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== Other Information About HBase
:doctype: book
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=== HBase Videos
.Introduction to HBase
* link:[Introduction to HBase] by Todd Lipcon (Chicago Data Summit 2011).
* link:[Building Real Time Services at Facebook with HBase] by Jonathan Gray (Berlin buzzwords 2011)
=== HBase Presentations (Slides)
link:[Advanced HBase Schema Design] by Lars George (Hadoop World 2011).
link:[Introduction to HBase] by Todd Lipcon (Chicago Data Summit 2011).
link:[Getting The Most From Your HBase Install] by Ryan Rawson, Jonathan Gray (Hadoop World 2009).
=== HBase Papers
link:[BigTable] by Google (2006).
link:[HBase and HDFS Locality] by Lars George (2010).
link:[No Relation: The Mixed Blessings of Non-Relational Databases] by Ian Varley (2009).
=== HBase Sites
link:[Cloudera's HBase Blog] has a lot of links to useful HBase information.
link:[CAP Confusion] is a relevant entry for background information on distributed storage systems.
link:[HBase RefCard] from DZone.
=== HBase Books
link:[HBase: The Definitive Guide] by Lars George.
=== Hadoop Books
link:[Hadoop: The Definitive Guide] by Tom White.