| Example code. |
| |
| * org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.SampleUploader |
| Demonstrates uploading data from text files (presumably stored in HDFS) to HBase. |
| |
| * org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.IndexBuilder |
| Demonstrates map/reduce with a table as the source and other tables as the sink. |
| You can generate sample data for this MR job via hbase-examples/src/main/ruby/index-builder-setup.rb. |
| |
| |
| * Thrift examples |
| Sample clients of the HBase ThriftServer. They perform the same actions, implemented in |
| C++, Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl, and Python. Pre-generated Thrift code for HBase is included |
| to be able to compile/run the examples without Thrift installed. |
| If desired, the code can be re-generated as follows: |
| thrift --gen cpp --gen java --gen rb --gen py --gen php --gen perl \ |
| ${HBASE_ROOT}/hbase-thrift/src/main/resources/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift/Hbase.thrift |
| and re-placed at the corresponding paths. You should not have to do this generally. |
| |
| Before you run any Thrift examples, find a running HBase Thrift server (and a running |
| hbase cluster for this server to talk to -- at a minimum start a standalone instance |
| by doing ./bin/start-hbase.sh). If you start one locally (bin/hbase thrift start), |
| the default port is 9090 (a webserver with basic stats defaults showing on port 9095). |
| |
| * Java: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.DemoClient (jar under lib/). |
| 1. Make sure your client has all required jars on the CLASSPATH when it starts. If lazy, |
| just add all jars as follows: {HBASE_EXAMPLE_CLASSPATH=`./bin/hbase classpath`} |
| 2. If HBase server is not secure, or authentication is not enabled for the Thrift server, execute: |
| {java -cp hbase-examples-[VERSION].jar:${HBASE_EXAMPLE_CLASSPATH} org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.DemoClient <host> <port>} |
| 3. If HBase server is secure, and authentication is enabled for the Thrift server, run kinit at first, then execute: |
| {java -cp hbase-examples-[VERSION].jar:${HBASE_EXAMPLE_CLASSPATH} org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.DemoClient <host> <port> true <server-principal>} |
| <server-principal> should only be specified when the client connects to a secure cluster. It's default value is "hbase". |
| 4. Here is a lazy example that just pulls in all hbase dependency jars and that goes against default location on localhost. |
| It should work with a standalone hbase instance started by doing ./bin/start-hbase.sh: |
| {java -cp ./hbase-examples/target/hbase-examples-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:`./bin/hbase classpath` org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.DemoClient localhost 9090} |
| |
| * Ruby: hbase-examples/src/main/ruby/DemoClient.rb |
| 1. Modify the import path in the file to point to {$THRIFT_HOME}/lib/rb/lib. |
| 2. Execute {ruby DemoClient.rb} (or {ruby DemoClient.rb <host> <port>}). |
| |
| * Python: hbase-examples/src/main/python/DemoClient.py |
| 1. Modify the added system path in the file to point to {$THRIFT_HOME}/lib/py/build/lib.[YOUR SYSTEM] |
| 2. Execute {python DemoClient.py <host> <port>}. |
| |
| * PHP: hbase-examples/src/main/php/DemoClient.php |
| 1. Modify the THRIFT_HOME path in the file to point to actual {$THRIFT_HOME}. |
| 2. Execute {php DemoClient.php}. |
| 3. Starting from Thrift 0.9.0, if Thrift.php complains about some files it cannot include, go to thrift root, |
| and copy the contents of php/lib/Thrift under lib/php/src. Thrift.php appears to include, from under the same root, |
| both TStringUtils.php, only present in src/, and other files only present under lib/; this will bring them under |
| the same root (src/). |
| If you know better about PHP and Thrift, please feel free to fix this. |
| |
| * Perl: hbase-examples/src/main/perl/DemoClient.pl |
| 1. Modify the "use lib" path in the file to point to {$THRIFT_HOME}/lib/perl/lib. |
| 2. Use CPAN to get Bit::Vector and Class::Accessor modules if not present (see thrift perl README if more modules are missing). |
| 3. Execute {perl DemoClient.pl}. |
| |
| * CPP: hbase-examples/src/main/cpp/DemoClient.cpp |
| 1. Make sure you have Thrift C++ libraries; modify Makefile if necessary. |
| The recent (0.14.1 as of this writing) version of Thrift can be downloaded from http://thrift.apache.org/download/. |
| 2. Execute {make}. |
| 3. Execute {./DemoClient <host> <port>}. |
| |
| This maven module has core protobuf definition files ('.protos') used by hbase |
| examples. |
| |
| Generation of java files from protobuf .proto files included here is done as |
| part of the build. |