blob: 2c1d1749cf6809a9c6462639aa3a66724c9c05c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file contains protocol buffers that are used for Admin service.
package hbase.pb;
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated";
option java_outer_classname = "AdminProtos";
option java_generic_services = true;
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
import "HBase.proto";
import "WAL.proto";
message GetRegionInfoRequest {
required RegionSpecifier region = 1;
optional bool compaction_state = 2;
message GetRegionInfoResponse {
required RegionInfo region_info = 1;
optional CompactionState compaction_state = 2;
// optional bool DEPRECATED_isRecovering = 3;
enum CompactionState {
NONE = 0;
MINOR = 1;
MAJOR = 2;
* Get a list of store files for a set of column families in a particular region.
* If no column family is specified, get the store files for all column families.
message GetStoreFileRequest {
required RegionSpecifier region = 1;
repeated bytes family = 2;
message GetStoreFileResponse {
repeated string store_file = 1;
message GetOnlineRegionRequest {
message GetOnlineRegionResponse {
repeated RegionInfo region_info = 1;
message OpenRegionRequest {
repeated RegionOpenInfo open_info = 1;
// the intended server for this RPC.
optional uint64 serverStartCode = 2;
// wall clock time from master
optional uint64 master_system_time = 5;
message RegionOpenInfo {
required RegionInfo region = 1;
optional uint32 version_of_offline_node = 2;
repeated ServerName favored_nodes = 3;
// open region for distributedLogReplay
// optional bool DEPRECATED_openForDistributedLogReplay = 4;
message OpenRegionResponse {
repeated RegionOpeningState opening_state = 1;
enum RegionOpeningState {
message WarmupRegionRequest {
required RegionInfo regionInfo = 1;
message WarmupRegionResponse {
* Closes the specified region and will use or not use ZK during the close
* according to the specified flag.
message CloseRegionRequest {
required RegionSpecifier region = 1;
optional uint32 version_of_closing_node = 2;
optional bool transition_in_ZK = 3 [default = true];
optional ServerName destination_server = 4;
// the intended server for this RPC.
optional uint64 serverStartCode = 5;
message CloseRegionResponse {
required bool closed = 1;
* Flushes the MemStore of the specified region.
* <p>
* This method is synchronous.
message FlushRegionRequest {
required RegionSpecifier region = 1;
optional uint64 if_older_than_ts = 2;
optional bool write_flush_wal_marker = 3; // whether to write a marker to WAL even if not flushed
message FlushRegionResponse {
required uint64 last_flush_time = 1;
optional bool flushed = 2;
optional bool wrote_flush_wal_marker = 3;
* Splits the specified region.
* <p>
* This method currently flushes the region and then forces a compaction which
* will then trigger a split. The flush is done synchronously but the
* compaction is asynchronous.
message SplitRegionRequest {
required RegionSpecifier region = 1;
optional bytes split_point = 2;
message SplitRegionResponse {
* Compacts the specified region. Performs a major compaction if specified.
* <p>
* This method is asynchronous.
message CompactRegionRequest {
required RegionSpecifier region = 1;
optional bool major = 2;
optional bytes family = 3;
message CompactRegionResponse {
message UpdateFavoredNodesRequest {
repeated RegionUpdateInfo update_info = 1;
message RegionUpdateInfo {
required RegionInfo region = 1;
repeated ServerName favored_nodes = 2;
message UpdateFavoredNodesResponse {
optional uint32 response = 1;
* Merges the specified regions.
* <p>
* This method currently closes the regions and then merges them
message MergeRegionsRequest {
required RegionSpecifier region_a = 1;
required RegionSpecifier region_b = 2;
optional bool forcible = 3 [default = false];
// wall clock time from master
optional uint64 master_system_time = 4;
message MergeRegionsResponse {
// Protocol buffer version of WAL for replication
message WALEntry {
required WALKey key = 1;
// Following may be null if the KVs/Cells are carried along the side in a cellblock (See
// RPC for more on cellblocks). If Cells/KVs are in a cellblock, this next field is null
// and associated_cell_count has count of Cells associated w/ this WALEntry
repeated bytes key_value_bytes = 2;
// If Cell data is carried alongside in a cellblock, this is count of Cells in the cellblock.
optional int32 associated_cell_count = 3;
* Replicates the given entries. The guarantee is that the given entries
* will be durable on the slave cluster if this method returns without
* any exception.
message ReplicateWALEntryRequest {
repeated WALEntry entry = 1;
optional string replicationClusterId = 2;
optional string sourceBaseNamespaceDirPath = 3;
optional string sourceHFileArchiveDirPath = 4;
message ReplicateWALEntryResponse {
message RollWALWriterRequest {
* Roll request responses no longer include regions to flush
* this list will always be empty when talking to a 1.0 server
message RollWALWriterResponse {
// A list of encoded name of regions to flush
repeated bytes region_to_flush = 1;
message StopServerRequest {
required string reason = 1;
message StopServerResponse {
message GetServerInfoRequest {
message ServerInfo {
required ServerName server_name = 1;
optional uint32 webui_port = 2;
message GetServerInfoResponse {
required ServerInfo server_info = 1;
message UpdateConfigurationRequest {
message UpdateConfigurationResponse {
service AdminService {
rpc GetRegionInfo(GetRegionInfoRequest)
rpc GetStoreFile(GetStoreFileRequest)
rpc GetOnlineRegion(GetOnlineRegionRequest)
rpc OpenRegion(OpenRegionRequest)
rpc WarmupRegion(WarmupRegionRequest)
rpc CloseRegion(CloseRegionRequest)
rpc FlushRegion(FlushRegionRequest)
rpc SplitRegion(SplitRegionRequest)
rpc CompactRegion(CompactRegionRequest)
rpc MergeRegions(MergeRegionsRequest)
rpc ReplicateWALEntry(ReplicateWALEntryRequest)
rpc Replay(ReplicateWALEntryRequest)
rpc RollWALWriter(RollWALWriterRequest)
rpc GetServerInfo(GetServerInfoRequest)
rpc StopServer(StopServerRequest)
rpc UpdateFavoredNodes(UpdateFavoredNodesRequest)
rpc UpdateConfiguration(UpdateConfigurationRequest)