on
how to release. It is a model for most of the instructions below. It often has more
detail on particular steps, for example, on adding your code signing key to the
project KEYS file up in Apache or on how to update JIRA in preparation for release.
Before you make a release candidate, do a practice run by deploying a SNAPSHOT.
Check to be sure recent builds have been passing for the branch from where you
are going to take your release. You should also have tried recent branch tips
out on a cluster under load, perhaps by running the `hbase-it` integration test
suite for a few hours to 'burn in' the near-candidate bits.
.Specifying the Heap Space for Maven
You may run into OutOfMemoryErrors building, particularly building the site and
documentation. Up the heap for Maven by setting the `MAVEN_OPTS` variable.
You can prefix the variable to the Maven command, as in the following example:
MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx4g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" mvn package
You could also set this in an environment variable or alias in your shell.
The script _dev-support/make_rc.sh_ automates many of the below steps.
It will checkout a tag, clean the checkout, build src and bin tarballs,
and deploy the built jars to
It does NOT do the modification of the _CHANGES.txt_ for the release,
the checking of the produced artifacts to ensure they are 'good' --
e.g. extracting the produced tarballs, verifying that they
look right, then starting HBase and checking that everything is running
correctly -- or the signing and pushing of the tarballs to
Take a look. Modify/improve as you see fit.
.Procedure: Release Procedure
. Update the _CHANGES.txt_ file and the POM files.
Update _CHANGES.txt_ with the changes since the last release.
Make sure the URL to the JIRA points to the proper location which lists fixes for this release.
Adjust the version in all the POM files appropriately.
If you are making a release candidate, you must remove the `-SNAPSHOT` label from all versions
in all pom.xml files.
If you are running this receipe to publish a snapshot, you must keep the `-SNAPSHOT` suffix on the hbase version.
The link:[Versions Maven Plugin] can be of use here.
To set a version in all the many poms of the hbase multi-module project, use a command like the following:
$ mvn clean org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.5:set -DnewVersion=1.5.0
Make sure all versions in poms are changed! Checkin the _CHANGES.txt_ and any maven version changes.
. Update the documentation.
Update the documentation under _src/main/asciidoc_.
This usually involves copying the latest from master branch and making version-particular
adjustments to suit this release candidate version.
. Clean the checkout dir
$ mvn clean
$ git clean -f -x -d
. Run Apache-Rat
Check licenses are good
$ mvn apache-rat
If the above fails, check the rat log.
$ grep 'Rat check' patchprocess/mvn_apache_rat.log
. Create a release tag.
Presuming you have run basic tests, the rat check, passes and all is
looking good, now is the time to tag the release candidate (You
always remove the tag if you need to redo). To tag, do
what follows substituting in the version appropriate to your build.
All tags should be signed tags; i.e. pass the _-s_ option (See
link:http://[Signing Your Work]
for how to set up your git environment for signing).
$ git tag -s 1.5.0-RC0 -m "Tagging the 1.5.0 first Releae Candidate (Candidates start at zero)"
Or, if you are making a release, tags should have a _rel/_ prefix to ensure
they are preserved in the Apache repo as in:
+$ git tag -s rel/1.5.0 -m "Tagging the 1.5.0 Release"
Push the (specific) tag (only) so others have access.
$ git push origin 1.5.0-RC0
For how to delete tags, see
link:[How to Delete a Tag]. Covers
deleting tags that have not yet been pushed to the remote Apache
repo as well as delete of tags pushed to Apache.
. Build the source tarball.
Now, build the source tarball. Lets presume we are building the source
tarball for the tag _1.5.0-RC0_ into _/tmp/hbase-1.5.0-RC0/_
(This step requires that the mvn and git clean steps described above have just been done).
$ git archive --format=tar.gz --output="/tmp/hbase-1.5.0-RC0/hbase-1.5.0-src.tar.gz" --prefix="hbase-1.5.0/" $git_tag
Above we generate the hbase-1.5.0-src.tar.gz tarball into the
_/tmp/hbase-1.5.0-RC0_ build output directory (We don't want the _RC0_ in the name or prefix.
These bits are currently a release candidate but if the VOTE passes, they will become the release so we do not taint
the artifact names with _RCX_).
. Build the binary tarball.
Next, build the binary tarball. Add the `-Prelease` profile when building.
It runs the license apache-rat check among other rules that help ensure
all is wholesome. Do it in two steps.
First install into the local repository
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Prelease
Next, generate documentation and assemble the tarball. Be warned,
this next step can take a good while, a couple of hours generating site
$ mvn install -DskipTests site assembly:single -Prelease
Otherwise, the build complains that hbase modules are not in the maven repository
when you try to do it all in one step, especially on a fresh repository.
It seems that you need the install goal in both steps.
Extract the generated tarball -- you'll find it under
_hbase-assembly/target_ and check it out.
Look at the documentation, see if it runs, etc.
If good, copy the tarball beside the source tarball in the
build output directory.
. Deploy to the Maven Repository.
Next, deploy HBase to the Apache Maven repository. Add the
apache-release` profile when running the `mvn deploy` command.
This profile comes from the Apache parent pom referenced by our pom files.
It does signing of your artifacts published to Maven, as long as the
_settings.xml_ is configured correctly, as described in <<maven.settings.xml>>.
This step depends on the local repository having been populate
by the just-previous bin tarball build.
$ mvn deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release -Prelease
This command copies all artifacts up to a temporary staging Apache mvn repository in an 'open' state.
More work needs to be done on these maven artifacts to make them generally available.
We do not release HBase tarball to the Apache Maven repository. To avoid deploying the tarball, do not
include the `assembly:single` goal in your `mvn deploy` command. Check the deployed artifacts as described in the next section.
If you run the _dev-support/make_rc.sh_ script, this is as far as it takes you.
To finish the release, take up the script from here on out.
. Make the Release Candidate available.
The artifacts are in the maven repository in the staging area in the 'open' state.
While in this 'open' state you can check out what you've published to make sure all is good.
To do this, log in to Apache's Nexus at link:[] using your Apache ID.
Find your artifacts in the staging repository. Click on 'Staging Repositories' and look for a new one ending in "hbase" with a status of 'Open', select it.
Use the tree view to expand the list of repository contents and inspect if the artifacts you expect are present. Check the POMs.
As long as the staging repo is open you can re-upload if something is missing or built incorrectly.
If something is seriously wrong and you would like to back out the upload, you can use the 'Drop' button to drop and delete the staging repository.
Sometimes the upload fails in the middle. This is another reason you might have to 'Drop' the upload from the staging repository.
If it checks out, close the repo using the 'Close' button. The repository must be closed before a public URL to it becomes available. It may take a few minutes for the repository to close. Once complete you'll see a public URL to the repository in the Nexus UI. You may also receive an email with the URL. Provide the URL to the temporary staging repository in the email that announces the release candidate.
(Folks will need to add this repo URL to their local poms or to their local _settings.xml_ file to pull the published release candidate artifacts.)
When the release vote concludes successfully, return here and click the 'Release' button to release the artifacts to central. The release process will automatically drop and delete the staging repository.
See the link:[hbase-downstreamer] test for a simple example of a project that is downstream of HBase an depends on it.
Check it out and run its simple test to make sure maven artifacts are properly deployed to the maven repository.
Be sure to edit the pom to point to the proper staging repository.
Make sure you are pulling from the repository when tests run and that you are not getting from your local repository, by either passing the `-U` flag or deleting your local repo content and check maven is pulling from remote out of the staging repository.
See link:[Publishing Maven Artifacts] for some pointers on this maven staging process.
If the HBase version ends in `-SNAPSHOT`, the artifacts go elsewhere.
They are put into the Apache snapshots repository directly and are immediately available.
Making a SNAPSHOT release, this is what you want to happen.
At this stage, you have two tarballs in your 'build output directory' and a set of artifacts in a staging area of the maven repository, in the 'closed' state.
Next sign, fingerprint and then 'stage' your release candiate build output directory via svnpubsub by committing
your directory to link:[The 'dev' distribution directory] (See comments on link:[HBASE-10554 Please delete old releases from mirroring system] but in essence it is an svn checkout of -- releases are at In the _version directory_ run the following commands:
$ for i in *.tar.gz; do echo $i; gpg --print-md MD5 $i > $i.md5 ; done
$ for i in *.tar.gz; do echo $i; gpg --print-md SHA512 $i > $i.sha ; done
$ for i in *.tar.gz; do echo $i; gpg --armor --output $i.asc --detach-sig $i ; done
$ cd ..
# Presuming our 'build output directory' is named 1.5.0RC0, copy it to the svn checkout of the dist dev dir
# in this case named
$ cd /Users/stack/checkouts/
$ svn info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /Users/stack/checkouts/
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 0d268c88-bc11-4956-87df-91683dc98e59
Revision: 15087
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: ndimiduk
Last Changed Rev: 15045
Last Changed Date: 2016-08-28 11:13:36 -0700 (Sun, 28 Aug 2016)
$ mv 1.5.0RC0 /Users/stack/checkouts/
$ svn add 1.5.0RC0
$ svn commit ...
Ensure it actually gets published by checking link:[].
Announce the release candidate on the mailing list and call a vote.
=== Publishing a SNAPSHOT to maven
Make sure your _settings.xml_ is set up properly (see <<maven.settings.xml>>).
Make sure the hbase version includes `-SNAPSHOT` as a suffix.
Following is an example of publishing SNAPSHOTS of a release that had an hbase version of 1.5.0 in its poms.
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -Prelease
$ mvn -DskipTests deploy -Papache-release
The _make_rc.sh_ script mentioned above (see <<maven.release,maven.release>>) can help you publish `SNAPSHOTS`.
Make sure your `hbase.version` has a `-SNAPSHOT` suffix before running the script.
It will put a snapshot up into the apache snapshot repository for you.
== Voting on Release Candidates
Everyone is encouraged to try and vote on HBase release candidates.
Only the votes of PMC members are binding.
PMC members, please read this WIP doc on policy voting for a release candidate, link:[Release Policy].
Before casting +1 binding votes, individuals are required to
download the signed source code package onto their own hardware, compile it as
provided, and test the resulting executable on their own platform, along with also
validating cryptographic signatures and verifying that the package meets the
requirements of the ASF policy on releases.
Regards the latter, run `mvn apache-rat:check` to verify all files are suitably licensed.
See link:[HBase, mail # dev - On recent discussion clarifying ASF release policy]
for how we arrived at this process.
== Generating the HBase Reference Guide
The manual is marked up using Asciidoc.
We then use the link:[Asciidoctor maven plugin] to transform the markup to html.
This plugin is run when you specify the +site+ goal as in when you run +mvn site+.
See <<appendix_contributing_to_documentation,appendix contributing to documentation>> for more information on building the documentation.
== Updating link:[]
=== Contributing to
See <<appendix_contributing_to_documentation,appendix contributing to documentation>> for more information on contributing to the documentation or website.
=== Publishing link:[]
See <<website_publish>> for instructions on publishing the website and documentation.
== Tests
Developers, at a minimum, should familiarize themselves with the unit test detail; unit tests in HBase have a character not usually seen in other projects.
This information is about unit tests for HBase itself.
For developing unit tests for your HBase applications, see <<unit.tests,unit.tests>>.
=== Apache HBase Modules
As of 0.96, Apache HBase is split into multiple modules.
This creates "interesting" rules for how and where tests are written.
If you are writing code for `hbase-server`, see <<hbase.unittests,hbase.unittests>> for how to write your tests.
These tests can spin up a minicluster and will need to be categorized.
For any other module, for example `hbase-common`, the tests must be strict unit tests and just test the class under test - no use of the HBaseTestingUtility or minicluster is allowed (or even possible given the dependency tree).
==== Testing the HBase Shell
The HBase shell and its tests are predominantly written in jruby.
In order to make these tests run as a part of the standard build, there is a single JUnit test, `TestShell`, that takes care of loading the jruby implemented tests and running them.
You can run all of these tests from the top level with:
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestShell
Alternatively, you may limit the shell tests that run using the system variable `shell.test`.
This value should specify the ruby literal equivalent of a particular test case by name.
For example, the tests that cover the shell commands for altering tables are contained in the test case `AdminAlterTableTest` and you can run them with:
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestShell -Dshell.test=/AdminAlterTableTest/
You may also use a link:[Ruby Regular Expression
literal] (in the `/pattern/` style) to select a set of test cases.
You can run all of the HBase admin related tests, including both the normal administration and the security administration, with the command:
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestShell -Dshell.test=/.*Admin.*Test/
In the event of a test failure, you can see details by examining the XML version of the surefire report results
vim hbase-shell/target/surefire-reports/TEST-org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TestShell.xml
==== Running Tests in other Modules
If the module you are developing in has no other dependencies on other HBase modules, then you can cd into that module and just run:
mvn test
which will just run the tests IN THAT MODULE.
If there are other dependencies on other modules, then you will have run the command from the ROOT HBASE DIRECTORY.
This will run the tests in the other modules, unless you specify to skip the tests in that module.
For instance, to skip the tests in the hbase-server module, you would run:
mvn clean test -PskipServerTests
from the top level directory to run all the tests in modules other than hbase-server.
Note that you can specify to skip tests in multiple modules as well as just for a single module.
For example, to skip the tests in `hbase-server` and `hbase-common`, you would run:
mvn clean test -PskipServerTests -PskipCommonTests
Also, keep in mind that if you are running tests in the `hbase-server` module you will need to apply the maven profiles discussed in <<hbase.unittests.cmds,hbase.unittests.cmds>> to get the tests to run properly.
=== Unit Tests
Apache HBase test cases are subdivided into four categories: small, medium, large, and
integration with corresponding JUnit link:[categories]: `SmallTests`, `MediumTests`, `LargeTests`, `IntegrationTests`.
JUnit categories are denoted using java annotations and look like this in your unit test code.
public class TestHRegionInfo {
public void testCreateHRegionInfoName() throws Exception {
// ...
The above example shows how to mark a test case as belonging to the `small` category.
All test cases in HBase should have a categorization.
The first three categories, `small`, `medium`, and `large`, are for test cases which run when you
type `$ mvn test`.
In other words, these three categorizations are for HBase unit tests.
The `integration` category is not for unit tests, but for integration tests.
These are run when you invoke `$ mvn verify`.
Integration tests are described in <<integration.tests,integration.tests>>.
HBase uses a patched maven surefire plugin and maven profiles to implement its unit test characterizations.
Keep reading to figure which annotation of the set small, medium, and large to put on your new
HBase test case.
.Categorizing Tests
Small Tests (((SmallTests)))::
_Small_ test cases are executed in a shared JVM and individual test cases should run in 15 seconds
or less; i.e. a link:[junit test fixture], a java object made
up of test methods, should finish in under 15 seconds. These test cases can not use mini cluster.
These are run as part of patch pre-commit.
Medium Tests (((MediumTests)))::
_Medium_ test cases are executed in separate JVM and individual test case should run in 50 seconds
or less. Together, they should take less than 30 minutes, and are quite stable in their results.
These test cases can use a mini cluster. These are run as part of patch pre-commit.
Large Tests (((LargeTests)))::
_Large_ test cases are everything else.
They are typically large-scale tests, regression tests for specific bugs, timeout tests, performance tests.
They are executed before a commit on the pre-integration machines.
They can be run on the developer machine as well.
Integration Tests (((IntegrationTests)))::
_Integration_ tests are system level tests.
See <<integration.tests,integration.tests>> for more info.
=== Running tests
==== Default: small and medium category tests
Running `mvn test` will execute all small tests in a single JVM (no fork) and then medium tests in a separate JVM for each test instance.
Medium tests are NOT executed if there is an error in a small test.
Large tests are NOT executed.
There is one report for small tests, and one report for medium tests if they are executed.
==== Running all tests
Running `mvn test -P runAllTests` will execute small tests in a single JVM then medium and large tests in a separate JVM for each test.
Medium and large tests are NOT executed if there is an error in a small test.
Large tests are NOT executed if there is an error in a small or medium test.
There is one report for small tests, and one report for medium and large tests if they are executed.
==== Running a single test or all tests in a package
To run an individual test, e.g. `MyTest`, rum `mvn test -Dtest=MyTest` You can also pass multiple, individual tests as a comma-delimited list:
mvn test -Dtest=MyTest1,MyTest2,MyTest3
You can also pass a package, which will run all tests under the package:
mvn test '-Dtest=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.*'
When `-Dtest` is specified, the `localTests` profile will be used.
It will use the official release of maven surefire, rather than our custom surefire plugin, and the old connector (The HBase build uses a patched version of the maven surefire plugin). Each junit test is executed in a separate JVM (A fork per test class). There is no parallelization when tests are running in this mode.
You will see a new message at the end of the -report: `"[INFO] Tests are skipped"`.
It's harmless.
However, you need to make sure the sum of `Tests run:` in the `Results:` section of test reports matching the number of tests you specified because no error will be reported when a non-existent test case is specified.
==== Other test invocation permutations
Running `mvn test -P runSmallTests` will execute "small" tests only, using a single JVM.
Running `mvn test -P runMediumTests` will execute "medium" tests only, launching a new JVM for each test-class.
Running `mvn test -P runLargeTests` will execute "large" tests only, launching a new JVM for each test-class.
For convenience, you can run `mvn test -P runDevTests` to execute both small and medium tests, using a single JVM.
==== Running tests faster
By default, `$ mvn test -P runAllTests` runs 5 tests in parallel.
It can be increased on a developer's machine.
Allowing that you can have 2 tests in parallel per core, and you need about 2GB of memory per test (at the extreme), if you have an 8 core, 24GB box, you can have 16 tests in parallel.
but the memory available limits it to 12 (24/2), To run all tests with 12 tests in parallel, do this: +mvn test -P runAllTests
If using a version earlier than 2.0, do: +mvn test -P runAllTests -Dsurefire.secondPartThreadCount=12
To increase the speed, you can as well use a ramdisk.
You will need 2GB of memory to run all tests.
You will also need to delete the files between two test run.
The typical way to configure a ramdisk on Linux is:
$ sudo mkdir /ram2G
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=2048M tmpfs /ram2G
You can then use it to run all HBase tests on 2.0 with the command:
mvn test
-P runAllTests -Dsurefire.secondPartForkCount=12
On earlier versions, use:
mvn test
-P runAllTests -Dsurefire.secondPartThreadCount=12
It's also possible to use the script
This script runs the medium and large tests in parallel with two maven instances, and provides a single report.
This script does not use the hbase version of surefire so no parallelization is being done other than the two maven instances the script sets up.
It must be executed from the directory which contains the _pom.xml_.
For example running +./dev-support/ will execute small and medium tests.
Running +./dev-support/
runAllTests+ will execute all tests.
Running +./dev-support/ replayFailed+ will rerun the failed tests a second time, in a separate jvm and without parallelisation.
==== Test Resource Checker(((Test ResourceChecker)))
A custom Maven SureFire plugin listener checks a number of resources before and after each HBase unit test runs and logs its findings at the end of the test output files which can be found in _target/surefire-reports_ per Maven module (Tests write test reports named for the test class into this directory.
Check the _*-out.txt_ files). The resources counted are the number of threads, the number of file descriptors, etc.
If the number has increased, it adds a _LEAK?_ comment in the logs.
As you can have an HBase instance running in the background, some threads can be deleted/created without any specific action in the test.
However, if the test does not work as expected, or if the test should not impact these resources, it's worth checking these log lines [computeroutput]+...hbase.ResourceChecker(157): before...+ and [computeroutput]+...hbase.ResourceChecker(157): after...+.
For example:
2012-09-26 09:22:15,315 INFO [pool-1-thread-1]
hbase.ResourceChecker(157): after:
regionserver.TestColumnSeeking#testReseeking Thread=65 (was 65),
OpenFileDescriptor=107 (was 107), MaxFileDescriptor=10240 (was 10240),
ConnectionCount=1 (was 1)
=== Writing Tests
==== General rules
* As much as possible, tests should be written as category small tests.
* All tests must be written to support parallel execution on the same machine, hence they should not use shared resources as fixed ports or fixed file names.
* Tests should not overlog.
More than 100 lines/second makes the logs complex to read and use i/o that are hence not available for the other tests.
* Tests can be written with `HBaseTestingUtility`.
This class offers helper functions to create a temp directory and do the cleanup, or to start a cluster.
==== Categories and execution time
* All tests must be categorized, if not they could be skipped.
* All tests should be written to be as fast as possible.
* See <<hbase.unittests,hbase.unittests>> for test case categories and corresponding timeouts.
This should ensure a good parallelization for people using it, and ease the analysis when the test fails.
==== Sleeps in tests
Whenever possible, tests should not use [method]+Thread.sleep+, but rather waiting for the real event they need.
This is faster and clearer for the reader.
Tests should not do a [method]+Thread.sleep+ without testing an ending condition.
This allows understanding what the test is waiting for.
Moreover, the test will work whatever the machine performance is.
Sleep should be minimal to be as fast as possible.
Waiting for a variable should be done in a 40ms sleep loop.
Waiting for a socket operation should be done in a 200 ms sleep loop.
==== Tests using a cluster
Tests using a HRegion do not have to start a cluster: A region can use the local file system.
Start/stopping a cluster cost around 10 seconds.
They should not be started per test method but per test class.
Started cluster must be shutdown using [method]+HBaseTestingUtility#shutdownMiniCluster+, which cleans the directories.
As most as possible, tests should use the default settings for the cluster.
When they don't, they should document it.
This will allow to share the cluster later.
==== Tests Skeleton Code
Here is a test skeleton code with Categorization and a Category-based timeout rule to copy and paste and use as basis for test contribution.
* Describe what this testcase tests. Talk about resources initialized in @BeforeClass (before
* any test is run) and before each test is run, etc.
// Specify the category as explained in <<hbase.unittests,hbase.unittests>>.
public class TestExample {
// Replace the TestExample.class in the below with the name of your test fixture class.
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestExample.class);
// Handy test rule that allows you subsequently get the name of the current method. See
// down in 'testExampleFoo()' where we use it to log current test's name.
@Rule public TestName testName = new TestName();
// The below rule does two things. It decides the timeout based on the category
// (small/medium/large) of the testcase. This @Rule requires that the full testcase runs
// within this timeout irrespective of individual test methods' times. The second
// feature is we'll dump in the log when the test is done a count of threads still
// running.
@Rule public static TestRule timeout = CategoryBasedTimeout.builder().
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testExampleFoo() {"Running test " + testName.getMethodName());
=== Integration Tests
HBase integration/system tests are tests that are beyond HBase unit tests.
They are generally long-lasting, sizeable (the test can be asked to 1M rows or 1B rows), targetable (they can take configuration that will point them at the ready-made cluster they are to run against; integration tests do not include cluster start/stop code), and verifying success, integration tests rely on public APIs only; they do not attempt to examine server internals asserting success/fail.
Integration tests are what you would run when you need to more elaborate proofing of a release candidate beyond what unit tests can do.
They are not generally run on the Apache Continuous Integration build server, however, some sites opt to run integration tests as a part of their continuous testing on an actual cluster.
Integration tests currently live under the _src/test_ directory in the hbase-it submodule and will match the regex: _**/IntegrationTest*.java_.
All integration tests are also annotated with `@Category(IntegrationTests.class)`.
Integration tests can be run in two modes: using a mini cluster, or against an actual distributed cluster.
Maven failsafe is used to run the tests using the mini cluster.
IntegrationTestsDriver class is used for executing the tests against a distributed cluster.
Integration tests SHOULD NOT assume that they are running against a mini cluster, and SHOULD NOT use private API's to access cluster state.
To interact with the distributed or mini cluster uniformly, `IntegrationTestingUtility`, and `HBaseCluster` classes, and public client API's can be used.
On a distributed cluster, integration tests that use ChaosMonkey or otherwise manipulate services thru cluster manager (e.g.
restart regionservers) use SSH to do it.
To run these, test process should be able to run commands on remote end, so ssh should be configured accordingly (for example, if HBase runs under hbase user in your cluster, you can set up passwordless ssh for that user and run the test also under it). To facilitate that, ``, `` and `` configuration settings can be used.
"User" is the remote user that cluster manager should use to perform ssh commands.
"Opts" contains additional options that are passed to SSH (for example, "-i /tmp/my-key"). Finally, if you have some custom environment setup, "cmd" is the override format for the entire tunnel (ssh) command.
The default string is {`/usr/bin/ssh %1$s %2$s%3$s%4$s "%5$s"`} and is a good starting point.
This is a standard Java format string with 5 arguments that is used to execute the remote command.
The argument 1 (%1$s) is SSH options set the via opts setting or via environment variable, 2 is SSH user name, 3 is "@" if username is set or "" otherwise, 4 is the target host name, and 5 is the logical command to execute (that may include single quotes, so don't use them). For example, if you run the tests under non-hbase user and want to ssh as that user and change to hbase on remote machine, you can use:
/usr/bin/ssh %1$s %2$s%3$s%4$s "su hbase - -c \"%5$s\""
That way, to kill RS (for example) integration tests may run:
{/usr/bin/ssh some-hostname "su hbase - -c \"ps aux | ... | kill ...\""}
The command is logged in the test logs, so you can verify it is correct for your environment.
To disable the running of Integration Tests, pass the following profile on the command line `-PskipIntegrationTests`.
For example,
$ mvn clean install test -Dtest=TestZooKeeper -PskipIntegrationTests
==== Running integration tests against mini cluster
HBase 0.92 added a `verify` maven target.
Invoking it, for example by doing `mvn verify`, will run all the phases up to and including the verify phase via the maven link:[failsafe
plugin], running all the above mentioned HBase unit tests as well as tests that are in the HBase integration test group.
After you have completed +mvn install -DskipTests+ You can run just the integration tests by invoking:
cd hbase-it
mvn verify
If you just want to run the integration tests in top-level, you need to run two commands.
First: +mvn failsafe:integration-test+ This actually runs ALL the integration tests.
NOTE: This command will always output `BUILD SUCCESS` even if there are test failures.
At this point, you could grep the output by hand looking for failed tests.
However, maven will do this for us; just use: +mvn
failsafe:verify+ The above command basically looks at all the test results (so don't remove the 'target' directory) for test failures and reports the results.
===== Running a subset of Integration tests
This is very similar to how you specify running a subset of unit tests (see above), but use the property `it.test` instead of `test`.
To just run ``, use: +mvn
failsafe:integration-test -Dit.test=IntegrationTestClassXYZ+ The next thing you might want to do is run groups of integration tests, say all integration tests that are named IntegrationTestClassX*.java: +mvn failsafe:integration-test -Dit.test=*ClassX*+ This runs everything that is an integration test that matches *ClassX*. This means anything matching: "**/IntegrationTest*ClassX*". You can also run multiple groups of integration tests using comma-delimited lists (similar to unit tests). Using a list of matches still supports full regex matching for each of the groups. This would look something like: +mvn
failsafe:integration-test -Dit.test=*ClassX*, *ClassY+
==== Running integration tests against distributed cluster
If you have an already-setup HBase cluster, you can launch the integration tests by invoking the class `IntegrationTestsDriver`.
You may have to run test-compile first.
The configuration will be picked by the bin/hbase script.
mvn test-compile
Then launch the tests with:
bin/hbase [--config config_dir] org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestsDriver
Pass `-h` to get usage on this sweet tool.
Running the IntegrationTestsDriver without any argument will launch tests found under `hbase-it/src/test`, having `@Category(IntegrationTests.class)` annotation, and a name starting with `IntegrationTests`.
See the usage, by passing -h, to see how to filter test classes.
You can pass a regex which is checked against the full class name; so, part of class name can be used.
IntegrationTestsDriver uses Junit to run the tests.
Currently there is no support for running integration tests against a distributed cluster using maven (see link:[HBASE-6201]).
The tests interact with the distributed cluster by using the methods in the `DistributedHBaseCluster` (implementing `HBaseCluster`) class, which in turn uses a pluggable `ClusterManager`.
Concrete implementations provide actual functionality for carrying out deployment-specific and environment-dependent tasks (SSH, etc). The default `ClusterManager` is `HBaseClusterManager`, which uses SSH to remotely execute start/stop/kill/signal commands, and assumes some posix commands (ps, etc). Also assumes the user running the test has enough "power" to start/stop servers on the remote machines.
By default, it picks up `HBASE_SSH_OPTS`, `HBASE_HOME`, `HBASE_CONF_DIR` from the env, and uses `bin/` to carry out the actions.
Currently tarball deployments, deployments which uses _hbase-daemons.sh_, and link:[Apache Ambari] deployments are supported.
_/etc/init.d/_ scripts are not supported for now, but it can be easily added.
For other deployment options, a ClusterManager can be implemented and plugged in.
==== Destructive integration / system tests (ChaosMonkey)
HBase 0.96 introduced a tool named `ChaosMonkey`, modeled after
link:[same-named tool by Netflix's Chaos Monkey tool].
ChaosMonkey simulates real-world
faults in a running cluster by killing or disconnecting random servers, or injecting
other failures into the environment. You can use ChaosMonkey as a stand-alone tool
to run a policy while other tests are running. In some environments, ChaosMonkey is
always running, in order to constantly check that high availability and fault tolerance
are working as expected.
ChaosMonkey defines *Actions* and *Policies*.
Actions:: Actions are predefined sequences of events, such as the following:
* Restart active master (sleep 5 sec)
* Restart random regionserver (sleep 5 sec)
* Restart random regionserver (sleep 60 sec)
* Restart META regionserver (sleep 5 sec)
* Restart ROOT regionserver (sleep 5 sec)
* Batch restart of 50% of regionservers (sleep 5 sec)
* Rolling restart of 100% of regionservers (sleep 5 sec)
Policies:: A policy is a strategy for executing one or more actions. The default policy
executes a random action every minute based on predefined action weights.
A given policy will be executed until ChaosMonkey is interrupted.
Most ChaosMonkey actions are configured to have reasonable defaults, so you can run
ChaosMonkey against an existing cluster without any additional configuration. The
following example runs ChaosMonkey with the default configuration:
$ bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ChaosMonkey
12/11/19 23:21:57 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Using ChaosMonkey Policy: class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ChaosMonkey$PeriodicRandomActionPolicy, period:60000
12/11/19 23:21:57 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Sleeping for 26953 to add jitter
12/11/19 23:22:24 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Performing action: Restart active master
12/11/19 23:22:24 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Killing,60000,1353367210440
12/11/19 23:22:24 INFO hbase.HBaseCluster: Aborting Master:,60000,1353367210440
12/11/19 23:22:24 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executing remote command: ps aux | grep master | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs kill -s SIGKILL ,
12/11/19 23:22:25 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executed remote command, exit code:0 , output:
12/11/19 23:22:25 INFO hbase.HBaseCluster: Waiting service:master to stop:,60000,1353367210440
12/11/19 23:22:25 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executing remote command: ps aux | grep master | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 ,
12/11/19 23:22:25 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executed remote command, exit code:0 , output:
12/11/19 23:22:25 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Killed master,60000,1353367210440
12/11/19 23:22:25 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Sleeping for:5000
12/11/19 23:22:30 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Starting
12/11/19 23:22:30 INFO hbase.HBaseCluster: Starting Master on:
12/11/19 23:22:30 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executing remote command: /homes/enis/code/hbase-0.94/bin/../bin/ --config /homes/enis/code/hbase-0.94/bin/../conf start master ,
12/11/19 23:22:31 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executed remote command, exit code:0 , output:starting master, logging to /homes/enis/code/hbase-0.94/bin/../logs/
12/11/19 23:22:33 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Started master:,60000,1353367210440
12/11/19 23:22:33 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Sleeping for:51321
12/11/19 23:23:24 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Performing action: Restart random region server
12/11/19 23:23:24 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Killing region,60020,1353367027826
12/11/19 23:23:24 INFO hbase.HBaseCluster: Aborting RS:,60020,1353367027826
12/11/19 23:23:24 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executing remote command: ps aux | grep regionserver | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs kill -s SIGKILL ,
12/11/19 23:23:25 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executed remote command, exit code:0 , output:
12/11/19 23:23:25 INFO hbase.HBaseCluster: Waiting service:regionserver to stop:,60020,1353367027826
12/11/19 23:23:25 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executing remote command: ps aux | grep regionserver | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2 ,
12/11/19 23:23:25 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executed remote command, exit code:0 , output:
12/11/19 23:23:25 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Killed region,60020,1353367027826. Reported num of rs:6
12/11/19 23:23:25 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Sleeping for:60000
12/11/19 23:24:25 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Starting region
12/11/19 23:24:25 INFO hbase.HBaseCluster: Starting RS on:
12/11/19 23:24:25 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executing remote command: /homes/enis/code/hbase-0.94/bin/../bin/ --config /homes/enis/code/hbase-0.94/bin/../conf start regionserver ,
12/11/19 23:24:26 INFO hbase.ClusterManager: Executed remote command, exit code:0 , output:starting regionserver, logging to /homes/enis/code/hbase-0.94/bin/../logs/
12/11/19 23:24:27 INFO util.ChaosMonkey: Started region,60020,1353367027826. Reported num of rs:6
The output indicates that ChaosMonkey started the default `PeriodicRandomActionPolicy`
policy, which is configured with all the available actions. It chose to run `RestartActiveMaster` and `RestartRandomRs` actions.
==== Available Policies
HBase ships with several ChaosMonkey policies, available in the
`hbase/hbase-it/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/chaos/policies/` directory.
==== Configuring Individual ChaosMonkey Actions
Since HBase version 1.0.0 (link:[HBASE-11348]),
ChaosMonkey integration tests can be configured per test run.
Create a Java properties file in the HBase classpath and pass it to ChaosMonkey using
the `-monkeyProps` configuration flag. Configurable properties, along with their default
values if applicable, are listed in the `org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories.MonkeyConstants`
class. For properties that have defaults, you can override them by including them
in your properties file.
The following example uses a properties file called <<,>>.
$ bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestIngest -m slowDeterministic -monkeyProps
The above command will start the integration tests and chaos monkey passing the properties file _monkey.properties_.
Here is an example chaos monkey file:
.Example ChaosMonkey Properties File
HBase 1.0.2 and newer adds the ability to restart HBase's underlying ZooKeeper quorum or
HDFS nodes. To use these actions, you need to configure some new properties, which
have no reasonable defaults because they are deployment-specific, in your ChaosMonkey
properties file, which may be `hbase-site.xml` or a different properties file.
== Developer Guidelines
=== Branches
We use Git for source code management and latest development happens on `master` branch. There are
branches for past major/minor/maintenance releases and important features and bug fixes are often
back-ported to them.
=== Release Managers
Each maintained release branch has a release manager, who volunteers to coordinate new features and bug fixes are backported to that release.
The release managers are link:[committers].
If you would like your feature or bug fix to be included in a given release, communicate with that release manager.
If this list goes out of date or you can't reach the listed person, reach out to someone else on the list.
NOTE: End-of-life releases are not included in this list.
.Release Managers
[cols="1,1", options="header"]
| Release
| Release Manager
| 1.1
| Nick Dimiduk
| 1.2
| Sean Busbey
| 1.3
| Mikhail Antonov
=== Policy for Fix Version in JIRA
To determine if a given fix is in a given release purely from the release numbers following rules
are defined:
Fix version of X.Y.Z => fixed in all releases X.Y.Z' (where Z' = Z). +
Fix version of X.Y.0 => fixed in all releases X.Y'.* (where Y' = Y). +
Fix version of X.0.0 => fixed in all releases X'.\*.* (where X' = X). +
By this policy, fix version of 1.3.0 implies 1.4.0, but 1.3.2 does not imply 1.4.0 as we could not
tell purely from the numbers which release came first.
=== Code Standards
==== Interface Classifications
Interfaces are classified both by audience and by stability level.
These labels appear at the head of a class.
The conventions followed by HBase are inherited by its parent project, Hadoop.
The following interface classifications are commonly used:
APIs for users and HBase applications.
These APIs will be deprecated through major versions of HBase.
APIs for HBase internals developers.
No guarantees on compatibility or availability in future versions.
Private interfaces do not need an `@InterfaceStability` classification.
APIs for HBase coprocessor writers.
No `@InterfaceAudience` Classification::
Packages without an `@InterfaceAudience` label are considered private.
Mark your new packages if publicly accessible.
.Excluding Non-Public Interfaces from API Documentation
Only interfaces classified `@InterfaceAudience.Public` should be included in API documentation (Javadoc). Committers must add new package excludes `ExcludePackageNames` section of the _pom.xml_ for new packages which do not contain public classes.
`@InterfaceStability` is important for packages marked `@InterfaceAudience.Public`.
Public packages marked as stable cannot be changed without a deprecation path or a very good reason.
Public packages marked as unstable can be changed without a deprecation path.
Public packages marked as evolving may be changed, but it is discouraged.
No `@InterfaceStability` Label::
Public classes with no `@InterfaceStability` label are discouraged, and should be considered implicitly unstable.
If you are unclear about how to mark packages, ask on the development list.
==== Code Formatting Conventions
Please adhere to the following guidelines so that your patches can be reviewed more quickly.
These guidelines have been developed based upon common feedback on patches from new contributors.
See the link:[Code
Conventions for the Java Programming Language] for more information on coding conventions in Java.
See <<eclipse.code.formatting,eclipse.code.formatting>> to setup Eclipse to check for some of
these guidelines automatically.
===== Space Invaders
Do not use extra spaces around brackets.
Use the second style, rather than the first.
if ( foo.equals( bar ) ) { // don't do this
if (foo.equals(bar)) {
foo = barArray[ i ]; // don't do this
foo = barArray[i];
===== Auto Generated Code
Auto-generated code in Eclipse often uses bad variable names such as `arg0`.
Use more informative variable names.
Use code like the second example here.
public void readFields(DataInput arg0) throws IOException { // don't do this
foo = arg0.readUTF(); // don't do this
public void readFields(DataInput di) throws IOException {
foo = di.readUTF();
===== Long Lines
Keep lines less than 100 characters.
You can configure your IDE to do this automatically.
Bar bar = foo.veryLongMethodWithManyArguments(argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4, argument5, argument6, argument7, argument8, argument9); // don't do this
Bar bar = foo.veryLongMethodWithManyArguments(
argument1, argument2, argument3,argument4, argument5, argument6, argument7, argument8, argument9);
===== Trailing Spaces
Be sure there is a line break after the end of your code, and avoid lines with nothing but whitespace.
This makes diffs more meaningful.
You can configure your IDE to help with this.
Bar bar = foo.getBar(); <--- imagine there is an extra space(s) after the semicolon.
===== API Documentation (Javadoc)
Don't forget Javadoc!
Javadoc warnings are checked during precommit.
If the precommit tool gives you a '-1', please fix the javadoc issue.
Your patch won't be committed if it adds such warnings.
Also, no `@author` tags - that's a rule.
===== Findbugs
`Findbugs` is used to detect common bugs pattern.
It is checked during the precommit build.
If errors are found, please fix them.
You can run findbugs locally with `mvn
findbugs:findbugs`, which will generate the `findbugs` files locally.
Sometimes, you may have to write code smarter than `findbugs`.
You can annotate your code to tell `findbugs` you know what you're doing, by annotating your class with the following annotation:
justification="I know what I'm doing")
It is important to use the Apache-licensed version of the annotations. That generally means using
annotations in the `edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations` package so that we can rely on the cleanroom
reimplementation rather than annotations in the `javax.annotations` package.
===== Javadoc - Useless Defaults
Don't just leave javadoc tags the way IDE generates them, or fill redundant information in them.
* @param table <---- don't leave them empty!
* @param region An HRegion object. <---- don't fill redundant information!
* @return Foo Object foo just created. <---- Not useful information
* @throws SomeException <---- Not useful. Function declarations already tell that!
* @throws BarException when something went wrong <---- really?
public Foo createFoo(Bar bar);
Either add something descriptive to the tags, or just remove them.
The preference is to add something descriptive and useful.
===== One Thing At A Time, Folks
If you submit a patch for one thing, don't do auto-reformatting or unrelated reformatting of code on a completely different area of code.
Likewise, don't add unrelated cleanup or refactorings outside the scope of your Jira.
===== Ambigious Unit Tests
Make sure that you're clear about what you are testing in your unit tests and why.
==== Garbage-Collection Conserving Guidelines
The following guidelines were borrowed from
Keep them in mind to keep preventable garbage collection to a minimum. Have a look
at the blog post for some great examples of how to refactor your code according to
these guidelines.
- Be careful with Iterators
- Estimate the size of a collection when initializing
- Defer expression evaluation
- Compile the regex patterns in advance
- Cache it if you can
- String Interns are useful but dangerous
=== Invariants
We don't have many but what we have we list below.
All are subject to challenge of course but until then, please hold to the rules of the road.
==== No permanent state in ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper state should transient (treat it like memory). If ZooKeeper state is deleted, hbase should be able to recover and essentially be in the same state.
* .Exceptions: There are currently a few exceptions that we need to fix around whether a table is enabled or disabled.
* Replication data is currently stored only in ZooKeeper.
Deleting ZooKeeper data related to replication may cause replication to be disabled.
Do not delete the replication tree, _/hbase/replication/_.
WARNING: Replication may be disrupted and data loss may occur if you delete the replication tree (_/hbase/replication/_) from ZooKeeper.
Follow progress on this issue at link:[HBASE-10295].
=== Running In-Situ
If you are developing Apache HBase, frequently it is useful to test your changes against a more-real cluster than what you find in unit tests.
In this case, HBase can be run directly from the source in local-mode.
All you need to do is run:
This will spin up a full local-cluster, just as if you had packaged up HBase and installed it on your machine.
Keep in mind that you will need to have installed HBase into your local maven repository for the in-situ cluster to work properly.
That is, you will need to run:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
to ensure that maven can find the correct classpath and dependencies.
Generally, the above command is just a good thing to try running first, if maven is acting oddly.
=== Adding Metrics
After adding a new feature a developer might want to add metrics.
HBase exposes metrics using the Hadoop Metrics 2 system, so adding a new metric involves exposing that metric to the hadoop system.
Unfortunately the API of metrics2 changed from hadoop 1 to hadoop 2.
In order to get around this a set of interfaces and implementations have to be loaded at runtime.
To get an in-depth look at the reasoning and structure of these classes you can read the blog post located link:[here].
To add a metric to an existing MBean follow the short guide below:
==== Add Metric name and Function to Hadoop Compat Interface.
Inside of the source interface the corresponds to where the metrics are generated (eg MetricsMasterSource for things coming from HMaster) create new static strings for metric name and description.
Then add a new method that will be called to add new reading.
==== Add the Implementation to Both Hadoop 1 and Hadoop 2 Compat modules.
Inside of the implementation of the source (eg.
MetricsMasterSourceImpl in the above example) create a new histogram, counter, gauge, or stat in the init method.
Then in the method that was added to the interface wire up the parameter passed in to the histogram.
Now add tests that make sure the data is correctly exported to the metrics 2 system.
For this the MetricsAssertHelper is provided.
=== Git Best Practices
Avoid git merges.::
Use `git pull --rebase` or `git fetch` followed by `git rebase`.
Do not use `git push --force`.::
If the push does not work, fix the problem or ask for help.
Please contribute to this document if you think of other Git best practices.
==== ``
The _dev-support/rebase_all_git_branches.sh_ script is provided to help keep your Git repository clean.
Use the `-h` parameter to get usage instructions.
The script automatically refreshes your tracking branches, attempts an automatic rebase of each local branch against its remote branch, and gives you the option to delete any branch which represents a closed `HBASE-` JIRA.
The script has one optional configuration option, the location of your Git directory.
You can set a default by editing the script.
Otherwise, you can pass the git directory manually by using the `-d` parameter, followed by an absolute or relative directory name, or even '.' for the current working directory.
The script checks the directory for sub-directory called _.git/_, before proceeding.
=== Submitting Patches
If you are new to submitting patches to open source or new to submitting patches to Apache, start by
reading the link:[On Contributing Patches] page from
link:[Apache Commons Project].
It provides a nice overview that applies equally to the Apache HBase Project.
link:[Accumulo doc on how to contribute and develop] is also
good read to understand development workflow.
==== Create Patch
Make sure you review <<,>> for code style. If your
was generated incorrectly or your code does not adhere to the code formatting guidelines, you may
be asked to redo some work.
.Using (recommended)
$ dev-support/ -jid HBASE-xxxxx
Use this script to create patches, upload to jira and optionally create/update reviews on
Review Board. Patch name is automatically formatted as _(JIRA).(branch name).(patch number).patch_
to follow Yetus' naming rules. Use `-h` flag to know detailed usage information. Most useful options
* `-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH` : Specify base branch for generating the diff. If not specified,
tracking branch is used. If there is no tracking branch, error will be thrown.
* `-jid JIRA_ID, --jira-id JIRA_ID` : If used, deduces next patch version from attachments in the
jira and uploads the new patch. Script will ask for jira username/password for authentication.
If not set, patch is named <branch>.patch.
By default, it'll also create/update review board. To skip that action, use `-srb` option. It uses
'Issue Links' in the jira to figure out if a review request already exists. If no review
request is present, then creates a new one and populates all required fields using jira summary,
patch description, etc. Also adds this review's link to the jira.
Save authentication credentials (optional)::
Since attaching patches on JIRA and creating/changing review request on ReviewBoard requires
valid user authentication, the script will prompt you for username and password. To avoid the hassle every
time, set up `~/.apache-creds` with login details and encrypt it by following the steps in footer
of script's help message.
Python dependencies:: To install required python dependencies, execute
`pip install -r dev-support/python-requirements.txt` from the master branch.
. Use `git rebase -i` first, to combine (squash) smaller commits into a single larger one.
. Create patch using IDE or Git commands. `git format-patch` is preferred since it preserves patch
author's name and commit message. Also, it handles binary files by default, whereas `git diff`
ignores them unless you use the `--binary` option.
. Patch name should be as follows to adhere to Yetus' naming convention: +
`(JIRA).(branch name).(patch number).patch` +
For eg. HBASE-11625.master.001.patch, HBASE-XXXXX.branch-1.2.0005.patch, etc.
. Attach the patch to the JIRA using `More->Attach Files` then click on btn:[Submit Patch]
button, which'll trigger Hudson job to check patch for validity.
. If your patch is longer than a single screen, also create a review on Review Board and
add the link to JIRA. See <<reviewboard,reviewboard>>.
.Few general guidelines
* Always patch against the master branch first, even if you want to patch in another branch.
HBase committers always apply patches first to the master branch, and backport if necessary.
* Submit one single patch for a fix. If necessary, squash local commits to merge local commits into
a single one first. See this
link:[Stack Overflow
question] for more information about squashing commits.
* Please understand that not every patch may get committed, and that feedback will likely be
provided on the patch.
* If you need to revise your patch, leave the previous patch file(s) attached to the JIRA, and
upload a new one with incremented patch number. +
Click on btn:[Cancel Patch] and then on btn:[Submit Patch] to trigger the presubmit run.
==== Unit Tests
Always add and/or update relevant unit tests when making the changes.
Make sure that new/changed unit tests pass locally before submitting the patch because it is faster
than waiting for presubmit result which runs full test suite. This will save your own time and
Use <<mockito,mockito>> to make mocks which are very useful for testing failure scenarios by
injecting appropriate failures.
If you are creating a new unit test class, notice how other unit test classes have
classification/sizing annotations before class name and a static methods for setup/teardown of
testing environment. Be sure to include annotations in any new unit test files.
See <<hbase.tests,hbase.tests>> for more information on tests.
==== Integration Tests
Significant new features should provide an integration test in addition to unit tests, suitable for exercising the new feature at different points in its configuration space.
==== ReviewBoard
Patches larger than one screen, or patches that will be tricky to review, should go through link:[ReviewBoard].
.Procedure: Use ReviewBoard
. Register for an account if you don't already have one.
It does not use the credentials from link:[].
Log in.
. Click [label]#New Review Request#.
. Choose the `hbase-git` repository.
Click Choose File to select the diff and optionally a parent diff.
Click btn:[Create
Review Request].
. Fill in the fields as required.
At the minimum, fill in the [label]#Summary# and choose `hbase` as the [label]#Review Group#.
If you fill in the [label]#Bugs# field, the review board links back to the relevant JIRA.
The more fields you fill in, the better.
Click btn:[Publish] to make your review request public.
An email will be sent to everyone in the `hbase` group, to review the patch.
. Back in your JIRA, click , and paste in the URL of your ReviewBoard request.
This attaches the ReviewBoard to the JIRA, for easy access.
. To cancel the request, click .
For more information on how to use ReviewBoard, see link:[the ReviewBoard
==== Guide for HBase Committers
===== New committers
New committers are encouraged to first read Apache's generic committer documentation:
* link:[Apache New Committer Guide]
* link:[Apache Committer FAQ]
===== Review
HBase committers should, as often as possible, attempt to review patches submitted by others.
Ideally every submitted patch will get reviewed by a committer _within a few days_.
If a committer reviews a patch they have not authored, and believe it to be of sufficient quality, then they can commit the patch, otherwise the patch should be cancelled with a clear explanation for why it was rejected.
The list of submitted patches is in the link:[HBase Review Queue], which is ordered by time of last modification.
Committers should scan the list from top to bottom, looking for patches that they feel qualified to review and possibly commit.
For non-trivial changes, it is required to get another committer to review your own patches before commit.
Use the btn:[Submit Patch] button in JIRA, just like other contributors, and then wait for a `+1` response from another committer before committing.
===== Reject
Patches which do not adhere to the guidelines in link:[HowToContribute] and to the link:[code review checklist] should be rejected.
Committers should always be polite to contributors and try to instruct and encourage them to contribute better patches.
If a committer wishes to improve an unacceptable patch, then it should first be rejected, and a new patch should be attached by the committer for review.
===== Commit
Committers commit patches to the Apache HBase GIT repository.
.Before you commit!!!!
Make sure your local configuration is correct, especially your identity and email.
Examine the output of the +$ git config
--list+ command and be sure it is correct.
See this GitHub article, link:[Set Up Git] if you need pointers.
When you commit a patch, please:
. Include the Jira issue id in the commit message along with a short description of the change. Try
to add something more than just the Jira title so that someone looking at git log doesn't
have to go to Jira to discern what the change is about.
Be sure to get the issue ID right, as this causes Jira to link to the change in Git (use the
issue's "All" tab to see these).
. Commit the patch to a new branch based off master or other intended branch.
It's a good idea to call this branch by the JIRA ID.
Then check out the relevant target branch where you want to commit, make sure your local branch has all remote changes, by doing a +git pull --rebase+ or another similar command, cherry-pick the change into each relevant branch (such as master), and do +git push <remote-server>
WARNING: If you do not have all remote changes, the push will fail.
If the push fails for any reason, fix the problem or ask for help.
Do not do a +git push --force+.
Before you can commit a patch, you need to determine how the patch was created.
The instructions and preferences around the way to create patches have changed, and there will be a transition period.
.Determine How a Patch Was Created
* If the first few lines of the patch look like the headers of an email, with a From, Date, and
Subject, it was created using +git format-patch+. This is the preferred way, because you can
reuse the submitter's commit message. If the commit message is not appropriate, you can still use
the commit, then run `git commit --amend` and reword as appropriate.
* If the first line of the patch looks similar to the following, it was created using +git diff+ without `--no-prefix`.
This is acceptable too.
Notice the `a` and `b` in front of the file names.
This is the indication that the patch was not created with `--no-prefix`.
diff --git a/src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/developer.adoc b/src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/developer.adoc
* If the first line of the patch looks similar to the following (without the `a` and `b`), the
patch was created with +git diff --no-prefix+ and you need to add `-p0` to the +git apply+ command
diff --git src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/developer.adoc src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/developer.adoc
.Example of committing a Patch
One thing you will notice with these examples is that there are a lot of +git pull+ commands.
The only command that actually writes anything to the remote repository is +git push+, and you need to make absolutely sure you have the correct versions of everything and don't have any conflicts before pushing.
The extra +git
pull+ commands are usually redundant, but better safe than sorry.
The first example shows how to apply a patch that was generated with +git format-patch+ and apply it to the `master` and `branch-1` branches.
The directive to use +git format-patch+ rather than +git diff+, and not to use `--no-prefix`, is a new one.
See the second example for how to apply a patch created with +git
diff+, and educate the person who created the patch.
$ git checkout -b HBASE-XXXX
$ git am ~/Downloads/HBASE-XXXX-v2.patch --signoff # If you are committing someone else's patch.
$ git checkout master
$ git pull --rebase
$ git cherry-pick <sha-from-commit>
# Resolve conflicts if necessary or ask the submitter to do it
$ git pull --rebase # Better safe than sorry
$ git push origin master
# Backport to branch-1
$ git checkout branch-1
$ git pull --rebase
$ git cherry-pick <sha-from-commit>
# Resolve conflicts if necessary
$ git pull --rebase # Better safe than sorry
$ git push origin branch-1
$ git branch -D HBASE-XXXX
This example shows how to commit a patch that was created using +git diff+ without `--no-prefix`.
If the patch was created with `--no-prefix`, add `-p0` to the +git apply+ command.
$ git apply ~/Downloads/HBASE-XXXX-v2.patch
$ git commit -m "HBASE-XXXX Really Good Code Fix (Joe Schmo)" --author=<contributor> -a # This
and next command is needed for patches created with 'git diff'
$ git commit --amend --signoff
$ git checkout master
$ git pull --rebase
$ git cherry-pick <sha-from-commit>
# Resolve conflicts if necessary or ask the submitter to do it
$ git pull --rebase # Better safe than sorry
$ git push origin master
# Backport to branch-1
$ git checkout branch-1
$ git pull --rebase
$ git cherry-pick <sha-from-commit>
# Resolve conflicts if necessary or ask the submitter to do it
$ git pull --rebase # Better safe than sorry
$ git push origin branch-1
$ git branch -D HBASE-XXXX
. Resolve the issue as fixed, thanking the contributor.
Always set the "Fix Version" at this point, but please only set a single fix version for each branch where the change was committed, the earliest release in that branch in which the change will appear.
====== Commit Message Format
The commit message should contain the JIRA ID and a description of what the patch does.
The preferred commit message format is:
<jira-id> <jira-title> (<contributor-name-if-not-commit-author>)
HBASE-12345 Fix All The Things (
If the contributor used +git format-patch+ to generate the patch, their commit message is in their patch and you can use that, but be sure the JIRA ID is at the front of the commit message, even if the contributor left it out.
====== Add Amending-Author when a conflict cherrypick backporting
We've established the practice of committing to master and then cherry picking back to branches whenever possible, unless
* it's breaking compat: In which case, if it can go in minor releases, backport to branch-1 and branch-2.
* it's a new feature: No for maintenance releases, For minor releases, discuss and arrive at consensus.
When there is a minor conflict we can fix it up and just proceed with the commit.
The resulting commit retains the original author.
When the amending author is different from the original committer, add notice of this at the end of the commit message as:
`Amending-Author: Author <committer&apache>` See discussion at link:[HBase, mail # dev - [DISCUSSION] Best practice when amending commits cherry picked from master to branch].
====== Committers are responsible for making sure commits do not break the build or tests
If a committer commits a patch, it is their responsibility to make sure it passes the test suite.
It is helpful if contributors keep an eye out that their patch does not break the hbase build and/or tests, but ultimately, a contributor cannot be expected to be aware of all the particular vagaries and interconnections that occur in a project like HBase.
A committer should.
====== Patching Etiquette
In the thread link:[HBase, mail # dev - ANNOUNCEMENT: Git Migration In Progress (WAS =>
Re: Git Migration)], it was agreed on the following patch flow
. Develop and commit the patch against master first.
. Try to cherry-pick the patch when backporting if possible.
. If this does not work, manually commit the patch to the branch.
====== Merge Commits
Avoid merge commits, as they create problems in the git history.
====== Committing Documentation
See <<appendix_contributing_to_documentation,appendix contributing to documentation>>.
==== Dialog
Committers should hang out in the #hbase room on for real-time discussions.
However any substantive discussion (as with any off-list project-related discussion) should be re-iterated in Jira or on the developer list.
==== Do not edit JIRA comments
Misspellings and/or bad grammar is preferable to the disruption a JIRA comment edit causes.
=== Development of HBase-related Maven archetypes
The development of HBase-related Maven archetypes was begun with
For an overview of the hbase-archetypes infrastructure and instructions
for developing new HBase-related Maven archetypes, please see
== Index
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