blob: 442b90d652c7d8e544a198544c0298be6e50f232 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellComparator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.Compactor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.BloomFilterFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.BloomFilterWriter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import java.util.Arrays;
* A StoreFile writer. Use this to read/write HBase Store Files. It is package
* local because it is an implementation detail of the HBase regionserver.
public class StoreFileWriter implements Compactor.CellSink {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(StoreFileWriter.class.getName());
private final BloomFilterWriter generalBloomFilterWriter;
private final BloomFilterWriter deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter;
private final BloomType bloomType;
private byte[] lastBloomKey;
private int lastBloomKeyOffset, lastBloomKeyLen;
private Cell lastCell = null;
private long earliestPutTs = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
private Cell lastDeleteFamilyCell = null;
private long deleteFamilyCnt = 0;
* timeRangeTrackerSet is used to figure if we were passed a filled-out TimeRangeTracker or not.
* When flushing a memstore, we set the TimeRangeTracker that it accumulated during updates to
* memstore in here into this Writer and use this variable to indicate that we do not need to
* recalculate the timeRangeTracker bounds; it was done already as part of add-to-memstore.
* A completed TimeRangeTracker is not set in cases of compactions when it is recalculated.
private final boolean timeRangeTrackerSet;
final TimeRangeTracker timeRangeTracker;
protected HFile.Writer writer;
private KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue lastBloomKeyOnlyKV = null;
* Creates an HFile.Writer that also write helpful meta data.
* @param fs file system to write to
* @param path file name to create
* @param conf user configuration
* @param comparator key comparator
* @param bloomType bloom filter setting
* @param maxKeys the expected maximum number of keys to be added. Was used
* for Bloom filter size in {@link HFile} format version 1.
* @param fileContext - The HFile context
* @throws IOException problem writing to FS
StoreFileWriter(FileSystem fs, Path path, final Configuration conf, CacheConfig cacheConf,
final CellComparator comparator, BloomType bloomType, long maxKeys,
InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes, HFileContext fileContext)
throws IOException {
this(fs, path, conf, cacheConf, comparator, bloomType, maxKeys, favoredNodes, fileContext,
* Creates an HFile.Writer that also write helpful meta data.
* @param fs file system to write to
* @param path file name to create
* @param conf user configuration
* @param comparator key comparator
* @param bloomType bloom filter setting
* @param maxKeys the expected maximum number of keys to be added. Was used
* for Bloom filter size in {@link HFile} format version 1.
* @param favoredNodes
* @param fileContext - The HFile context
* @param trt Ready-made timetracker to use.
* @throws IOException problem writing to FS
private StoreFileWriter(FileSystem fs, Path path,
final Configuration conf,
CacheConfig cacheConf,
final CellComparator comparator, BloomType bloomType, long maxKeys,
InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes, HFileContext fileContext,
final TimeRangeTracker trt)
throws IOException {
// If passed a TimeRangeTracker, use it. Set timeRangeTrackerSet so we don't destroy it.
// TODO: put the state of the TRT on the TRT; i.e. make a read-only version (TimeRange) when
// it no longer writable.
this.timeRangeTrackerSet = trt != null;
this.timeRangeTracker = this.timeRangeTrackerSet? trt: new TimeRangeTracker();
writer = HFile.getWriterFactory(conf, cacheConf)
.withPath(fs, path)
generalBloomFilterWriter = BloomFilterFactory.createGeneralBloomAtWrite(
conf, cacheConf, bloomType,
(int) Math.min(maxKeys, Integer.MAX_VALUE), writer);
if (generalBloomFilterWriter != null) {
this.bloomType = bloomType;
if(this.bloomType == BloomType.ROWCOL) {
lastBloomKeyOnlyKV = new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Bloom filter type for " + path + ": " + this.bloomType + ", " +
} else {
// Not using Bloom filters.
this.bloomType = BloomType.NONE;
// initialize delete family Bloom filter when there is NO RowCol Bloom
// filter
if (this.bloomType != BloomType.ROWCOL) {
this.deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter = BloomFilterFactory
.createDeleteBloomAtWrite(conf, cacheConf,
(int) Math.min(maxKeys, Integer.MAX_VALUE), writer);
} else {
deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter = null;
if (deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter != null && LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Delete Family Bloom filter type for " + path + ": " +
* Writes meta data.
* Call before {@link #close()} since its written as meta data to this file.
* @param maxSequenceId Maximum sequence id.
* @param majorCompaction True if this file is product of a major compaction
* @throws IOException problem writing to FS
public void appendMetadata(final long maxSequenceId, final boolean majorCompaction)
throws IOException {
writer.appendFileInfo(StoreFile.MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY, Bytes.toBytes(maxSequenceId));
* Writes meta data.
* Call before {@link #close()} since its written as meta data to this file.
* @param maxSequenceId Maximum sequence id.
* @param majorCompaction True if this file is product of a major compaction
* @param mobCellsCount The number of mob cells.
* @throws IOException problem writing to FS
public void appendMetadata(final long maxSequenceId, final boolean majorCompaction,
final long mobCellsCount) throws IOException {
writer.appendFileInfo(StoreFile.MAX_SEQ_ID_KEY, Bytes.toBytes(maxSequenceId));
writer.appendFileInfo(StoreFile.MAJOR_COMPACTION_KEY, Bytes.toBytes(majorCompaction));
writer.appendFileInfo(StoreFile.MOB_CELLS_COUNT, Bytes.toBytes(mobCellsCount));
* Add TimestampRange and earliest put timestamp to Metadata
public void appendTrackedTimestampsToMetadata() throws IOException {
appendFileInfo(StoreFile.TIMERANGE_KEY, WritableUtils.toByteArray(timeRangeTracker));
appendFileInfo(StoreFile.EARLIEST_PUT_TS, Bytes.toBytes(earliestPutTs));
* Record the earlest Put timestamp.
* If the timeRangeTracker is not set,
* update TimeRangeTracker to include the timestamp of this key
public void trackTimestamps(final Cell cell) {
if (KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode() == cell.getTypeByte()) {
earliestPutTs = Math.min(earliestPutTs, cell.getTimestamp());
if (!timeRangeTrackerSet) {
private void appendGeneralBloomfilter(final Cell cell) throws IOException {
if (this.generalBloomFilterWriter != null) {
// only add to the bloom filter on a new, unique key
boolean newKey = true;
if (this.lastCell != null) {
switch(bloomType) {
case ROW:
newKey = ! CellUtil.matchingRows(cell, lastCell);
case ROWCOL:
newKey = ! CellUtil.matchingRowColumn(cell, lastCell);
case NONE:
newKey = false;
throw new IOException("Invalid Bloom filter type: " + bloomType +
" (ROW or ROWCOL expected)");
if (newKey) {
* Key = RowLen + Row + FamilyLen + Column [Family + Qualifier] + TimeStamp
* 2 Types of Filtering:
* 1. Row = Row
* 2. RowCol = Row + Qualifier
byte[] bloomKey = null;
// Used with ROW_COL bloom
KeyValue bloomKeyKV = null;
int bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen;
switch (bloomType) {
case ROW:
bloomKey = cell.getRowArray();
bloomKeyOffset = cell.getRowOffset();
bloomKeyLen = cell.getRowLength();
case ROWCOL:
// merge(row, qualifier)
// TODO: could save one buffer copy in case of compound Bloom
// filters when this involves creating a KeyValue
// TODO : Handle while writes also
bloomKeyKV = KeyValueUtil.createFirstOnRow(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(),
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, 0, 0, cell.getQualifierArray(),
bloomKey = bloomKeyKV.getBuffer();
bloomKeyOffset = bloomKeyKV.getKeyOffset();
bloomKeyLen = bloomKeyKV.getKeyLength();
throw new IOException("Invalid Bloom filter type: " + bloomType +
" (ROW or ROWCOL expected)");
generalBloomFilterWriter.add(bloomKey, bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen);
if (lastBloomKey != null) {
int res = 0;
// hbase:meta does not have blooms. So we need not have special interpretation
// of the hbase:meta cells. We can safely use Bytes.BYTES_RAWCOMPARATOR for ROW Bloom
if (bloomType == BloomType.ROW) {
res =, bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen,
lastBloomKey, lastBloomKeyOffset, lastBloomKeyLen);
} else {
// TODO : Caching of kv components becomes important in these cases
res =, lastBloomKeyOnlyKV);
if (res <= 0) {
throw new IOException("Non-increasing Bloom keys: "
+ Bytes.toStringBinary(bloomKey, bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen) + " after "
+ Bytes.toStringBinary(lastBloomKey, lastBloomKeyOffset, lastBloomKeyLen));
lastBloomKey = bloomKey;
lastBloomKeyOffset = bloomKeyOffset;
lastBloomKeyLen = bloomKeyLen;
if (bloomType == BloomType.ROWCOL) {
lastBloomKeyOnlyKV.setKey(bloomKey, bloomKeyOffset, bloomKeyLen);
this.lastCell = cell;
private void appendDeleteFamilyBloomFilter(final Cell cell)
throws IOException {
if (!CellUtil.isDeleteFamily(cell) && !CellUtil.isDeleteFamilyVersion(cell)) {
// increase the number of delete family in the store file
if (null != this.deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter) {
boolean newKey = true;
if (lastDeleteFamilyCell != null) {
// hbase:meta does not have blooms. So we need not have special interpretation
// of the hbase:meta cells
newKey = !CellUtil.matchingRows(cell, lastDeleteFamilyCell);
if (newKey) {
cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength());
this.lastDeleteFamilyCell = cell;
public void append(final Cell cell) throws IOException {
public Path getPath() {
return this.writer.getPath();
public boolean hasGeneralBloom() {
return this.generalBloomFilterWriter != null;
* For unit testing only.
* @return the Bloom filter used by this writer.
BloomFilterWriter getGeneralBloomWriter() {
return generalBloomFilterWriter;
private boolean closeBloomFilter(BloomFilterWriter bfw) throws IOException {
boolean haveBloom = (bfw != null && bfw.getKeyCount() > 0);
if (haveBloom) {
return haveBloom;
private boolean closeGeneralBloomFilter() throws IOException {
boolean hasGeneralBloom = closeBloomFilter(generalBloomFilterWriter);
// add the general Bloom filter writer and append file info
if (hasGeneralBloom) {
if (lastBloomKey != null) {
writer.appendFileInfo(StoreFile.LAST_BLOOM_KEY, Arrays.copyOfRange(
lastBloomKey, lastBloomKeyOffset, lastBloomKeyOffset
+ lastBloomKeyLen));
return hasGeneralBloom;
private boolean closeDeleteFamilyBloomFilter() throws IOException {
boolean hasDeleteFamilyBloom = closeBloomFilter(deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter);
// add the delete family Bloom filter writer
if (hasDeleteFamilyBloom) {
// append file info about the number of delete family kvs
// even if there is no delete family Bloom.
return hasDeleteFamilyBloom;
public void close() throws IOException {
boolean hasGeneralBloom = this.closeGeneralBloomFilter();
boolean hasDeleteFamilyBloom = this.closeDeleteFamilyBloomFilter();
// Log final Bloom filter statistics. This needs to be done after close()
// because compound Bloom filters might be finalized as part of closing.
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace((hasGeneralBloom ? "" : "NO ") + "General Bloom and " +
(hasDeleteFamilyBloom ? "" : "NO ") + "DeleteFamily" + " was added to HFile " +
public void appendFileInfo(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws IOException {
writer.appendFileInfo(key, value);
/** For use in testing.
HFile.Writer getHFileWriter() {
return writer;
justification="Will not overflow")
public static class Builder {
private final Configuration conf;
private final CacheConfig cacheConf;
private final FileSystem fs;
private CellComparator comparator = CellComparator.COMPARATOR;
private BloomType bloomType = BloomType.NONE;
private long maxKeyCount = 0;
private Path dir;
private Path filePath;
private InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes;
private HFileContext fileContext;
private TimeRangeTracker trt;
public Builder(Configuration conf, CacheConfig cacheConf,
FileSystem fs) {
this.conf = conf;
this.cacheConf = cacheConf;
this.fs = fs;
* @param trt A premade TimeRangeTracker to use rather than build one per append (building one
* of these is expensive so good to pass one in if you have one).
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public Builder withTimeRangeTracker(final TimeRangeTracker trt) {
this.trt = trt;
return this;
* Use either this method or {@link #withFilePath}, but not both.
* @param dir Path to column family directory. The directory is created if
* does not exist. The file is given a unique name within this
* directory.
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public Builder withOutputDir(Path dir) {
this.dir = dir;
return this;
* Use either this method or {@link #withOutputDir}, but not both.
* @param filePath the StoreFile path to write
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public Builder withFilePath(Path filePath) {
this.filePath = filePath;
return this;
* @param favoredNodes an array of favored nodes or possibly null
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public Builder withFavoredNodes(InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes) {
this.favoredNodes = favoredNodes;
return this;
public Builder withComparator(CellComparator comparator) {
this.comparator = comparator;
return this;
public Builder withBloomType(BloomType bloomType) {
this.bloomType = bloomType;
return this;
* @param maxKeyCount estimated maximum number of keys we expect to add
* @return this (for chained invocation)
public Builder withMaxKeyCount(long maxKeyCount) {
this.maxKeyCount = maxKeyCount;
return this;
public Builder withFileContext(HFileContext fileContext) {
this.fileContext = fileContext;
return this;
public Builder withShouldDropCacheBehind(boolean shouldDropCacheBehind/*NOT USED!!*/) {
return this;
* Create a store file writer. Client is responsible for closing file when
* done. If metadata, add BEFORE closing using
* {@link StoreFileWriter#appendMetadata}.
public StoreFileWriter build() throws IOException {
if ((dir == null ? 0 : 1) + (filePath == null ? 0 : 1) != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either specify parent directory " +
"or file path");
if (dir == null) {
dir = filePath.getParent();
if (!fs.exists(dir)) {
if (filePath == null) {
filePath = StoreFile.getUniqueFile(fs, dir);
if (!BloomFilterFactory.isGeneralBloomEnabled(conf)) {
bloomType = BloomType.NONE;
if (comparator == null) {
comparator = CellComparator.COMPARATOR;
return new StoreFileWriter(fs, filePath,
conf, cacheConf, comparator, bloomType, maxKeyCount, favoredNodes, fileContext, trt);