blob: 230d6b1ea4cf5d3bee4c25f7f764308cb49367b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableDouble;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Chore;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClockOutOfSyncException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants.OperationStatusCode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HDFSBlocksDistribution;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerAddress;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerLoad;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterAddressTracker;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RemoteExceptionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Stoppable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableDescriptors;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.UnknownRowLockException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.UnknownScannerException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.YouAreDeadException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.CatalogTracker;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.MetaEditor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.MetaReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.RootLocationEditor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Action;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnectionManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.MultiAction;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.MultiResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.Exec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.ExecResult;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.CoprocessorHost;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.ExecutorService;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.ExecutorService.ExecutorType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.CompareFilter.CompareOp;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.WritableByteArrayComparable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.fs.HFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseRPC;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseRPCErrorHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseRpcMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HMasterRegionInterface;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HRegionInterface;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.Invocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ProtocolSignature;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.Leases.LeaseStillHeldException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionProgress;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.CloseMetaHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.CloseRegionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.CloseRootHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.OpenMetaHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.OpenRegionHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.OpenRootHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.RegionMetricsStorage;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.RegionServerDynamicMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.RegionServerMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.SchemaMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.metrics.SchemaMetrics.StoreMetricType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.FailedLogCloseException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALActionsListener;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CompressionTest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSTableDescriptors;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.InfoServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Sleeper;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Strings;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.VersionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ClusterStatusTracker;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperNodeTracker;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.util.MBeanUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
* HRegionServer makes a set of HRegions available to clients. It checks in with
* the HMaster. There are many HRegionServers in a single HBase deployment.
public class HRegionServer implements HRegionInterface, HBaseRPCErrorHandler,
Runnable, RegionServerServices {
public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HRegionServer.class);
// Set when a report to the master comes back with a message asking us to
// shutdown. Also set by call to stop when debugging or running unit tests
// of HRegionServer in isolation.
protected volatile boolean stopped = false;
// A state before we go into stopped state. At this stage we're closing user
// space regions.
private boolean stopping = false;
// Go down hard. Used if file system becomes unavailable and also in
// debugging and unit tests.
protected volatile boolean abortRequested;
private volatile boolean killed = false;
// If false, the file system has become unavailable
protected volatile boolean fsOk;
protected final Configuration conf;
protected final AtomicBoolean haveRootRegion = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private HFileSystem fs;
private boolean useHBaseChecksum; // verify hbase checksums?
private Path rootDir;
private final Random rand = new Random();
//RegionName vs current action in progress
//true - if open region action in progress
//false - if close region action in progress
private final ConcurrentSkipListMap<byte[], Boolean> regionsInTransitionInRS =
new ConcurrentSkipListMap<byte[], Boolean>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
* Map of regions currently being served by this region server. Key is the
* encoded region name. All access should be synchronized.
protected final Map<String, HRegion> onlineRegions =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HRegion>();
protected final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
final int numRetries;
protected final int threadWakeFrequency;
private final int msgInterval;
protected final int numRegionsToReport;
private final long maxScannerResultSize;
// Remote HMaster
private HMasterRegionInterface hbaseMaster;
// Server to handle client requests. Default access so can be accessed by
// unit tests.
RpcServer rpcServer;
private final InetSocketAddress isa;
// Leases
private Leases leases;
// Request counter.
// Do we need this? Can't we just sum region counters? St.Ack 20110412
private AtomicInteger requestCount = new AtomicInteger();
// Info server. Default access so can be used by unit tests. REGIONSERVER
// is name of the webapp and the attribute name used stuffing this instance
// into web context.
InfoServer infoServer;
/** region server process name */
public static final String REGIONSERVER = "regionserver";
/** region server configuration name */
public static final String REGIONSERVER_CONF = "regionserver_conf";
* Space is reserved in HRS constructor and then released when aborting to
* recover from an OOME. See HBASE-706. TODO: Make this percentage of the heap
* or a minimum.
private final LinkedList<byte[]> reservedSpace = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
private RegionServerMetrics metrics;
private RegionServerDynamicMetrics dynamicMetrics;
// Compactions
public CompactSplitThread compactSplitThread;
// Cache flushing
MemStoreFlusher cacheFlusher;
* Check for compactions requests.
Chore compactionChecker;
// HLog and HLog roller. log is protected rather than private to avoid
// eclipse warning when accessed by inner classes
protected volatile HLog hlog;
LogRoller hlogRoller;
// flag set after we're done setting up server threads (used for testing)
protected volatile boolean isOnline;
final Map<String, RegionScanner> scanners =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RegionScanner>();
// zookeeper connection and watcher
private ZooKeeperWatcher zooKeeper;
// master address manager and watcher
private MasterAddressTracker masterAddressManager;
// catalog tracker
private CatalogTracker catalogTracker;
// Cluster Status Tracker
private ClusterStatusTracker clusterStatusTracker;
// Log Splitting Worker
private SplitLogWorker splitLogWorker;
// A sleeper that sleeps for msgInterval.
private final Sleeper sleeper;
private final int rpcTimeout;
// Instance of the hbase executor service.
private ExecutorService service;
// Replication services. If no replication, this handler will be null.
private ReplicationSourceService replicationSourceHandler;
private ReplicationSinkService replicationSinkHandler;
private final RegionServerAccounting regionServerAccounting;
// Cache configuration and block cache reference
private final CacheConfig cacheConfig;
// reference to the Thrift Server.
volatile private HRegionThriftServer thriftServer;
* The server name the Master sees us as. Its made from the hostname the
* master passes us, port, and server startcode. Gets set after registration
* against Master. The hostname can differ from the hostname in {@link #isa}
* but usually doesn't if both servers resolve .
private ServerName serverNameFromMasterPOV;
// Port we put up the webui on.
private int webuiport = -1;
* This servers startcode.
private final long startcode;
* Go here to get table descriptors.
private TableDescriptors tableDescriptors;
* Strings to be used in forming the exception message for
* RegionsAlreadyInTransitionException.
private static final String OPEN = "OPEN";
private static final String CLOSE = "CLOSE";
* MX Bean for RegionServerInfo
private ObjectName mxBean = null;
* Starts a HRegionServer at the default location
* @param conf
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public HRegionServer(Configuration conf)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
this.fsOk = true;
this.conf = conf;
// Set how many times to retry talking to another server over HConnection.
HConnectionManager.setServerSideHConnectionRetries(this.conf, LOG);
this.isOnline = false;
// do we use checksum verfication in the hbase? If hbase checksum verification
// is enabled, then we automatically switch off hdfs checksum verification.
this.useHBaseChecksum = conf.getBoolean(
// Config'ed params
this.numRetries = conf.getInt("hbase.client.retries.number", 10);
this.threadWakeFrequency = conf.getInt(HConstants.THREAD_WAKE_FREQUENCY,
10 * 1000);
this.msgInterval = conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.msginterval", 3 * 1000);
this.sleeper = new Sleeper(this.msgInterval, this);
this.maxScannerResultSize = conf.getLong(
this.numRegionsToReport = conf.getInt(
"hbase.regionserver.numregionstoreport", 10);
this.rpcTimeout = conf.getInt(
this.abortRequested = false;
this.stopped = false;
// Server to handle client requests.
String hostname = Strings.domainNamePointerToHostName(DNS.getDefaultHost(
conf.get("hbase.regionserver.dns.interface", "default"),
conf.get("hbase.regionserver.dns.nameserver", "default")));
int port = conf.getInt(HConstants.REGIONSERVER_PORT,
// Creation of a HSA will force a resolve.
InetSocketAddress initialIsa = new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port);
if (initialIsa.getAddress() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed resolve of " + initialIsa);
this.rpcServer = HBaseRPC.getServer(this,
new Class<?>[]{HRegionInterface.class, HBaseRPCErrorHandler.class,
initialIsa.getHostName(), // BindAddress is IP we got for this server.
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.handler.count", 10),
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.metahandler.count", 10),
conf.getBoolean("hbase.rpc.verbose", false),
// Set our address.
this.isa = this.rpcServer.getListenerAddress();
this.rpcServer.setQosFunction(new QosFunction());
this.startcode = System.currentTimeMillis();
// login the server principal (if using secure Hadoop)
User.login(this.conf, "hbase.regionserver.keytab.file",
"hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal", this.isa.getHostName());
regionServerAccounting = new RegionServerAccounting();
cacheConfig = new CacheConfig(conf);
* Run test on configured codecs to make sure supporting libs are in place.
* @param c
* @throws IOException
private static void checkCodecs(final Configuration c) throws IOException {
// check to see if the codec list is available:
String [] codecs = c.getStrings("hbase.regionserver.codecs", (String[])null);
if (codecs == null) return;
for (String codec : codecs) {
if (!CompressionTest.testCompression(codec)) {
throw new IOException("Compression codec " + codec +
" not supported, aborting RS construction");
private static final int NORMAL_QOS = 0;
private static final int QOS_THRESHOLD = 10; // the line between low and high qos
private static final int HIGH_QOS = 100;
private @interface QosPriority {
int priority() default 0;
* Utility used ensuring higher quality of service for priority rpcs; e.g.
* rpcs to .META. and -ROOT-, etc.
class QosFunction implements Function<Writable,Integer> {
private final Map<String, Integer> annotatedQos;
public QosFunction() {
Map<String, Integer> qosMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (Method m : HRegionServer.class.getMethods()) {
QosPriority p = m.getAnnotation(QosPriority.class);
if (p != null) {
qosMap.put(m.getName(), p.priority());
annotatedQos = qosMap;
public boolean isMetaRegion(byte[] regionName) {
HRegion region;
try {
region = getRegion(regionName);
} catch (NotServingRegionException ignored) {
return false;
return region.getRegionInfo().isMetaRegion();
public Integer apply(Writable from) {
if (!(from instanceof Invocation)) return NORMAL_QOS;
Invocation inv = (Invocation) from;
String methodName = inv.getMethodName();
Integer priorityByAnnotation = annotatedQos.get(methodName);
if (priorityByAnnotation != null) {
return priorityByAnnotation;
// scanner methods...
if (methodName.equals("next") || methodName.equals("close")) {
// translate!
Long scannerId;
try {
scannerId = (Long) inv.getParameters()[0];
} catch (ClassCastException ignored) {
// LOG.debug("Low priority: " + from);
return NORMAL_QOS; // doh.
String scannerIdString = Long.toString(scannerId);
RegionScanner scanner = scanners.get(scannerIdString);
if (scanner != null && scanner.getRegionInfo().isMetaRegion()) {
// LOG.debug("High priority scanner request: " + scannerId);
return HIGH_QOS;
} else if (inv.getParameterClasses().length == 0) {
// Just let it through. This is getOnlineRegions, etc.
} else if (inv.getParameterClasses()[0] == byte[].class) {
// first arg is byte array, so assume this is a regionname:
if (isMetaRegion((byte[]) inv.getParameters()[0])) {
// LOG.debug("High priority with method: " + methodName +
// " and region: "
// + Bytes.toString((byte[]) inv.getParameters()[0]));
return HIGH_QOS;
} else if (inv.getParameterClasses()[0] == MultiAction.class) {
MultiAction<?> ma = (MultiAction<?>) inv.getParameters()[0];
Set<byte[]> regions = ma.getRegions();
// ok this sucks, but if any single of the actions touches a meta, the
// whole
// thing gets pingged high priority. This is a dangerous hack because
// people
// can get their multi action tagged high QOS by tossing a Get(.META.)
// AND this
// regionserver hosts META/-ROOT-
for (byte[] region : regions) {
if (isMetaRegion(region)) {
// LOG.debug("High priority multi with region: " +
// Bytes.toString(region));
return HIGH_QOS; // short circuit for the win.
// LOG.debug("Low priority: " + from.toString());
return NORMAL_QOS;
* All initialization needed before we go register with Master.
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
private void preRegistrationInitialization(){
try {
int nbBlocks = conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.nbreservationblocks", 4);
for (int i = 0; i < nbBlocks; i++) {
reservedSpace.add(new byte[HConstants.DEFAULT_SIZE_RESERVATION_BLOCK]);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Call stop if error or process will stick around for ever since server
// puts up non-daemon threads.
abort("Initialization of RS failed. Hence aborting RS.", t);
* Bring up connection to zk ensemble and then wait until a master for this
* cluster and then after that, wait until cluster 'up' flag has been set.
* This is the order in which master does things.
* Finally put up a catalog tracker.
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
private void initializeZooKeeper() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Open connection to zookeeper and set primary watcher
this.zooKeeper = new ZooKeeperWatcher(conf, REGIONSERVER + ":" +
this.isa.getPort(), this);
// Create the master address manager, register with zk, and start it. Then
// block until a master is available. No point in starting up if no master
// running.
this.masterAddressManager = new MasterAddressTracker(this.zooKeeper, this);
// Wait on cluster being up. Master will set this flag up in zookeeper
// when ready.
this.clusterStatusTracker = new ClusterStatusTracker(this.zooKeeper, this);
// Create the catalog tracker and start it;
this.catalogTracker = new CatalogTracker(this.zooKeeper, this.conf,
this, this.conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.catalog.timeout", Integer.MAX_VALUE));
* Utilty method to wait indefinitely on a znode availability while checking
* if the region server is shut down
* @param tracker znode tracker to use
* @throws IOException any IO exception, plus if the RS is stopped
* @throws InterruptedException
private void blockAndCheckIfStopped(ZooKeeperNodeTracker tracker)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
while (tracker.blockUntilAvailable(this.msgInterval, false) == null) {
if (this.stopped) {
throw new IOException("Received the shutdown message while waiting.");
* @return False if cluster shutdown in progress
private boolean isClusterUp() {
return this.clusterStatusTracker.isClusterUp();
private void initializeThreads() throws IOException {
// Cache flushing thread.
this.cacheFlusher = new MemStoreFlusher(conf, this);
// Compaction thread
this.compactSplitThread = new CompactSplitThread(this);
// Background thread to check for compactions; needed if region
// has not gotten updates in a while. Make it run at a lesser frequency.
int multiplier = this.conf.getInt(HConstants.THREAD_WAKE_FREQUENCY +
".multiplier", 1000);
this.compactionChecker = new CompactionChecker(this,
this.threadWakeFrequency * multiplier, this);
this.leases = new Leases((int) conf.getLong(
// Create the thread for the ThriftServer.
if (conf.getBoolean("hbase.regionserver.export.thrift", false)) {
thriftServer = new HRegionThriftServer(this, conf);
thriftServer.start();"Started Thrift API from Region Server.");
* The HRegionServer sticks in this loop until closed.
public void run() {
try {
// Do pre-registration initializations; zookeeper, lease threads, etc.
} catch (Throwable e) {
abort("Fatal exception during initialization", e);
try {
// Try and register with the Master; tell it we are here. Break if
// server is stopped or the clusterup flag is down or hdfs went wacky.
while (keepLooping()) {
MapWritable w = reportForDuty();
if (w == null) {
LOG.warn("reportForDuty failed; sleeping and then retrying.");
} else {
// We registered with the Master. Go into run mode.
long lastMsg = 0;
long oldRequestCount = -1;
// The main run loop.
while (!this.stopped && isHealthy()) {
if (!isClusterUp()) {
if (isOnlineRegionsEmpty()) {
stop("Exiting; cluster shutdown set and not carrying any regions");
} else if (!this.stopping) {
this.stopping = true;"Closing user regions");
} else if (this.stopping) {
boolean allUserRegionsOffline = areAllUserRegionsOffline();
if (allUserRegionsOffline) {
// Set stopped if no requests since last time we went around the loop.
// The remaining meta regions will be closed on our way out.
if (oldRequestCount == this.requestCount.get()) {
stop("Stopped; only catalog regions remaining online");
oldRequestCount = this.requestCount.get();
} else {
// Make sure all regions have been closed -- some regions may
// have not got it because we were splitting at the time of
// the call to closeUserRegions.
LOG.debug("Waiting on " + getOnlineRegionsAsPrintableString());
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((now - lastMsg) >= msgInterval) {
lastMsg = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (!this.stopped) this.sleeper.sleep();
} // for
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (!checkOOME(t)) {
abort("Unhandled exception: " + t.getMessage(), t);
// Run shutdown.
if (mxBean != null) {
mxBean = null;
if (this.thriftServer != null) this.thriftServer.shutdown();
if (this.splitLogWorker != null) {
if (this.infoServer != null) {"Stopping infoServer");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Send cache a shutdown.
if (cacheConfig.isBlockCacheEnabled()) {
// Send interrupts to wake up threads if sleeping so they notice shutdown.
// TODO: Should we check they are alive? If OOME could have exited already
if (this.cacheFlusher != null) this.cacheFlusher.interruptIfNecessary();
if (this.compactSplitThread != null) this.compactSplitThread.interruptIfNecessary();
if (this.hlogRoller != null) this.hlogRoller.interruptIfNecessary();
if (this.compactionChecker != null)
if (this.killed) {
// Just skip out w/o closing regions. Used when testing.
} else if (abortRequested) {
if (this.fsOk) {
closeAllRegions(abortRequested); // Don't leave any open file handles
}"aborting server " + this.serverNameFromMasterPOV);
} else {
closeAllScanners();"stopping server " + this.serverNameFromMasterPOV);
// Interrupt catalog tracker here in case any regions being opened out in
// handlers are stuck waiting on meta or root.
if (this.catalogTracker != null) this.catalogTracker.stop();
if (!this.killed && this.fsOk) {
waitOnAllRegionsToClose(abortRequested);"stopping server " + this.serverNameFromMasterPOV +
"; all regions closed.");
//fsOk flag may be changed when closing regions throws exception.
if (!this.killed && this.fsOk) {
closeWAL(abortRequested ? false : true);
// Make sure the proxy is down.
if (this.hbaseMaster != null) {
this.hbaseMaster = null;
if (!killed) {
try {
} catch (KeeperException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed deleting my ephemeral node", e);
this.zooKeeper.close();"stopping server " + this.serverNameFromMasterPOV +
"; zookeeper connection closed."); + " exiting");
private boolean areAllUserRegionsOffline() {
if (getNumberOfOnlineRegions() > 2) return false;
boolean allUserRegionsOffline = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, HRegion> e: this.onlineRegions.entrySet()) {
if (!e.getValue().getRegionInfo().isMetaRegion()) {
allUserRegionsOffline = false;
return allUserRegionsOffline;
void tryRegionServerReport()
throws IOException {
HServerLoad hsl = buildServerLoad();
// Why we do this?
try {
this.hbaseMaster.regionServerReport(this.serverNameFromMasterPOV.getVersionedBytes(), hsl);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (ioe instanceof RemoteException) {
ioe = ((RemoteException)ioe).unwrapRemoteException();
if (ioe instanceof YouAreDeadException) {
// This will be caught and handled as a fatal error in run()
throw ioe;
// Couldn't connect to the master, get location from zk and reconnect
// Method blocks until new master is found or we are stopped
HServerLoad buildServerLoad() {
Collection<HRegion> regions = getOnlineRegionsLocalContext();
TreeMap<byte [], HServerLoad.RegionLoad> regionLoads =
new TreeMap<byte [], HServerLoad.RegionLoad>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
for (HRegion region: regions) {
regionLoads.put(region.getRegionName(), createRegionLoad(region));
MemoryUsage memory =
return new HServerLoad(requestCount.get(),(int)metrics.getRequests(),
(int)(memory.getUsed() / 1024 / 1024),
(int) (memory.getMax() / 1024 / 1024), regionLoads,
String getOnlineRegionsAsPrintableString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (HRegion r: this.onlineRegions.values()) {
if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
* Wait on regions close.
private void waitOnAllRegionsToClose(final boolean abort) {
// Wait till all regions are closed before going out.
int lastCount = -1;
long previousLogTime = 0;
Set<String> closedRegions = new HashSet<String>();
while (!isOnlineRegionsEmpty()) {
int count = getNumberOfOnlineRegions();
// Only print a message if the count of regions has changed.
if (count != lastCount) {
// Log every second at most
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (previousLogTime + 1000)) {
previousLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastCount = count;"Waiting on " + count + " regions to close");
// Only print out regions still closing if a small number else will
// swamp the log.
if (count < 10 && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
// Ensure all user regions have been sent a close. Use this to
// protect against the case where an open comes in after we start the
// iterator of onlineRegions to close all user regions.
for (Map.Entry<String, HRegion> e : this.onlineRegions.entrySet()) {
HRegionInfo hri = e.getValue().getRegionInfo();
if (!this.regionsInTransitionInRS.containsKey(hri.getEncodedNameAsBytes())
&& !closedRegions.contains(hri.getEncodedName())) {
// Don't update zk with this close transition; pass false.
closeRegion(hri, abort, false);
// No regions in RIT, we could stop waiting now.
if (this.regionsInTransitionInRS.isEmpty()) {
if (!isOnlineRegionsEmpty()) {"We were exiting though online regions are not empty, because some regions failed closing");
private void closeWAL(final boolean delete) {
try {
if (this.hlog != null) {
if (delete) {
} else {
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Close and delete failed", RemoteExceptionHandler.checkThrowable(e));
private void closeAllScanners() {
// Close any outstanding scanners. Means they'll get an UnknownScanner
// exception next time they come in.
for (Map.Entry<String, RegionScanner> e : this.scanners.entrySet()) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.warn("Closing scanner " + e.getKey(), ioe);
* Run init. Sets up hlog and starts up all server threads.
* @param c Extra configuration.
protected void handleReportForDutyResponse(final MapWritable c)
throws IOException {
try {
for (Map.Entry<Writable, Writable> e :c.entrySet()) {
String key = e.getKey().toString();
// The hostname the master sees us as.
if (key.equals(HConstants.KEY_FOR_HOSTNAME_SEEN_BY_MASTER)) {
String hostnameFromMasterPOV = e.getValue().toString();
this.serverNameFromMasterPOV = new ServerName(hostnameFromMasterPOV,
this.isa.getPort(), this.startcode);"Master passed us hostname to use. Was=" +
this.isa.getHostName() + ", Now=" +
String value = e.getValue().toString();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Config from master: " + key + "=" + value);
this.conf.set(key, value);
// hack! Maps DFSClient => RegionServer for logs. HDFS made this
// config param for task trackers, but we can piggyback off of it.
if (this.conf.get("") == null) {
this.conf.set("", "hb_rs_" +
// Set our ephemeral znode up in zookeeper now we have a name.
// Master sent us hbase.rootdir to use. Should be fully qualified
// path with file system specification included. Set 'fs.defaultFS'
// to match the filesystem on hbase.rootdir else underlying hadoop hdfs
// accessors will be going against wrong filesystem (unless all is set
// to defaults).
this.conf.set("fs.defaultFS", this.conf.get("hbase.rootdir"));
// Get fs instance used by this RS
this.fs = new HFileSystem(this.conf, this.useHBaseChecksum);
this.rootDir = new Path(this.conf.get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR));
this.tableDescriptors = new FSTableDescriptors(this.fs, this.rootDir, true);
this.hlog = setupWALAndReplication();
// Init in here rather than in constructor after thread name has been set
this.metrics = new RegionServerMetrics();
this.dynamicMetrics = RegionServerDynamicMetrics.newInstance();
startServiceThreads();"Serving as " + this.serverNameFromMasterPOV +
", RPC listening on " + this.isa +
", sessionid=0x" +
isOnline = true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
this.isOnline = false;
stop("Failed initialization");
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(e, "Failed init"),
"Region server startup failed");
} finally {
private String getMyEphemeralNodePath() {
return ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.zooKeeper.rsZNode, getServerName().toString());
private void createMyEphemeralNode() throws KeeperException {
ZKUtil.createEphemeralNodeAndWatch(this.zooKeeper, getMyEphemeralNodePath(),
private void deleteMyEphemeralNode() throws KeeperException {
ZKUtil.deleteNode(this.zooKeeper, getMyEphemeralNodePath());
public RegionServerAccounting getRegionServerAccounting() {
return regionServerAccounting;
* @param r Region to get RegionLoad for.
* @return RegionLoad instance.
* @throws IOException
private HServerLoad.RegionLoad createRegionLoad(final HRegion r) {
byte[] name = r.getRegionName();
int stores = 0;
int storefiles = 0;
int storeUncompressedSizeMB = 0;
int storefileSizeMB = 0;
int memstoreSizeMB = (int) (r.memstoreSize.get() / 1024 / 1024);
int storefileIndexSizeMB = 0;
int rootIndexSizeKB = 0;
int totalStaticIndexSizeKB = 0;
int totalStaticBloomSizeKB = 0;
long totalCompactingKVs = 0;
long currentCompactedKVs = 0;
synchronized (r.stores) {
stores += r.stores.size();
for (Store store : r.stores.values()) {
storefiles += store.getStorefilesCount();
storeUncompressedSizeMB += (int) (store.getStoreSizeUncompressed()
/ 1024 / 1024);
storefileSizeMB += (int) (store.getStorefilesSize() / 1024 / 1024);
storefileIndexSizeMB += (int) (store.getStorefilesIndexSize() / 1024 / 1024);
CompactionProgress progress = store.getCompactionProgress();
if (progress != null) {
totalCompactingKVs += progress.totalCompactingKVs;
currentCompactedKVs += progress.currentCompactedKVs;
rootIndexSizeKB +=
(int) (store.getStorefilesIndexSize() / 1024);
totalStaticIndexSizeKB +=
(int) (store.getTotalStaticIndexSize() / 1024);
totalStaticBloomSizeKB +=
(int) (store.getTotalStaticBloomSize() / 1024);
return new HServerLoad.RegionLoad(name, stores, storefiles,
storefileSizeMB, memstoreSizeMB, storefileIndexSizeMB, rootIndexSizeKB,
totalStaticIndexSizeKB, totalStaticBloomSizeKB,
(int) r.readRequestsCount.get(), (int) r.writeRequestsCount.get(),
totalCompactingKVs, currentCompactedKVs,
* @param encodedRegionName
* @return An instance of RegionLoad.
public HServerLoad.RegionLoad createRegionLoad(final String encodedRegionName) {
HRegion r = null;
r = this.onlineRegions.get(encodedRegionName);
return r != null ? createRegionLoad(r) : null;
* Cleanup after Throwable caught invoking method. Converts <code>t</code> to
* IOE if it isn't already.
* @param t Throwable
* @return Throwable converted to an IOE; methods can only let out IOEs.
private Throwable cleanup(final Throwable t) {
return cleanup(t, null);
* Cleanup after Throwable caught invoking method. Converts <code>t</code> to
* IOE if it isn't already.
* @param t Throwable
* @param msg Message to log in error. Can be null.
* @return Throwable converted to an IOE; methods can only let out IOEs.
private Throwable cleanup(final Throwable t, final String msg) {
// Don't log as error if NSRE; NSRE is 'normal' operation.
if (t instanceof NotServingRegionException) {
LOG.debug("NotServingRegionException; " + t.getMessage());
return t;
if (msg == null) {
LOG.error("", RemoteExceptionHandler.checkThrowable(t));
} else {
LOG.error(msg, RemoteExceptionHandler.checkThrowable(t));
if (!checkOOME(t)) {
return t;
* @param t
* @return Make <code>t</code> an IOE if it isn't already.
private IOException convertThrowableToIOE(final Throwable t) {
return convertThrowableToIOE(t, null);
* @param t
* @param msg Message to put in new IOE if passed <code>t</code> is not an IOE
* @return Make <code>t</code> an IOE if it isn't already.
private IOException convertThrowableToIOE(final Throwable t, final String msg) {
return (t instanceof IOException ? (IOException) t : msg == null
|| msg.length() == 0 ? new IOException(t) : new IOException(msg, t));
* Check if an OOME and, if so, abort immediately to avoid creating more objects.
* @param e
* @return True if we OOME'd and are aborting.
public boolean checkOOME(final Throwable e) {
boolean stop = false;
try {
if (e instanceof OutOfMemoryError
|| (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof OutOfMemoryError)
|| (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains(
"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"))) {
stop = true;
"Run out of memory; HRegionServer will abort itself immediately", e);
} finally {
if (stop) {
return stop;
* Checks to see if the file system is still accessible. If not, sets
* abortRequested and stopRequested
* @return false if file system is not available
public boolean checkFileSystem() {
if (this.fsOk && this.fs != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
abort("File System not available", e);
this.fsOk = false;
return this.fsOk;
* Inner class that runs on a long period checking if regions need compaction.
private static class CompactionChecker extends Chore {
private final HRegionServer instance;
private final int majorCompactPriority;
private final static int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
CompactionChecker(final HRegionServer h, final int sleepTime,
final Stoppable stopper) {
super("CompactionChecker", sleepTime, h);
this.instance = h;"Runs every " + StringUtils.formatTime(sleepTime));
/* MajorCompactPriority is configurable.
* If not set, the compaction will use default priority.
this.majorCompactPriority = this.instance.conf.
protected void chore() {
for (HRegion r : this.instance.onlineRegions.values()) {
if (r == null)
for (Store s : r.getStores().values()) {
try {
if (s.needsCompaction()) {
// Queue a compaction. Will recognize if major is needed.
this.instance.compactSplitThread.requestCompaction(r, s,
getName() + " requests compaction");
} else if (s.isMajorCompaction()) {
if (majorCompactPriority == DEFAULT_PRIORITY ||
majorCompactPriority > r.getCompactPriority()) {
this.instance.compactSplitThread.requestCompaction(r, s,
getName() + " requests major compaction; use default priority");
} else {
this.instance.compactSplitThread.requestCompaction(r, s,
getName() + " requests major compaction; use configured priority",
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed major compaction check on " + r, e);
* Report the status of the server. A server is online once all the startup is
* completed (setting up filesystem, starting service threads, etc.). This
* method is designed mostly to be useful in tests.
* @return true if online, false if not.
public boolean isOnline() {
return isOnline;
* Setup WAL log and replication if enabled.
* Replication setup is done in here because it wants to be hooked up to WAL.
* @return A WAL instance.
* @throws IOException
private HLog setupWALAndReplication() throws IOException {
final Path oldLogDir = new Path(rootDir, HConstants.HREGION_OLDLOGDIR_NAME);
Path logdir = new Path(rootDir,
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("logdir=" + logdir);
if (this.fs.exists(logdir)) {
throw new RegionServerRunningException("Region server has already " +
"created directory at " + this.serverNameFromMasterPOV.toString());
// Instantiate replication manager if replication enabled. Pass it the
// log directories.
createNewReplicationInstance(conf, this, this.fs, logdir, oldLogDir);
return instantiateHLog(logdir, oldLogDir);
* Called by {@link #setupWALAndReplication()} creating WAL instance.
* @param logdir
* @param oldLogDir
* @return WAL instance.
* @throws IOException
protected HLog instantiateHLog(Path logdir, Path oldLogDir) throws IOException {
return new HLog(this.fs.getBackingFs(), logdir, oldLogDir, this.conf,
getWALActionListeners(), this.serverNameFromMasterPOV.toString());
* Called by {@link #instantiateHLog(Path, Path)} setting up WAL instance.
* Add any {@link WALActionsListener}s you want inserted before WAL startup.
* @return List of WALActionsListener that will be passed in to
* {@link HLog} on construction.
protected List<WALActionsListener> getWALActionListeners() {
List<WALActionsListener> listeners = new ArrayList<WALActionsListener>();
// Log roller.
this.hlogRoller = new LogRoller(this, this);
if (this.replicationSourceHandler != null &&
this.replicationSourceHandler.getWALActionsListener() != null) {
// Replication handler is an implementation of WALActionsListener.
return listeners;
protected LogRoller getLogRoller() {
return hlogRoller;
* @param interval Interval since last time metrics were called.
protected void doMetrics() {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Failed metrics", e);
protected void metrics() {
// Is this too expensive every three seconds getting a lock on onlineRegions
// and then per store carried? Can I make metrics be sloppier and avoid
// the synchronizations?
int stores = 0;
int storefiles = 0;
long memstoreSize = 0;
int readRequestsCount = 0;
int writeRequestsCount = 0;
long storefileIndexSize = 0;
HDFSBlocksDistribution hdfsBlocksDistribution =
new HDFSBlocksDistribution();
long totalStaticIndexSize = 0;
long totalStaticBloomSize = 0;
long numPutsWithoutWAL = 0;
long dataInMemoryWithoutWAL = 0;
// Note that this is a map of Doubles instead of Longs. This is because we
// do effective integer division, which would perhaps truncate more than it
// should because we do it only on one part of our sum at a time. Rather
// than dividing at the end, where it is difficult to know the proper
// factor, everything is exact then truncated.
final Map<String, MutableDouble> tempVals =
new HashMap<String, MutableDouble>();
for (Map.Entry<String, HRegion> e : this.onlineRegions.entrySet()) {
HRegion r = e.getValue();
memstoreSize += r.memstoreSize.get();
numPutsWithoutWAL += r.numPutsWithoutWAL.get();
dataInMemoryWithoutWAL += r.dataInMemoryWithoutWAL.get();
readRequestsCount += r.readRequestsCount.get();
writeRequestsCount += r.writeRequestsCount.get();
synchronized (r.stores) {
stores += r.stores.size();
for (Map.Entry<byte[], Store> ee : r.stores.entrySet()) {
final Store store = ee.getValue();
final SchemaMetrics schemaMetrics = store.getSchemaMetrics();
long tmpStorefiles = store.getStorefilesCount();
StoreMetricType.STORE_FILE_COUNT, tmpStorefiles);
storefiles += tmpStorefiles;
long tmpStorefileIndexSize = store.getStorefilesIndexSize();
(long) (tmpStorefileIndexSize / (1024.0 * 1024)));
storefileIndexSize += tmpStorefileIndexSize;
long tmpStorefilesSize = store.getStorefilesSize();
(long) (tmpStorefilesSize / (1024.0 * 1024)));
long tmpStaticBloomSize = store.getTotalStaticBloomSize();
(long) (tmpStaticBloomSize / 1024.0));
totalStaticBloomSize += tmpStaticBloomSize;
long tmpStaticIndexSize = store.getTotalStaticIndexSize();
(long) (tmpStaticIndexSize / 1024.0));
totalStaticIndexSize += tmpStaticIndexSize;
(long) (store.getMemStoreSize() / (1024.0 * 1024)));
for (Entry<String, MutableDouble> e : tempVals.entrySet()) {
RegionMetricsStorage.setNumericMetric(e.getKey(), e.getValue().longValue());
this.metrics.memstoreSizeMB.set((int) (memstoreSize / (1024 * 1024)));
this.metrics.mbInMemoryWithoutWAL.set((int) (dataInMemoryWithoutWAL / (1024 * 1024)));
(int) (storefileIndexSize / (1024 * 1024)));
(int) (storefileIndexSize / 1024));
(int) (totalStaticIndexSize / 1024));
(int) (totalStaticBloomSize / 1024));
BlockCache blockCache = cacheConfig.getBlockCache();
if (blockCache != null) {
CacheStats cacheStats = blockCache.getStats();
double ratio = blockCache.getStats().getHitRatio();
int percent = (int) (ratio * 100);
ratio = blockCache.getStats().getHitCachingRatio();
percent = (int) (ratio * 100);
// past N period block cache hit / hit caching ratios
ratio = cacheStats.getHitRatioPastNPeriods();
percent = (int) (ratio * 100);
ratio = cacheStats.getHitCachingRatioPastNPeriods();
percent = (int) (ratio * 100);
float localityIndex = hdfsBlocksDistribution.getBlockLocalityIndex(
int percent = (int) (localityIndex * 100);
* @return Region server metrics instance.
public RegionServerMetrics getMetrics() {
return this.metrics;
* @return Master address tracker instance.
public MasterAddressTracker getMasterAddressManager() {
return this.masterAddressManager;
* Start maintanence Threads, Server, Worker and lease checker threads.
* Install an UncaughtExceptionHandler that calls abort of RegionServer if we
* get an unhandled exception. We cannot set the handler on all threads.
* Server's internal Listener thread is off limits. For Server, if an OOME, it
* waits a while then retries. Meantime, a flush or a compaction that tries to
* run should trigger same critical condition and the shutdown will run. On
* its way out, this server will shut down Server. Leases are sort of
* inbetween. It has an internal thread that while it inherits from Chore, it
* keeps its own internal stop mechanism so needs to be stopped by this
* hosting server. Worker logs the exception and exits.
private void startServiceThreads() throws IOException {
String n = Thread.currentThread().getName();
UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
abort("Uncaught exception in service thread " + t.getName(), e);
// Start executor services
this.service = new ExecutorService(getServerName().toString());
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.openregion.threads", 3));
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.openroot.threads", 1));
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.openmeta.threads", 1));
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.closeregion.threads", 3));
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.closeroot.threads", 1));
conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.closemeta.threads", 1));
Threads.setDaemonThreadRunning(this.hlogRoller.getThread(), n + ".logRoller", handler);
Threads.setDaemonThreadRunning(this.cacheFlusher.getThread(), n + ".cacheFlusher",
Threads.setDaemonThreadRunning(this.compactionChecker.getThread(), n +
".compactionChecker", handler);
// Leases is not a Thread. Internally it runs a daemon thread. If it gets
// an unhandled exception, it will just exit.
this.leases.setName(n + ".leaseChecker");
// Put up the webui. Webui may come up on port other than configured if
// that port is occupied. Adjust serverInfo if this is the case.
this.webuiport = putUpWebUI();
if (this.replicationSourceHandler == this.replicationSinkHandler &&
this.replicationSourceHandler != null) {
} else if (this.replicationSourceHandler != null) {
} else if (this.replicationSinkHandler != null) {
// Start Server. This service is like leases in that it internally runs
// a thread.
// Create the log splitting worker and start it
this.splitLogWorker = new SplitLogWorker(this.zooKeeper,
this.getConfiguration(), this.getServerName().toString());
* Puts up the webui.
* @return Returns final port -- maybe different from what we started with.
* @throws IOException
private int putUpWebUI() throws IOException {
int port = this.conf.getInt("", 60030);
// -1 is for disabling info server
if (port < 0) return port;
String addr = this.conf.get("", "");
// check if auto port bind enabled
boolean auto = this.conf.getBoolean(HConstants.REGIONSERVER_INFO_PORT_AUTO,
while (true) {
try {
this.infoServer = new InfoServer("regionserver", addr, port, false, this.conf);
this.infoServer.addServlet("status", "/rs-status", RSStatusServlet.class);
this.infoServer.addServlet("dump", "/dump", RSDumpServlet.class);
this.infoServer.setAttribute(REGIONSERVER, this);
this.infoServer.setAttribute(REGIONSERVER_CONF, conf);
} catch (BindException e) {
if (!auto) {
// auto bind disabled throw BindException
throw e;
// auto bind enabled, try to use another port"Failed binding http info server to port: " + port);
return port;
* Verify that server is healthy
private boolean isHealthy() {
if (!fsOk) {
// File system problem
return false;
// Verify that all threads are alive
if (!(leases.isAlive()
&& cacheFlusher.isAlive() && hlogRoller.isAlive()
&& this.compactionChecker.isAlive())) {
stop("One or more threads are no longer alive -- stop");
return false;
return true;
public HLog getWAL() {
return this.hlog;
public CatalogTracker getCatalogTracker() {
return this.catalogTracker;
public void stop(final String msg) {
this.stopped = true;"STOPPED: " + msg);
// Wakes run() if it is sleeping
public void waitForServerOnline(){
while (!isOnline() && !isStopped()){
public void postOpenDeployTasks(final HRegion r, final CatalogTracker ct,
final boolean daughter)
throws KeeperException, IOException {
checkOpen();"Post open deploy tasks for region=" + r.getRegionNameAsString() +
", daughter=" + daughter);
// Do checks to see if we need to compact (references or too many files)
for (Store s : r.getStores().values()) {
if (s.hasReferences() || s.needsCompaction()) {
getCompactionRequester().requestCompaction(r, s, "Opening Region");
// Update ZK, ROOT or META
if (r.getRegionInfo().isRootRegion()) {
} else if (r.getRegionInfo().isMetaRegion()) {
MetaEditor.updateMetaLocation(ct, r.getRegionInfo(),
} else {
if (daughter) {
// If daughter of a split, update whole row, not just location.
MetaEditor.addDaughter(ct, r.getRegionInfo(),
} else {
MetaEditor.updateRegionLocation(ct, r.getRegionInfo(),
}"Done with post open deploy task for region=" +
r.getRegionNameAsString() + ", daughter=" + daughter);
* Return a reference to the metrics instance used for counting RPC calls.
* @return Metrics instance.
public HBaseRpcMetrics getRpcMetrics() {
return rpcServer.getRpcMetrics();
public RpcServer getRpcServer() {
return rpcServer;
* Cause the server to exit without closing the regions it is serving, the log
* it is using and without notifying the master. Used unit testing and on
* catastrophic events such as HDFS is yanked out from under hbase or we OOME.
* @param reason
* the reason we are aborting
* @param cause
* the exception that caused the abort, or null
public void abort(String reason, Throwable cause) {
String msg = "ABORTING region server " + this + ": " + reason;
if (cause != null) {
LOG.fatal(msg, cause);
} else {
this.abortRequested = true;
// HBASE-4014: show list of coprocessors that were loaded to help debug
// regionserver crashes.Note that we're implicitly using
// java.util.HashSet's toString() method to print the coprocessor names.
LOG.fatal("RegionServer abort: loaded coprocessors are: " +
if (this.metrics != null) {"Dump of metrics: " + this.metrics);
// Do our best to report our abort to the master, but this may not work
try {
if (cause != null) {
msg += "\nCause:\n" + StringUtils.stringifyException(cause);
if (hbaseMaster != null) {
this.serverNameFromMasterPOV.getVersionedBytes(), msg);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.warn("Unable to report fatal error to master", t);
* @see HRegionServer#abort(String, Throwable)
public void abort(String reason) {
abort(reason, null);
public boolean isAborted() {
return this.abortRequested;
* Simulate a kill -9 of this server. Exits w/o closing regions or cleaninup
* logs but it does close socket in case want to bring up server on old
* hostname+port immediately.
protected void kill() {
this.killed = true;
abort("Simulated kill");
* Wait on all threads to finish. Presumption is that all closes and stops
* have already been called.
protected void join() {
if (this.hlogRoller != null) {
if (this.compactSplitThread != null) {
if (this.service != null) this.service.shutdown();
if (this.replicationSourceHandler != null &&
this.replicationSourceHandler == this.replicationSinkHandler) {
} else if (this.replicationSourceHandler != null) {
} else if (this.replicationSinkHandler != null) {
* @return Return the object that implements the replication
* source service.
ReplicationSourceService getReplicationSourceService() {
return replicationSourceHandler;
* @return Return the object that implements the replication
* sink service.
ReplicationSinkService getReplicationSinkService() {
return replicationSinkHandler;
* Get the current master from ZooKeeper and open the RPC connection to it.
* Method will block until a master is available. You can break from this
* block by requesting the server stop.
* @return master + port, or null if server has been stopped
private ServerName getMaster() {
ServerName masterServerName = null;
long previousLogTime = 0;
HMasterRegionInterface master = null;
while (keepLooping() && master == null) {
masterServerName = this.masterAddressManager.getMasterAddress();
if (masterServerName == null) {
if (!keepLooping()) {
// give up with no connection.
LOG.debug("No master found and cluster is stopped; bailing out");
return null;
LOG.debug("No master found; retry");
previousLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
InetSocketAddress isa =
new InetSocketAddress(masterServerName.getHostname(), masterServerName.getPort());"Attempting connect to Master server at " +
try {
// Do initial RPC setup. The final argument indicates that the RPC
// should retry indefinitely.
master = (HMasterRegionInterface) HBaseRPC.waitForProxy(
HMasterRegionInterface.class, HMasterRegionInterface.VERSION,
isa, this.conf, -1,
this.rpcTimeout, this.rpcTimeout);
} catch (IOException e) {
e = e instanceof RemoteException ?
((RemoteException)e).unwrapRemoteException() : e;
if (e instanceof ServerNotRunningYetException) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (previousLogTime+1000)){"Master isn't available yet, retrying");
previousLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (previousLogTime + 1000)) {
LOG.warn("Unable to connect to master. Retrying. Error was:", e);
previousLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
}"Connected to master at " + isa);
this.hbaseMaster = master;
return masterServerName;
* @return True if we should break loop because cluster is going down or
* this server has been stopped or hdfs has gone bad.
private boolean keepLooping() {
return !this.stopped && isClusterUp();
* Let the master know we're here Run initialization using parameters passed
* us by the master.
* @return A Map of key/value configurations we got from the Master else
* null if we failed to register.
* @throws IOException
private MapWritable reportForDuty() throws IOException {
MapWritable result = null;
ServerName masterServerName = getMaster();
if (masterServerName == null) return result;
try {
this.requestCount.set(0);"Telling master at " + masterServerName + " that we are up " +
"with port=" + this.isa.getPort() + ", startcode=" + this.startcode);
long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
int port = this.isa.getPort();
result = this.hbaseMaster.regionServerStartup(port, this.startcode, now);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
IOException ioe = e.unwrapRemoteException();
if (ioe instanceof ClockOutOfSyncException) {
LOG.fatal("Master rejected startup because clock is out of sync", ioe);
// Re-throw IOE will cause RS to abort
throw ioe;
} else {
LOG.warn("remote error telling master we are up", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("error telling master we are up", e);
return result;
* Closes all regions. Called on our way out.
* Assumes that its not possible for new regions to be added to onlineRegions
* while this method runs.
protected void closeAllRegions(final boolean abort) {
// Only root and meta should remain. Are we carrying root or meta?
HRegion meta = null;
HRegion root = null;
try {
for (Map.Entry<String, HRegion> e: onlineRegions.entrySet()) {
HRegionInfo hri = e.getValue().getRegionInfo();
if (hri.isRootRegion()) {
root = e.getValue();
} else if (hri.isMetaRegion()) {
meta = e.getValue();
if (meta != null && root != null) break;
} finally {
if (meta != null) closeRegion(meta.getRegionInfo(), abort, false);
if (root != null) closeRegion(root.getRegionInfo(), abort, false);
* Schedule closes on all user regions.
* Should be safe calling multiple times because it wont' close regions
* that are already closed or that are closing.
* @param abort Whether we're running an abort.
void closeUserRegions(final boolean abort) {
try {
for (Map.Entry<String, HRegion> e: this.onlineRegions.entrySet()) {
HRegion r = e.getValue();
if (!r.getRegionInfo().isMetaRegion() && r.isAvailable()) {
// Don't update zk with this close transition; pass false.
closeRegion(r.getRegionInfo(), abort, false);
} finally {
public HRegionInfo getRegionInfo(final byte[] regionName)
throws NotServingRegionException, IOException {
return getRegion(regionName).getRegionInfo();
public Result getClosestRowBefore(final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row,
final byte[] family) throws IOException {
try {
// locate the region we're operating on
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
// ask the region for all the data
Result r = region.getClosestRowBefore(row, family);
return r;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Result get(byte[] regionName, Get get) throws IOException {
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
return region.get(get, getLockFromId(get.getLockId()));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
public boolean exists(byte[] regionName, Get get) throws IOException {
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer lock = getLockFromId(get.getLockId());
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Boolean result = region.getCoprocessorHost().preExists(get);
if (result != null) {
return result.booleanValue();
Result r = region.get(get, lock);
boolean result = r != null && !r.isEmpty();
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
result = region.getCoprocessorHost().postExists(get, result);
return result;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
public void put(final byte[] regionName, final Put put) throws IOException {
if (put.getRow() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("update has null row");
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
try {
if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaTable()) {
boolean writeToWAL = put.getWriteToWAL();
region.put(put, getLockFromId(put.getLockId()), writeToWAL);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
public int put(final byte[] regionName, final List<Put> puts)
throws IOException {
HRegion region = null;
int i = 0;
try {
region = getRegion(regionName);
if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaTable()) {
Pair<Mutation, Integer>[] putsWithLocks = new Pair[puts.size()];
for (Put p : puts) {
Integer lock = getLockFromId(p.getLockId());
putsWithLocks[i++] = new Pair<Mutation, Integer>(p, lock);
OperationStatus codes[] = region.batchMutate(putsWithLocks);
for (i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
if (codes[i].getOperationStatusCode() != OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS) {
return i;
return -1;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
private boolean checkAndMutate(final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row,
final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final CompareOp compareOp,
final WritableByteArrayComparable comparator, final Writable w,
Integer lock) throws IOException {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
try {
if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaTable()) {
return region.checkAndMutate(row, family, qualifier, compareOp,
comparator, w, lock, true);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
* @param regionName
* @param row
* @param family
* @param qualifier
* @param value
* the expected value
* @param put
* @throws IOException
* @return true if the new put was execute, false otherwise
public boolean checkAndPut(final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row,
final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final byte[] value,
final Put put) throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to checkAndPut "
+ "regionName is null");
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer lock = getLockFromId(put.getLockId());
WritableByteArrayComparable comparator = new BinaryComparator(value);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Boolean result = region.getCoprocessorHost()
.preCheckAndPut(row, family, qualifier, CompareOp.EQUAL, comparator,
if (result != null) {
return result.booleanValue();
boolean result = checkAndMutate(regionName, row, family, qualifier,
CompareOp.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(value), put,
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
result = region.getCoprocessorHost().postCheckAndPut(row, family,
qualifier, CompareOp.EQUAL, comparator, put, result);
return result;
* @param regionName
* @param row
* @param family
* @param qualifier
* @param compareOp
* @param comparator
* @param put
* @throws IOException
* @return true if the new put was execute, false otherwise
public boolean checkAndPut(final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row,
final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final CompareOp compareOp,
final WritableByteArrayComparable comparator, final Put put)
throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to checkAndPut "
+ "regionName is null");
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer lock = getLockFromId(put.getLockId());
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Boolean result = region.getCoprocessorHost()
.preCheckAndPut(row, family, qualifier, compareOp, comparator, put);
if (result != null) {
return result.booleanValue();
boolean result = checkAndMutate(regionName, row, family, qualifier,
compareOp, comparator, put, lock);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
result = region.getCoprocessorHost().postCheckAndPut(row, family,
qualifier, compareOp, comparator, put, result);
return result;
* @param regionName
* @param row
* @param family
* @param qualifier
* @param value
* the expected value
* @param delete
* @throws IOException
* @return true if the new put was execute, false otherwise
public boolean checkAndDelete(final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row,
final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final byte[] value,
final Delete delete) throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to checkAndDelete "
+ "regionName is null");
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer lock = getLockFromId(delete.getLockId());
WritableByteArrayComparable comparator = new BinaryComparator(value);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Boolean result = region.getCoprocessorHost().preCheckAndDelete(row,
family, qualifier, CompareOp.EQUAL, comparator, delete);
if (result != null) {
return result.booleanValue();
boolean result = checkAndMutate(regionName, row, family, qualifier,
CompareOp.EQUAL, comparator, delete, lock);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
result = region.getCoprocessorHost().postCheckAndDelete(row, family,
qualifier, CompareOp.EQUAL, comparator, delete, result);
return result;
public List<String> getStoreFileList(byte[] regionName, byte[] columnFamily)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return getStoreFileList(regionName, new byte[][]{columnFamily});
public List<String> getStoreFileList(byte[] regionName, byte[][] columnFamilies)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
HRegion region = getOnlineRegion(regionName);
if (region == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No region: " + new String(regionName)
+ " available");
return region.getStoreFileList(columnFamilies);
public List<String> getStoreFileList(byte[] regionName)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
HRegion region = getOnlineRegion(regionName);
if (region == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No region: " + new String(regionName)
+ " available");
Set<byte[]> columnFamilies = region.getStores().keySet();
int nCF = columnFamilies.size();
return region.getStoreFileList(columnFamilies.toArray(new byte[nCF][]));
* Flushes the given region
public void flushRegion(byte[] regionName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
HRegion region = getOnlineRegion(regionName);
if (region == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No region : " + new String(regionName)
+ " available");
* Flushes the given region if lastFlushTime < ifOlderThanTS
public void flushRegion(byte[] regionName, long ifOlderThanTS)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
HRegion region = getOnlineRegion(regionName);
if (region == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No region : " + new String(regionName)
+ " available");
if (region.getLastFlushTime() < ifOlderThanTS) region.flushcache();
* Gets last flush time for the given region
* @return the last flush time for a region
public long getLastFlushTime(byte[] regionName) {
HRegion region = getOnlineRegion(regionName);
if (region == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No region : " + new String(regionName)
+ " available");
return region.getLastFlushTime();
* @param regionName
* @param row
* @param family
* @param qualifier
* @param compareOp
* @param comparator
* @param delete
* @throws IOException
* @return true if the new put was execute, false otherwise
public boolean checkAndDelete(final byte[] regionName, final byte[] row,
final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final CompareOp compareOp,
final WritableByteArrayComparable comparator, final Delete delete)
throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to checkAndDelete "
+ "regionName is null");
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer lock = getLockFromId(delete.getLockId());
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Boolean result = region.getCoprocessorHost().preCheckAndDelete(row,
family, qualifier, compareOp, comparator, delete);
if (result != null) {
return result.booleanValue();
boolean result = checkAndMutate(regionName, row, family, qualifier,
compareOp, comparator, delete, lock);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
result = region.getCoprocessorHost().postCheckAndDelete(row, family,
qualifier, compareOp, comparator, delete, result);
return result;
// remote scanner interface
public long openScanner(byte[] regionName, Scan scan) throws IOException {
NullPointerException npe = null;
if (regionName == null) {
npe = new NullPointerException("regionName is null");
} else if (scan == null) {
npe = new NullPointerException("scan is null");
if (npe != null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to openScanner", npe);
try {
HRegion r = getRegion(regionName);
r.checkRow(scan.getStartRow(), "Scan");
RegionScanner s = null;
if (r.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
s = r.getCoprocessorHost().preScannerOpen(scan);
if (s == null) {
s = r.getScanner(scan);
if (r.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
RegionScanner savedScanner = r.getCoprocessorHost().postScannerOpen(
scan, s);
if (savedScanner == null) {
LOG.warn("PostScannerOpen impl returning null. "
+ "Check the RegionObserver implementation.");
} else {
s = savedScanner;
return addScanner(s);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t, "Failed openScanner"));
protected long addScanner(RegionScanner s) throws LeaseStillHeldException {
long scannerId = -1L;
scannerId = rand.nextLong();
String scannerName = String.valueOf(scannerId);
scanners.put(scannerName, s);
this.leases.createLease(scannerName, new ScannerListener(scannerName));
return scannerId;
public Result next(final long scannerId) throws IOException {
Result[] res = next(scannerId, 1);
if (res == null || res.length == 0) {
return null;
return res[0];
public Result[] next(final long scannerId, int nbRows) throws IOException {
String scannerName = String.valueOf(scannerId);
RegionScanner s = this.scanners.get(scannerName);
if (s == null) throw new UnknownScannerException("Name: " + scannerName);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// If checkOpen failed, server not running or filesystem gone,
// cancel this lease; filesystem is gone or we're closing or something.
try {
} catch (LeaseException le) {"Server shutting down and client tried to access missing scanner " +
throw e;
Leases.Lease lease = null;
try {
// Remove lease while its being processed in server; protects against case
// where processing of request takes > lease expiration time.
lease = this.leases.removeLease(scannerName);
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(nbRows);
long currentScanResultSize = 0;
List<KeyValue> values = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
// Call coprocessor. Get region info from scanner.
HRegion region = getRegion(s.getRegionInfo().getRegionName());
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Boolean bypass = region.getCoprocessorHost().preScannerNext(s,
results, nbRows);
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
for (Result r : results) {
for (KeyValue kv : r.raw()) {
currentScanResultSize += kv.heapSize();
if (bypass != null) {
return s.isFilterDone() && results.isEmpty() ? null
: results.toArray(new Result[0]);
long maxResultSize;
if (s.getMaxResultSize() > 0) {
maxResultSize = s.getMaxResultSize();
} else {
maxResultSize = maxScannerResultSize;
for (int i = 0; i < nbRows && currentScanResultSize < maxResultSize; i++) {
// Collect values to be returned here
boolean moreRows =;
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
for (KeyValue kv : values) {
currentScanResultSize += kv.heapSize();
results.add(new Result(values));
if (!moreRows) {
// coprocessor postNext hook
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
region.getCoprocessorHost().postScannerNext(s, results, nbRows, true);
// If the scanner's filter - if any - is done with the scan
// and wants to tell the client to stop the scan. This is done by passing
// a null result.
return s.isFilterDone() && results.isEmpty() ? null
: results.toArray(new Result[0]);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof NotServingRegionException) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
} finally {
// We're done. On way out readd the above removed lease. Adding resets
// expiration time on lease.
if (this.scanners.containsKey(scannerName)) {
if (lease != null) this.leases.addLease(lease);
public void close(final long scannerId) throws IOException {
try {
String scannerName = String.valueOf(scannerId);
RegionScanner s = scanners.get(scannerName);
HRegion region = null;
if (s != null) {
// call coprocessor.
region = getRegion(s.getRegionInfo().getRegionName());
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
if (region.getCoprocessorHost().preScannerClose(s)) {
return; // bypass
s = scanners.remove(scannerName);
if (s != null) {
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
* Instantiated as a scanner lease. If the lease times out, the scanner is
* closed
private class ScannerListener implements LeaseListener {
private final String scannerName;
ScannerListener(final String n) {
this.scannerName = n;
public void leaseExpired() {
RegionScanner s = scanners.remove(this.scannerName);
if (s != null) {"Scanner " + this.scannerName + " lease expired on region "
+ s.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString());
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(s.getRegionInfo().getRegionName());
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
if (region != null && region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Closing scanner for "
+ s.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString(), e);
} else {"Scanner " + this.scannerName + " lease expired");
// Methods that do the actual work for the remote API
public void delete(final byte[] regionName, final Delete delete)
throws IOException {
try {
boolean writeToWAL = delete.getWriteToWAL();
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaTable()) {
Integer lid = getLockFromId(delete.getLockId());
region.delete(delete, lid, writeToWAL);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
public int delete(final byte[] regionName, final List<Delete> deletes)
throws IOException {
// Count of Deletes processed.
int i = 0;
HRegion region = null;
try {
region = getRegion(regionName);
if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaTable()) {
int size = deletes.size();
Integer[] locks = new Integer[size];
for (Delete delete : deletes) {
locks[i] = getLockFromId(delete.getLockId());
region.delete(delete, locks[i], delete.getWriteToWAL());
} catch (WrongRegionException ex) {
LOG.debug("Batch deletes: " + i, ex);
return i;
} catch (NotServingRegionException ex) {
return i;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
return -1;
public long lockRow(byte[] regionName, byte[] row) throws IOException {
NullPointerException npe = null;
if (regionName == null) {
npe = new NullPointerException("regionName is null");
} else if (row == null) {
npe = new NullPointerException("row to lock is null");
if (npe != null) {
IOException io = new IOException("Invalid arguments to lockRow");
throw io;
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer r = region.obtainRowLock(row);
long lockId = addRowLock(r, region);
LOG.debug("Row lock " + lockId + " explicitly acquired by client");
return lockId;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t, "Error obtaining row lock (fsOk: "
+ this.fsOk + ")"));
protected long addRowLock(Integer r, HRegion region)
throws LeaseStillHeldException {
long lockId = -1L;
lockId = rand.nextLong();
String lockName = String.valueOf(lockId);
rowlocks.put(lockName, r);
this.leases.createLease(lockName, new RowLockListener(lockName, region));
return lockId;
* Method to get the Integer lock identifier used internally from the long
* lock identifier used by the client.
* @param lockId
* long row lock identifier from client
* @return intId Integer row lock used internally in HRegion
* @throws IOException
* Thrown if this is not a valid client lock id.
Integer getLockFromId(long lockId) throws IOException {
if (lockId == -1L) {
return null;
String lockName = String.valueOf(lockId);
Integer rl = rowlocks.get(lockName);
if (rl == null) {
throw new UnknownRowLockException("Invalid row lock");
return rl;
public void unlockRow(byte[] regionName, long lockId) throws IOException {
NullPointerException npe = null;
if (regionName == null) {
npe = new NullPointerException("regionName is null");
} else if (lockId == -1L) {
npe = new NullPointerException("lockId is null");
if (npe != null) {
IOException io = new IOException("Invalid arguments to unlockRow");
throw io;
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
String lockName = String.valueOf(lockId);
Integer r = rowlocks.remove(lockName);
if (r == null) {
throw new UnknownRowLockException(lockName);
LOG.debug("Row lock " + lockId
+ " has been explicitly released by client");
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
* Atomically bulk load several HFiles into an open region
* @return true if successful, false is failed but recoverably (no action)
* @throws IOException if failed unrecoverably
public boolean bulkLoadHFiles(List<Pair<byte[], String>> familyPaths,
byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
boolean bypass = false;
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
bypass = region.getCoprocessorHost().preBulkLoadHFile(familyPaths);
boolean loaded = false;
if (!bypass) {
loaded = region.bulkLoadHFiles(familyPaths);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
loaded = region.getCoprocessorHost().postBulkLoadHFile(familyPaths, loaded);
return loaded;
Map<String, Integer> rowlocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();
* Instantiated as a row lock lease. If the lease times out, the row lock is
* released
private class RowLockListener implements LeaseListener {
private final String lockName;
private final HRegion region;
RowLockListener(final String lockName, final HRegion region) {
this.lockName = lockName;
this.region = region;
public void leaseExpired() {"Row Lock " + this.lockName + " lease expired");
Integer r = rowlocks.remove(this.lockName);
if (r != null) {
// Region open/close direct RPCs
public RegionOpeningState openRegion(HRegionInfo region)
throws IOException {
return openRegion(region, -1);
@QosPriority(priority = HIGH_QOS)
public RegionOpeningState openRegion(HRegionInfo region, int versionOfOfflineNode)
throws IOException {
return openRegion(region, versionOfOfflineNode, null);
private RegionOpeningState openRegion(HRegionInfo region, int versionOfOfflineNode,
Map<String, HTableDescriptor> htds) throws IOException {
checkIfRegionInTransition(region, OPEN);
HRegion onlineRegion = this.getFromOnlineRegions(region.getEncodedName());
if (null != onlineRegion) {
// See HBASE-5094. Cross check with META if still this RS is owning the
// region.
Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName> p = MetaReader.getRegion(
this.catalogTracker, region.getRegionName());
if (this.getServerName().equals(p.getSecond())) {
LOG.warn("Attempted open of " + region.getEncodedName()
+ " but already online on this server");
return RegionOpeningState.ALREADY_OPENED;
} else {
LOG.warn("The region " + region.getEncodedName()
+ " is online on this server but META does not have this server.");
}"Received request to open region: " +
HTableDescriptor htd = null;
if (htds == null) {
htd = this.tableDescriptors.get(region.getTableName());
} else {
htd = htds.get(region.getTableNameAsString());
if (htd == null) {
htd = this.tableDescriptors.get(region.getTableName());
htds.put(region.getRegionNameAsString(), htd);
// Need to pass the expected version in the constructor.
if (region.isRootRegion()) {
this.service.submit(new OpenRootHandler(this, this, region, htd,
} else if (region.isMetaRegion()) {
this.service.submit(new OpenMetaHandler(this, this, region, htd,
} else {
this.service.submit(new OpenRegionHandler(this, this, region, htd,
return RegionOpeningState.OPENED;
private void checkIfRegionInTransition(HRegionInfo region,
String currentAction) throws RegionAlreadyInTransitionException {
byte[] encodedName = region.getEncodedNameAsBytes();
if (this.regionsInTransitionInRS.containsKey(encodedName)) {
boolean openAction = this.regionsInTransitionInRS.get(encodedName);
// The below exception message will be used in master.
throw new RegionAlreadyInTransitionException("Received:" + currentAction +
" for the region:" + region.getRegionNameAsString() +
" ,which we are already trying to " +
(openAction ? OPEN : CLOSE)+ ".");
public void openRegions(List<HRegionInfo> regions)
throws IOException {
checkOpen();"Received request to open " + regions.size() + " region(s)");
Map<String, HTableDescriptor> htds = new HashMap<String, HTableDescriptor>(regions.size());
for (HRegionInfo region : regions) openRegion(region, -1, htds);
public boolean closeRegion(HRegionInfo region)
throws IOException {
return closeRegion(region, true, -1);
public boolean closeRegion(final HRegionInfo region,
final int versionOfClosingNode)
throws IOException {
return closeRegion(region, true, versionOfClosingNode);
public boolean closeRegion(HRegionInfo region, final boolean zk)
throws IOException {
return closeRegion(region, zk, -1);
protected boolean closeRegion(HRegionInfo region, final boolean zk,
final int versionOfClosingNode)
throws IOException {
checkOpen();"Received close region: " + region.getRegionNameAsString() +
". Version of ZK closing node:" + versionOfClosingNode);
boolean hasit = this.onlineRegions.containsKey(region.getEncodedName());
if (!hasit) {
LOG.warn("Received close for region we are not serving; " +
throw new NotServingRegionException("Received close for "
+ region.getRegionNameAsString() + " but we are not serving it");
checkIfRegionInTransition(region, CLOSE);
return closeRegion(region, false, zk, versionOfClosingNode);
public boolean closeRegion(byte[] encodedRegionName, boolean zk)
throws IOException {
return closeRegion(encodedRegionName, false, zk);
* @param region Region to close
* @param abort True if we are aborting
* @param zk True if we are to update zk about the region close; if the close
* was orchestrated by master, then update zk. If the close is being run by
* the regionserver because its going down, don't update zk.
* @return True if closed a region.
protected boolean closeRegion(HRegionInfo region, final boolean abort,
final boolean zk) {
return closeRegion(region, abort, zk, -1);
* @param region Region to close
* @param abort True if we are aborting
* @param zk True if we are to update zk about the region close; if the close
* was orchestrated by master, then update zk. If the close is being run by
* the regionserver because its going down, don't update zk.
* @param versionOfClosingNode
* the version of znode to compare when RS transitions the znode from
* CLOSING state.
* @return True if closed a region.
protected boolean closeRegion(HRegionInfo region, final boolean abort,
final boolean zk, final int versionOfClosingNode) {
if (this.regionsInTransitionInRS.containsKey(region.getEncodedNameAsBytes())) {
LOG.warn("Received close for region we are already opening or closing; " +
return false;
this.regionsInTransitionInRS.putIfAbsent(region.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), false);
CloseRegionHandler crh = null;
if (region.isRootRegion()) {
crh = new CloseRootHandler(this, this, region, abort, zk,
} else if (region.isMetaRegion()) {
crh = new CloseMetaHandler(this, this, region, abort, zk,
} else {
crh = new CloseRegionHandler(this, this, region, abort, zk,
return true;
* @param encodedRegionName
* encodedregionName to close
* @param abort
* True if we are aborting
* @param zk
* True if we are to update zk about the region close; if the close
* was orchestrated by master, then update zk. If the close is being
* run by the regionserver because its going down, don't update zk.
* @return True if closed a region.
protected boolean closeRegion(byte[] encodedRegionName, final boolean abort,
final boolean zk) throws IOException {
String encodedRegionNameStr = Bytes.toString(encodedRegionName);
HRegion region = this.getFromOnlineRegions(encodedRegionNameStr);
if (null != region) {
return closeRegion(region.getRegionInfo(), abort, zk);
LOG.error("The specified region name" + encodedRegionNameStr
+ " does not exist to close the region.");
return false;
// Manual remote region administration RPCs
public void flushRegion(HRegionInfo regionInfo)
throws NotServingRegionException, IOException {
checkOpen();"Flushing " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString());
HRegion region = getRegion(regionInfo.getRegionName());
public void splitRegion(HRegionInfo regionInfo)
throws NotServingRegionException, IOException {
splitRegion(regionInfo, null);
public void splitRegion(HRegionInfo regionInfo, byte[] splitPoint)
throws NotServingRegionException, IOException {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionInfo.getRegionName());
compactSplitThread.requestSplit(region, region.checkSplit());
public void compactRegion(HRegionInfo regionInfo, boolean major)
throws NotServingRegionException, IOException {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionInfo.getRegionName());
if (major) {
LOG.trace("User-triggered compaction requested for region " +
compactSplitThread.requestCompaction(region, "User-triggered "
+ (major ? "major " : "") + "compaction",
/** @return the info server */
public InfoServer getInfoServer() {
return infoServer;
* @return true if a stop has been requested.
public boolean isStopped() {
return this.stopped;
public boolean isStopping() {
return this.stopping;
* @return the configuration
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return conf;
/** @return the write lock for the server */
ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock getWriteLock() {
return lock.writeLock();
public List<HRegionInfo> getOnlineRegions() throws IOException {
List<HRegionInfo> list = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>(onlineRegions.size());
for (Map.Entry<String,HRegion> e: this.onlineRegions.entrySet()) {
return list;
public int getNumberOfOnlineRegions() {
return this.onlineRegions.size();
boolean isOnlineRegionsEmpty() {
return this.onlineRegions.isEmpty();
* @param encodedRegionName
* @return JSON Map of labels to values for passed in <code>encodedRegionName</code>
* @throws IOException
public byte [] getRegionStats(final String encodedRegionName)
throws IOException {
HRegion r = null;
synchronized (this.onlineRegions) {
r = this.onlineRegions.get(encodedRegionName);
if (r == null) return null;
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
int stores = 0;
int storefiles = 0;
int storefileSizeMB = 0;
int memstoreSizeMB = (int) (r.memstoreSize.get() / 1024 / 1024);
int storefileIndexSizeMB = 0;
long totalCompactingKVs = 0;
long currentCompactedKVs = 0;
synchronized (r.stores) {
stores += r.stores.size();
for (Store store : r.stores.values()) {
storefiles += store.getStorefilesCount();
storefileSizeMB += (int) (store.getStorefilesSize() / 1024 / 1024);
storefileIndexSizeMB += (int) (store.getStorefilesIndexSize() / 1024 / 1024);
Map<String, Integer> map = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
map.put("stores", stores);
map.put("storefiles", storefiles);
map.put("storefileSizeMB", storefileIndexSizeMB);
map.put("memstoreSizeMB", memstoreSizeMB);
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
mapper.writeValue(w, map);
return Bytes.toBytes(w.toString());
* For tests and web ui.
* This method will only work if HRegionServer is in the same JVM as client;
* HRegion cannot be serialized to cross an rpc.
* @see #getOnlineRegions()
public Collection<HRegion> getOnlineRegionsLocalContext() {
Collection<HRegion> regions = this.onlineRegions.values();
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(regions);
public void addToOnlineRegions(HRegion region) {
this.onlineRegions.put(region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName(), region);
public boolean removeFromOnlineRegions(final String encodedName) {
HRegion toReturn = null;
toReturn = this.onlineRegions.remove(encodedName);
//Clear all of the dynamic metrics as they are now probably useless.
//This is a clear because dynamic metrics could include metrics per cf and
//per hfile. Figuring out which cfs, hfiles, and regions are still relevant to
//this region server would be an onerous task. Instead just clear everything
//and on the next tick of the metrics everything that is still relevant will be
return toReturn != null;
* @return A new Map of online regions sorted by region size with the first
* entry being the biggest.
public SortedMap<Long, HRegion> getCopyOfOnlineRegionsSortedBySize() {
// we'll sort the regions in reverse
SortedMap<Long, HRegion> sortedRegions = new TreeMap<Long, HRegion>(
new Comparator<Long>() {
public int compare(Long a, Long b) {
return -1 * a.compareTo(b);
// Copy over all regions. Regions are sorted by size with biggest first.
for (HRegion region : this.onlineRegions.values()) {
sortedRegions.put(Long.valueOf(region.memstoreSize.get()), region);
return sortedRegions;
public HRegion getFromOnlineRegions(final String encodedRegionName) {
HRegion r = null;
r = this.onlineRegions.get(encodedRegionName);
return r;
* @param regionName
* @return HRegion for the passed binary <code>regionName</code> or null if
* named region is not member of the online regions.
public HRegion getOnlineRegion(final byte[] regionName) {
return getFromOnlineRegions(HRegionInfo.encodeRegionName(regionName));
/** @return the request count */
public AtomicInteger getRequestCount() {
return this.requestCount;
* @return time stamp in millis of when this region server was started
public long getStartcode() {
return this.startcode;
/** @return reference to FlushRequester */
public FlushRequester getFlushRequester() {
return this.cacheFlusher;
* Protected utility method for safely obtaining an HRegion handle.
* @param regionName
* Name of online {@link HRegion} to return
* @return {@link HRegion} for <code>regionName</code>
* @throws NotServingRegionException
protected HRegion getRegion(final byte[] regionName)
throws NotServingRegionException {
HRegion region = null;
region = getOnlineRegion(regionName);
if (region == null) {
throw new NotServingRegionException("Region is not online: " +
return region;
* Get the top N most loaded regions this server is serving so we can tell the
* master which regions it can reallocate if we're overloaded. TODO: actually
* calculate which regions are most loaded. (Right now, we're just grabbing
* the first N regions being served regardless of load.)
protected HRegionInfo[] getMostLoadedRegions() {
ArrayList<HRegionInfo> regions = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>();
for (HRegion r : onlineRegions.values()) {
if (!r.isAvailable()) {
if (regions.size() < numRegionsToReport) {
} else {
return regions.toArray(new HRegionInfo[regions.size()]);
* Called to verify that this server is up and running.
* @throws IOException
protected void checkOpen() throws IOException {
if (this.stopped || this.abortRequested) {
throw new RegionServerStoppedException("Server " + getServerName() +
" not running" + (this.abortRequested ? ", aborting" : ""));
if (!fsOk) {
throw new RegionServerStoppedException("File system not available");
public ProtocolSignature getProtocolSignature(
String protocol, long version, int clientMethodsHashCode)
throws IOException {
if (protocol.equals(HRegionInterface.class.getName())) {
return new ProtocolSignature(HRegionInterface.VERSION, null);
throw new IOException("Unknown protocol: " + protocol);
public long getProtocolVersion(final String protocol, final long clientVersion)
throws IOException {
if (protocol.equals(HRegionInterface.class.getName())) {
return HRegionInterface.VERSION;
throw new IOException("Unknown protocol: " + protocol);
* @return Return the leases.
protected Leases getLeases() {
return leases;
* @return Return the rootDir.
protected Path getRootDir() {
return rootDir;
* @return Return the fs.
public FileSystem getFileSystem() {
return fs;
* @return This servers {@link HServerInfo}
// TODO: Deprecate and do getServerName instead.
public HServerInfo getServerInfo() {
try {
return getHServerInfo();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public void mutateRow(byte[] regionName, RowMutations rm)
throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to mutateRow " +
"regionName is null");
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaTable()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
public Result append(byte[] regionName, Append append)
throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to increment " +
"regionName is null");
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer lock = getLockFromId(append.getLockId());
Append appVal = append;
Result resVal;
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
resVal = region.getCoprocessorHost().preAppend(appVal);
if (resVal != null) {
return resVal;
resVal = region.append(appVal, lock, append.getWriteToWAL());
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
region.getCoprocessorHost().postAppend(appVal, resVal);
return resVal;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
public Result increment(byte[] regionName, Increment increment)
throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to increment " +
"regionName is null");
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
Integer lock = getLockFromId(increment.getLockId());
Increment incVal = increment;
Result resVal;
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
resVal = region.getCoprocessorHost().preIncrement(incVal);
if (resVal != null) {
return resVal;
resVal = region.increment(incVal, lock,
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
resVal = region.getCoprocessorHost().postIncrement(incVal, resVal);
return resVal;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public long incrementColumnValue(byte[] regionName, byte[] row,
byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, long amount, boolean writeToWAL)
throws IOException {
if (regionName == null) {
throw new IOException("Invalid arguments to incrementColumnValue "
+ "regionName is null");
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
Long amountVal = region.getCoprocessorHost().preIncrementColumnValue(row,
family, qualifier, amount, writeToWAL);
if (amountVal != null) {
return amountVal.longValue();
long retval = region.incrementColumnValue(row, family, qualifier, amount,
if (region.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
retval = region.getCoprocessorHost().postIncrementColumnValue(row,
family, qualifier, amount, writeToWAL, retval);
return retval;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
/** {@inheritDoc}
* @deprecated Use {@link #getServerName()} instead.
public HServerInfo getHServerInfo() throws IOException {
return new HServerInfo(new HServerAddress(this.isa),
this.startcode, this.webuiport);
public <R> MultiResponse multi(MultiAction<R> multi) throws IOException {
MultiResponse response = new MultiResponse();
for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Action<R>>> e : multi.actions.entrySet()) {
byte[] regionName = e.getKey();
List<Action<R>> actionsForRegion = e.getValue();
// sort based on the row id - this helps in the case where we reach the
// end of a region, so that we don't have to try the rest of the
// actions in the list.
Row action;
List<Action<R>> mutations = new ArrayList<Action<R>>();
for (Action<R> a : actionsForRegion) {
action = a.getAction();
int originalIndex = a.getOriginalIndex();
try {
if (action instanceof Delete || action instanceof Put) {
} else if (action instanceof Get) {
response.add(regionName, originalIndex,
get(regionName, (Get)action));
} else if (action instanceof Exec) {
ExecResult result = execCoprocessor(regionName, (Exec)action);
response.add(regionName, new Pair<Integer, Object>(
a.getOriginalIndex(), result.getValue()
} else if (action instanceof Increment) {
response.add(regionName, originalIndex,
increment(regionName, (Increment)action));
} else if (action instanceof Append) {
response.add(regionName, originalIndex,
append(regionName, (Append)action));
} else if (action instanceof RowMutations) {
mutateRow(regionName, (RowMutations)action);
response.add(regionName, originalIndex, new Result());
} else {
LOG.debug("Error: invalid Action, row must be a Get, Delete, " +
"Put, Exec, Increment, or Append.");
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Invalid Action, row must be a " +
"Get, Delete, Put, Exec, Increment, or Append.");
} catch (IOException ex) {
response.add(regionName, originalIndex, ex);
// We do the puts with result.put so we can get the batching efficiency
// we so need. All this data munging doesn't seem great, but at least
// we arent copying bytes or anything.
if (!mutations.isEmpty()) {
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaTable()) {
List<Pair<Mutation,Integer>> mutationsWithLocks =
for (Action<R> a : mutations) {
Mutation m = (Mutation) a.getAction();
Integer lock;
try {
lock = getLockFromId(m.getLockId());
} catch (UnknownRowLockException ex) {
response.add(regionName, a.getOriginalIndex(), ex);
mutationsWithLocks.add(new Pair<Mutation, Integer>(m, lock));
OperationStatus[] codes =
region.batchMutate(mutationsWithLocks.toArray(new Pair[]{}));
for( int i = 0 ; i < codes.length ; i++) {
OperationStatus code = codes[i];
Action<R> theAction = mutations.get(i);
Object result = null;
if (code.getOperationStatusCode() == OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS) {
result = new Result();
} else if (code.getOperationStatusCode()
== OperationStatusCode.SANITY_CHECK_FAILURE) {
result = new DoNotRetryIOException(code.getExceptionMsg());
// FAILURE && NOT_RUN becomes null, aka: need to run again.
response.add(regionName, theAction.getOriginalIndex(), result);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// fail all the puts with the ioe in question.
for (Action<R> a: mutations) {
response.add(regionName, a.getOriginalIndex(), ioe);
return response;
* Executes a single {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol}
* method using the registered protocol handlers.
* {@link CoprocessorProtocol} implementations must be registered per-region
* via the
* {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion#registerProtocol(Class, org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol)}
* method before they are available.
* @param regionName name of the region against which the invocation is executed
* @param call an {@code Exec} instance identifying the protocol, method name,
* and parameters for the method invocation
* @return an {@code ExecResult} instance containing the region name of the
* invocation and the return value
* @throws IOException if no registered protocol handler is found or an error
* occurs during the invocation
* @see org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion#registerProtocol(Class, org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol)
public ExecResult execCoprocessor(byte[] regionName, Exec call)
throws IOException {
try {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
return region.exec(call);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw convertThrowableToIOE(cleanup(t));
public String toString() {
return getServerName().toString();
* Interval at which threads should run
* @return the interval
public int getThreadWakeFrequency() {
return threadWakeFrequency;
public ZooKeeperWatcher getZooKeeper() {
return zooKeeper;
public ServerName getServerName() {
// Our servername could change after we talk to the master.
return this.serverNameFromMasterPOV == null?
new ServerName(this.isa.getHostName(), this.isa.getPort(), this.startcode):
public CompactionRequestor getCompactionRequester() {
return this.compactSplitThread;
public ZooKeeperWatcher getZooKeeperWatcher() {
return this.zooKeeper;
public ConcurrentSkipListMap<byte[], Boolean> getRegionsInTransitionInRS() {
return this.regionsInTransitionInRS;
public ExecutorService getExecutorService() {
return service;
// Main program and support routines
* Load the replication service objects, if any
static private void createNewReplicationInstance(Configuration conf,
HRegionServer server, FileSystem fs, Path logDir, Path oldLogDir) throws IOException{
// If replication is not enabled, then return immediately.
if (!conf.getBoolean(HConstants.REPLICATION_ENABLE_KEY, false)) {
// read in the name of the source replication class from the config file.
String sourceClassname = conf.get(HConstants.REPLICATION_SOURCE_SERVICE_CLASSNAME,
// read in the name of the sink replication class from the config file.
String sinkClassname = conf.get(HConstants.REPLICATION_SINK_SERVICE_CLASSNAME,
// If both the sink and the source class names are the same, then instantiate
// only one object.
if (sourceClassname.equals(sinkClassname)) {
server.replicationSourceHandler = (ReplicationSourceService)
conf, server, fs, logDir, oldLogDir);
server.replicationSinkHandler = (ReplicationSinkService)
else {
server.replicationSourceHandler = (ReplicationSourceService)
conf, server, fs, logDir, oldLogDir);
server.replicationSinkHandler = (ReplicationSinkService)
conf, server, fs, logDir, oldLogDir);
static private ReplicationService newReplicationInstance(String classname,
Configuration conf, HRegionServer server, FileSystem fs, Path logDir,
Path oldLogDir) throws IOException{
Class<?> clazz = null;
try {
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
clazz = Class.forName(classname, true, classLoader);
} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException nfe) {
throw new IOException("Cound not find class for " + classname);
// create an instance of the replication object.
ReplicationService service = (ReplicationService)
ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, conf);
service.initialize(server, fs, logDir, oldLogDir);
return service;
* @param hrs
* @return Thread the RegionServer is running in correctly named.
* @throws IOException
public static Thread startRegionServer(final HRegionServer hrs)
throws IOException {
return startRegionServer(hrs, "regionserver" + hrs.isa.getPort());
* @param hrs
* @param name
* @return Thread the RegionServer is running in correctly named.
* @throws IOException
public static Thread startRegionServer(final HRegionServer hrs,
final String name) throws IOException {
Thread t = new Thread(hrs);
// Install shutdown hook that will catch signals and run an orderly shutdown
// of the hrs.
ShutdownHook.install(hrs.getConfiguration(), FileSystem.get(hrs
.getConfiguration()), hrs, t);
return t;
* Utility for constructing an instance of the passed HRegionServer class.
* @param regionServerClass
* @param conf2
* @return HRegionServer instance.
public static HRegionServer constructRegionServer(
Class<? extends HRegionServer> regionServerClass,
final Configuration conf2) {
try {
Constructor<? extends HRegionServer> c = regionServerClass
return c.newInstance(conf2);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed construction of " + "Regionserver: "
+ regionServerClass.toString(), e);
public void replicateLogEntries(final HLog.Entry[] entries)
throws IOException {
if (this.replicationSinkHandler == null) return;
* @see org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServerCommandLine
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
Class<? extends HRegionServer> regionServerClass = (Class<? extends HRegionServer>) conf
.getClass(HConstants.REGION_SERVER_IMPL, HRegionServer.class);
new HRegionServerCommandLine(regionServerClass).doMain(args);
public List<BlockCacheColumnFamilySummary> getBlockCacheColumnFamilySummaries() throws IOException {
BlockCache c = new CacheConfig(this.conf).getBlockCache();
return c.getBlockCacheColumnFamilySummaries(this.conf);
public byte[][] rollHLogWriter() throws IOException, FailedLogCloseException {
HLog wal = this.getWAL();
return wal.rollWriter(true);
* Gets the online regions of the specified table.
* This method looks at the in-memory onlineRegions. It does not go to <code>.META.</code>.
* Only returns <em>online</em> regions. If a region on this table has been
* closed during a disable, etc., it will not be included in the returned list.
* So, the returned list may not necessarily be ALL regions in this table, its
* all the ONLINE regions in the table.
* @param tableName
* @return Online regions from <code>tableName</code>
public List<HRegion> getOnlineRegions(byte[] tableName) {
List<HRegion> tableRegions = new ArrayList<HRegion>();
synchronized (this.onlineRegions) {
for (HRegion region: this.onlineRegions.values()) {
HRegionInfo regionInfo = region.getRegionInfo();
if(Bytes.equals(regionInfo.getTableName(), tableName)) {
return tableRegions;
// used by org/apache/hbase/tmpl/regionserver/RSStatusTmpl.jamon (HBASE-4070).
public String[] getCoprocessors() {
HServerLoad hsl = buildServerLoad();
return hsl == null? null: hsl.getCoprocessors();
* Register bean with platform management server
void registerMBean() {
MXBeanImpl mxBeanInfo = MXBeanImpl.init(this);
mxBean = MBeanUtil.registerMBean("RegionServer", "RegionServer",
mxBeanInfo);"Registered RegionServer MXBean");
* Get the current compaction state of the region.
* @param regionName the name of the region to check compaction statte.
* @return the compaction state name.
* @throws IOException exception
public String getCompactionState(final byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
HRegion region = getRegion(regionName);
HRegionInfo info = region.getRegionInfo();
return CompactionRequest.getCompactionState(info.getRegionId()).name();