blob: befcdafb53e37d8884b41fd35da241b3a39c58ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowLock;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.PrefixFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.RowFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.CompareFilter.CompareOp;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test HBase Writables serializations
public class TestSerialization {
@Test public void testCompareFilter() throws Exception {
Filter f = new RowFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL,
new BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes("testRowOne-2")));
byte [] bytes = Writables.getBytes(f);
Filter ff = (Filter)Writables.getWritable(bytes, new RowFilter());
@Test public void testKeyValue() throws Exception {
final String name = "testKeyValue";
byte [] row = Bytes.toBytes(name);
byte [] family = Bytes.toBytes(name);
byte [] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes(name);
KeyValue original = new KeyValue(row, family, qualifier);
byte [] bytes = Writables.getBytes(original);
KeyValue newone = (KeyValue)Writables.getWritable(bytes, new KeyValue());
assertTrue(, newone) == 0);
@Test public void testHbaseMapWritable() throws Exception {
HbaseMapWritable<byte [], byte []> hmw =
new HbaseMapWritable<byte[], byte[]>();
hmw.put("key".getBytes(), "value".getBytes());
byte [] bytes = Writables.getBytes(hmw);
hmw = (HbaseMapWritable<byte[], byte[]>)
Writables.getWritable(bytes, new HbaseMapWritable<byte [], byte []>());
assertTrue(hmw.size() == 1);
assertTrue(Bytes.equals("value".getBytes(), hmw.get("key".getBytes())));
@Test public void testHMsg() throws Exception {
final String name = "testHMsg";
HMsg m = new HMsg(HMsg.Type.STOP_REGIONSERVER);
byte [] mb = Writables.getBytes(m);
HMsg deserializedHMsg = (HMsg)Writables.getWritable(mb, new HMsg());
new HRegionInfo(new HTableDescriptor(name),
"Some message".getBytes());
mb = Writables.getBytes(m);
deserializedHMsg = (HMsg)Writables.getWritable(mb, new HMsg());
@Test public void testTableDescriptor() throws Exception {
final String name = "testTableDescriptor";
HTableDescriptor htd = createTableDescriptor(name);
byte [] mb = Writables.getBytes(htd);
HTableDescriptor deserializedHtd =
(HTableDescriptor)Writables.getWritable(mb, new HTableDescriptor());
assertEquals(htd.getNameAsString(), deserializedHtd.getNameAsString());
* Test RegionInfo serialization
* @throws Exception
@Test public void testRegionInfo() throws Exception {
final String name = "testRegionInfo";
HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(name);
String [] families = new String [] {"info", "anchor"};
for (int i = 0; i < families.length; i++) {
htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(families[i]));
HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(htd,
byte [] hrib = Writables.getBytes(hri);
HRegionInfo deserializedHri =
(HRegionInfo)Writables.getWritable(hrib, new HRegionInfo());
assertEquals(hri.getEncodedName(), deserializedHri.getEncodedName());
* Test ServerInfo serialization
* @throws Exception
@Test public void testServerInfo() throws Exception {
HServerInfo hsi = new HServerInfo(new HServerAddress(""), -1,
1245, "default name");
byte [] b = Writables.getBytes(hsi);
HServerInfo deserializedHsi =
(HServerInfo)Writables.getWritable(b, new HServerInfo());
@Test public void testPut() throws Exception{
byte[] row = "row".getBytes();
byte[] fam = "fam".getBytes();
byte[] qf1 = "qf1".getBytes();
byte[] qf2 = "qf2".getBytes();
byte[] qf3 = "qf3".getBytes();
byte[] qf4 = "qf4".getBytes();
byte[] qf5 = "qf5".getBytes();
byte[] qf6 = "qf6".getBytes();
byte[] qf7 = "qf7".getBytes();
byte[] qf8 = "qf8".getBytes();
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] val = "val".getBytes();
Put put = new Put(row);
put.add(fam, qf1, ts, val);
put.add(fam, qf2, ts, val);
put.add(fam, qf3, ts, val);
put.add(fam, qf4, ts, val);
put.add(fam, qf5, ts, val);
put.add(fam, qf6, ts, val);
put.add(fam, qf7, ts, val);
put.add(fam, qf8, ts, val);
byte[] sb = Writables.getBytes(put);
Put desPut = (Put)Writables.getWritable(sb, new Put());
//Timing test
// long start = System.nanoTime();
// desPut = (Put)Writables.getWritable(sb, new Put());
// long stop = System.nanoTime();
// System.out.println("timer " +(stop-start));
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(put.getRow(), desPut.getRow()));
List<KeyValue> list = null;
List<KeyValue> desList = null;
for(Map.Entry<byte[], List<KeyValue>> entry : put.getFamilyMap().entrySet()){
list = entry.getValue();
desList = desPut.getFamilyMap().get(entry.getKey());
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){
@Test public void testPut2() throws Exception{
byte[] row = "testAbort,,1243116656250".getBytes();
byte[] fam = "historian".getBytes();
byte[] qf1 = "creation".getBytes();
long ts = 9223372036854775807L;
byte[] val = "dont-care".getBytes();
Put put = new Put(row);
put.add(fam, qf1, ts, val);
byte[] sb = Writables.getBytes(put);
Put desPut = (Put)Writables.getWritable(sb, new Put());
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(put.getRow(), desPut.getRow()));
List<KeyValue> list = null;
List<KeyValue> desList = null;
for(Map.Entry<byte[], List<KeyValue>> entry : put.getFamilyMap().entrySet()){
list = entry.getValue();
desList = desPut.getFamilyMap().get(entry.getKey());
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){
@Test public void testDelete() throws Exception{
byte[] row = "row".getBytes();
byte[] fam = "fam".getBytes();
byte[] qf1 = "qf1".getBytes();
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
Delete delete = new Delete(row);
delete.deleteColumn(fam, qf1, ts);
byte[] sb = Writables.getBytes(delete);
Delete desDelete = (Delete)Writables.getWritable(sb, new Delete());
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(delete.getRow(), desDelete.getRow()));
List<KeyValue> list = null;
List<KeyValue> desList = null;
for(Map.Entry<byte[], List<KeyValue>> entry :
list = entry.getValue();
desList = desDelete.getFamilyMap().get(entry.getKey());
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){
@Test public void testGet() throws Exception{
byte[] row = "row".getBytes();
byte[] fam = "fam".getBytes();
byte[] qf1 = "qf1".getBytes();
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
int maxVersions = 2;
long lockid = 5;
RowLock rowLock = new RowLock(lockid);
Get get = new Get(row, rowLock);
get.addColumn(fam, qf1);
get.setTimeRange(ts, ts+1);
byte[] sb = Writables.getBytes(get);
Get desGet = (Get)Writables.getWritable(sb, new Get());
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(get.getRow(), desGet.getRow()));
Set<byte[]> set = null;
Set<byte[]> desSet = null;
for(Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> entry :
set = entry.getValue();
desSet = desGet.getFamilyMap().get(entry.getKey());
for(byte [] qualifier : set){
assertEquals(get.getLockId(), desGet.getLockId());
assertEquals(get.getMaxVersions(), desGet.getMaxVersions());
TimeRange tr = get.getTimeRange();
TimeRange desTr = desGet.getTimeRange();
assertEquals(tr.getMax(), desTr.getMax());
assertEquals(tr.getMin(), desTr.getMin());
@Test public void testScan() throws Exception {
byte[] startRow = "startRow".getBytes();
byte[] stopRow = "stopRow".getBytes();
byte[] fam = "fam".getBytes();
byte[] qf1 = "qf1".getBytes();
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
int maxVersions = 2;
Scan scan = new Scan(startRow, stopRow);
scan.addColumn(fam, qf1);
scan.setTimeRange(ts, ts+1);
byte[] sb = Writables.getBytes(scan);
Scan desScan = (Scan)Writables.getWritable(sb, new Scan());
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(scan.getStartRow(), desScan.getStartRow()));
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(scan.getStopRow(), desScan.getStopRow()));
assertEquals(scan.getCacheBlocks(), desScan.getCacheBlocks());
Set<byte[]> set = null;
Set<byte[]> desSet = null;
for(Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> entry :
set = entry.getValue();
desSet = desScan.getFamilyMap().get(entry.getKey());
for(byte[] column : set){
// Test filters are serialized properly.
scan = new Scan(startRow);
final String name = "testScan";
byte [] prefix = Bytes.toBytes(name);
scan.setFilter(new PrefixFilter(prefix));
sb = Writables.getBytes(scan);
desScan = (Scan)Writables.getWritable(sb, new Scan());
Filter f = desScan.getFilter();
assertTrue(f instanceof PrefixFilter);
assertEquals(scan.getMaxVersions(), desScan.getMaxVersions());
TimeRange tr = scan.getTimeRange();
TimeRange desTr = desScan.getTimeRange();
assertEquals(tr.getMax(), desTr.getMax());
assertEquals(tr.getMin(), desTr.getMin());
@Test public void testResultEmpty() throws Exception {
List<KeyValue> keys = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
Result r = new Result(keys);
byte [] rb = Writables.getBytes(r);
Result deserializedR = (Result)Writables.getWritable(rb, new Result());
@Test public void testResult() throws Exception {
byte [] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
byte [] famA = Bytes.toBytes("famA");
byte [] qfA = Bytes.toBytes("qfA");
byte [] valueA = Bytes.toBytes("valueA");
byte [] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
byte [] famB = Bytes.toBytes("famB");
byte [] qfB = Bytes.toBytes("qfB");
byte [] valueB = Bytes.toBytes("valueB");
KeyValue kvA = new KeyValue(rowA, famA, qfA, valueA);
KeyValue kvB = new KeyValue(rowB, famB, qfB, valueB);
Result result = new Result(new KeyValue[]{kvA, kvB});
byte [] rb = Writables.getBytes(result);
Result deResult = (Result)Writables.getWritable(rb, new Result());
assertTrue("results are not equivalent, first key mismatch",
assertTrue("results are not equivalent, second key mismatch",
// Test empty Result
Result r = new Result();
byte [] b = Writables.getBytes(r);
Result deserialized = (Result)Writables.getWritable(b, new Result());
assertEquals(r.size(), deserialized.size());
@Test public void testResultDynamicBuild() throws Exception {
byte [] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
byte [] famA = Bytes.toBytes("famA");
byte [] qfA = Bytes.toBytes("qfA");
byte [] valueA = Bytes.toBytes("valueA");
byte [] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
byte [] famB = Bytes.toBytes("famB");
byte [] qfB = Bytes.toBytes("qfB");
byte [] valueB = Bytes.toBytes("valueB");
KeyValue kvA = new KeyValue(rowA, famA, qfA, valueA);
KeyValue kvB = new KeyValue(rowB, famB, qfB, valueB);
Result result = new Result(new KeyValue[]{kvA, kvB});
byte [] rb = Writables.getBytes(result);
// Call getRow() first
Result deResult = (Result)Writables.getWritable(rb, new Result());
byte [] row = deResult.getRow();
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(row, rowA));
// Call sorted() first
deResult = (Result)Writables.getWritable(rb, new Result());
assertTrue("results are not equivalent, first key mismatch",
assertTrue("results are not equivalent, second key mismatch",
// Call raw() first
deResult = (Result)Writables.getWritable(rb, new Result());
assertTrue("results are not equivalent, first key mismatch",
assertTrue("results are not equivalent, second key mismatch",
@Test public void testResultArray() throws Exception {
byte [] rowA = Bytes.toBytes("rowA");
byte [] famA = Bytes.toBytes("famA");
byte [] qfA = Bytes.toBytes("qfA");
byte [] valueA = Bytes.toBytes("valueA");
byte [] rowB = Bytes.toBytes("rowB");
byte [] famB = Bytes.toBytes("famB");
byte [] qfB = Bytes.toBytes("qfB");
byte [] valueB = Bytes.toBytes("valueB");
KeyValue kvA = new KeyValue(rowA, famA, qfA, valueA);
KeyValue kvB = new KeyValue(rowB, famB, qfB, valueB);
Result result1 = new Result(new KeyValue[]{kvA, kvB});
Result result2 = new Result(new KeyValue[]{kvB});
Result result3 = new Result(new KeyValue[]{kvB});
Result [] results = new Result [] {result1, result2, result3};
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
Result.writeArray(out, results);
byte [] rb = byteStream.toByteArray();
DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
in.reset(rb, 0, rb.length);
Result [] deResults = Result.readArray(in);
assertTrue(results.length == deResults.length);
for(int i=0;i<results.length;i++) {
KeyValue [] keysA = results[i].sorted();
KeyValue [] keysB = deResults[i].sorted();
assertTrue(keysA.length == keysB.length);
for(int j=0;j<keysA.length;j++) {
assertTrue("Expected equivalent keys but found:\n" +
"KeyA : " + keysA[j].toString() + "\n" +
"KeyB : " + keysB[j].toString() + "\n" +
keysA.length + " total keys, " + i + "th so far"
@Test public void testResultArrayEmpty() throws Exception {
List<KeyValue> keys = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
Result r = new Result(keys);
Result [] results = new Result [] {r};
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
Result.writeArray(out, results);
results = null;
byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
out = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
Result.writeArray(out, results);
byte [] rb = byteStream.toByteArray();
DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
in.reset(rb, 0, rb.length);
Result [] deResults = Result.readArray(in);
assertTrue(deResults.length == 0);
results = new Result[0];
byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
out = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
Result.writeArray(out, results);
rb = byteStream.toByteArray();
in = new DataInputBuffer();
in.reset(rb, 0, rb.length);
deResults = Result.readArray(in);
assertTrue(deResults.length == 0);
@Test public void testTimeRange() throws Exception{
TimeRange tr = new TimeRange(0,5);
byte [] mb = Writables.getBytes(tr);
TimeRange deserializedTr =
(TimeRange)Writables.getWritable(mb, new TimeRange());
assertEquals(tr.getMax(), deserializedTr.getMax());
assertEquals(tr.getMin(), deserializedTr.getMin());
@Test public void testKeyValue2() throws Exception {
final String name = "testKeyValue2";
byte[] row = name.getBytes();
byte[] fam = "fam".getBytes();
byte[] qf = "qf".getBytes();
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] val = "val".getBytes();
KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(row, fam, qf, ts, val);
byte [] mb = Writables.getBytes(kv);
KeyValue deserializedKv =
(KeyValue)Writables.getWritable(mb, new KeyValue());
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(kv.getBuffer(), deserializedKv.getBuffer()));
assertEquals(kv.getOffset(), deserializedKv.getOffset());
assertEquals(kv.getLength(), deserializedKv.getLength());
protected static final int MAXVERSIONS = 3;
protected final static byte [] fam1 = Bytes.toBytes("colfamily1");
protected final static byte [] fam2 = Bytes.toBytes("colfamily2");
protected final static byte [] fam3 = Bytes.toBytes("colfamily3");
protected static final byte [][] COLUMNS = {fam1, fam2, fam3};
* Create a table of name <code>name</code> with {@link COLUMNS} for
* families.
* @param name Name to give table.
* @return Column descriptor.
protected HTableDescriptor createTableDescriptor(final String name) {
return createTableDescriptor(name, MAXVERSIONS);
* Create a table of name <code>name</code> with {@link COLUMNS} for
* families.
* @param name Name to give table.
* @param versions How many versions to allow per column.
* @return Column descriptor.
protected HTableDescriptor createTableDescriptor(final String name,
final int versions) {
HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(name);
htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam1, versions,
HColumnDescriptor.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, false, false,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, HConstants.FOREVER,
htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam2, versions,
HColumnDescriptor.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, false, false,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, HConstants.FOREVER,
htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(fam3, versions,
HColumnDescriptor.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, false, false,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, HConstants.FOREVER,
return htd;