blob: 0d9d452a07495bb9eac93ce0211538999f42865c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<!--To build a release I do this:
$ mvn clean site install assembly:single
HBase is the &amp;lt;a href=""&amp;rt;Hadoop&lt;/a&amp;rt; database. Use it when you need
random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data.
This project's goal is the hosting of very large tables -- billions of rows X millions of columns -- atop clusters
of commodity hardware.
<name>User List</name>
<name>Developer List</name>
<name>Commits List</name>
<name>Issues List</name>
<name>Andrew Purtell</name>
<organization>Trend Micro</organization>
<name>Doug Meil</name>
<name>Gary Helmling</name>
<organization>Trend Micro</organization>
<name>Jean-Daniel Cryans</name>
<name>Jonathan Gray</name>
<name>Lars George</name>
<name>Nicolas Spiegelberg</name>
<name>Ryan Rawson</name>
<name>Michael Stack</name>
<name>Ted Yu</name>
<name>Todd Lipcon</name>
<id>apache release</id>
<id>apache non-releases</id>
<name>Apache non-releases</name>
<name>Codehaus Public</name>
<name>Gary Helmling test repo</name>
<name>Gary Helmling test repo</name>
<!-- Some plugins (javadoc for example) can be used in the normal build- and the site phase.
These plugins inherit their options from the <reporting> section below. These settings
can be overwritten here. -->
<argLine>-enableassertions -Xmx1400m</argLine>
<!--dfs tests have build dir hardcoded. Clean it as part of
clean target-->
<!--It don't like freebsd license-->
<!-- Run with -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true to build -tests.jar without running tests (this is needed for upstream projects whose tests need this jar simply for compilation)-->
<!-- Exclude these 2 packages, because their dependency _binary_ files include the sources, and Maven 2.2 appears to add them to the sources to compile, weird-->
<!-- Run integration tests with mvn verify -->
<tasks if="arc">
<get dest="${}/arc-jira.tar.gz" src="" />
<untar src="${}/arc-jira.tar.gz" compression="gzip" dest="${}">
<include name="facebook-arc-jira-*/arc_jira_lib/**" />
<move todir="${basedir}">
<fileset dir="${}">
<include name="facebook-arc-jira-*/arc_jira_lib/**" />
<mapper type="regexp" from="^facebook-arc-jira-([^/])*/(.*)" to="\.\2" />
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${}">
<include name="facebook-arc-jira-*" />
<include name="arc-jira.tar.gz" />
<property name="build.webapps" location="${}/hbase-webapps" />
<property name="src.webapps" location="${basedir}/src/main/resources/hbase-webapps" />
<property name="generated.sources" location="${}/generated-sources" />
<mkdir dir="${build.webapps}" />
<copy todir="${build.webapps}">
<fileset dir="${src.webapps}">
<exclude name="**/*.jsp" />
<exclude name="**/.*" />
<exclude name="**/*~" />
<!--The compile.classpath is passed in by maven-->
<taskdef classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC" name="jspcompiler" classpathref="maven.compile.classpath" />
<mkdir dir="${build.webapps}/master/WEB-INF" />
<jspcompiler uriroot="${src.webapps}/master" outputdir="${generated.sources}/java" package="org.apache.hadoop.hbase.generated.master" webxml="${build.webapps}/master/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
<mkdir dir="${build.webapps}/regionserver/WEB-INF" />
<jspcompiler uriroot="${src.webapps}/regionserver" outputdir="${generated.sources}/java" package="org.apache.hadoop.hbase.generated.regionserver" webxml="${build.webapps}/regionserver/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
<exec executable="sh">
<arg line="${basedir}/src/ ${project.version} ${generated.sources}/java" />
<replace file="${}/hbase-default.xml" token="@@@VERSION@@@" value="${project.version}" />
<mkdir dir="${}/nativelib" />
<exec executable="tar" dir="${}/nativelib" failonerror="false">
<arg value="xf" />
<arg value="hadoop-snappy-nativelibs.tar" />
<!-- Complements the assembly -->
<mkdir dir="${}/${}/${}/lib/native/${build.platform}" />
<!-- Using Unix cp to preserve symlinks, using script to handle wildcards -->
<echo file="${}/">
if [ `ls ${}/nativelib | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then
cp -PR ${}/nativelib/lib* ${}/${}/${}/lib/native/${build.platform}
<exec executable="sh" dir="${}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="./" />
<!-- Using Unix tar to preserve symlinks -->
<exec executable="tar" failonerror="yes" dir="${}/${}">
<arg value="czf" />
<arg value="${}/${}.tar.gz" />
<arg value="${}/" />
<content># now
<!-- Dependencies -->
<commons-httpclient.version>3.1</commons-httpclient.version><!-- pretty outdated -->
<slf4j.version>1.5.8</slf4j.version><!-- newer version available -->
<!-- also must update this when we bump version -->
<!-- For flaky tests exclusion -->
<test.exclude />
<!-- Test inclusion patterns -->
<!-- for surefire -->
<!-- Sorted by groups of dependencies then groupId and artifactId -->
Note: There are a few exclusions to prevent duplicate code in different jars to be included:
* org.mortbay.jetty:servlet-api, javax.servlet:servlet-api: These are excluded because they are
the same implementations. I chose org.mortbay.jetty:servlet-api-2.5 instead, which is a third
implementation of the same, because Hadoop also uses this version
* javax.servlet:jsp-api in favour of org.mortbay.jetty:jsp-api-2.1
* in favour of stax:stax-api
<!-- General dependencies -->
<!-- While jackson is also a dependency of both jersey and avro, these
can bring in jars from different, incompatible versions. We force
the same version with these dependencies -->
<!--If this is not in the runtime lib, we get odd
"2009-02-27 11:38:39.504::WARN: failed jsp
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: IS_SECURITY_ENABLED"
exceptions out of jetty deploying webapps.
St.Ack Thu May 20 01:04:41 PDT 2010
<!-- REST dependencies -->
<!-- Test dependencies -->
<!-- Publish dependencies -->
To publish, use the following settings.xml file ( placed in ~/.m2/settings.xml )
$ mvn deploy
$ mvn -s /my/path/settings.xml deploy
<ant antfile="${basedir}/src/packages/build.xml">
<target name="package-rpm" />
<target name="package-conf-pseudo-rpm" />
<property name="artifactId" value="${project.artifactId}" />
<ant antfile="${basedir}/src/packages/build.xml">
<target name="package-deb" />
<target name="package-conf-pseudo-deb" />
<!-- profile for building against Hadoop 1.0.x: This is the default. -->
<!-- profile for running test without parallelisation.
The same values are set in the properties of the project. -->
<!-- profile for running test with parallelisation. -->
<!-- profile for running test with a single JVM -->
<!-- profile for building against Hadoop 0.20+security-->
profile for building against Hadoop 0.22.0. Activate using:
mvn -Dhadoop.profile=22
<!--Needs more work, tightening-->
<!--Needs more work, tightening-->
<!--Needs more work, tightening-->
<!-- test deps for hadoop-0.22 profile -->
profile for building against Hadoop 0.23.0. Activate using:
mvn -Dhadoop.profile=23
<!--Needs more work, tightening-->
<!-- need the annotations to avoid compiler issues. This is
really an upstream issue with Hadoop -->
<!--Needs more work, tightening-->
<!--Needs more work, tightening-->
<!-- test deps for hadoop-0.23 profile -->
<!-- See why the settings need to be here and not in pluginManagement. -->
This is probably not needed, given the smallness of the HBase source code, but left here in case
<!--Disabled for now.
<!-- Disabled for now