blob: dbaf3a7f481b35644fa4f004b927bff601aeddae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Tag;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
* Used to perform Put operations for a single row.
* <p>
* To perform a Put, instantiate a Put object with the row to insert to, and
* for each column to be inserted, execute {@link #addColumn(byte[], byte[],
* byte[]) add} or {@link #addColumn(byte[], byte[], long, byte[]) add} if
* setting the timestamp.
public class Put extends Mutation implements HeapSize, Comparable<Row> {
* Create a Put operation for the specified row.
* @param row row key
public Put(byte [] row) {
this(row, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* Create a Put operation for the specified row, using a given timestamp.
* @param row row key; we make a copy of what we are passed to keep local.
* @param ts timestamp
public Put(byte[] row, long ts) {
this(row, 0, row.length, ts);
* We make a copy of the passed in row key to keep local.
* @param rowArray
* @param rowOffset
* @param rowLength
public Put(byte [] rowArray, int rowOffset, int rowLength) {
this(rowArray, rowOffset, rowLength, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* @param row row key; we make a copy of what we are passed to keep local.
* @param ts timestamp
public Put(ByteBuffer row, long ts) {
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
this.row = new byte[row.remaining()];
this.ts = ts;
* @param row row key; we make a copy of what we are passed to keep local.
public Put(ByteBuffer row) {
this(row, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* We make a copy of the passed in row key to keep local.
* @param rowArray
* @param rowOffset
* @param rowLength
* @param ts
public Put(byte [] rowArray, int rowOffset, int rowLength, long ts) {
checkRow(rowArray, rowOffset, rowLength);
this.row = Bytes.copy(rowArray, rowOffset, rowLength);
this.ts = ts;
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
* Create a Put operation for an immutable row key.
* @param row row key
* @param rowIsImmutable whether the input row is immutable.
* Set to true if the caller can guarantee that
* the row will not be changed for the Put duration.
public Put(byte [] row, boolean rowIsImmutable) {
this(row, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, rowIsImmutable);
* Create a Put operation for an immutable row key, using a given timestamp.
* @param row row key
* @param ts timestamp
* @param rowIsImmutable whether the input row is immutable.
* Set to true if the caller can guarantee that
* the row will not be changed for the Put duration.
public Put(byte[] row, long ts, boolean rowIsImmutable) {
// Check and set timestamp
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
this.ts = ts;
// Deal with row according to rowIsImmutable
if (rowIsImmutable) { // Row is immutable
this.row = row; // Do not make a local copy, but point to the provided byte array directly
} else { // Row is not immutable
this.row = Bytes.copy(row, 0, row.length); // Make a local copy
* Copy constructor. Creates a Put operation cloned from the specified Put.
* @param putToCopy put to copy
public Put(Put putToCopy) {
this(putToCopy.getRow(), putToCopy.ts);
this.familyMap = new TreeMap<byte [], List<Cell>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
for(Map.Entry<byte [], List<Cell>> entry: putToCopy.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
this.familyMap.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<Cell>(entry.getValue()));
this.durability = putToCopy.durability;
for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry : putToCopy.getAttributesMap().entrySet()) {
this.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* Add the specified column and value to this Put operation.
* @param family family name
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @param value column value
* @return this
public Put addColumn(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, byte [] value) {
return addColumn(family, qualifier, this.ts, value);
* See {@link #addColumn(byte[], byte[], byte[])}. This version expects
* that the underlying arrays won't change. It's intended
* for usage internal HBase to and for advanced client applications.
public Put addImmutable(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, byte [] value) {
return addImmutable(family, qualifier, this.ts, value);
* This expects that the underlying arrays won't change. It's intended
* for usage internal HBase to and for advanced client applications.
* <p>Marked as audience Private as of 1.2.0. {@link Tag} is an internal implementation detail
* that should not be exposed publicly.
public Put addImmutable(byte[] family, byte [] qualifier, byte [] value, Tag[] tag) {
return addImmutable(family, qualifier, this.ts, value, tag);
* Add the specified column and value, with the specified timestamp as
* its version to this Put operation.
* @param family family name
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @param ts version timestamp
* @param value column value
* @return this
public Put addColumn(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long ts, byte [] value) {
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
KeyValue kv = createPutKeyValue(family, qualifier, ts, value);
familyMap.put(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv), list);
return this;
* See {@link #addColumn(byte[], byte[], long, byte[])}. This version expects
* that the underlying arrays won't change. It's intended
* for usage internal HBase to and for advanced client applications.
public Put addImmutable(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long ts, byte [] value) {
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
KeyValue kv = createPutKeyValue(family, qualifier, ts, value);
familyMap.put(family, list);
return this;
* This expects that the underlying arrays won't change. It's intended
* for usage internal HBase to and for advanced client applications.
* <p>Marked as audience Private as of 1.2.0. {@link Tag} is an internal implementation detail
* that should not be exposed publicly.
public Put addImmutable(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, long ts, byte[] value, Tag[] tag) {
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
KeyValue kv = createPutKeyValue(family, qualifier, ts, value, tag);
familyMap.put(family, list);
return this;
* This expects that the underlying arrays won't change. It's intended
* for usage internal HBase to and for advanced client applications.
* <p>Marked as audience Private as of 1.2.0. {@link Tag} is an internal implementation detail
* that should not be exposed publicly.
public Put addImmutable(byte[] family, ByteBuffer qualifier, long ts, ByteBuffer value,
Tag[] tag) {
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
KeyValue kv = createPutKeyValue(family, qualifier, ts, value, tag);
familyMap.put(family, list);
return this;
* Add the specified column and value, with the specified timestamp as
* its version to this Put operation.
* @param family family name
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @param ts version timestamp
* @param value column value
* @return this
public Put addColumn(byte[] family, ByteBuffer qualifier, long ts, ByteBuffer value) {
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
KeyValue kv = createPutKeyValue(family, qualifier, ts, value, null);
familyMap.put(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv), list);
return this;
* See {@link #addColumn(byte[], ByteBuffer, long, ByteBuffer)}. This version expects
* that the underlying arrays won't change. It's intended
* for usage internal HBase to and for advanced client applications.
public Put addImmutable(byte[] family, ByteBuffer qualifier, long ts, ByteBuffer value) {
if (ts < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timestamp cannot be negative. ts=" + ts);
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
KeyValue kv = createPutKeyValue(family, qualifier, ts, value, null);
familyMap.put(family, list);
return this;
* Add the specified KeyValue to this Put operation. Operation assumes that
* the passed KeyValue is immutable and its backing array will not be modified
* for the duration of this Put.
* @param kv individual KeyValue
* @return this
* @throws e
public Put add(Cell kv) throws IOException{
byte [] family = CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv);
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
//Checking that the row of the kv is the same as the put
int res = Bytes.compareTo(this.row, 0, row.length,
kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset(), kv.getRowLength());
if (res != 0) {
throw new WrongRowIOException("The row in " + kv.toString() +
" doesn't match the original one " + Bytes.toStringBinary(this.row));
familyMap.put(family, list);
return this;
* A convenience method to determine if this object's familyMap contains
* a value assigned to the given family &amp; qualifier.
* Both given arguments must match the KeyValue object to return true.
* @param family column family
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @return returns true if the given family and qualifier already has an
* existing KeyValue object in the family map.
public boolean has(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) {
return has(family, qualifier, this.ts, new byte[0], true, true);
* A convenience method to determine if this object's familyMap contains
* a value assigned to the given family, qualifier and timestamp.
* All 3 given arguments must match the KeyValue object to return true.
* @param family column family
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @param ts timestamp
* @return returns true if the given family, qualifier and timestamp already has an
* existing KeyValue object in the family map.
public boolean has(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long ts) {
return has(family, qualifier, ts, new byte[0], false, true);
* A convenience method to determine if this object's familyMap contains
* a value assigned to the given family, qualifier and timestamp.
* All 3 given arguments must match the KeyValue object to return true.
* @param family column family
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @param value value to check
* @return returns true if the given family, qualifier and value already has an
* existing KeyValue object in the family map.
public boolean has(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, byte [] value) {
return has(family, qualifier, this.ts, value, true, false);
* A convenience method to determine if this object's familyMap contains
* the given value assigned to the given family, qualifier and timestamp.
* All 4 given arguments must match the KeyValue object to return true.
* @param family column family
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @param ts timestamp
* @param value value to check
* @return returns true if the given family, qualifier timestamp and value
* already has an existing KeyValue object in the family map.
public boolean has(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long ts, byte [] value) {
return has(family, qualifier, ts, value, false, false);
* Private method to determine if this object's familyMap contains
* the given value assigned to the given family, qualifier and timestamp
* respecting the 2 boolean arguments
* @param family
* @param qualifier
* @param ts
* @param value
* @param ignoreTS
* @param ignoreValue
* @return returns true if the given family, qualifier timestamp and value
* already has an existing KeyValue object in the family map.
private boolean has(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, long ts, byte[] value,
boolean ignoreTS, boolean ignoreValue) {
List<Cell> list = getCellList(family);
if (list.size() == 0) {
return false;
// Boolean analysis of ignoreTS/ignoreValue.
// T T => 2
// T F => 3 (first is always true)
// F T => 2
// F F => 1
if (!ignoreTS && !ignoreValue) {
for (Cell cell : list) {
if (CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, family) &&
CellUtil.matchingQualifier(cell, qualifier) &&
CellUtil.matchingValue(cell, value) &&
cell.getTimestamp() == ts) {
return true;
} else if (ignoreValue && !ignoreTS) {
for (Cell cell : list) {
if (CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, family) && CellUtil.matchingQualifier(cell, qualifier)
&& cell.getTimestamp() == ts) {
return true;
} else if (!ignoreValue && ignoreTS) {
for (Cell cell : list) {
if (CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, family) && CellUtil.matchingQualifier(cell, qualifier)
&& CellUtil.matchingValue(cell, value)) {
return true;
} else {
for (Cell cell : list) {
if (CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, family) &&
CellUtil.matchingQualifier(cell, qualifier)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a list of all KeyValue objects with matching column family and qualifier.
* @param family column family
* @param qualifier column qualifier
* @return a list of KeyValue objects with the matching family and qualifier,
* returns an empty list if one doesn't exist for the given family.
public List<Cell> get(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier) {
List<Cell> filteredList = new ArrayList<Cell>();
for (Cell cell: getCellList(family)) {
if (CellUtil.matchingQualifier(cell, qualifier)) {
return filteredList;
public Put setAttribute(String name, byte[] value) {
return (Put) super.setAttribute(name, value);
public Put setId(String id) {
return (Put) super.setId(id);
public Put setDurability(Durability d) {
return (Put) super.setDurability(d);
public Put setFamilyCellMap(NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> map) {
return (Put) super.setFamilyCellMap(map);
public Put setClusterIds(List<UUID> clusterIds) {
return (Put) super.setClusterIds(clusterIds);
public Put setCellVisibility(CellVisibility expression) {
return (Put) super.setCellVisibility(expression);
public Put setACL(String user, Permission perms) {
return (Put) super.setACL(user, perms);
public Put setACL(Map<String, Permission> perms) {
return (Put) super.setACL(perms);
public Put setTTL(long ttl) {
return (Put) super.setTTL(ttl);