blob: 3d31d2a39e064b21f3d2e5bbc26cb8eb06d3d55a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.htrace.Trace;
* This is the scanner for any MemStore implementation, derived from MemStore.
* The MemStoreScanner combines SegmentScanner from different Segments and
* uses the key-value heap and the reversed key-value heap for the aggregated key-values set.
* It is assumed that only traversing forward or backward is used (without zigzagging in between)
public class MemStoreScanner extends NonLazyKeyValueScanner {
* Types of cell MemStoreScanner
static public enum Type {
// heap of scanners used for traversing forward
private KeyValueHeap forwardHeap;
// reversed scanners heap for traversing backward
private ReversedKeyValueHeap backwardHeap;
// The type of the scan is defined by constructor
// or according to the first usage
private Type type = Type.UNDEFINED;
private long readPoint;
// remember the initial version of the scanners list
List<KeyValueScanner> scanners;
// pointer back to the relevant MemStore
// is needed for shouldSeek() method
private AbstractMemStore backwardReferenceToMemStore;
* If UNDEFINED type for MemStoreScanner is provided, the forward heap is used as default!
* After constructor only one heap is going to be initialized for entire lifespan
* of the MemStoreScanner. A specific scanner can only be one directional!
* @param ms Pointer back to the MemStore
* @param scanners List of scanners over the segments
* @param readPt Read point below which we can safely remove duplicate KVs
public MemStoreScanner(AbstractMemStore ms, List<KeyValueScanner> scanners, long readPt)
throws IOException {
this(ms, scanners, readPt, Type.UNDEFINED);
* If UNDEFINED type for MemStoreScanner is provided, the forward heap is used as default!
* After constructor only one heap is going to be initialized for entire lifespan
* of the MemStoreScanner. A specific scanner can only be one directional!
* @param ms Pointer back to the MemStore
* @param scanners List of scanners over the segments
* @param readPt Read point below which we can safely remove duplicate KVs
* @param type The scan type COMPACT_FORWARD should be used for compaction
public MemStoreScanner(AbstractMemStore ms, List<KeyValueScanner> scanners, long readPt,
Type type) throws IOException {
this.readPoint = readPt;
this.type = type;
switch (type) {
this.forwardHeap = new KeyValueHeap(scanners, ms.getComparator());
this.backwardHeap = new ReversedKeyValueHeap(scanners, ms.getComparator());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown scanner type in MemStoreScanner");
this.backwardReferenceToMemStore = ms;
this.scanners = scanners;
if (Trace.isTracing() && Trace.currentSpan() != null) {
Trace.currentSpan().addTimelineAnnotation("Creating MemStoreScanner");
* Returns the cell from the top-most scanner without advancing the iterator.
* The backward traversal is assumed, only if specified explicitly
public synchronized Cell peek() {
if (type == Type.USER_SCAN_BACKWARD) {
return backwardHeap.peek();
return forwardHeap.peek();
* Gets the next cell from the top-most scanner. Assumed forward scanning.
public synchronized Cell next() throws IOException {
KeyValueHeap heap = (Type.USER_SCAN_BACKWARD == type) ? backwardHeap : forwardHeap;
// loop over till the next suitable value
// take next value from the heap
for (Cell currentCell =;
currentCell != null;
currentCell = {
// all the logic of presenting cells is inside the internal SegmentScanners
// located inside the heap
return currentCell;
return null;
* Set the scanner at the seek key. Assumed forward scanning.
* Must be called only once: there is no thread safety between the scanner
* and the memStore.
* @param cell seek value
* @return false if the key is null or if there is no data
public synchronized boolean seek(Cell cell) throws IOException {
if (cell == null) {
return false;
* Move forward on the sub-lists set previously by seek. Assumed forward scanning.
* @param cell seek value (should be non-null)
* @return true if there is at least one KV to read, false otherwise
public synchronized boolean reseek(Cell cell) throws IOException {
* See HBASE-4195 & HBASE-3855 & HBASE-6591 for the background on this implementation.
* This code is executed concurrently with flush and puts, without locks.
* Two points must be known when working on this code:
* 1) It's not possible to use the 'kvTail' and 'snapshot'
* variables, as they are modified during a flush.
* 2) The ideal implementation for performance would use the sub skip list
* implicitly pointed by the iterators 'kvsetIt' and
* 'snapshotIt'. Unfortunately the Java API does not offer a method to
* get it. So we remember the last keys we iterated to and restore
* the reseeked set to at least that point.
* TODO: The above comment copied from the original MemStoreScanner
return forwardHeap.reseek(cell);
* MemStoreScanner returns Long.MAX_VALUE because it will always have the latest data among all
* scanners.
* @see KeyValueScanner#getScannerOrder()
public long getScannerOrder() {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public synchronized void close() {
if (forwardHeap != null) {
assert ((type == Type.USER_SCAN_FORWARD) ||
(type == Type.COMPACT_FORWARD) || (type == Type.UNDEFINED));
forwardHeap = null;
if (backwardHeap != null) {
backwardHeap = null;
} else if (backwardHeap != null) {
assert (type == Type.USER_SCAN_BACKWARD);
backwardHeap = null;
* Set the scanner at the seek key. Assumed backward scanning.
* @param cell seek value
* @return false if the key is null or if there is no data
public synchronized boolean backwardSeek(Cell cell) throws IOException {
initBackwardHeapIfNeeded(cell, false);
return backwardHeap.backwardSeek(cell);
* Assumed backward scanning.
* @param cell seek value
* @return false if the key is null or if there is no data
public synchronized boolean seekToPreviousRow(Cell cell) throws IOException {
initBackwardHeapIfNeeded(cell, false);
if (backwardHeap.peek() == null) {
return backwardHeap.seekToPreviousRow(cell);
public synchronized boolean seekToLastRow() throws IOException {
// TODO: it looks like this is how it should be, however ReversedKeyValueHeap class doesn't
// implement seekToLastRow() method :(
// however seekToLastRow() was implemented in internal MemStoreScanner
// so I wonder whether we need to come with our own workaround, or to update
// ReversedKeyValueHeap
return initBackwardHeapIfNeeded(KeyValue.LOWESTKEY, true);
* Check if this memstore may contain the required keys
* @return False if the key definitely does not exist in this Memstore
public synchronized boolean shouldUseScanner(Scan scan, Store store, long oldestUnexpiredTS) {
if (type == Type.COMPACT_FORWARD) {
return true;
for (KeyValueScanner sc : scanners) {
if (sc.shouldUseScanner(scan, store, oldestUnexpiredTS)) {
return true;
return false;
// debug method
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int i = 1;
for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
buf.append("scanner (" + i + ") " + scanner.toString() + " ||| ");
return buf.toString();
/****************** Private methods ******************/
* Restructure the ended backward heap after rerunning a seekToPreviousRow()
* on each scanner
* @return false if given Cell does not exist in any scanner
private boolean restartBackwardHeap(Cell cell) throws IOException {
boolean res = false;
for (KeyValueScanner scan : scanners) {
res |= scan.seekToPreviousRow(cell);
this.backwardHeap =
new ReversedKeyValueHeap(scanners, backwardReferenceToMemStore.getComparator());
return res;
* Checks whether the type of the scan suits the assumption of moving backward
private boolean initBackwardHeapIfNeeded(Cell cell, boolean toLast) throws IOException {
boolean res = false;
if (toLast && (type != Type.UNDEFINED)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Wrong usage of initBackwardHeapIfNeeded in parameters. The type is:" + type.toString());
if (type == Type.UNDEFINED) {
// In case we started from peek, release the forward heap
// and build backward. Set the correct type. Thus this turn
// can happen only once
if ((backwardHeap == null) && (forwardHeap != null)) {
forwardHeap = null;
// before building the heap seek for the relevant key on the scanners,
// for the heap to be built from the scanners correctly
for (KeyValueScanner scan : scanners) {
if (toLast) {
res |= scan.seekToLastRow();
} else {
res |= scan.backwardSeek(cell);
this.backwardHeap =
new ReversedKeyValueHeap(scanners, backwardReferenceToMemStore.getComparator());
if (type == Type.USER_SCAN_FORWARD) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Traversing backward with forward scan");
return res;
* Checks whether the type of the scan suits the assumption of moving forward
private void assertForward() throws IllegalStateException {
if (type == Type.UNDEFINED) {
if (type == Type.USER_SCAN_BACKWARD) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Traversing forward with backward scan");