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== Storing Medium-sized Objects (MOB)
:doctype: book
:toc: left
:icons: font
:toc: left
:source-language: java
Data comes in many sizes, and saving all of your data in HBase, including binary
data such as images and documents, is ideal. While HBase can technically handle
binary objects with cells that are larger than 100 KB in size, HBase's normal
read and write paths are optimized for values smaller than 100KB in size. When
HBase deals with large numbers of objects over this threshold, referred to here
as medium objects, or MOBs, performance is degraded due to write amplification
caused by splits and compactions. When using MOBs, ideally your objects will be between
100KB and 10MB. HBase ***FIX_VERSION_NUMBER*** adds support
for better managing large numbers of MOBs while maintaining performance,
consistency, and low operational overhead. MOB support is provided by the work
done in link:[HBASE-11339]. To
take advantage of MOB, you need to use <<hfilev3,HFile version 3>>. Optionally,
configure the MOB file reader's cache settings for each RegionServer (see
<<mob.cache.configure>>), then configure specific columns to hold MOB data.
Client code does not need to change to take advantage of HBase MOB support. The
feature is transparent to the client.
=== Configuring Columns for MOB
You can configure columns to support MOB during table creation or alteration,
either in HBase Shell or via the Java API. The two relevant properties are the
boolean `IS_MOB` and the `MOB_THRESHOLD`, which is the number of bytes at which
an object is considered to be a MOB. Only `IS_MOB` is required. If you do not
specify the `MOB_THRESHOLD`, the default threshold value of 100 KB is used.
.Configure a Column for MOB Using HBase Shell
hbase> create 't1', {NAME => 'f1', IS_MOB => true, MOB_THRESHOLD => 102400}
hbase> alter 't1', {NAME => 'f1', IS_MOB => true, MOB_THRESHOLD => 102400}
.Configure a Column for MOB Using the Java API
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(“f”);
=== Testing MOB
The utility `org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestIngestMOB` is provided to assist with testing
the MOB feature. The utility is run as follows:
$ sudo -u hbase hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestIngestMOB \
-threshold 102400 \
-minMobDataSize 512 \
-maxMobDataSize 5120
* `*threshold*` is the threshold at which cells are considered to be MOBs.
The default is 1 kB, expressed in bytes.
* `*minMobDataSize*` is the minimum value for the size of MOB data.
The default is 512 B, expressed in bytes.
* `*maxMobDataSize*` is the maximum value for the size of MOB data.
The default is 5 kB, expressed in bytes.
=== Configuring the MOB Cache
Because there can be a large number of MOB files at any time, as compared to the number of HFiles,
MOB files are not always kept open. The MOB file reader cache is a LRU cache which keeps the most
recently used MOB files open. To configure the MOB file reader's cache on each RegionServer, add
the following properties to the RegionServer's `hbase-site.xml`, customize the configuration to
suit your environment, and restart or rolling restart the RegionServer.
.Example MOB Cache Configuration
Number of opened file handlers to cache.
A larger value will benefit reads by providing more file handlers per mob
file cache and would reduce frequent file opening and closing.
However, if this is set too high, this could lead to a "too many opened file handers"
The default value is 1000.
The amount of time in seconds after which an unused file is evicted from the
MOB cache. The default value is 3600 seconds.
A multiplier (between 0.0 and 1.0), which determines how many files remain cached
after the threshold of files that remains cached after a cache eviction occurs
which is triggered by reaching the `hbase.mob.file.cache.size` threshold.
The default value is 0.5f, which means that half the files (the least-recently-used
ones) are evicted.
=== MOB Optimization Tasks
==== Manually Compacting MOB Files
To manually compact MOB files, rather than waiting for the
<<mob.cache.configure,configuration>> to trigger compaction, use the
`compact_mob` or `major_compact_mob` HBase shell commands. These commands
require the first argument to be the table name, and take an optional column
family as the second argument. If the column family is omitted, all MOB-enabled
column families are compacted.
hbase> compact_mob 't1', 'c1'
hbase> compact_mob 't1'
hbase> major_compact_mob 't1', 'c1'
hbase> major_compact_mob 't1'
These commands are also available via `Admin.compactMob` and
`Admin.majorCompactMob` methods.
==== MOB Sweeper
HBase MOB a MapReduce job called the Sweeper tool for
optimization. The Sweeper tool coalesces small MOB files or MOB files with many
deletions or updates. The Sweeper tool is not required if you use native MOB compaction, which
does not rely on MapReduce.
To configure the Sweeper tool, set the following options:
If there are too many cells deleted in a mob file, it's regarded
as an invalid file and needs to be merged.
If existingCellsSize/mobFileSize is less than ratio, it's regarded
as an invalid file. The default value is 0.5f.
If the size of a mob file is less than this value, it's regarded as a small
file and needs to be merged. The default value is 128MB.
The flush size for the memstore used by sweep job. Each sweep reducer owns such a memstore.
The default value is 128MB.
The period that ExpiredMobFileCleanerChore runs. The unit is second.
The default value is one day.
Next, add the HBase install directory, _`$HBASE_HOME`/*_, and HBase library directory to
_yarn-site.xml_ Adjust this example to suit your environment.
<description>Classpath for typical applications.</description>
Finally, run the `sweeper` tool for each column which is configured for MOB.
$ org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mob.compactions.Sweeper _tableName_ _familyName_