blob: 9271ff2f5e93b099fbc39554dc9397fd541a1916 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClassTestRule;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Durability;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfoBuilder;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptorBuilder;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.RegionServerTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.SmallTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@Category({RegionServerTests.class, SmallTests.class})
public class TestBlocksRead {
public static final HBaseClassTestRule CLASS_RULE =
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestBlocksRead.class);
public TestName testName = new TestName();
static final BloomType[] BLOOM_TYPE = new BloomType[] { BloomType.ROWCOL,
BloomType.ROW, BloomType.NONE };
HRegion region = null;
private static HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility();
private final String DIR = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir("TestBlocksRead").toString();
private Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
public static void setUp() throws Exception {
// disable compactions in this test.
TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().setInt("hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold", 10000);
public static void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Callers must afterward call {@link HBaseTestingUtility#closeRegionAndWAL(HRegion)}
* @return created and initialized region.
private HRegion initHRegion(byte[] tableName, String callingMethod, Configuration conf,
String family) throws IOException {
return initHRegion(tableName, callingMethod, conf, family, null);
* Callers must afterward call {@link HBaseTestingUtility#closeRegionAndWAL(HRegion)}
private HRegion initHRegion(byte[] tableName, String callingMethod, Configuration conf,
String family, BlockCache blockCache) throws IOException {
TableDescriptorBuilder builder =
for (int i = 0; i < BLOOM_TYPE.length; i++) {
BloomType bloomType = BLOOM_TYPE[i];
ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(Bytes.toBytes(family + "_" + bloomType))
RegionInfo info = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(TableName.valueOf(tableName)).build();
Path path = new Path(DIR + callingMethod);
if (blockCache != null) {
return HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(info, path, conf,, blockCache);
} else {
return HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL(info, path, conf,;
private void putData(String family, String row, String col, long version)
throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < BLOOM_TYPE.length; i++) {
putData(Bytes.toBytes(family + "_" + BLOOM_TYPE[i]), row, col, version,
// generates a value to put for a row/col/version.
private static byte[] genValue(String row, String col, long version) {
return Bytes.toBytes("Value:" + row + "#" + col + "#" + version);
private void putData(byte[] cf, String row, String col, long versionStart,
long versionEnd) throws IOException {
byte [] columnBytes = Bytes.toBytes(col);
Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row));
for (long version = versionStart; version <= versionEnd; version++) {
put.addColumn(cf, columnBytes, version, genValue(row, col, version));
private Cell[] getData(String family, String row, List<String> columns,
int expBlocks) throws IOException {
return getData(family, row, columns, expBlocks, expBlocks, expBlocks);
private Cell[] getData(String family, String row, List<String> columns,
int expBlocksRowCol, int expBlocksRow, int expBlocksNone)
throws IOException {
int[] expBlocks = new int[] { expBlocksRowCol, expBlocksRow, expBlocksNone };
Cell[] kvs = null;
for (int i = 0; i < BLOOM_TYPE.length; i++) {
BloomType bloomType = BLOOM_TYPE[i];
byte[] cf = Bytes.toBytes(family + "_" + bloomType);
long blocksStart = getBlkAccessCount(cf);
Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(row));
for (String column : columns) {
get.addColumn(cf, Bytes.toBytes(column));
kvs = region.get(get).rawCells();
long blocksEnd = getBlkAccessCount(cf);
if (expBlocks[i] != -1) {
assertEquals("Blocks Read Check for Bloom: " + bloomType, expBlocks[i],
blocksEnd - blocksStart);
System.out.println("Blocks Read for Bloom: " + bloomType + " = "
+ (blocksEnd - blocksStart) + "Expected = " + expBlocks[i]);
return kvs;
private Cell[] getData(String family, String row, String column,
int expBlocks) throws IOException {
return getData(family, row, Arrays.asList(column), expBlocks, expBlocks,
private Cell[] getData(String family, String row, String column,
int expBlocksRowCol, int expBlocksRow, int expBlocksNone)
throws IOException {
return getData(family, row, Arrays.asList(column), expBlocksRowCol,
expBlocksRow, expBlocksNone);
private void deleteFamily(String family, String row, long version)
throws IOException {
Delete del = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(row));
del.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes(family + "_ROWCOL"), version);
del.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes(family + "_ROW"), version);
del.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes(family + "_NONE"), version);
private static void verifyData(Cell kv, String expectedRow,
String expectedCol, long expectedVersion) {
assertTrue("RowCheck", CellUtil.matchingRows(kv, Bytes.toBytes(expectedRow)));
assertTrue("ColumnCheck", CellUtil.matchingQualifier(kv, Bytes.toBytes(expectedCol)));
assertEquals("TSCheck", expectedVersion, kv.getTimestamp());
assertTrue("ValueCheck", CellUtil.matchingValue(kv, genValue(expectedRow, expectedCol,
private static long getBlkAccessCount(byte[] cf) {
return HFile.DATABLOCK_READ_COUNT.sum();
* Test # of blocks read for some simple seek cases.
public void testBlocksRead() throws Exception {
byte[] TABLE = Bytes.toBytes("testBlocksRead");
String FAMILY = "cf1";
Cell [] kvs;
this.region = initHRegion(TABLE, testName.getMethodName(), conf, FAMILY);
try {
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 1);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col2", 2);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col3", 3);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col4", 4);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col5", 5);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col6", 6);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col7", 7);
// Expected block reads: 1
// The top block has the KV we are
// interested. So only 1 seek is needed.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 1);
assertEquals(1, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col1", 1);
// Expected block reads: 2
// The top block and next block has the KVs we are
// interested. So only 2 seek is needed.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col1", "col2"), 2);
assertEquals(2, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col1", 1);
verifyData(kvs[1], "row", "col2", 2);
// Expected block reads: 3
// The first 2 seeks is to find out col2. [HBASE-4443]
// One additional seek for col3
// So 3 seeks are needed.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col2", "col3"), 2);
assertEquals(2, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col2", 2);
verifyData(kvs[1], "row", "col3", 3);
// Expected block reads: 1. [HBASE-4443]&[HBASE-7845]
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col5"), 1);
assertEquals(1, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col5", 5);
} finally {
this.region = null;
* Test # of blocks read (targeted at some of the cases Lazy Seek optimizes).
public void testLazySeekBlocksRead() throws Exception {
byte[] TABLE = Bytes.toBytes("testLazySeekBlocksRead");
String FAMILY = "cf1";
Cell [] kvs;
this.region = initHRegion(TABLE, testName.getMethodName(), conf, FAMILY);
try {
// File 1
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 1);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col2", 2);
// File 2
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 3);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col2", 4);
// Expected blocks read: 1.
// File 2's top block is also the KV we are
// interested. So only 1 seek is needed.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col1"), 1);
assertEquals(1, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col1", 3);
// Expected blocks read: 2
// File 2's top block has the "col1" KV we are
// interested. We also need "col2" which is in a block
// of its own. So, we need that block as well.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col1", "col2"), 2);
assertEquals(2, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col1", 3);
verifyData(kvs[1], "row", "col2", 4);
// File 3: Add another column
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col3", 5);
// Expected blocks read: 1
// File 3's top block has the "col3" KV we are
// interested. So only 1 seek is needed.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", "col3", 1);
assertEquals(1, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col3", 5);
// Get a column from older file.
// For ROWCOL Bloom filter: Expected blocks read: 1.
// For ROW Bloom filter: Expected blocks read: 2.
// For NONE Bloom filter: Expected blocks read: 2.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col1"), 1, 2, 2);
assertEquals(1, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col1", 3);
// File 4: Delete the entire row.
deleteFamily(FAMILY, "row", 6);
// For ROWCOL Bloom filter: Expected blocks read: 2.
// For ROW Bloom filter: Expected blocks read: 3.
// For NONE Bloom filter: Expected blocks read: 3.
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 2, 3, 3);
assertEquals(0, kvs.length);
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", "col2", 2, 3, 3);
assertEquals(0, kvs.length);
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", "col3", 2);
assertEquals(0, kvs.length);
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col1", "col2", "col3"), 4);
assertEquals(0, kvs.length);
// File 5: Delete
deleteFamily(FAMILY, "row", 10);
// File 6: some more puts, but with timestamps older than the
// previous delete.
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 7);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col2", 8);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col3", 9);
// Baseline expected blocks read: 6. [HBASE-4532]
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col1", "col2", "col3"), 6, 7, 7);
assertEquals(0, kvs.length);
// File 7: Put back new data
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 11);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col2", 12);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col3", 13);
// Expected blocks read: 8. [HBASE-4585, HBASE-13109]
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col1", "col2", "col3"), 8, 9, 9);
assertEquals(3, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col1", 11);
verifyData(kvs[1], "row", "col2", 12);
verifyData(kvs[2], "row", "col3", 13);
} finally {
this.region = null;
* Test # of blocks read to ensure disabling cache-fill on Scan works.
public void testBlocksStoredWhenCachingDisabled() throws Exception {
byte [] TABLE = Bytes.toBytes("testBlocksReadWhenCachingDisabled");
String FAMILY = "cf1";
BlockCache blockCache = BlockCacheFactory.createBlockCache(conf);
this.region = initHRegion(TABLE, testName.getMethodName(), conf, FAMILY, blockCache);
try {
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col1", 1);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col2", 2);
// Execute a scan with caching turned off
// Expected blocks stored: 0
long blocksStart = blockCache.getBlockCount();
Scan scan = new Scan();
RegionScanner rs = region.getScanner(scan);
List<Cell> result = new ArrayList<>(2);;
assertEquals(2 * BLOOM_TYPE.length, result.size());
long blocksEnd = blockCache.getBlockCount();
assertEquals(blocksStart, blocksEnd);
// Execute with caching turned on
// Expected blocks stored: 2
blocksStart = blocksEnd;
rs = region.getScanner(scan);
result = new ArrayList<>(2);;
assertEquals(2 * BLOOM_TYPE.length, result.size());
blocksEnd = blockCache.getBlockCount();
assertEquals(2 * BLOOM_TYPE.length, blocksEnd - blocksStart);
} finally {
this.region = null;
public void testLazySeekBlocksReadWithDelete() throws Exception {
byte[] TABLE = Bytes.toBytes("testLazySeekBlocksReadWithDelete");
String FAMILY = "cf1";
Cell [] kvs;
this.region = initHRegion(TABLE, testName.getMethodName(), conf, FAMILY);
try {
deleteFamily(FAMILY, "row", 200);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col" + i, i);
putData(FAMILY, "row", "col99", 201);
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col0"), 2);
assertEquals(0, kvs.length);
kvs = getData(FAMILY, "row", Arrays.asList("col99"), 2);
assertEquals(1, kvs.length);
verifyData(kvs[0], "row", "col99", 201);
} finally {
this.region = null;