blob: 7533073edbd3e54e792776a3b5ceb70fdc7d4e33 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.COLUMN_FAMILY_DELIMITER;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.COLUMN_FAMILY_DELIM_ARRAY;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.getDelimiter;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.Type;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ByteBufferUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
* Utility methods helpful for slinging {@link Cell} instances. Some methods below are for internal
* use only and are marked InterfaceAudience.Private at the method level. Note that all such methods
* have been marked deprecated in HBase-2.0 which will be subsequently removed in HBase-3.0
public final class CellUtil {
* Private constructor to keep this class from being instantiated.
private CellUtil() {
/***************** get individual arrays for tests ************/
public static byte[] cloneRow(Cell cell) {
byte[] output = new byte[cell.getRowLength()];
copyRowTo(cell, output, 0);
return output;
public static byte[] cloneFamily(Cell cell) {
byte[] output = new byte[cell.getFamilyLength()];
copyFamilyTo(cell, output, 0);
return output;
public static byte[] cloneQualifier(Cell cell) {
byte[] output = new byte[cell.getQualifierLength()];
copyQualifierTo(cell, output, 0);
return output;
public static byte[] cloneValue(Cell cell) {
byte[] output = new byte[cell.getValueLength()];
copyValueTo(cell, output, 0);
return output;
* Makes a column in family:qualifier form from separate byte arrays.
* <p>
* Not recommended for usage as this is old-style API.
* @param family
* @param qualifier
* @return family:qualifier
public static byte[] makeColumn(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier) {
return Bytes.add(family, COLUMN_FAMILY_DELIM_ARRAY, qualifier);
* Splits a column in {@code family:qualifier} form into separate byte arrays. An empty qualifier
* (ie, {@code fam:}) is parsed as <code>{ fam, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY }</code> while no delimiter (ie,
* {@code fam}) is parsed as an array of one element, <code>{ fam }</code>.
* <p>
* Don't forget, HBase DOES support empty qualifiers. (see HBASE-9549)
* </p>
* <p>
* Not recommend to be used as this is old-style API.
* </p>
* @param c The column.
* @return The parsed column.
public static byte[][] parseColumn(byte[] c) {
final int index = getDelimiter(c, 0, c.length, COLUMN_FAMILY_DELIMITER);
if (index == -1) {
// If no delimiter, return array of size 1
return new byte[][] { c };
} else if (index == c.length - 1) {
// family with empty qualifier, return array size 2
byte[] family = new byte[c.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(c, 0, family, 0, family.length);
return new byte[][] { family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY };
// Family and column, return array size 2
final byte[][] result = new byte[2][];
result[0] = new byte[index];
System.arraycopy(c, 0, result[0], 0, index);
final int len = c.length - (index + 1);
result[1] = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(c, index + 1 /* Skip delimiter */, result[1], 0, len);
return result;
/******************** copyTo **********************************/
* Copies the row to the given byte[]
* @param cell the cell whose row has to be copied
* @param destination the destination byte[] to which the row has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination byte[]
* @return the offset of the byte[] after the copy has happened
public static int copyRowTo(Cell cell, byte[] destination, int destinationOffset) {
short rowLen = cell.getRowLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition(), destinationOffset, rowLen);
} else {
System.arraycopy(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), destination, destinationOffset,
return destinationOffset + rowLen;
* Copies the row to the given bytebuffer
* @param cell cell the cell whose row has to be copied
* @param destination the destination bytebuffer to which the row has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination byte[]
* @return the offset of the bytebuffer after the copy has happened
public static int copyRowTo(Cell cell, ByteBuffer destination, int destinationOffset) {
short rowLen = cell.getRowLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
ByteBufferUtils.copyFromBufferToBuffer(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowByteBuffer(),
destination, ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition(), destinationOffset, rowLen);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.copyFromArrayToBuffer(destination, destinationOffset, cell.getRowArray(),
cell.getRowOffset(), rowLen);
return destinationOffset + rowLen;
* Copies the row to a new byte[]
* @param cell the cell from which row has to copied
* @return the byte[] containing the row
public static byte[] copyRow(Cell cell) {
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.copyOfRange(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition() + cell.getRowLength());
} else {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(),
cell.getRowOffset() + cell.getRowLength());
* Copies the family to the given byte[]
* @param cell the cell whose family has to be copied
* @param destination the destination byte[] to which the family has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination byte[]
* @return the offset of the byte[] after the copy has happened
public static int copyFamilyTo(Cell cell, byte[] destination, int destinationOffset) {
byte fLen = cell.getFamilyLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyPosition(), destinationOffset, fLen);
} else {
System.arraycopy(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), destination,
destinationOffset, fLen);
return destinationOffset + fLen;
* Copies the family to the given bytebuffer
* @param cell the cell whose family has to be copied
* @param destination the destination bytebuffer to which the family has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination bytebuffer
* @return the offset of the bytebuffer after the copy has happened
public static int copyFamilyTo(Cell cell, ByteBuffer destination, int destinationOffset) {
byte fLen = cell.getFamilyLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
ByteBufferUtils.copyFromBufferToBuffer(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyByteBuffer(),
destination, ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyPosition(), destinationOffset, fLen);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.copyFromArrayToBuffer(destination, destinationOffset, cell.getFamilyArray(),
cell.getFamilyOffset(), fLen);
return destinationOffset + fLen;
* Copies the qualifier to the given byte[]
* @param cell the cell whose qualifier has to be copied
* @param destination the destination byte[] to which the qualifier has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination byte[]
* @return the offset of the byte[] after the copy has happened
public static int copyQualifierTo(Cell cell, byte[] destination, int destinationOffset) {
int qlen = cell.getQualifierLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierPosition(), destinationOffset, qlen);
} else {
System.arraycopy(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), destination,
destinationOffset, qlen);
return destinationOffset + qlen;
* Copies the qualifier to the given bytebuffer
* @param cell the cell whose qualifier has to be copied
* @param destination the destination bytebuffer to which the qualifier has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination bytebuffer
* @return the offset of the bytebuffer after the copy has happened
public static int copyQualifierTo(Cell cell, ByteBuffer destination, int destinationOffset) {
int qlen = cell.getQualifierLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierByteBuffer(),
destination, ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierPosition(),
destinationOffset, qlen);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.copyFromArrayToBuffer(destination, destinationOffset,
cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), qlen);
return destinationOffset + qlen;
* Copies the value to the given byte[]
* @param cell the cell whose value has to be copied
* @param destination the destination byte[] to which the value has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination byte[]
* @return the offset of the byte[] after the copy has happened
public static int copyValueTo(Cell cell, byte[] destination, int destinationOffset) {
int vlen = cell.getValueLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getValueByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getValuePosition(), destinationOffset, vlen);
} else {
System.arraycopy(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), destination, destinationOffset,
return destinationOffset + vlen;
* Copies the value to the given bytebuffer
* @param cell the cell whose value has to be copied
* @param destination the destination bytebuffer to which the value has to be copied
* @param destinationOffset the offset in the destination bytebuffer
* @return the offset of the bytebuffer after the copy has happened
public static int copyValueTo(Cell cell, ByteBuffer destination, int destinationOffset) {
int vlen = cell.getValueLength();
if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
ByteBufferUtils.copyFromBufferToBuffer(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getValueByteBuffer(),
destination, ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getValuePosition(), destinationOffset, vlen);
} else {
ByteBufferUtils.copyFromArrayToBuffer(destination, destinationOffset, cell.getValueArray(),
cell.getValueOffset(), vlen);
return destinationOffset + vlen;
* @param cellScannerables
* @return CellScanner interface over <code>cellIterables</code>
public static CellScanner createCellScanner(
final List<? extends CellScannable> cellScannerables) {
return new CellScanner() {
private final Iterator<? extends CellScannable> iterator = cellScannerables.iterator();
private CellScanner cellScanner = null;
public Cell current() {
return this.cellScanner != null? this.cellScanner.current(): null;
public boolean advance() throws IOException {
while (true) {
if (this.cellScanner == null) {
if (!this.iterator.hasNext()) return false;
this.cellScanner =;
if (this.cellScanner.advance()) return true;
this.cellScanner = null;
* @param cellIterable
* @return CellScanner interface over <code>cellIterable</code>
public static CellScanner createCellScanner(final Iterable<Cell> cellIterable) {
if (cellIterable == null) return null;
return createCellScanner(cellIterable.iterator());
* @param cells
* @return CellScanner interface over <code>cellIterable</code> or null if <code>cells</code> is
* null
public static CellScanner createCellScanner(final Iterator<Cell> cells) {
if (cells == null) return null;
return new CellScanner() {
private final Iterator<Cell> iterator = cells;
private Cell current = null;
public Cell current() {
return this.current;
public boolean advance() {
boolean hasNext = this.iterator.hasNext();
this.current = hasNext? null;
return hasNext;
* @param cellArray
* @return CellScanner interface over <code>cellArray</code>
public static CellScanner createCellScanner(final Cell[] cellArray) {
return new CellScanner() {
private final Cell [] cells = cellArray;
private int index = -1;
public Cell current() {
if (cells == null) return null;
return (index < 0)? null: this.cells[index];
public boolean advance() {
if (cells == null) return false;
return ++index < this.cells.length;
* Flatten the map of cells out under the CellScanner
* @param map Map of Cell Lists; for example, the map of families to Cells that is used
* inside Put, etc., keeping Cells organized by family.
* @return CellScanner interface over <code>cellIterable</code>
public static CellScanner createCellScanner(final NavigableMap<byte [], List<Cell>> map) {
return new CellScanner() {
private final Iterator<Entry<byte[], List<Cell>>> entries = map.entrySet().iterator();
private Iterator<Cell> currentIterator = null;
private Cell currentCell;
public Cell current() {
return this.currentCell;
public boolean advance() {
while(true) {
if (this.currentIterator == null) {
if (!this.entries.hasNext()) return false;
this.currentIterator =;
if (this.currentIterator.hasNext()) {
this.currentCell =;
return true;
this.currentCell = null;
this.currentIterator = null;
public static boolean matchingRows(final Cell left, final byte[] buf) {
if (buf == null) {
return left.getRowLength() == 0;
return PrivateCellUtil.matchingRows(left, buf, 0, buf.length);
public static boolean matchingRow(final Cell left, final byte[] buf, final int offset,
final int length) {
return PrivateCellUtil.matchingRows(left, buf, offset, length);
public static boolean matchingFamily(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
byte lfamlength = left.getFamilyLength();
byte rfamlength = right.getFamilyLength();
return matchingFamily(left, lfamlength, right, rfamlength);
public static boolean matchingFamily(final Cell left, final byte lfamlength, final Cell right,
final byte rfamlength) {
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell && right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getFamilyByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getFamilyPosition(), lfamlength,
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getFamilyByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getFamilyPosition(), rfamlength);
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getFamilyByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getFamilyPosition(), lfamlength,
right.getFamilyArray(), right.getFamilyOffset(), rfamlength);
if (right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getFamilyByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getFamilyPosition(), rfamlength,
left.getFamilyArray(), left.getFamilyOffset(), lfamlength);
return Bytes.equals(left.getFamilyArray(), left.getFamilyOffset(), lfamlength,
right.getFamilyArray(), right.getFamilyOffset(), rfamlength);
public static boolean matchingFamily(final Cell left, final byte[] buf) {
if (buf == null) {
return left.getFamilyLength() == 0;
return PrivateCellUtil.matchingFamily(left, buf, 0, buf.length);
public static boolean matchingQualifier(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
int lqlength = left.getQualifierLength();
int rqlength = right.getQualifierLength();
return matchingQualifier(left, lqlength, right, rqlength);
private static boolean matchingQualifier(final Cell left, final int lqlength, final Cell right,
final int rqlength) {
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell && right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getQualifierByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getQualifierPosition(), lqlength,
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getQualifierByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getQualifierPosition(), rqlength);
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getQualifierByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getQualifierPosition(), lqlength,
right.getQualifierArray(), right.getQualifierOffset(), rqlength);
if (right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getQualifierByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getQualifierPosition(), rqlength,
left.getQualifierArray(), left.getQualifierOffset(), lqlength);
return Bytes.equals(left.getQualifierArray(), left.getQualifierOffset(),
lqlength, right.getQualifierArray(), right.getQualifierOffset(),
* Finds if the qualifier part of the cell and the KV serialized
* byte[] are equal
* @param left
* @param buf the serialized keyvalue format byte[]
* @return true if the qualifier matches, false otherwise
public static boolean matchingQualifier(final Cell left, final byte[] buf) {
if (buf == null) {
return left.getQualifierLength() == 0;
return PrivateCellUtil.matchingQualifier(left, buf, 0, buf.length);
public static boolean matchingColumn(final Cell left, final byte[] fam, final byte[] qual) {
return matchingFamily(left, fam) && matchingQualifier(left, qual);
* @return True if matching column family and the qualifier starts with <code>qual</code>
public static boolean matchingColumnFamilyAndQualifierPrefix(final Cell left, final byte[] fam,
final byte[] qual) {
return matchingFamily(left, fam) && PrivateCellUtil.qualifierStartsWith(left, qual);
public static boolean matchingColumn(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
if (!matchingFamily(left, right))
return false;
return matchingQualifier(left, right);
private static boolean matchingColumn(final Cell left, final byte lFamLen, final int lQualLength,
final Cell right, final byte rFamLen, final int rQualLength) {
if (!matchingFamily(left, lFamLen, right, rFamLen)) {
return false;
return matchingQualifier(left, lQualLength, right, rQualLength);
public static boolean matchingValue(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
return matchingValue(left, right, left.getValueLength(), right.getValueLength());
public static boolean matchingValue(final Cell left, final Cell right, int lvlength,
int rvlength) {
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell && right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getValueByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getValuePosition(), lvlength,
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getValueByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getValuePosition(), rvlength);
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getValueByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getValuePosition(), lvlength, right.getValueArray(),
right.getValueOffset(), rvlength);
if (right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getValueByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getValuePosition(), rvlength, left.getValueArray(),
left.getValueOffset(), lvlength);
return Bytes.equals(left.getValueArray(), left.getValueOffset(), lvlength,
right.getValueArray(), right.getValueOffset(), rvlength);
public static boolean matchingValue(final Cell left, final byte[] buf) {
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.compareTo(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getValueByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getValuePosition(), left.getValueLength(), buf, 0,
buf.length) == 0;
return Bytes.equals(left.getValueArray(), left.getValueOffset(), left.getValueLength(), buf, 0,
public static boolean matchingTags(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
return PrivateCellUtil.matchingTags(left, right, left.getTagsLength(), right.getTagsLength());
* @return True if a delete type, a {@link KeyValue.Type#Delete} or a
* {KeyValue.Type#DeleteFamily} or a
* {@link KeyValue.Type#DeleteColumn} KeyValue type.
public static boolean isDelete(final Cell cell) {
return PrivateCellUtil.isDelete(cell.getTypeByte());
* @return True if this cell is a Put.
public static boolean isPut(Cell cell) {
return cell.getTypeByte() == Type.Put.getCode();
* Sets the given timestamp to the cell.
* Note that this method is a LimitedPrivate API and may change between minor releases.
* @param cell
* @param ts
* @throws IOException when the passed cell is not of type {@link ExtendedCell}
public static void setTimestamp(Cell cell, long ts) throws IOException {
PrivateCellUtil.setTimestamp(cell, ts);
* Sets the given timestamp to the cell.
* Note that this method is a LimitedPrivate API and may change between minor releases.
* @param cell
* @param ts buffer containing the timestamp value
* @param tsOffset offset to the new timestamp
* @throws IOException when the passed cell is not of type {@link ExtendedCell}
public static void setTimestamp(Cell cell, byte[] ts, int tsOffset) throws IOException {
PrivateCellUtil.setTimestamp(cell, Bytes.toLong(ts, tsOffset));
* @return The Key portion of the passed <code>cell</code> as a String.
public static String getCellKeyAsString(Cell cell) {
return getCellKeyAsString(cell,
c -> Bytes.toStringBinary(c.getRowArray(), c.getRowOffset(), c.getRowLength()));
* @param cell the cell to convert
* @param rowConverter used to convert the row of the cell to a string
* @return The Key portion of the passed <code>cell</code> as a String.
public static String getCellKeyAsString(Cell cell, Function<Cell, String> rowConverter) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(rowConverter.apply(cell));
sb.append(cell.getFamilyLength() == 0 ? "" :
Bytes.toStringBinary(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength()));
// KeyValue only added ':' if family is non-null. Do same.
if (cell.getFamilyLength() > 0) sb.append(':');
sb.append(cell.getQualifierLength() == 0 ? "" :
Bytes.toStringBinary(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(),
if (!(cell instanceof KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue)) {
return sb.toString();
/** Returns a string representation of the cell */
public static String toString(Cell cell, boolean verbose) {
if (cell == null) {
return "";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String keyStr = getCellKeyAsString(cell);
String tag = null;
String value = null;
if (verbose) {
// TODO: pretty print tags as well
if (cell.getTagsLength() > 0) {
tag = Bytes.toStringBinary(cell.getTagsArray(), cell.getTagsOffset(), cell.getTagsLength());
if (!(cell instanceof KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue)) {
value = Bytes.toStringBinary(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(),
if (tag != null && !tag.isEmpty()) {
if (value != null) {
return builder.toString();
/**************** equals ****************************/
public static boolean equals(Cell a, Cell b) {
return matchingRows(a, b) && matchingFamily(a, b) && matchingQualifier(a, b)
&& matchingTimestamp(a, b) && PrivateCellUtil.matchingType(a, b);
public static boolean matchingTimestamp(Cell a, Cell b) {
return CellComparator.getInstance().compareTimestamps(a.getTimestamp(), b.getTimestamp()) == 0;
* Compares the row of two keyvalues for equality
* @param left
* @param right
* @return True if rows match.
public static boolean matchingRows(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
short lrowlength = left.getRowLength();
short rrowlength = right.getRowLength();
return matchingRows(left, lrowlength, right, rrowlength);
public static boolean matchingRows(final Cell left, final short lrowlength, final Cell right,
final short rrowlength) {
if (lrowlength != rrowlength) return false;
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell && right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getRowByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getRowPosition(), lrowlength,
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getRowByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getRowPosition(), rrowlength);
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getRowByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getRowPosition(), lrowlength, right.getRowArray(),
right.getRowOffset(), rrowlength);
if (right instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.equals(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getRowByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) right).getRowPosition(), rrowlength, left.getRowArray(),
left.getRowOffset(), lrowlength);
return Bytes.equals(left.getRowArray(), left.getRowOffset(), lrowlength, right.getRowArray(),
right.getRowOffset(), rrowlength);
* Compares the row and column of two keyvalues for equality
* @param left
* @param right
* @return True if same row and column.
public static boolean matchingRowColumn(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
short lrowlength = left.getRowLength();
short rrowlength = right.getRowLength();
// match length
if (lrowlength != rrowlength) {
return false;
byte lfamlength = left.getFamilyLength();
byte rfamlength = right.getFamilyLength();
if (lfamlength != rfamlength) {
return false;
int lqlength = left.getQualifierLength();
int rqlength = right.getQualifierLength();
if (lqlength != rqlength) {
return false;
if (!matchingRows(left, lrowlength, right, rrowlength)) {
return false;
return matchingColumn(left, lfamlength, lqlength, right, rfamlength, rqlength);
public static boolean matchingRowColumnBytes(final Cell left, final Cell right) {
int lrowlength = left.getRowLength();
int rrowlength = right.getRowLength();
int lfamlength = left.getFamilyLength();
int rfamlength = right.getFamilyLength();
int lqlength = left.getQualifierLength();
int rqlength = right.getQualifierLength();
// match length
if ((lrowlength != rrowlength) || (lfamlength != rfamlength) || (lqlength != rqlength)) {
return false;
// match row
if (!Bytes.equals(left.getRowArray(), left.getRowOffset(), lrowlength, right.getRowArray(),
right.getRowOffset(), rrowlength)) {
return false;
//match family
if (!Bytes.equals(left.getFamilyArray(), left.getFamilyOffset(), lfamlength,
right.getFamilyArray(), right.getFamilyOffset(), rfamlength)) {
return false;
//match qualifier
return Bytes.equals(left.getQualifierArray(), left.getQualifierOffset(),
lqlength, right.getQualifierArray(), right.getQualifierOffset(),
* Compares the cell's qualifier with the given byte[]
* @param left the cell for which the qualifier has to be compared
* @param right the byte[] having the qualifier
* @param rOffset the offset of the qualifier
* @param rLength the length of the qualifier
* @return greater than 0 if left cell's qualifier is bigger than byte[], lesser than 0 if left
* cell's qualifier is lesser than byte[] and 0 otherwise
public final static int compareQualifiers(Cell left, byte[] right, int rOffset, int rLength) {
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.compareTo(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getQualifierByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getQualifierPosition(),
left.getQualifierLength(), right, rOffset, rLength);
return Bytes.compareTo(left.getQualifierArray(), left.getQualifierOffset(),
left.getQualifierLength(), right, rOffset, rLength);
* Compares the cell's family with the given byte[]
* @param left the cell for which the family has to be compared
* @param right the byte[] having the family
* @param roffset the offset of the family
* @param rlength the length of the family
* @return greater than 0 if left cell's family is bigger than byte[], lesser than 0 if left
* cell's family is lesser than byte[] and 0 otherwise
public final static int compareFamilies(Cell left, byte[] right, int roffset, int rlength) {
if (left instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) {
return ByteBufferUtils.compareTo(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getFamilyByteBuffer(),
((ByteBufferExtendedCell) left).getFamilyPosition(), left.getFamilyLength(), right, roffset,
return Bytes.compareTo(left.getFamilyArray(), left.getFamilyOffset(), left.getFamilyLength(),
right, roffset, rlength);
* Compares the cell's column (family and qualifier) with the given byte[]
* @param left the cell for which the column has to be compared
* @param right the byte[] having the column
* @param rfoffset the offset of the family
* @param rflength the length of the family
* @param rqoffset the offset of the qualifier
* @param rqlength the length of the qualifier
* @return greater than 0 if left cell's column is bigger than byte[], lesser than 0 if left
* cell's column is lesser than byte[] and 0 otherwise
public final static int compareColumns(Cell left, byte[] right, int rfoffset, int rflength,
int rqoffset, int rqlength) {
int diff = compareFamilies(left, right, rfoffset, rflength);
if (diff != 0) return diff;
return compareQualifiers(left, right, rqoffset, rqlength);