blob: 7ef3eafa3cb220242e8e4d0616af5ae451cdf514 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package hbase.pb;
import "rpc/Tracing.proto";
import "HBase.proto";
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated";
option java_outer_classname = "RPCProtos";
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
// See for high-level
// description of RPC specification.
// On connection setup, the client sends six bytes of preamble -- a four
// byte magic, a byte of version, and a byte of authentication type.
// We then send a "ConnectionHeader" protobuf of user information and the
// 'protocol' or 'service' that is to be run over this connection as well as
// info such as codecs and compression to use when we send cell blocks(see below).
// This connection header protobuf is prefaced by an int that holds the length
// of this connection header (this is NOT a varint). The pb connection header
// is sent with Message#writeTo. The server throws an exception if it doesn't
// like what it was sent noting what it is objecting too. Otherwise, the server
// says nothing and is open for business.
// Hereafter the client makes requests and the server returns responses.
// Requests look like this:
// <An int with the total length of the request>
// <RequestHeader Message written out using Message#writeDelimitedTo>
// <Optionally a Request Parameter Message written out using Message#writeDelimitedTo>
// <Optionally a Cell block>
// ...where the Request Parameter Message is whatever the method name stipulated
// in the RequestHeader expects; e.g. if the method is a scan, then the pb
// Request Message is a GetRequest, or a ScanRequest. A block of Cells
// optionally follows. The presence of a Request param Message and/or a
// block of Cells will be noted in the RequestHeader.
// Response is the mirror of the request:
// <An int with the total length of the response>
// <ResponseHeader Message written out using Message#writeDelimitedTo>
// <Optionally a Response Result Message written out using Message#writeDelimitedTo>
// <Optionally a Cell block>
// ...where the Response Message is the response type that goes with the
// method specified when making the request and the follow on Cell blocks may
// or may not be there -- read the response header to find out if one following.
// If an exception, it will be included inside the Response Header.
// Any time we write a pb, we do it with Message#writeDelimitedTo EXCEPT when
// the connection header is sent; this is prefaced by an int with its length
// and the pb connection header is then written with Message#writeTo.
// User Information proto. Included in ConnectionHeader on connection setup
message UserInformation {
required string effective_user = 1;
optional string real_user = 2;
// This is sent on connection setup after the connection preamble is sent.
message ConnectionHeader {
optional UserInformation user_info = 1;
optional string service_name = 2;
// Cell block codec we will use sending over optional cell blocks. Server throws exception
// if cannot deal. Null means no codec'ing going on so we are pb all the time (SLOW!!!)
optional string cell_block_codec_class = 3;
// Compressor we will use if cell block is compressed. Server will throw exception if not supported.
// Class must implement hadoop's CompressionCodec Interface. Can't compress if no codec.
optional string cell_block_compressor_class = 4;
optional VersionInfo version_info = 5;
// the transformation for rpc AES encryption with Apache Commons Crypto
optional string rpc_crypto_cipher_transformation = 6;
// This is sent by rpc server to negotiate the data if necessary
message ConnectionHeaderResponse {
// To use Apache Commons Crypto, negotiate the metadata
optional CryptoCipherMeta crypto_cipher_meta = 1;
// Optional Cell block Message. Included in client RequestHeader
message CellBlockMeta {
// Length of the following cell block. Could calculate it but convenient having it too hand.
optional uint32 length = 1;
// At the RPC layer, this message is used to carry
// the server side exception to the RPC client.
message ExceptionResponse {
// Class name of the exception thrown from the server
optional string exception_class_name = 1;
// Exception stack trace from the server side
optional string stack_trace = 2;
// Optional hostname. Filled in for some exceptions such as region moved
// where exception gives clue on where the region may have moved.
optional string hostname = 3;
optional int32 port = 4;
// Set if we are NOT to retry on receipt of this exception
optional bool do_not_retry = 5;
* Cipher meta for Crypto
message CryptoCipherMeta {
required string transformation = 1;
optional bytes inKey = 2;
optional bytes inIv = 3;
optional bytes outKey = 4;
optional bytes outIv = 5;
// Header sent making a request.
message RequestHeader {
// Monotonically increasing call_id to keep track of RPC requests and their response
optional uint32 call_id = 1;
optional RPCTInfo trace_info = 2;
optional string method_name = 3;
// If true, then a pb Message param follows.
optional bool request_param = 4;
// If present, then an encoded data block follows.
optional CellBlockMeta cell_block_meta = 5;
// 0 is NORMAL priority. 200 is HIGH. If no priority, treat it as NORMAL.
// See HConstants.
optional uint32 priority = 6;
optional uint32 timeout = 7;
message ResponseHeader {
optional uint32 call_id = 1;
// If present, then request threw an exception and no response message (else we presume one)
optional ExceptionResponse exception = 2;
// If present, then an encoded data block follows.
optional CellBlockMeta cell_block_meta = 3;