blob: a4f09f364ee68b46f268c7f6786b74b1966bc0db [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.UnknownRegionException;
* Clients interact with the HMasterInterface to gain access to meta-level
* HBase functionality, like finding an HRegionServer and creating/destroying
* tables.
* <p>NOTE: if you change the interface, you must change the RPC version
* number in HBaseRPCProtocolVersion
public interface HMasterInterface extends HBaseRPCProtocolVersion {
/** @return true if master is available */
public boolean isMasterRunning();
// Admin tools would use these cmds
* Creates a new table. If splitKeys are specified, then the table will be
* created with an initial set of multiple regions. If splitKeys is null,
* the table will be created with a single region.
* @param desc table descriptor
* @param splitKeys
* @throws IOException
public void createTable(HTableDescriptor desc, byte [][] splitKeys)
throws IOException;
* Deletes a table
* @param tableName table to delete
* @throws IOException e
public void deleteTable(final byte [] tableName) throws IOException;
* Adds a column to the specified table
* @param tableName table to modify
* @param column column descriptor
* @throws IOException e
public void addColumn(final byte [] tableName, HColumnDescriptor column)
throws IOException;
* Modifies an existing column on the specified table
* @param tableName table name
* @param descriptor new column descriptor
* @throws IOException e
public void modifyColumn(final byte [] tableName, HColumnDescriptor descriptor)
throws IOException;
* Deletes a column from the specified table. Table must be disabled.
* @param tableName table to alter
* @param columnName column family to remove
* @throws IOException e
public void deleteColumn(final byte [] tableName, final byte [] columnName)
throws IOException;
* Puts the table on-line (only needed if table has been previously taken offline)
* @param tableName table to enable
* @throws IOException e
public void enableTable(final byte [] tableName) throws IOException;
* Take table offline
* @param tableName table to take offline
* @throws IOException e
public void disableTable(final byte [] tableName) throws IOException;
* Modify a table's metadata
* @param tableName table to modify
* @param htd new descriptor for table
* @throws IOException e
public void modifyTable(byte[] tableName, HTableDescriptor htd)
throws IOException;
* Shutdown an HBase cluster.
* @throws IOException e
public void shutdown() throws IOException;
* Stop HBase Master only.
* Does not shutdown the cluster.
* @throws IOException e
public void stopMaster() throws IOException;
* Return cluster status.
* @return status object
public ClusterStatus getClusterStatus();
* Move the region <code>r</code> to <code>dest</code>.
* @param encodedRegionName The encoded region name; i.e. the hash that makes
* up the region name suffix: e.g. if regionname is
* <code>TestTable,0094429456,1289497600452.527db22f95c8a9e0116f0cc13c680396.</code>,
* then the encoded region name is: <code>527db22f95c8a9e0116f0cc13c680396</code>.
* @param destServerName The servername of the destination regionserver. If
* passed the empty byte array we'll assign to a random server. A server name
* is made of host, port and startcode. Here is an example:
* <code>,60020,1289493121758</code>.
* @throws UnknownRegionException Thrown if we can't find a region named
* <code>encodedRegionName</code>
public void move(final byte [] encodedRegionName, final byte [] destServerName)
throws UnknownRegionException;
* Assign a region to a server chosen at random.
* @param regionName Region to assign. Will use existing RegionPlan if one
* found.
* @param force If true, will force the assignment.
* @throws IOException
public void assign(final byte [] regionName, final boolean force)
throws IOException;
* Unassign a region from current hosting regionserver. Region will then be
* assigned to a regionserver chosen at random. Region could be reassigned
* back to the same server. Use {@link #move(byte[], byte[])} if you want
* to control the region movement.
* @param regionName Region to unassign. Will clear any existing RegionPlan
* if one found.
* @param force If true, force unassign (Will remove region from
* regions-in-transition too if present).
* @throws IOException
public void unassign(final byte [] regionName, final boolean force)
throws IOException;
* Run the balancer. Will run the balancer and if regions to move, it will
* go ahead and do the reassignments. Can NOT run for various reasons. Check
* logs.
* @return True if balancer ran, false otherwise.
public boolean balance();
* Turn the load balancer on or off.
* @param b If true, enable balancer. If false, disable balancer.
* @return Previous balancer value
public boolean balanceSwitch(final boolean b);