blob: 54516868a0a01c075f127c9665b5b9c9616b1b7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.balancer;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseIOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.LoadBalancer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RackManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionPlan;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The base class for load balancers. It provides the functions used to by {@code AssignmentManager}
* to assign regions in the edge cases. It doesn't provide an implementation of the actual balancing
* algorithm.
* <p/>
* Since 3.0.0, all the balancers will be wrapped inside a {@code RSGroupBasedLoadBalancer}, it will
* be in charge of the synchronization of balancing and configuration changing, so we do not need to
* synchronize by ourselves.
public abstract class BaseLoadBalancer implements LoadBalancer {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseLoadBalancer.class);
public static final String BALANCER_DECISION_BUFFER_ENABLED =
public static final boolean DEFAULT_BALANCER_DECISION_BUFFER_ENABLED = false;
public static final String BALANCER_REJECTION_BUFFER_ENABLED =
public static final boolean DEFAULT_BALANCER_REJECTION_BUFFER_ENABLED = false;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_HBASE_MASTER_LOADBALANCE_BYTABLE = false;
protected static final int MIN_SERVER_BALANCE = 2;
private volatile boolean stopped = false;
protected volatile RegionHDFSBlockLocationFinder regionFinder;
protected boolean useRegionFinder;
// slop for regions
protected float slop;
protected volatile RackManager rackManager;
protected MetricsBalancer metricsBalancer = null;
protected ClusterMetrics clusterStatus = null;
protected ServerName masterServerName;
protected ClusterInfoProvider provider;
* The constructor that uses the basic MetricsBalancer
protected BaseLoadBalancer() {
* This Constructor accepts an instance of MetricsBalancer, which will be used instead of creating
* a new one
protected BaseLoadBalancer(MetricsBalancer metricsBalancer) {
this.metricsBalancer = (metricsBalancer != null) ? metricsBalancer : new MetricsBalancer();
protected final Configuration getConf() {
return provider.getConfiguration();
public void updateClusterMetrics(ClusterMetrics st) {
this.clusterStatus = st;
if (useRegionFinder) {
public void setClusterInfoProvider(ClusterInfoProvider provider) {
this.provider = provider;
public void postMasterStartupInitialize() {
if (provider != null && regionFinder != null) {
protected final boolean idleRegionServerExist(BalancerClusterState c) {
boolean isServerExistsWithMoreRegions = false;
boolean isServerExistsWithZeroRegions = false;
for (int[] serverList : c.regionsPerServer) {
if (serverList.length > 1) {
isServerExistsWithMoreRegions = true;
if (serverList.length == 0) {
isServerExistsWithZeroRegions = true;
return isServerExistsWithMoreRegions && isServerExistsWithZeroRegions;
protected final boolean sloppyRegionServerExist(ClusterLoadState cs) {
if (slop < 0) {
LOG.debug("Slop is less than zero, not checking for sloppiness.");
return false;
float average = cs.getLoadAverage(); // for logging
int floor = (int) Math.floor(average * (1 - slop));
int ceiling = (int) Math.ceil(average * (1 + slop));
if (!(cs.getMaxLoad() > ceiling || cs.getMinLoad() < floor)) {
NavigableMap<ServerAndLoad, List<RegionInfo>> serversByLoad = cs.getServersByLoad();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
// If nothing to balance, then don't say anything unless trace-level logging.
LOG.trace("Skipping load balancing because balanced cluster; " + "servers="
+ cs.getNumServers() + " regions=" + cs.getNumRegions() + " average=" + average
+ " mostloaded=" + serversByLoad.lastKey().getLoad() + " leastloaded="
+ serversByLoad.firstKey().getLoad());
return false;
return true;
* Generates a bulk assignment plan to be used on cluster startup using a simple round-robin
* assignment.
* <p/>
* Takes a list of all the regions and all the servers in the cluster and returns a map of each
* server to the regions that it should be assigned.
* <p/>
* Currently implemented as a round-robin assignment. Same invariant as load balancing, all
* servers holding floor(avg) or ceiling(avg). TODO: Use block locations from HDFS to place
* regions with their blocks
* @param regions all regions
* @param servers all servers
* @return map of server to the regions it should take, or emptyMap if no assignment is possible
* (ie. no servers)
public Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> roundRobinAssignment(List<RegionInfo> regions,
List<ServerName> servers) throws HBaseIOException {
int numServers = servers == null ? 0 : servers.size();
if (numServers == 0) {
LOG.warn("Wanted to do round robin assignment but no servers to assign to");
return Collections.singletonMap(BOGUS_SERVER_NAME, new ArrayList<>(regions));
// TODO: instead of retainAssignment() and roundRobinAssignment(), we should just run the
// normal LB.balancerCluster() with unassignedRegions. We only need to have a candidate
// generator for AssignRegionAction. The LB will ensure the regions are mostly local
// and balanced. This should also run fast with fewer number of iterations.
if (numServers == 1) { // Only one server, nothing fancy we can do here
return Collections.singletonMap(servers.get(0), new ArrayList<>(regions));
BalancerClusterState cluster = createCluster(servers, regions);
Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments = new HashMap<>();
roundRobinAssignment(cluster, regions, servers, assignments);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(assignments);
private BalancerClusterState createCluster(List<ServerName> servers,
Collection<RegionInfo> regions) throws HBaseIOException {
boolean hasRegionReplica = false;
try {
if (provider != null) {
hasRegionReplica = provider.hasRegionReplica(regions);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new HBaseIOException(ioe);
// Get the snapshot of the current assignments for the regions in question, and then create
// a cluster out of it. Note that we might have replicas already assigned to some servers
// earlier. So we want to get the snapshot to see those assignments, but this will only contain
// replicas of the regions that are passed (for performance).
Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterState = null;
if (!hasRegionReplica) {
clusterState = getRegionAssignmentsByServer(regions);
} else {
// for the case where we have region replica it is better we get the entire cluster's snapshot
clusterState = getRegionAssignmentsByServer(null);
for (ServerName server : servers) {
if (!clusterState.containsKey(server)) {
clusterState.put(server, Collections.emptyList());
return new BalancerClusterState(regions, clusterState, null, this.regionFinder, rackManager,
private List<ServerName> findIdleServers(List<ServerName> servers) {
return provider.getOnlineServersListWithPredicator(servers,
metrics -> metrics.getRegionMetrics().isEmpty());
* Used to assign a single region to a random server.
public ServerName randomAssignment(RegionInfo regionInfo, List<ServerName> servers)
throws HBaseIOException {
int numServers = servers == null ? 0 : servers.size();
if (numServers == 0) {
LOG.warn("Wanted to retain assignment but no servers to assign to");
return null;
if (numServers == 1) { // Only one server, nothing fancy we can do here
return servers.get(0);
List<ServerName> idleServers = findIdleServers(servers);
if (idleServers.size() == 1) {
return idleServers.get(0);
final List<ServerName> finalServers = idleServers.isEmpty() ? servers : idleServers;
List<RegionInfo> regions = Lists.newArrayList(regionInfo);
BalancerClusterState cluster = createCluster(finalServers, regions);
return randomAssignment(cluster, regionInfo, finalServers);
* Generates a bulk assignment startup plan, attempting to reuse the existing assignment
* information from META, but adjusting for the specified list of available/online servers
* available for assignment.
* <p>
* Takes a map of all regions to their existing assignment from META. Also takes a list of online
* servers for regions to be assigned to. Attempts to retain all assignment, so in some instances
* initial assignment will not be completely balanced.
* <p>
* Any leftover regions without an existing server to be assigned to will be assigned randomly to
* available servers.
* @param regions regions and existing assignment from meta
* @param servers available servers
* @return map of servers and regions to be assigned to them, or emptyMap if no assignment is
* possible (ie. no servers)
public Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> retainAssignment(Map<RegionInfo, ServerName> regions,
List<ServerName> servers) throws HBaseIOException {
// Update metrics
int numServers = servers == null ? 0 : servers.size();
if (numServers == 0) {
LOG.warn("Wanted to do retain assignment but no servers to assign to");
return Collections.singletonMap(BOGUS_SERVER_NAME, new ArrayList<>(regions.keySet()));
if (numServers == 1) { // Only one server, nothing fancy we can do here
return Collections.singletonMap(servers.get(0), new ArrayList<>(regions.keySet()));
// Group all the old assignments by their hostname.
// We can't group directly by ServerName since the servers all have
// new start-codes.
// Group the servers by their hostname. It's possible we have multiple
// servers on the same host on different ports.
Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments = new HashMap<>();
ArrayListMultimap<String, ServerName> serversByHostname = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (ServerName server : servers) {
assignments.put(server, new ArrayList<>());
serversByHostname.put(server.getHostnameLowerCase(), server);
// Collection of the hostnames that used to have regions
// assigned, but for which we no longer have any RS running
// after the cluster restart.
Set<String> oldHostsNoLongerPresent = Sets.newTreeSet();
// If the old servers aren't present, lets assign those regions later.
List<RegionInfo> randomAssignRegions = Lists.newArrayList();
int numRandomAssignments = 0;
int numRetainedAssigments = 0;
for (Map.Entry<RegionInfo, ServerName> entry : regions.entrySet()) {
RegionInfo region = entry.getKey();
ServerName oldServerName = entry.getValue();
List<ServerName> localServers = new ArrayList<>();
if (oldServerName != null) {
localServers = serversByHostname.get(oldServerName.getHostnameLowerCase());
if (localServers.isEmpty()) {
// No servers on the new cluster match up with this hostname, assign randomly, later.
if (oldServerName != null) {
} else if (localServers.size() == 1) {
// the usual case - one new server on same host
ServerName target = localServers.get(0);
} else {
// multiple new servers in the cluster on this same host
if (localServers.contains(oldServerName)) {
} else {
ServerName target = null;
for (ServerName tmp : localServers) {
if (tmp.getPort() == oldServerName.getPort()) {
target = tmp;
if (target == null) {
// If servers from prior assignment aren't present, then lets do randomAssignment on regions.
if (randomAssignRegions.size() > 0) {
BalancerClusterState cluster = createCluster(servers, regions.keySet());
for (Map.Entry<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> entry : assignments.entrySet()) {
ServerName sn = entry.getKey();
for (RegionInfo region : entry.getValue()) {
cluster.doAssignRegion(region, sn);
for (RegionInfo region : randomAssignRegions) {
ServerName target = randomAssignment(cluster, region, servers);
String randomAssignMsg = "";
if (numRandomAssignments > 0) {
randomAssignMsg = numRandomAssignments + " regions were assigned "
+ "to random hosts, since the old hosts for these regions are no "
+ "longer present in the cluster. These hosts were:\n "
+ Joiner.on("\n ").join(oldHostsNoLongerPresent);
}"Reassigned " + regions.size() + " regions. " + numRetainedAssigments
+ " retained the pre-restart assignment. " + randomAssignMsg);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(assignments);
protected float getDefaultSlop() {
return 0.2f;
private RegionHDFSBlockLocationFinder createRegionLocationFinder(Configuration conf) {
RegionHDFSBlockLocationFinder finder = new RegionHDFSBlockLocationFinder();
return finder;
protected void loadConf(Configuration conf) {
this.slop = conf.getFloat("hbase.regions.slop", getDefaultSlop());
this.rackManager = new RackManager(conf);
useRegionFinder = conf.getBoolean("hbase.master.balancer.uselocality", true);
if (useRegionFinder) {
regionFinder = createRegionLocationFinder(conf);
} else {
regionFinder = null;
this.isByTable = conf.getBoolean(HConstants.HBASE_MASTER_LOADBALANCE_BYTABLE,
// Print out base configs. Don't print overallSlop since it for simple balancer exclusively."slop={}", this.slop);
public void initialize() {
public void regionOnline(RegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName sn) {
public void regionOffline(RegionInfo regionInfo) {
public boolean isStopped() {
return stopped;
public void stop(String why) {"Load Balancer stop requested: {}", why);
stopped = true;
* Updates the balancer status tag reported to JMX
public void updateBalancerStatus(boolean status) {
* Used to assign a single region to a random server.
private ServerName randomAssignment(BalancerClusterState cluster, RegionInfo regionInfo,
List<ServerName> servers) {
int numServers = servers.size(); // servers is not null, numServers > 1
ServerName sn = null;
final int maxIterations = numServers * 4;
int iterations = 0;
List<ServerName> usedSNs = new ArrayList<>(servers.size());
Random rand = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
do {
int i = rand.nextInt(numServers);
sn = servers.get(i);
if (!usedSNs.contains(sn)) {
} while (cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(regionInfo, sn) && iterations++ < maxIterations);
if (iterations >= maxIterations) {
// We have reached the max. Means the servers that we collected is still lowering the
// availability
for (ServerName unusedServer : servers) {
if (!usedSNs.contains(unusedServer)) {
// check if any other unused server is there for us to use.
// If so use it. Else we have not other go but to go with one of them
if (!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(regionInfo, unusedServer)) {
sn = unusedServer;
cluster.doAssignRegion(regionInfo, sn);
return sn;
* Round-robin a list of regions to a list of servers
private void roundRobinAssignment(BalancerClusterState cluster, List<RegionInfo> regions,
List<ServerName> servers, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments) {
Random rand = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
List<RegionInfo> unassignedRegions = new ArrayList<>();
int numServers = servers.size();
int numRegions = regions.size();
int max = (int) Math.ceil((float) numRegions / numServers);
int serverIdx = 0;
if (numServers > 1) {
serverIdx = rand.nextInt(numServers);
int regionIdx = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) {
ServerName server = servers.get((j + serverIdx) % numServers);
List<RegionInfo> serverRegions = new ArrayList<>(max);
for (int i = regionIdx; i < numRegions; i += numServers) {
RegionInfo region = regions.get(i % numRegions);
if (cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(region, server)) {
} else {
cluster.doAssignRegion(region, server);
assignments.put(server, serverRegions);
List<RegionInfo> lastFewRegions = new ArrayList<>();
// assign the remaining by going through the list and try to assign to servers one-by-one
serverIdx = rand.nextInt(numServers);
for (RegionInfo region : unassignedRegions) {
boolean assigned = false;
for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { // try all servers one by one
ServerName server = servers.get((j + serverIdx) % numServers);
if (cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(region, server)) {
} else {
assignments.computeIfAbsent(server, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(region);
cluster.doAssignRegion(region, server);
serverIdx = (j + serverIdx + 1) % numServers; // remain from next server
assigned = true;
if (!assigned) {
// just sprinkle the rest of the regions on random regionservers. The balanceCluster will
// make it optimal later. we can end up with this if numReplicas > numServers.
for (RegionInfo region : lastFewRegions) {
int i = rand.nextInt(numServers);
ServerName server = servers.get(i);
assignments.computeIfAbsent(server, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(region);
cluster.doAssignRegion(region, server);
// return a modifiable map, as we may add more entries into the returned map.
private Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>
getRegionAssignmentsByServer(Collection<RegionInfo> regions) {
return provider != null
? new HashMap<>(provider.getSnapShotOfAssignment(regions))
: new HashMap<>();
protected final Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>
toEnsumbleTableLoad(Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>> LoadOfAllTable) {
Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> returnMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> serverNameListMap : LoadOfAllTable.values()) {
serverNameListMap.forEach((serverName, regionInfoList) -> {
List<RegionInfo> regionInfos =
returnMap.computeIfAbsent(serverName, k -> new ArrayList<>());
return returnMap;
* Perform the major balance operation for table, all sub classes should override this method.
* <p/>
* Will be invoked by {@link #balanceCluster(Map)}. If
* {@link HConstants#HBASE_MASTER_LOADBALANCE_BYTABLE} is enabled, we will call this method
* multiple times, one table a time, where we will only pass in the regions for a single table
* each time. If not, we will pass in all the regions at once, and the {@code tableName} will be
* {@link HConstants#ENSEMBLE_TABLE_NAME}.
* @param tableName the table to be balanced
* @param loadOfOneTable region load of servers for the specific one table
* @return List of plans
protected abstract List<RegionPlan> balanceTable(TableName tableName,
Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> loadOfOneTable);
* Called before actually executing balanceCluster. The sub classes could override this method to
* do some initialization work.
protected void
preBalanceCluster(Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>> loadOfAllTable) {
* Perform the major balance operation for cluster, will invoke
* {@link #balanceTable(TableName, Map)} to do actual balance.
* <p/>
* THIs method is marked as final which means you should not override this method. See the javadoc
* for {@link #balanceTable(TableName, Map)} for more details.
* @param loadOfAllTable region load of servers for all table
* @return a list of regions to be moved, including source and destination, or null if cluster is
* already balanced
* @see #balanceTable(TableName, Map)
public final List<RegionPlan>
balanceCluster(Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>> loadOfAllTable) {
if (isByTable) {
List<RegionPlan> result = new ArrayList<>();
loadOfAllTable.forEach((tableName, loadOfOneTable) -> {"Start Generate Balance plan for table: " + tableName);
List<RegionPlan> partialPlans = balanceTable(tableName, loadOfOneTable);
if (partialPlans != null) {
return result;
} else {
LOG.debug("Start Generate Balance plan for cluster.");
return balanceTable(HConstants.ENSEMBLE_TABLE_NAME, toEnsumbleTableLoad(loadOfAllTable));
public void onConfigurationChange(Configuration conf) {