HBASE-17700 update CHANGES.txt for 1.2.5 RC0.
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 0f186c3..1acc1ee 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,72 @@
 HBase Change Log
+Release Notes - HBase - Version 1.2.5
+** Sub-task
+    * [HBASE-16970] - Clarify misleading Scan.java comment about caching
+    * [HBASE-17149] - Procedure V2 - Fix nonce submission to avoid unnecessary calling coprocessor multiple times
+    * [HBASE-17409] - Re-fix XSS request issue in JMXJsonServlet
+    * [HBASE-17561] - table status page should escape values that may contain arbitrary characters.
+** Bug
+    * [HBASE-15324] - Jitter may cause desiredMaxFileSize overflow in ConstantSizeRegionSplitPolicy and trigger unexpected split
+    * [HBASE-15328] - Unvalidated Redirect in HMaster
+    * [HBASE-16765] - New SteppingRegionSplitPolicy, avoid too aggressive spread of regions for small tables.
+    * [HBASE-16886] - hbase-client: scanner with reversed=true and small=true gets no result
+    * [HBASE-16960] - RegionServer hang when aborting
+    * [HBASE-16980] - TestRowProcessorEndpoint failing consistently
+    * [HBASE-16985] - TestClusterId failed due to wrong hbase rootdir
+    * [HBASE-17020] - keylen in midkey() dont computed correctly
+    * [HBASE-17023] - Region left unassigned due to AM and SSH each thinking others would do the assignment work
+    * [HBASE-17039] - SimpleLoadBalancer schedules large amount of invalid region moves
+    * [HBASE-17042] - Remove 'public' keyword from MasterObserver interface
+    * [HBASE-17044] - Fix merge failed before creating merged region leaves meta inconsistent
+    * [HBASE-17058] - Lower epsilon used for jitter verification from HBASE-15324
+    * [HBASE-17069] - RegionServer writes invalid META entries for split daughters in some circumstances
+    * [HBASE-17074] - PreCommit job always fails because of OOM
+    * [HBASE-17091] - IntegrationTestZKAndFSPermissions failed with 'KeeperException$NoNodeException'
+    * [HBASE-17112] - Prevent setting timestamp of delta operations the same as previous value's
+    * [HBASE-17118] - StoreScanner leaked in KeyValueHeap
+    * [HBASE-17127] - Locate region should fail fast if underlying Connection already closed
+    * [HBASE-17187] - DoNotRetryExceptions from coprocessors should bubble up to the application
+    * [HBASE-17206] - FSHLog may roll a new writer successfully with unflushed entries
+    * [HBASE-17238] - Wrong in-memory hbase:meta location causing SSH failure
+    * [HBASE-17264] - Processing RIT with offline state will always fail to open the first time
+    * [HBASE-17265] - Region left unassigned in master failover when region failed to open
+    * [HBASE-17275] - Assign timeout may cause region to be unassigned forever
+    * [HBASE-17289] - Avoid adding a replication peer named "lock"
+    * [HBASE-17328] - Properly dispose of looped replication peers
+    * [HBASE-17341] - Add a timeout during replication endpoint termination
+    * [HBASE-17357] - PerformanceEvaluation parameters parsing triggers NPE.
+    * [HBASE-17381] - ReplicationSourceWorkerThread can die due to unhandled exceptions
+    * [HBASE-17424] - Protect REST client against malicious XML responses.
+    * [HBASE-17522] - RuntimeExceptions from MemoryMXBean should not take down server process
+    * [HBASE-17540] - Change SASL server GSSAPI callback log line from DEBUG to TRACE in RegionServer to reduce log volumes in DEBUG mode
+    * [HBASE-17558] - ZK dumping jsp should escape html
+    * [HBASE-17587] - Do not Rethrow DoNotRetryIOException as UnknownScannerException
+    * [HBASE-17597] - TestMetaWithReplicas.testMetaTableReplicaAssignment is flaky
+    * [HBASE-17601] - close() in TableRecordReaderImpl assumes the split has started
+    * [HBASE-17616] - Incorrect actions performed by CM
+    * [HBASE-17649] - REST API for scan should return 410 when table is disabled
+    * [HBASE-17675] - ReplicationEndpoint should choose new sinks if a SaslException occurs
+    * [HBASE-17677] - ServerName parsing from directory name should be more robust to errors from guava's HostAndPort
+    * [HBASE-17682] - Region stuck in merging_new state indefinitely
+    * [HBASE-17688] - MultiRowRangeFilter not working correctly if given same start and stop RowKey
+** Improvement
+    * [HBASE-16033] - Add more details in logging of responseTooSlow/TooLarge
+    * [HBASE-16972] - Log more details for Scan#next request when responseTooSlow
+    * [HBASE-17004] - Refactor IntegrationTestManyRegions to use @ClassRule for timing out
+    * [HBASE-17006] - Add names to threads for better debugability of thread dumps
+    * [HBASE-17637] - Update progress more frequently in IntegrationTestBigLinkedList.Generator.persist
+** Task
+    * [HBASE-16710] - Add ZStandard Codec to Compression.java
+    * [HBASE-17255] - Backport HBASE-17181 to branch-1.2
+    * [HBASE-17700] - Release 1.2.5
 Release Notes - HBase - Version 1.2.4 11/07/2016
 ** Sub-task