blob: 617caeccd81eeb096d6cafce504ed0348e007150 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellComparatorImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClassTestRule;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MemoryCompactionPolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.LargeTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.RegionServerTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ClassSize;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* compacted memstore test case
@Category({RegionServerTests.class, LargeTests.class})
public class TestCompactingToCellFlatMapMemStore extends TestCompactingMemStore {
public static final HBaseClassTestRule CLASS_RULE =
public static Object[] data() {
return new Object[] { "CHUNK_MAP", "ARRAY_MAP" }; // test different immutable indexes
private static final Logger LOG =
public final boolean toCellChunkMap;
Configuration conf;
// Helpers
public TestCompactingToCellFlatMapMemStore(String type){
if (type == "CHUNK_MAP") {
toCellChunkMap = true;
} else {
toCellChunkMap = false;
@Override public void tearDown() throws Exception {
@Override public void setUp() throws Exception {
this.conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
// set memstore to do data compaction
conf.setDouble(CompactingMemStore.IN_MEMORY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_FACTOR_KEY, 0.02);
this.memstore =
new MyCompactingMemStore(conf, CellComparatorImpl.COMPARATOR, store,
regionServicesForStores, MemoryCompactionPolicy.EAGER);
// Compaction tests
public void testCompaction1Bucket() throws IOException {
int counter = 0;
String[] keys1 = { "A", "A", "B", "C" }; //A1, A2, B3, C4
if (toCellChunkMap) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
} else {
// test 1 bucket
long totalCellsLen = addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys1);
long cellBeforeFlushSize = cellBeforeFlushSize();
long cellAfterFlushSize = cellAfterFlushSize();
long totalHeapSize = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD + 4 * cellBeforeFlushSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore)memstore).heapSize());
assertEquals(4, memstore.getActive().getCellsCount());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and compact
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// One cell is duplicated and the compaction will remove it. All cells of same size so adjusting
// totalCellsLen
totalCellsLen = (totalCellsLen * 3) / 4;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
totalHeapSize =
3 * cellAfterFlushSize + MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD
+ (toCellChunkMap ?
CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM :
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore)memstore).heapSize());
for ( Segment s : memstore.getSegments()) {
counter += s.getCellsCount();
assertEquals(3, counter);
MemStoreSize mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot(); // push keys to snapshot
region.decrMemStoreSize(mss); // simulate flusher
ImmutableSegment s = memstore.getSnapshot();
assertEquals(3, s.getCellsCount());
assertEquals(0, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
public void testCompaction2Buckets() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
} else {
String[] keys1 = { "A", "A", "B", "C" };
String[] keys2 = { "A", "B", "D" };
long totalCellsLen1 = addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys1); // INSERT 4
long cellBeforeFlushSize = cellBeforeFlushSize();
long cellAfterFlushSize = cellAfterFlushSize();
long totalHeapSize1 = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD + 4 * cellBeforeFlushSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and compact
int counter = 0; // COMPACT 4->3
for ( Segment s : memstore.getSegments()) {
counter += s.getCellsCount();
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// One cell is duplicated and the compaction will remove it. All cells of same size so adjusting
// totalCellsLen
totalCellsLen1 = (totalCellsLen1 * 3) / 4;
totalHeapSize1 = 3 * cellAfterFlushSize + MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD
+ (toCellChunkMap ?
CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM :
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
long totalCellsLen2 = addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys2); // INSERT 3 (3+3=6)
long totalHeapSize2 = 3 * cellBeforeFlushSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1 + totalCellsLen2, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1 + totalHeapSize2, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and compact
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());// COMPACT 6->4
counter = 0;
for ( Segment s : memstore.getSegments()) {
counter += s.getCellsCount();
totalCellsLen2 = totalCellsLen2 / 3;// 2 cells duplicated in set 2
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1 + totalCellsLen2, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
totalHeapSize2 = 1 * cellAfterFlushSize;
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1 + totalHeapSize2, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
MemStoreSize mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot(); // push keys to snapshot
// simulate flusher
ImmutableSegment s = memstore.getSnapshot();
assertEquals(4, s.getCellsCount());
assertEquals(0, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
public void testCompaction3Buckets() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
} else {
// set to CellArrayMap as CCM is configured by default due to MSLAB usage
String[] keys1 = { "A", "A", "B", "C" };
String[] keys2 = { "A", "B", "D" };
String[] keys3 = { "D", "B", "B" };
long totalCellsLen1 = addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys1);
long cellBeforeFlushSize = cellBeforeFlushSize();
long cellAfterFlushSize = cellAfterFlushSize();
long totalHeapSize1 = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD + 4 * cellBeforeFlushSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1, region.getMemStoreDataSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
MemStoreSize mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and compact
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// One cell is duplicated and the compaction will remove it. All cells of same size so adjusting
// totalCellsLen
totalCellsLen1 = (totalCellsLen1 * 3) / 4;
totalHeapSize1 = 3 * cellAfterFlushSize + MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD
+ (toCellChunkMap ?
CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM :
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
long totalCellsLen2 = addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys2);
long totalHeapSize2 = 3 * cellBeforeFlushSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1 + totalCellsLen2, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1 + totalHeapSize2, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
((MyCompactingMemStore) memstore).disableCompaction();
mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline without compaction
totalHeapSize2 = totalHeapSize2 + CSLMImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CSLM;
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1 + totalCellsLen2, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1 + totalHeapSize2, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
long totalCellsLen3 = addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys3);
long totalHeapSize3 = 3 * cellBeforeFlushSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1 + totalCellsLen2 + totalCellsLen3,
assertEquals(totalHeapSize1 + totalHeapSize2 + totalHeapSize3,
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
((MyCompactingMemStore) memstore).enableCompaction();
mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and compact
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// active flushed to pipeline and all 3 segments compacted. Will get rid of duplicated cells.
// Out of total 10, only 4 cells are unique
totalCellsLen2 = totalCellsLen2 / 3;// 2 out of 3 cells are duplicated
totalCellsLen3 = 0;// All duplicated cells.
assertEquals(totalCellsLen1 + totalCellsLen2 + totalCellsLen3,
// Only 4 unique cells left
long totalHeapSize4 = 4 * cellAfterFlushSize + MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD
+ (toCellChunkMap ?
CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM :
assertEquals(totalHeapSize4, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot(); // push keys to snapshot
// simulate flusher
region.decrMemStoreSize(mss.getDataSize(), mss.getHeapSize(), mss.getOffHeapSize(),
ImmutableSegment s = memstore.getSnapshot();
assertEquals(4, s.getCellsCount());
assertEquals(0, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
// Merging tests
public void testMerging() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
String[] keys1 = { "A", "A", "B", "C", "F", "H"};
String[] keys2 = { "A", "B", "D", "G", "I", "J"};
String[] keys3 = { "D", "B", "B", "E" };
MemoryCompactionPolicy compactionType = MemoryCompactionPolicy.BASIC;
((MyCompactingMemStore)memstore).initiateType(compactionType, memstore.getConfiguration());
addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys1);
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline should not compact
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys2); // also should only flatten
int counter2 = 0;
for ( Segment s : memstore.getSegments()) {
counter2 += s.getCellsCount();
assertEquals(12, counter2);
((MyCompactingMemStore) memstore).disableCompaction();
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline without flattening
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
int counter3 = 0;
for ( Segment s : memstore.getSegments()) {
counter3 += s.getCellsCount();
assertEquals(12, counter3);
addRowsByKeysDataSize(memstore, keys3);
int counter4 = 0;
for ( Segment s : memstore.getSegments()) {
counter4 += s.getCellsCount();
assertEquals(16, counter4);
((MyCompactingMemStore) memstore).enableCompaction();
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and compact
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
int counter = 0;
for ( Segment s : memstore.getSegments()) {
counter += s.getCellsCount();
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot(); // push keys to snapshot
ImmutableSegment s = memstore.getSnapshot();
public void testTimeRangeAfterCompaction() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
public void testTimeRangeAfterMerge() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
MemoryCompactionPolicy compactionType = MemoryCompactionPolicy.BASIC;
((MyCompactingMemStore)memstore).initiateType(compactionType, memstore.getConfiguration());
private void testTimeRange(boolean isCompaction) throws IOException {
final long initTs = 100;
long currentTs = initTs;
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row");
byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("qf1");
// first segment in pipeline
this.memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf1, ++currentTs, (byte[])null), null);
long minTs = currentTs;
this.memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf1, ++currentTs, (byte[])null), null);
long numberOfCell = 2;
assertEquals(numberOfCell, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToInt(Segment::getCellsCount).sum());
assertEquals(minTs, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToLong(
m -> m.getTimeRangeTracker().getMin()).min().getAsLong());
assertEquals(currentTs, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToLong(
m -> m.getTimeRangeTracker().getMax()).max().getAsLong());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory();
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
if (isCompaction) {
// max version = 1, so one cell will be dropped.
numberOfCell = 1;
minTs = currentTs;
// second segment in pipeline
this.memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf1, ++currentTs, (byte[])null), null);
this.memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qf1, ++currentTs, (byte[])null), null);
numberOfCell += 2;
assertEquals(numberOfCell, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToInt(Segment::getCellsCount).sum());
assertEquals(minTs, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToLong(
m -> m.getTimeRangeTracker().getMin()).min().getAsLong());
assertEquals(currentTs, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToLong(
m -> m.getTimeRangeTracker().getMax()).max().getAsLong());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // trigger the merge
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
if (isCompaction) {
// max version = 1, so one cell will be dropped.
numberOfCell = 1;
minTs = currentTs;
assertEquals(numberOfCell, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToInt(Segment::getCellsCount).sum());
assertEquals(minTs, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToLong(
m -> m.getTimeRangeTracker().getMin()).min().getAsLong());
assertEquals(currentTs, memstore.getSegments().stream().mapToLong(
m -> m.getTimeRangeTracker().getMax()).max().getAsLong());
public void testCountOfCellsAfterFlatteningByScan() throws IOException {
String[] keys1 = { "A", "B", "C" }; // A, B, C
addRowsByKeysWith50Cols(memstore, keys1);
// this should only flatten as there are no duplicates
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory();
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = memstore.getScanners(Long.MAX_VALUE);
// seek
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < scanners.size(); i++) {
while (scanners.get(i).next() != null) {
assertEquals("the count should be ", 150, count);
for(int i = 0; i < scanners.size(); i++) {
public void testCountOfCellsAfterFlatteningByIterator() throws IOException {
String[] keys1 = { "A", "B", "C" }; // A, B, C
addRowsByKeysWith50Cols(memstore, keys1);
// this should only flatten as there are no duplicates
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory();
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
// Just doing the cnt operation here
MemStoreSegmentsIterator itr = new MemStoreMergerSegmentsIterator(
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).getImmutableSegments().getStoreSegments(),
CellComparatorImpl.COMPARATOR, 10);
int cnt = 0;
try {
while ( != null) {
} finally {
assertEquals("the count should be ", 150, cnt);
private void addRowsByKeysWith50Cols(AbstractMemStore hmc, String[] keys) {
byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("testfamily");
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
Threads.sleep(1); // to make sure each kv gets a different ts
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes(keys[i]);
for(int j =0 ;j < 50; j++) {
byte[] qf = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier"+j);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes(keys[i] + j);
KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(row, fam, qf, timestamp, val);
hmc.add(kv, null);
public void testPuttingBackChunksWithOpeningScanner() throws IOException {
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("testrow");
byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("testfamily");
byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier1");
byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier2");
byte[] qf3 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier3");
byte[] qf4 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier4");
byte[] qf5 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier5");
byte[] qf6 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier6");
byte[] qf7 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier7");
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("testval");
// Setting up memstore
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf1, val), null);
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf2, val), null);
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf3, val), null);
// Creating a snapshot
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot();
assertEquals(3, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// Adding value to "new" memstore
assertEquals(0, memstore.getActive().getCellsCount());
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf4, val), null);
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf5, val), null);
assertEquals(2, memstore.getActive().getCellsCount());
// opening scanner before clear the snapshot
List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = memstore.getScanners(0);
// Shouldn't putting back the chunks to pool,since some scanners are opening
// based on their data
// close the scanners
for(KeyValueScanner scanner : snapshot.getScanners()) {
assertTrue(chunkCreator.getPoolSize() == 0);
// Chunks will be put back to pool after close scanners;
for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
assertTrue(chunkCreator.getPoolSize() > 0);
// clear chunks
// Creating another snapshot
snapshot = memstore.snapshot();
// Adding more value
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf6, val), null);
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf7, val), null);
// opening scanners
scanners = memstore.getScanners(0);
// close scanners before clear the snapshot
for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
// Since no opening scanner, the chunks of snapshot should be put back to
// pool
// close the scanners
for(KeyValueScanner scanner : snapshot.getScanners()) {
assertTrue(chunkCreator.getPoolSize() > 0);
public void testPuttingBackChunksAfterFlushing() throws IOException {
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("testrow");
byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("testfamily");
byte[] qf1 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier1");
byte[] qf2 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier2");
byte[] qf3 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier3");
byte[] qf4 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier4");
byte[] qf5 = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier5");
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("testval");
// Setting up memstore
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf1, val), null);
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf2, val), null);
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf3, val), null);
// Creating a snapshot
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot();
assertEquals(3, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// Adding value to "new" memstore
assertEquals(0, memstore.getActive().getCellsCount());
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf4, val), null);
memstore.add(new KeyValue(row, fam, qf5, val), null);
assertEquals(2, memstore.getActive().getCellsCount());
// close the scanners
for(KeyValueScanner scanner : snapshot.getScanners()) {
int chunkCount = chunkCreator.getPoolSize();
assertTrue(chunkCount > 0);
public void testFlatteningToCellChunkMap() throws IOException {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
MemoryCompactionPolicy compactionType = MemoryCompactionPolicy.BASIC;
((MyCompactingMemStore)memstore).initiateType(compactionType, memstore.getConfiguration());
int numOfCells = 8;
String[] keys1 = { "A", "A", "B", "C", "D", "D", "E", "F" }; //A1, A2, B3, C4, D5, D6, E7, F8
// make one cell
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes(keys1[0]);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes(keys1[0] + 0);
KeyValue kv =
new KeyValue(row, Bytes.toBytes("testfamily"), Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier"),
System.currentTimeMillis(), val);
// test 1 bucket
int totalCellsLen = addRowsByKeys(memstore, keys1);
long oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize = ClassSize.align(
ClassSize.CONCURRENT_SKIPLISTMAP_ENTRY + KeyValue.FIXED_OVERHEAD + kv.getSerializedSize());
long totalHeapSize = numOfCells * oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize + MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
((CompactingMemStore)memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and flatten
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
long oneCellOnCCMHeapSize =
ClassSize.CELL_CHUNK_MAP_ENTRY + ClassSize.align(kv.getSerializedSize());
totalHeapSize = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD + CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM
+ numOfCells * oneCellOnCCMHeapSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
MemStoreSize mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot(); // push keys to snapshot
// simulate flusher
ImmutableSegment s = memstore.getSnapshot();
assertEquals(numOfCells, s.getCellsCount());
assertEquals(0, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
* CellChunkMap Segment index requires all cell data to be written in the MSLAB Chunks.
* Even though MSLAB is enabled, cells bigger than maxAlloc
* (even if smaller than the size of a chunk) are not written in the MSLAB Chunks.
* If such cells are found in the process of flattening into CellChunkMap
* (in-memory-flush) they need to be copied into MSLAB.
* testFlatteningToBigCellChunkMap checks that the process of flattening into
* CellChunkMap succeeds, even when such big cells are allocated.
public void testFlatteningToBigCellChunkMap() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap == false) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
MemoryCompactionPolicy compactionType = MemoryCompactionPolicy.BASIC;
((MyCompactingMemStore)memstore).initiateType(compactionType, memstore.getConfiguration());
int numOfCells = 4;
char[] chars = new char[MemStoreLAB.MAX_ALLOC_DEFAULT];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
chars[i] = 'A';
String bigVal = new String(chars);
String[] keys1 = { "A", "B", "C", "D"};
// make one cell
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes(keys1[0]);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes(bigVal);
KeyValue kv =
new KeyValue(row, Bytes.toBytes("testfamily"), Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier"),
System.currentTimeMillis(), val);
// test 1 bucket
int totalCellsLen = addRowsByKeys(memstore, keys1, val);
long oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize =
long totalHeapSize = numOfCells * oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize + MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
((CompactingMemStore)memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and flatten
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// One cell is duplicated, but it shouldn't be compacted because we are in BASIC mode.
// totalCellsLen should remain the same
long oneCellOnCCMHeapSize =
ClassSize.CELL_CHUNK_MAP_ENTRY + ClassSize.align(kv.getSerializedSize());
totalHeapSize = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD + CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM
+ numOfCells * oneCellOnCCMHeapSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
MemStoreSize mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot(); // push keys to snapshot
// simulate flusher
ImmutableSegment s = memstore.getSnapshot();
assertEquals(numOfCells, s.getCellsCount());
assertEquals(0, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
* CellChunkMap Segment index requires all cell data to be written in the MSLAB Chunks.
* Even though MSLAB is enabled, cells bigger than the size of a chunk are not
* written in the MSLAB Chunks.
* If such cells are found in the process of flattening into CellChunkMap
* (in-memory-flush) they need to be copied into MSLAB.
* testFlatteningToJumboCellChunkMap checks that the process of flattening
* into CellChunkMap succeeds, even when such big cells are allocated.
public void testFlatteningToJumboCellChunkMap() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap == false) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
MemoryCompactionPolicy compactionType = MemoryCompactionPolicy.BASIC;
((MyCompactingMemStore) memstore).initiateType(compactionType, memstore.getConfiguration());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).setIndexType(CompactingMemStore.IndexType.CHUNK_MAP);
int numOfCells = 1;
char[] chars = new char[MemStoreLAB.CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
chars[i] = 'A';
String bigVal = new String(chars);
String[] keys1 = {"A"};
// make one cell
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes(keys1[0]);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes(bigVal);
KeyValue kv =
new KeyValue(row, Bytes.toBytes("testfamily"), Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier"),
System.currentTimeMillis(), val);
// test 1 bucket
int totalCellsLen = addRowsByKeys(memstore, keys1, val);
long oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize =
long totalHeapSize = numOfCells * oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize + MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).flushInMemory(); // push keys to pipeline and flatten
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
assertEquals(0, memstore.getSnapshot().getCellsCount());
// One cell is duplicated, but it shouldn't be compacted because we are in BASIC mode.
// totalCellsLen should remain the same
long oneCellOnCCMHeapSize =
(long) ClassSize.CELL_CHUNK_MAP_ENTRY + ClassSize.align(kv.getSerializedSize());
totalHeapSize = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD + CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM
+ numOfCells * oneCellOnCCMHeapSize;
assertEquals(totalCellsLen+ChunkCreator.SIZEOF_CHUNK_HEADER, regionServicesForStores
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
MemStoreSize mss = memstore.getFlushableSize();
MemStoreSnapshot snapshot = memstore.snapshot(); // push keys to snapshot
// simulate flusher
ImmutableSegment s = memstore.getSnapshot();
assertEquals(numOfCells, s.getCellsCount());
assertEquals(0, regionServicesForStores.getMemStoreSize());
// Allocating two big cells (too big for being copied into a regular chunk).
String[] keys2 = {"C", "D"};
addRowsByKeys(memstore, keys2, val);
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
// The in-memory flush size is bigger than the size of a single cell,
// but smaller than the size of two cells.
// Therefore, the two created cells are flattened together.
totalHeapSize = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD
+ CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM
+ 1 * oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize
+ 1 * oneCellOnCCMHeapSize;
assertEquals(totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
* CellChunkMap Segment index requires all cell data to be written in the MSLAB Chunks.
* Even though MSLAB is enabled, cells bigger than the size of a chunk are not
* written in the MSLAB Chunks.
* If such cells are found in the process of a merge they need to be copied into MSLAB.
* testForceCopyOfBigCellIntoImmutableSegment checks that the
* ImmutableMemStoreLAB's forceCopyOfBigCellInto does what it's supposed to do.
@org.junit.Ignore @Test // Flakey. Disabled by HBASE-24128. HBASE-24129 is for reenable.
// TestCompactingToCellFlatMapMemStore.testForceCopyOfBigCellIntoImmutableSegment:902 i=1
// expected:<8389924> but was:<8389992>
public void testForceCopyOfBigCellIntoImmutableSegment() throws IOException {
if (toCellChunkMap == false) {
// set memstore to flat into CellChunkMap
MemoryCompactionPolicy compactionType = MemoryCompactionPolicy.BASIC;
.setDouble(CompactingMemStore.IN_MEMORY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_FACTOR_KEY, 0.014);
((MyCompactingMemStore) memstore).initiateType(compactionType, memstore.getConfiguration());
((CompactingMemStore) memstore).setIndexType(CompactingMemStore.IndexType.CHUNK_MAP);
char[] chars = new char[MemStoreLAB.CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
chars[i] = 'A';
String bigVal = new String(chars);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes(bigVal);
// We need to add two cells, three times, in order to guarantee a merge
List<String[]> keysList = new ArrayList<>();
keysList.add(new String[]{"A", "B"});
keysList.add(new String[]{"C", "D"});
keysList.add(new String[]{"E", "F"});
keysList.add(new String[]{"G", "H"});
// Measuring the size of a single kv
KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes("A"), Bytes.toBytes("testfamily"),
Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier"), System.currentTimeMillis(), val);
long oneCellOnCCMHeapSize =
(long) ClassSize.CELL_CHUNK_MAP_ENTRY + ClassSize.align(kv.getSerializedSize());
long oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize =
ClassSize.align(ClassSize.CONCURRENT_SKIPLISTMAP_ENTRY + kv.heapSize());
long totalHeapSize = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
for (int i = 0; i < keysList.size(); i++) {
addRowsByKeys(memstore, keysList.get(i), val);
while (((CompactingMemStore) memstore).isMemStoreFlushingInMemory()) {
if(i==0) {
totalHeapSize += CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM
+ oneCellOnCCMHeapSize + oneCellOnCSLMHeapSize;
} else {
// The in-memory flush size is bigger than the size of a single cell,
// but smaller than the size of two cells.
// Therefore, the two created cells are flattened in a seperate segment.
totalHeapSize += 2 * (CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM + oneCellOnCCMHeapSize);
if (i == 2) {
// Four out of the five segments are merged into one
totalHeapSize -= (4 * CellChunkImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CCM);
totalHeapSize = ClassSize.align(totalHeapSize);
assertEquals("i="+i, totalHeapSize, ((CompactingMemStore) memstore).heapSize());
private long addRowsByKeysDataSize(final AbstractMemStore hmc, String[] keys) {
byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes("testfamily");
byte[] qf = Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier");
MemStoreSizing memstoreSizing = new NonThreadSafeMemStoreSizing();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
Threads.sleep(1); // to make sure each kv gets a different ts
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes(keys[i]);
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes(keys[i] + i);
KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(row, fam, qf, timestamp, val);
hmc.add(kv, memstoreSizing);
LOG.debug("added kv: " + kv.getKeyString() + ", timestamp" + kv.getTimestamp());
MemStoreSize mss = memstoreSizing.getMemStoreSize();
regionServicesForStores.addMemStoreSize(mss.getDataSize(), mss.getHeapSize(),
mss.getOffHeapSize(), mss.getCellsCount());
return mss.getDataSize();
private long cellBeforeFlushSize() {
// make one cell
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("A");
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("A" + 0);
KeyValue kv =
new KeyValue(row, Bytes.toBytes("testfamily"), Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier"),
System.currentTimeMillis(), val);
return ClassSize.align(
ClassSize.CONCURRENT_SKIPLISTMAP_ENTRY + KeyValue.FIXED_OVERHEAD + kv.getSerializedSize());
private long cellAfterFlushSize() {
// make one cell
byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("A");
byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes("A" + 0);
KeyValue kv =
new KeyValue(row, Bytes.toBytes("testfamily"), Bytes.toBytes("testqualifier"),
System.currentTimeMillis(), val);
return toCellChunkMap ?
ClassSize.CELL_CHUNK_MAP_ENTRY + kv.getSerializedSize()) :
ClassSize.CELL_ARRAY_MAP_ENTRY + KeyValue.FIXED_OVERHEAD + kv.getSerializedSize());