blob: 8a06292d2a2b2322f2f6d623761e1f2040fce8b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger;
import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.InternalScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ReadWriteConsistencyControl;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.Store;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.MiniZooKeeperCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MiniMRCluster;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
* Facility for testing HBase. Replacement for
* old HBaseTestCase and HBaseCluserTestCase functionality.
* Create an instance and keep it around testing HBase. This class is
* meant to be your one-stop shop for anything you might need testing. Manages
* one cluster at a time only. Depends on log4j being on classpath and
* hbase-site.xml for logging and test-run configuration. It does not set
* logging levels nor make changes to configuration parameters.
public class HBaseTestingUtility {
private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HBaseTestingUtility.class);
private Configuration conf;
private MiniZooKeeperCluster zkCluster = null;
* Set if we were passed a zkCluster. If so, we won't shutdown zk as
* part of general shutdown.
private boolean passedZkCluster = false;
private MiniDFSCluster dfsCluster = null;
private MiniHBaseCluster hbaseCluster = null;
private MiniMRCluster mrCluster = null;
// If non-null, then already a cluster running.
private File clusterTestBuildDir = null;
* System property key to get test directory value.
* Name is as it is because mini dfs has hard-codings to put test data here.
public static final String TEST_DIRECTORY_KEY = "";
* Default parent directory for test output.
public static final String DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY = "target/test-data";
public HBaseTestingUtility() {
public HBaseTestingUtility(Configuration conf) {
this.conf = conf;
* Returns this classes's instance of {@link Configuration}. Be careful how
* you use the returned Configuration since {@link HConnection} instances
* can be shared. The Map of HConnections is keyed by the Configuration. If
* say, a Connection was being used against a cluster that had been shutdown,
* see {@link #shutdownMiniCluster()}, then the Connection will no longer
* be wholesome. Rather than use the return direct, its usually best to
* make a copy and use that. Do
* <code>Configuration c = new Configuration(INSTANCE.getConfiguration());</code>
* @return Instance of Configuration.
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return this.conf;
* @return Where to write test data on local filesystem; usually
* @see #setupClusterTestBuildDir()
* @see #clusterTestBuildDir()
* @see #getTestFileSystem()
public static Path getTestDir() {
return new Path(System.getProperty(TEST_DIRECTORY_KEY,
* @param subdirName
* @return Path to a subdirectory named <code>subdirName</code> under
* {@link #getTestDir()}.
* @see #setupClusterTestBuildDir()
* @see #clusterTestBuildDir(String)
* @see #getTestFileSystem()
public static Path getTestDir(final String subdirName) {
return new Path(getTestDir(), subdirName);
* Home our cluster in a dir under {@link #DEFAULT_TEST_DIRECTORY}. Give it a
* random name
* so can have many concurrent clusters running if we need to. Need to
* amend the {@link #TEST_DIRECTORY_KEY} System property. Its what
* minidfscluster bases
* it data dir on. Moding a System property is not the way to do concurrent
* instances -- another instance could grab the temporary
* value unintentionally -- but not anything can do about it at moment;
* single instance only is how the minidfscluster works.
* @return The calculated cluster test build directory.
public File setupClusterTestBuildDir() {
String randomStr = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String dirStr = getTestDir(randomStr).toString();
File dir = new File(dirStr).getAbsoluteFile();
// Have it cleaned up on exit
return dir;
* @throws IOException If a cluster -- zk, dfs, or hbase -- already running.
void isRunningCluster(String passedBuildPath) throws IOException {
if (this.clusterTestBuildDir == null || passedBuildPath != null) return;
throw new IOException("Cluster already running at " +
* Start a minidfscluster.
* @param servers How many DNs to start.
* @throws Exception
* @see {@link #shutdownMiniDFSCluster()}
* @return The mini dfs cluster created.
public MiniDFSCluster startMiniDFSCluster(int servers) throws Exception {
return startMiniDFSCluster(servers, null);
* Start a minidfscluster.
* Can only create one.
* @param dir Where to home your dfs cluster.
* @param servers How many DNs to start.
* @throws Exception
* @see {@link #shutdownMiniDFSCluster()}
* @return The mini dfs cluster created.
public MiniDFSCluster startMiniDFSCluster(int servers, final File dir)
throws Exception {
// This does the following to home the minidfscluster
// base_dir = new File(System.getProperty("", "build/test/data"), "dfs/");
// Some tests also do this:
// System.getProperty("", "build/test/cache");
if (dir == null) {
this.clusterTestBuildDir = setupClusterTestBuildDir();
} else {
this.clusterTestBuildDir = dir;
System.setProperty(TEST_DIRECTORY_KEY, this.clusterTestBuildDir.toString());
System.setProperty("", this.clusterTestBuildDir.toString());
this.dfsCluster = new MiniDFSCluster(0, this.conf, servers, true, true,
true, null, null, null, null);
// Set this just-started cluser as our filesystem.
FileSystem fs = this.dfsCluster.getFileSystem();
this.conf.set("fs.defaultFS", fs.getUri().toString());
// Do old style too just to be safe.
this.conf.set("", fs.getUri().toString());
return this.dfsCluster;
* Shuts down instance created by call to {@link #startMiniDFSCluster(int, File)}
* or does nothing.
* @throws Exception
public void shutdownMiniDFSCluster() throws Exception {
if (this.dfsCluster != null) {
// The below throws an exception per dn, AsynchronousCloseException.
* Call this if you only want a zk cluster.
* @see #startMiniZKCluster() if you want zk + dfs + hbase mini cluster.
* @throws Exception
* @see #shutdownMiniZKCluster()
* @return zk cluster started.
public MiniZooKeeperCluster startMiniZKCluster() throws Exception {
return startMiniZKCluster(setupClusterTestBuildDir());
private MiniZooKeeperCluster startMiniZKCluster(final File dir)
throws Exception {
this.passedZkCluster = false;
if (this.zkCluster != null) {
throw new IOException("Cluster already running at " + dir);
this.zkCluster = new MiniZooKeeperCluster();
int clientPort = this.zkCluster.startup(dir);
return this.zkCluster;
* Shuts down zk cluster created by call to {@link #startMiniZKCluster(File)}
* or does nothing.
* @throws IOException
* @see #startMiniZKCluster()
public void shutdownMiniZKCluster() throws IOException {
if (this.zkCluster != null) {
this.zkCluster = null;
* Start up a minicluster of hbase, dfs, and zookeeper.
* @throws Exception
* @return Mini hbase cluster instance created.
* @see {@link #shutdownMiniDFSCluster()}
public MiniHBaseCluster startMiniCluster() throws Exception {
return startMiniCluster(1, 1);
* Start up a minicluster of hbase, optionally dfs, and zookeeper.
* Modifies Configuration. Homes the cluster data directory under a random
* subdirectory in a directory under System property
* Directory is cleaned up on exit.
* @param numSlaves Number of slaves to start up. We'll start this many
* datanodes and regionservers. If numSlaves is > 1, then make sure
* is -1 (i.e. no ui per regionserver) otherwise
* bind errors.
* @throws Exception
* @see {@link #shutdownMiniCluster()}
* @return Mini hbase cluster instance created.
public MiniHBaseCluster startMiniCluster(final int numSlaves)
throws Exception {
return startMiniCluster(1, numSlaves);
* Start up a minicluster of hbase, optionally dfs, and zookeeper.
* Modifies Configuration. Homes the cluster data directory under a random
* subdirectory in a directory under System property
* Directory is cleaned up on exit.
* @param numMasters Number of masters to start up. We'll start this many
* hbase masters. If numMasters > 1, you can find the active/primary master
* with {@link MiniHBaseCluster#getMaster()}.
* @param numSlaves Number of slaves to start up. We'll start this many
* datanodes and regionservers. If numSlaves is > 1, then make sure
* is -1 (i.e. no ui per regionserver) otherwise
* bind errors.
* @throws Exception
* @see {@link #shutdownMiniCluster()}
* @return Mini hbase cluster instance created.
public MiniHBaseCluster startMiniCluster(final int numMasters,
final int numSlaves)
throws Exception {"Starting up minicluster with " + numMasters + " master(s) and " +
numSlaves + " regionserver(s) and datanode(s)");
// If we already put up a cluster, fail.
String testBuildPath = conf.get(TEST_DIRECTORY_KEY, null);
if (testBuildPath != null) {"Using passed path: " + testBuildPath);
// Make a new random dir to home everything in. Set it as system property.
// minidfs reads home from system property.
this.clusterTestBuildDir = testBuildPath == null?
setupClusterTestBuildDir() : new File(testBuildPath);
System.setProperty(TEST_DIRECTORY_KEY, this.clusterTestBuildDir.getPath());
// Bring up mini dfs cluster. This spews a bunch of warnings about missing
// scheme. Complaints are 'Scheme is undefined for build/test/data/dfs/name1'.
startMiniDFSCluster(numSlaves, this.clusterTestBuildDir);
// Start up a zk cluster.
if (this.zkCluster == null) {
return startMiniHBaseCluster(numMasters, numSlaves);
* Starts up mini hbase cluster. Usually used after call to
* {@link #startMiniCluster(int, int)} when doing stepped startup of clusters.
* Usually you won't want this. You'll usually want {@link #startMiniCluster()}.
* @param numMasters
* @param numSlaves
* @return Reference to the hbase mini hbase cluster.
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
* @see {@link #startMiniCluster()}
public MiniHBaseCluster startMiniHBaseCluster(final int numMasters,
final int numSlaves)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Now do the mini hbase cluster. Set the hbase.rootdir in config.
Configuration c = new Configuration(this.conf);
this.hbaseCluster = new MiniHBaseCluster(c, numMasters, numSlaves);
// Don't leave here till we've done a successful scan of the .META.
HTable t = new HTable(c, HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
ResultScanner s = t.getScanner(new Scan());
while ( != null) {
}"Minicluster is up");
return this.hbaseCluster;
* Starts the hbase cluster up again after shutting it down previously in a
* test. Use this if you want to keep dfs/zk up and just stop/start hbase.
* @param servers number of region servers
* @throws IOException
public void restartHBaseCluster(int servers) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
this.hbaseCluster = new MiniHBaseCluster(this.conf, servers);
// Don't leave here till we've done a successful scan of the .META.
HTable t = new HTable(new Configuration(this.conf), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
ResultScanner s = t.getScanner(new Scan());
while ( != null) {
}"HBase has been restarted");
* @return Current mini hbase cluster. Only has something in it after a call
* to {@link #startMiniCluster()}.
* @see #startMiniCluster()
public MiniHBaseCluster getMiniHBaseCluster() {
return this.hbaseCluster;
* Stops mini hbase, zk, and hdfs clusters.
* @throws IOException
* @see {@link #startMiniCluster(int)}
public void shutdownMiniCluster() throws IOException {"Shutting down minicluster");
if (this.hbaseCluster != null) {
// Wait till hbase is down before going on to shutdown zk.
if (!this.passedZkCluster) shutdownMiniZKCluster();
if (this.dfsCluster != null) {
// The below throws an exception per dn, AsynchronousCloseException.
// Clean up our directory.
if (this.clusterTestBuildDir != null && this.clusterTestBuildDir.exists()) {
// Need to use deleteDirectory because File.delete required dir is empty.
if (!FSUtils.deleteDirectory(FileSystem.getLocal(this.conf),
new Path(this.clusterTestBuildDir.toString()))) {
LOG.warn("Failed delete of " + this.clusterTestBuildDir.toString());
this.clusterTestBuildDir = null;
}"Minicluster is down");
* Creates an hbase rootdir in user home directory. Also creates hbase
* version file. Normally you won't make use of this method. Root hbasedir
* is created for you as part of mini cluster startup. You'd only use this
* method if you were doing manual operation.
* @return Fully qualified path to hbase root dir
* @throws IOException
public Path createRootDir() throws IOException {
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(this.conf);
Path hbaseRootdir = fs.makeQualified(fs.getHomeDirectory());
this.conf.set(HConstants.HBASE_DIR, hbaseRootdir.toString());
FSUtils.setVersion(fs, hbaseRootdir);
return hbaseRootdir;
* Flushes all caches in the mini hbase cluster
* @throws IOException
public void flush() throws IOException {
* Flushes all caches in the mini hbase cluster
* @throws IOException
public void flush(byte [] tableName) throws IOException {
* Create a table.
* @param tableName
* @param family
* @return An HTable instance for the created table.
* @throws IOException
public HTable createTable(byte[] tableName, byte[] family)
throws IOException{
return createTable(tableName, new byte[][]{family});
* Create a table.
* @param tableName
* @param families
* @return An HTable instance for the created table.
* @throws IOException
public HTable createTable(byte[] tableName, byte[][] families)
throws IOException {
return createTable(tableName, families,
new Configuration(getConfiguration()));
* Create a table.
* @param tableName
* @param families
* @param c Configuration to use
* @return An HTable instance for the created table.
* @throws IOException
public HTable createTable(byte[] tableName, byte[][] families,
final Configuration c)
throws IOException {
HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
for(byte[] family : families) {
desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family));
return new HTable(c, tableName);
* Create a table.
* @param tableName
* @param family
* @param numVersions
* @return An HTable instance for the created table.
* @throws IOException
public HTable createTable(byte[] tableName, byte[] family, int numVersions)
throws IOException {
return createTable(tableName, new byte[][]{family}, numVersions);
* Create a table.
* @param tableName
* @param families
* @param numVersions
* @return An HTable instance for the created table.
* @throws IOException
public HTable createTable(byte[] tableName, byte[][] families,
int numVersions)
throws IOException {
HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
for (byte[] family : families) {
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(family, numVersions,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, HColumnDescriptor.DEFAULT_TTL,
return new HTable(new Configuration(getConfiguration()), tableName);
* Create a table.
* @param tableName
* @param families
* @param numVersions
* @return An HTable instance for the created table.
* @throws IOException
public HTable createTable(byte[] tableName, byte[][] families,
int[] numVersions)
throws IOException {
HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
int i = 0;
for (byte[] family : families) {
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(family, numVersions[i],
Integer.MAX_VALUE, HColumnDescriptor.DEFAULT_TTL,
return new HTable(new Configuration(getConfiguration()), tableName);
* Drop an existing table
* @param tableName existing table
public void deleteTable(byte[] tableName) throws IOException {
HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(getConfiguration());
* Provide an existing table name to truncate
* @param tableName existing table
* @return HTable to that new table
* @throws IOException
public HTable truncateTable(byte [] tableName) throws IOException {
HTable table = new HTable(getConfiguration(), tableName);
Scan scan = new Scan();
ResultScanner resScan = table.getScanner(scan);
for(Result res : resScan) {
Delete del = new Delete(res.getRow());
resScan = table.getScanner(scan);
return table;
* Load table with rows from 'aaa' to 'zzz'.
* @param t Table
* @param f Family
* @return Count of rows loaded.
* @throws IOException
public int loadTable(final HTable t, final byte[] f) throws IOException {
byte[] k = new byte[3];
int rowCount = 0;
for (byte b1 = 'a'; b1 <= 'z'; b1++) {
for (byte b2 = 'a'; b2 <= 'z'; b2++) {
for (byte b3 = 'a'; b3 <= 'z'; b3++) {
k[0] = b1;
k[1] = b2;
k[2] = b3;
Put put = new Put(k);
put.add(f, null, k);
return rowCount;
* Load region with rows from 'aaa' to 'zzz'.
* @param r Region
* @param f Family
* @return Count of rows loaded.
* @throws IOException
public int loadRegion(final HRegion r, final byte[] f)
throws IOException {
byte[] k = new byte[3];
int rowCount = 0;
for (byte b1 = 'a'; b1 <= 'z'; b1++) {
for (byte b2 = 'a'; b2 <= 'z'; b2++) {
for (byte b3 = 'a'; b3 <= 'z'; b3++) {
k[0] = b1;
k[1] = b2;
k[2] = b3;
Put put = new Put(k);
put.add(f, null, k);
if (r.getLog() == null) put.setWriteToWAL(false);
return rowCount;
* Return the number of rows in the given table.
public int countRows(final HTable table) throws IOException {
Scan scan = new Scan();
ResultScanner results = table.getScanner(scan);
int count = 0;
for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Result res : results) {
return count;
* Return an md5 digest of the entire contents of a table.
public String checksumRows(final HTable table) throws Exception {
Scan scan = new Scan();
ResultScanner results = table.getScanner(scan);
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
for (Result res : results) {
return digest.toString();
* Creates many regions names "aaa" to "zzz".
* @param table The table to use for the data.
* @param columnFamily The family to insert the data into.
* @return count of regions created.
* @throws IOException When creating the regions fails.
public int createMultiRegions(HTable table, byte[] columnFamily)
throws IOException {
return createMultiRegions(getConfiguration(), table, columnFamily);
public static final byte[][] KEYS = {
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, Bytes.toBytes("bbb"),
Bytes.toBytes("ccc"), Bytes.toBytes("ddd"), Bytes.toBytes("eee"),
Bytes.toBytes("fff"), Bytes.toBytes("ggg"), Bytes.toBytes("hhh"),
Bytes.toBytes("iii"), Bytes.toBytes("jjj"), Bytes.toBytes("kkk"),
Bytes.toBytes("lll"), Bytes.toBytes("mmm"), Bytes.toBytes("nnn"),
Bytes.toBytes("ooo"), Bytes.toBytes("ppp"), Bytes.toBytes("qqq"),
Bytes.toBytes("rrr"), Bytes.toBytes("sss"), Bytes.toBytes("ttt"),
Bytes.toBytes("uuu"), Bytes.toBytes("vvv"), Bytes.toBytes("www"),
Bytes.toBytes("xxx"), Bytes.toBytes("yyy")
* Creates many regions names "aaa" to "zzz".
* @param c Configuration to use.
* @param table The table to use for the data.
* @param columnFamily The family to insert the data into.
* @return count of regions created.
* @throws IOException When creating the regions fails.
public int createMultiRegions(final Configuration c, final HTable table,
final byte[] columnFamily)
throws IOException {
return createMultiRegions(c, table, columnFamily, KEYS);
* Creates the specified number of regions in the specified table.
* @param c
* @param table
* @param columnFamily
* @param startKeys
* @return
* @throws IOException
public int createMultiRegions(final Configuration c, final HTable table,
final byte [] family, int numRegions)
throws IOException {
if (numRegions < 3) throw new IOException("Must create at least 3 regions");
byte [] startKey = Bytes.toBytes("aaaaa");
byte [] endKey = Bytes.toBytes("zzzzz");
byte [][] splitKeys = Bytes.split(startKey, endKey, numRegions - 3);
byte [][] regionStartKeys = new byte[splitKeys.length+1][];
for (int i=0;i<splitKeys.length;i++) {
regionStartKeys[i+1] = splitKeys[i];
regionStartKeys[0] = HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
return createMultiRegions(c, table, family, regionStartKeys);
public int createMultiRegions(final Configuration c, final HTable table,
final byte[] columnFamily, byte [][] startKeys)
throws IOException {
Arrays.sort(startKeys, Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
HTable meta = new HTable(c, HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
HTableDescriptor htd = table.getTableDescriptor();
if(!htd.hasFamily(columnFamily)) {
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(columnFamily);
// remove empty region - this is tricky as the mini cluster during the test
// setup already has the "<tablename>,,123456789" row with an empty start
// and end key. Adding the custom regions below adds those blindly,
// including the new start region from empty to "bbb". lg
List<byte[]> rows = getMetaTableRows(htd.getName());
List<HRegionInfo> newRegions = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>(startKeys.length);
// add custom ones
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < startKeys.length; i++) {
int j = (i + 1) % startKeys.length;
HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(table.getTableDescriptor(),
startKeys[i], startKeys[j]);
Put put = new Put(hri.getRegionName());
meta.put(put);"createMultiRegions: inserted " + hri.toString());
// see comment above, remove "old" (or previous) single region
for (byte[] row : rows) {"createMultiRegions: deleting meta row -> " +
meta.delete(new Delete(row));
// flush cache of regions
HConnection conn = table.getConnection();
// assign all the new regions IF table is enabled.
if (getHBaseAdmin().isTableEnabled(table.getTableName())) {
for(HRegionInfo hri : newRegions) {
return count;
* Create rows in META for regions of the specified table with the specified
* start keys. The first startKey should be a 0 length byte array if you
* want to form a proper range of regions.
* @param conf
* @param htd
* @param startKeys
* @return list of region info for regions added to meta
* @throws IOException
public List<HRegionInfo> createMultiRegionsInMeta(final Configuration conf,
final HTableDescriptor htd, byte [][] startKeys)
throws IOException {
HTable meta = new HTable(conf, HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
Arrays.sort(startKeys, Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
List<HRegionInfo> newRegions = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>(startKeys.length);
// add custom ones
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < startKeys.length; i++) {
int j = (i + 1) % startKeys.length;
HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(htd, startKeys[i], startKeys[j]);
Put put = new Put(hri.getRegionName());
meta.put(put);"createMultiRegionsInMeta: inserted " + hri.toString());
return newRegions;
* Returns all rows from the .META. table.
* @throws IOException When reading the rows fails.
public List<byte[]> getMetaTableRows() throws IOException {
// TODO: Redo using MetaReader class
HTable t = new HTable(new Configuration(this.conf), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
List<byte[]> rows = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
ResultScanner s = t.getScanner(new Scan());
for (Result result : s) {"getMetaTableRows: row -> " +
return rows;
* Returns all rows from the .META. table for a given user table
* @throws IOException When reading the rows fails.
public List<byte[]> getMetaTableRows(byte[] tableName) throws IOException {
// TODO: Redo using MetaReader.
HTable t = new HTable(new Configuration(this.conf), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
List<byte[]> rows = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
ResultScanner s = t.getScanner(new Scan());
for (Result result : s) {
HRegionInfo info = Writables.getHRegionInfo(
result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER));
HTableDescriptor desc = info.getTableDesc();
if (Bytes.compareTo(desc.getName(), tableName) == 0) {"getMetaTableRows: row -> " +
return rows;
* Tool to get the reference to the region server object that holds the
* region of the specified user table.
* It first searches for the meta rows that contain the region of the
* specified table, then gets the index of that RS, and finally retrieves
* the RS's reference.
* @param tableName user table to lookup in .META.
* @return region server that holds it, null if the row doesn't exist
* @throws IOException
public HRegionServer getRSForFirstRegionInTable(byte[] tableName)
throws IOException {
List<byte[]> metaRows = getMetaTableRows(tableName);
if (metaRows == null || metaRows.size() == 0) {
return null;
int index = hbaseCluster.getServerWith(metaRows.get(0));
return hbaseCluster.getRegionServerThreads().get(index).getRegionServer();
* Starts a <code>MiniMRCluster</code> with a default number of
* <code>TaskTracker</code>'s.
* @throws IOException When starting the cluster fails.
public void startMiniMapReduceCluster() throws IOException {
* Starts a <code>MiniMRCluster</code>.
* @param servers The number of <code>TaskTracker</code>'s to start.
* @throws IOException When starting the cluster fails.
public void startMiniMapReduceCluster(final int servers) throws IOException {"Starting mini mapreduce cluster...");
// These are needed for the new and improved Map/Reduce framework
Configuration c = getConfiguration();
System.setProperty("hadoop.log.dir", c.get("hadoop.log.dir"));
c.set("mapred.output.dir", c.get("hadoop.tmp.dir"));
mrCluster = new MiniMRCluster(servers,
FileSystem.get(c).getUri().toString(), 1);"Mini mapreduce cluster started");
* Stops the previously started <code>MiniMRCluster</code>.
public void shutdownMiniMapReduceCluster() {"Stopping mini mapreduce cluster...");
if (mrCluster != null) {
// Restore configuration to point to local jobtracker
conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "local");"Mini mapreduce cluster stopped");
* Switches the logger for the given class to DEBUG level.
* @param clazz The class for which to switch to debug logging.
public void enableDebug(Class<?> clazz) {
Log l = LogFactory.getLog(clazz);
if (l instanceof Log4JLogger) {
((Log4JLogger) l).getLogger().setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG);
} else if (l instanceof Jdk14Logger) {
((Jdk14Logger) l).getLogger().setLevel(java.util.logging.Level.ALL);
* Expire the Master's session
* @throws Exception
public void expireMasterSession() throws Exception {
HMaster master = hbaseCluster.getMaster();
expireSession(master.getZooKeeper(), master);
* Expire a region server's session
* @param index which RS
* @throws Exception
public void expireRegionServerSession(int index) throws Exception {
HRegionServer rs = hbaseCluster.getRegionServer(index);
expireSession(rs.getZooKeeper(), rs);
public void expireSession(ZooKeeperWatcher nodeZK, Server server)
throws Exception {
Configuration c = new Configuration(this.conf);
String quorumServers = ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(c);
int sessionTimeout = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds
ZooKeeper zk = nodeZK.getZooKeeper();
byte[] password = zk.getSessionPasswd();
long sessionID = zk.getSessionId();
ZooKeeper newZK = new ZooKeeper(quorumServers,
sessionTimeout, EmptyWatcher.instance, sessionID, password);
final long sleep = sessionTimeout * 5L;"ZK Closed Session 0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionID) +
"; sleeping=" + sleep);
new HTable(new Configuration(conf), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
* Get the HBase cluster.
* @return hbase cluster
public MiniHBaseCluster getHBaseCluster() {
return hbaseCluster;
* Returns a HBaseAdmin instance.
* @return The HBaseAdmin instance.
* @throws IOException
public HBaseAdmin getHBaseAdmin()
throws IOException {
return new HBaseAdmin(new Configuration(getConfiguration()));
* Closes the named region.
* @param regionName The region to close.
* @throws IOException
public void closeRegion(String regionName) throws IOException {
* Closes the named region.
* @param regionName The region to close.
* @throws IOException
public void closeRegion(byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
HBaseAdmin admin = getHBaseAdmin();
admin.closeRegion(regionName, null);
* Closes the region containing the given row.
* @param row The row to find the containing region.
* @param table The table to find the region.
* @throws IOException
public void closeRegionByRow(String row, HTable table) throws IOException {
closeRegionByRow(Bytes.toBytes(row), table);
* Closes the region containing the given row.
* @param row The row to find the containing region.
* @param table The table to find the region.
* @throws IOException
public void closeRegionByRow(byte[] row, HTable table) throws IOException {
HRegionLocation hrl = table.getRegionLocation(row);
public MiniZooKeeperCluster getZkCluster() {
return zkCluster;
public void setZkCluster(MiniZooKeeperCluster zkCluster) {
this.passedZkCluster = true;
this.zkCluster = zkCluster;
public MiniDFSCluster getDFSCluster() {
return dfsCluster;
public FileSystem getTestFileSystem() throws IOException {
return FileSystem.get(conf);
* @return True if we removed the test dir
* @throws IOException
public boolean cleanupTestDir() throws IOException {
return deleteDir(getTestDir());
* @param subdir Test subdir name.
* @return True if we removed the test dir
* @throws IOException
public boolean cleanupTestDir(final String subdir) throws IOException {
return deleteDir(getTestDir(subdir));
* @param dir Directory to delete
* @return True if we deleted it.
* @throws IOException
public boolean deleteDir(final Path dir) throws IOException {
FileSystem fs = getTestFileSystem();
if (fs.exists(dir)) {
return fs.delete(getTestDir(), true);
return false;
public void waitTableAvailable(byte[] table, long timeoutMillis)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
HBaseAdmin admin = getHBaseAdmin();
long startWait = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (!admin.isTableAvailable(table)) {
assertTrue("Timed out waiting for table " + Bytes.toStringBinary(table),
System.currentTimeMillis() - startWait < timeoutMillis);
* Make sure that at least the specified number of region servers
* are running
* @param num minimum number of region servers that should be running
* @return True if we started some servers
* @throws IOException
public boolean ensureSomeRegionServersAvailable(final int num)
throws IOException {
if (this.getHBaseCluster().getLiveRegionServerThreads().size() < num) {
// Need at least "num" servers."Started new server=" +
return true;
return false;
* This method clones the passed <code>c</code> configuration setting a new
* user into the clone. Use it getting new instances of FileSystem. Only
* works for DistributedFileSystem.
* @param c Initial configuration
* @param differentiatingSuffix Suffix to differentiate this user from others.
* @return A new configuration instance with a different user set into it.
* @throws IOException
public static User getDifferentUser(final Configuration c,
final String differentiatingSuffix)
throws IOException {
FileSystem currentfs = FileSystem.get(c);
if (!(currentfs instanceof DistributedFileSystem)) {
return User.getCurrent();
// Else distributed filesystem. Make a new instance per daemon. Below
// code is taken from the AppendTestUtil over in hdfs.
String username = User.getCurrent().getName() +
User user = User.createUserForTesting(c, username,
new String[]{"supergroup"});
return user;
* Set soft and hard limits in namenode.
* You'll get a NPE if you call before you've started a minidfscluster.
* @param soft Soft limit
* @param hard Hard limit
* @throws NoSuchFieldException
* @throws SecurityException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public void setNameNodeNameSystemLeasePeriod(final int soft, final int hard)
throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
// TODO: If 0.20 hadoop do one thing, if 0.21 hadoop do another.
// Not available in 0.20 hdfs. Use reflection to make it happen.
// private NameNode nameNode;
Field field = this.dfsCluster.getClass().getDeclaredField("nameNode");
NameNode nn = (NameNode)field.get(this.dfsCluster);
nn.namesystem.leaseManager.setLeasePeriod(100, 50000);
* Set maxRecoveryErrorCount in DFSClient. In 0.20 pre-append its hard-coded to 5 and
* makes tests linger. Here is the exception you'll see:
* <pre>
* 2010-06-15 11:52:28,511 WARN [DataStreamer for file /hbase/.logs/hlog.1276627923013 block blk_928005470262850423_1021] hdfs.DFSClient$DFSOutputStream(2657): Error Recovery for block blk_928005470262850423_1021 failed because recovery from primary datanode failed 4 times. Pipeline was, Will retry...
* </pre>
* @param stream A DFSClient.DFSOutputStream.
* @param max
* @throws NoSuchFieldException
* @throws SecurityException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static void setMaxRecoveryErrorCount(final OutputStream stream,
final int max) {
try {
Class<?> [] clazzes = DFSClient.class.getDeclaredClasses();
for (Class<?> clazz: clazzes) {
String className = clazz.getSimpleName();
if (className.equals("DFSOutputStream")) {
if (clazz.isInstance(stream)) {
Field maxRecoveryErrorCountField =
maxRecoveryErrorCountField.setInt(stream, max);
} catch (Exception e) {"Could not set max recovery field", e);
* Wait until <code>countOfRegion</code> in .META. have a non-empty
* info:server. This means all regions have been deployed, master has been
* informed and updated .META. with the regions deployed server.
* @param conf Configuration
* @param countOfRegions How many regions in .META.
* @throws IOException
public void waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned(final int countOfRegions)
throws IOException {
HTable meta = new HTable(getConfiguration(), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME);
while (true) {
int rows = 0;
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER);
ResultScanner s = meta.getScanner(scan);
for (Result r = null; (r = != null;) {
byte [] b =
r.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER);
if (b == null || b.length <= 0) {
// If I get to here and all rows have a Server, then all have been assigned.
if (rows == countOfRegions) {
}"Found=" + rows);
* Do a small get/scan against one store. This is required because store
* has no actual methods of querying itself, and relies on StoreScanner.
public static List<KeyValue> getFromStoreFile(Store store,
Get get) throws IOException {
Scan scan = new Scan(get);
InternalScanner scanner = (InternalScanner) store.getScanner(scan,
List<KeyValue> result = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();;
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
// verify that we are on the row we want:
KeyValue kv = result.get(0);
if (!Bytes.equals(kv.getRow(), get.getRow())) {
return result;
* Do a small get/scan against one store. This is required because store
* has no actual methods of querying itself, and relies on StoreScanner.
public static List<KeyValue> getFromStoreFile(Store store,
byte [] row,
NavigableSet<byte[]> columns
) throws IOException {
Get get = new Get(row);
Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> s = get.getFamilyMap();
s.put(store.getFamily().getName(), columns);
return getFromStoreFile(store,get);